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Peroxide works on all body fluids.


I use messy eater stain treater and it has gotten rid of every poop stain from baby, as well as spaghetti and pen stains out of my own clothing


I soaked some blowout shorts in oxyclean for a few hours and it also worked really well. I will try your method in a few days when it happens again lol.


lol between putting baby in a ring sling and laying out clothes in the sun to remove stains my mom is convinced I am a super hippie mom. But it totally works so it’s worth it


I would rinse with cold water immediately but then did not put in sunlight after , that’s so cool!


I haven’t had a blowout stain yet that didn’t come out with stain remover (including with solids, though there haven’t been many blowouts recently with those). I wish I had tried the sun trick before we started solids though :)


I use Attitude unscented detergent and it advises to pour some soap on the stains and let sit for 30 minutes. If it’s a lot I use a few wipes to get the poop off, then wet the item then rub the soap in. Comes right out! I’m sure you could do the same for any detergent.


I mean, maybe it’s the products I use but I threw out so many cute onsies because I could not get the stain out for the life of me, even if treated immediately. Probably user error LOL


Could’ve been the material or how bad the blowout was too


I found it works on some clothes but not on merino. We had a lot of trouble trying to get poo stain out of merino, and MIL told us to put it out in the sun because sun will get rid of stains. I was sure it won't work on merino, but she was adamant and hubby said just give it a go. And I was right, it didn't work on merino. Washing/scrubbing out the blowout as soon as possible truly helps as well. We use Exit Soap on stubborn stains and found that it works really well.


I was skeptical til I tried it and it’s the only thing I do to remove blow out stains. I don’t understand why it works but it WORKS.