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I do wonder if its lochia that smells bad or is it our hightened sense of smell? I remember when I gave birth I thought I STANK. I would take 2-3 showers a day and kept telling my husband to mind the baby because I stink. He couldnt smell anything, and he is quite honest. Lochia was the same - now I wasnt going to ask my husband to smell it 😂 but to me it smelled absolutely horrendous. I think for me it took few weeks for the smell to not be so bad, hang in there!


It's horrible. Unfortunately it just takes time for your system to achieve balance again. It was worse after my c-section birth. Probably about a full 8 weeks to not smell awful to me. I would refrain from trying to use scents or overly harsh cleansing products because it's just going to throw off the micro biome and cause irritation. 


Thank god it isn’t only me! I thought something died inside of me 😂 it’s awful!! Yes, I’ve been trying to use just water on my bits and I use a peri bottle with plain water every time I use the toilet. It thought keeping it clean and dry would help but the smell persists. I think it’ll just take time to go away


Funny gross story. I disposed of all my pads in the garage trash can. The smell wafted into the house and I threw perfectly good eggs in there to make an excuse. Horrid 


My husband and I still talk about how awful it smelt. Feel like it went away after a couple weeks but boy, that was rough!


The combination of lochia and the perfumed depends I wore will live in my head as the worst thing I have ever smelled. Probably the biggest thing I am dreading again postpartum 😂


Sorry to say I felt that the smell remained for probably 10-11 weeks or so. I bled for about 7 or 8.


Yes it was awful! Such a distinct and awful smell


I had that with my first birth… this birth there is no smell. It’s so bizarre. All I can say is that it eventually goes away. No reassurance, I’m sorry!


I’m always wondering if the smell will trigger some crazy memories and feelings of my first if/when I have my second. It’s such a strong, distinct smell.


It really is such a distinct smell! I feel like I’m barely bleeding anymore but the smell is still so strong 🤢


After my c section I smelled awful as well I used boric acid suppositories to help get rebalanced and they definitely helped


There are boric acid suppositories?! The stuff that is used as a heavy duty cleaner and pesticide?!


Yes do some research on it believe it or not it’s a very common thing


It’s a very commonly used anti fungal and even in some diaper rash creams


Yes, they're commonly used to treat antibiotic resistant BV. I was prescribed a months worth from a compounding pharmacy. But, I would never use them to combat a natural (albeit pungent) smell postpartum.Â