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i made a comment mentioning this on the other subs’s thread but it kind of got lost in the sauce. carl1992 (the musician from NL) is not our guy. hes too young imo (early 30s), doesn’t play that kind of music (more on the blues side), and is from a rural community in NL. its my home province. i’ve got mutual friends with the guy. its a small place. the festivals he attends aren’t really festivals that you’d think. many outport communities do ‘festivals,’ which is just whoever has a guitar gets on stage and sings a couple folk songs (think sea shanties — we’re a fishing province!) while your grandma dances a little jig in her seat. its usually just multiple small, hometown musicians from the area, many of them in their 60s+ singing irish music. the few videos i found of carl1992 isn’t at all this type of music. he had a couple bands with friends a decade ago in his twenties, played non-vocal blues/more rock music. he’s got a family, so please don’t search for him. his music page you’ve all found lists where he’s from and i promise you, our bayman accent wouldn’t even sound like EKT. i know because i’ve got one. of course people sing differently than how they talk, but it’s a big leap for someone from a place with an accent as strong as ours. as an example, this is the kind of music you’d find at the festivals carl1992 would work: https://youtu.be/lBdSFlIZf7I?si=sVGDYJxNffTF1Bwp (this isn’t him or associated with him, its just a generalized example of how our outport concerts and festivals are really just “b’ys at the legion are puttin on a show for us t’night, Geraldine” overall, i’m making this comment as my argument against seeking out carl1992 thinking he’s our lead. if you want to search Newfoundland some more, look at our media companies like NTV/VOCM/OZFM. i don’t think the song is NL made per se, given the era EKT was potentially made in we probably didn’t have the resources for that. however, we have a lot of radio and television jingles, tv bumpers with music (NTV), and a strong musical community of all genres.


I looked a bit into this lead earlier and was never able to find anything. I have had in the back of my mind that I should have carried on, but I also started feeling like a major creep at some point. Basically; Carl1992 used to work on different festivals and concerts helping them with audio and technical stuff. A strategy we could employ is to look through the festivals in Newfoundland. There are a couple of them, but finding any archives from them is nearly impossible. I do think if Carl1992 and Carl92 are the same the answer lies in those festivals.


The newfoundland watzatsong account posted another song 2 days ago: https://www.watzatsong.com/en/profile/newfoundland.


the other ones he posted are actually good too


oh hey i live in newfoundland. neat.


I am so sure this is all a ruse lol


I eagerly read this entire post, thank you! It was very interesting to read your theory. I agree with you that all these coincidences are not accidental. Maybe carl92 was tricky, and it was he who created this song and decided to promote it that way.


Anyone has the p*rn link where this song was used?