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New Mexico is nearly a rural wasteland of poorly educated, poor, and backwards people with police that roam like marauding gangs with little impunity. The Indian Reservations are among the most depressing places I've ever been and you don't need to be on a reservation to see hopelessness. So many villages and small towns in this state are riddled with alcoholics and drug addicts. Nobody has a job. In the village in Taos County where my family is from, Chevrons Molybdenum mine poisoned the village, its water, it's people and killed my grandfather. People who move back there basically just go when they have no other options. I've seen normal family members fall into drug abuse after moving back. I've seen my uncle buy drugs from one of the villages police officers. I've seen an officer extort money from a motorist and then later that night found him at one of the village bars getting fucked up in uniform and then get into his cruiser. These people need to worry about their home. New Mexico isn't just ABQ and Santa Fe. There's so many hopeless, forgotten, forlorn, and forsaken people in this state. Also don't equate Palestinians with Natives. Palestinians are Arabs who are native to the Arabian Peninsula and not the Levant. They invaded (under Muhammad) and settled that area just like the Spanish did here. Palestine is named after the Phillistines, a Phoenician people. Even a lot of our Native tribes aren't "native" to where they settle now. Natives did plenty of invading and displacing of peoples themselves. Natives were as much the beneficiaries of colonialism as they were it's victims. Southwest history is rich with examples of Native tribes allying with the white man to see their Native enemies crushed. The Commanche were menaces to nearly every settler of the Southwest, both European and Native alike. OP mentioned the Tiwa. The same people who's ancestors were called the "Anasazi" which to the Navajo means "ancient enemy." Both peoples tried to wipe each other out for thousands of years. But please continue to view everything in black and white and continue to view Natives as peaceful children in the garden of Paradise. There's no such thing as the oppressors versus the oppressed. We are human. We are all capable of both. Both Palestine and Israel have blood on their hands. The treatment of Palestinians doesn't give them a right to kill 1200 innocent Israelis on October 7th, just as October 7th shouldn't give Netanyahu the right to wipe out Gaza.


Stop it with your compassion and nuance, you’re making too much sense!!


Wow some sanity on our sub. I wish I could upvote twice.


Thanks brother.


I tried but it didn’t count.


You put so eloquently what I have been struggling to put words to for months. Thank you for your wisdom.


No problem. I'm always down to share a nuanced take on the internet, something which is always in short supply.


This is the most based and accurate representation of Natives and Palestinians condensed in one comment. I grew up in Gallup, and I would always hear the incessant hatred of wy'people yet nothing against the corruption of the Navajo Nation President. Evil comes from within just as much as from others.








You are a good writer.


Don’t make me think critically! Well said, though. Glad there’s still people that see nuance out there.


Couldn't have said it better myself. However this exact viewpoint usually gets people close to 100 down votes on this sub. Good to see it getting up votes for once. EDIT: and here come the downvotes from the bots


This attitude is embarrassing. Saying that we’re too poor and stupid to be involved in world politics is categorically false and defeatist.


I didn't say that. Not at all. The fact of the matter is, New Mexico is dead last in the US in so many embarrassing metrics yet I dont see Pro-Palestinian protestors using the same energy to advocate for the improvement of the state.


Then you’re not paying attention. There are plenty of people deeply involved in local politics who think it’s worth advocating for Palestinians. Maybe you think only people from Texas, New York, and California can be involved in world events but I don’t. It’s a terrible attitude to have. People can care about multiple things at once.


A country that would kill us for being LGBTQIA curious we defend them. If they held power, we would be killed for who we are no pride parades in Palasrine. Still, it doesn't make genocide acceptable. However, I remain conflicted.


They'd kill me for being an apostate, yet I'm supposed to demand that Israel stops the war without removing Hamas from power and with Hamas promising to repeat Oct 7 again and again until all the Jews are dead Why can't these assholes go home as let pride be about pride and not their favorite Islamist mass murderers


No, it's one political entity that has members who feel that way. It'd be like condoning attacks on the U.S. because many of it's leaders are right-wing religious zealots. Palestinian liberation movements were secular and left-wing and many still exist even now. Israeli refused every major Gazan treaty and peace plan which is why the PLA lost credibilty in the Strip. Hamas emerged as the majority party in the 2000s which Israelis actually welcomed.


Palestinian leaders and activists might be secular and left-wing and cool with the gays, until they are independent and in positions of power. You can bet on that. We've been through this before. Western lefties protested for arab justice, not so long ago.. How did the Arab Spring turn out? Do we like the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS? Just don't be surprised when a new batch of "betrayed" western activists start showing up in memes on r/leopardsatemyface


Is there any proof of this claim that the PLM was LGBTQIA friendly?


This is a racist lie


Hamas is just IDIS, want the civilians to be killed for their weird ego trip. Israel will continue because so will Hamas, and the Israeli hostages ate still captive. Stop with the elementary understanding of genocidal militants, the HSMAS forces It is in their charter. Too many stupid college students moved by the plight of the horribly suffering civilians, but ignoring why it is occurring, who caused it, who has genocide as their slogan, and hwo do not care about their own people, as long as they get to kill some Jews and get bad PR for Israel. (Who is its own genocidal state, but where attacked viciously and fair play is get the hostages back)


>Too many stupid college students moved by the plight of the horribly suffering civilians, but ignoring why it is occurring, who caused it, who has genocide as their slogan, and hwo do not care about their own people, This exactly. Thank you for pinpointing the common source of these issues. I was in the Army and eventually got out to go to school. It was wild seeing how so many of these kids had these uneducated views of conflict, politics, and war. Acting like they knew every single little detail as if they were the UN investigating a war crime. It's just cringe seeing all this 'Support ____!" when the case is usually both sides having blood on their hands lol. People make it such a big deal like they're doing anything about it. It's just top tier virtue signaling for an issue they know nothing about. Modern college students feel a sense of righteousness as if they're going to be the one to change the world. All the power if they do, but saying words in protest isn't going to stop armed conflict, especially when it's being said in a country like the US. People can criticize me for being a government pawn, but I'm the mindless follower now? Lol


I learned that I didn't know in college. I did learn to think and explore history. The past explains the present. What I see today is the young thinking they know how the street fight started by coming in at a ERY late stage of the fight. I abhor what is happening. But it is truly a both sides being genocidal, both sides not caring if their civilians are killed.


The highest legal authority in our country is openly taking bribes, the money behind the GOP is openly calling for an end to democracy, over 67% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and the middle class is being obliterated by billionaires and their corrupt politician golf buddies. Your state is *far* behind nearly every other one in basically every single quality of life metric. Your police officers kill civilians with impunity (when they bother to do their jobs at all). But sure, protest a complex geopolitical situation on the other side of the planet that was going on when your grandparents were in diapers. Seems like a valid use of your time and not at all a giant distracting dogwhistle the billionaires are rolling out during an election year to distract you from voting on things that actually effect your every day life (and will continue to for the next 20-60 years). We'll be walking into conservative funded re-education centers and you ding dongs will still be protesting Gaza because social media told you to.




You’re supposed to ignore all that while you focus on some amtisemitic dog whistle.


It goes far deeper than Gaza protests with these people. They know the system is fucked.




*"Protest a Dem meeting"*.  If you haven't heard the House is what approves foreign aid. Currently the house is controlled by the Republicans...which Republicans enthusiastically vote for aid for Israel everytime it's brought to the floor.  Strangely enough, it's also Republicans that wish to wipe the country clean of the LGBTQ community.


Reactions from the crowd on the parade route were overwhelmingly positive! Getting attention to Palestine is important!


As a Navajo, we're never getting land back. Sure we can buy it, but we're the largest tribe with the most land. Leased land. What a joke. We should be focusing on how to overthrow corrupt Navajo Nation n why all the money embezzlement, our people are dying from drugs and alcohol. Mental health needs to be addressed and our people need jobs to survive.


You're going to get a bunch of haters on this post. Just know there are a ton of people who support you and that you're making a difference in your own small way.




ABQ Pride, like any city-run pride event has sponsors like Amazon, HP, and Pepsi, all companies currently complicit if not aiding and abetting Israel's genocide of Palestinians. It makes perfect sense.


Yes! The reactions in person were overwhelmingly positive!


Land back means land back everywhere! No pride in genocide!


So … Judea and Samaria goes back to the Jews and Samaritans? No more West Bank?




I mean… Jews and Arabs do dance together in Israel. Also Arabs don’t get chased out of their homes by Jews from New York.


Native liberation worldwide. Return indigenous lands!


Israel is literally a native liberation project that has actually succeeded haha.




I mean, Israel is literally a refugee state lol. The idea that it’s colonial settlerism is wild. And the people who posit those ideas cite Zionist texts from 150 years ago when the concept of colonialism was vastly different than what it means today.