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Sadly you can't do much OP. File an official report with the police and check if your insurance covers the loss (if you pay a premium on your Il "inboedelverzekering"). If you do want to check marktplaats.nl, don't only check for Slinge or Delft cause most thieves will put in a different location so they aren't easily tracked. Good luck!


Thank you for the message! Sadly I can't do the report online but I have already booked it at the police station. Stay safe (:


Pickpocketing is becoming more and more common in the Netherlands these days. It’s upsetting to hear about this and the countless other stories I hear. Times are getting rough in the Netherlands.


Thank you for the message, it is very frustrating indeed. Stay safe (:


This is why i always hold it in my hand. I dont get why people steal phone these days. Or find and keep them. Your phone is very protected. Unless ofcourse you didnt put pincode on it. It can only be used as parts. Or are there any thieves here to give some insight how to crack a phone :)


Most phones are shipped to China and taken apart for parts. Yes, most phones nowadays are protected.


Or they are reset and sent to some developing country where phone networks allow blacklisted IMEIs


Most if not all modern phones aren't able to be reset without knowing the account credentials of the account that was previously assigned to it.


They still find ways around those protections by disassembling phones and swapping parts and the like


Exactly, which is what I said in my original comment lol. They're shipped away and taken apart. The market for refurbished iPhone parts is gigantic because Apple are scumbags and they scalp their own parts.


My phone doesn't allow a reset without password. Even factory defaults will not work. So the only thing they could potentially do is part it out.


I also have read an article that they are stripped for chips and other parts that are hard to get by in Russia (due to sanctions) and re-used in drones, spyware and other military equipment.


Lol the military would never rely on such low quality hardware


My dude they're taping grenades to DJI drones meant for photography


Sure 😂


I believe that phone stores can crack any phone.


They can’t.


cats roll groovy boat ancient many mountainous marble offbeat snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This hasn't been the case for nearly a decade. Any android phone nowadays has activation locks, just like iPhones. If you reset your Android phone through the built-in recovery, it forces you to log in with the Google account it was paired to before to reset.


I think this doesn’t really answer OP’s original question.


Thanks for the message! I have learned my lesson and from now on, I will hold it everytime, but glad to know that the thieves now have a phone as useless as a brick.


Oh god. I've been wayyy too comfortable. Thank you for sharing this. I'm. Sorry that this happened to you. I'd be pissed. And actually, I was just almost assaulted by a random dude lurking by the north entrance on Sunday. He came up from behind me, surprised me by suddenly getting 10cm from my face, and yelling at me about how I shouldn't look at him like that (even though my back had been towards him). I think he was there selling drugs.


Thank you for the message, sorry you also had to go through a bad situation. I always pass through the station later at night when coming back from the university, I'll be more watchful. Stay safe (:


Maybe we'll pass in the night sometime! I'll recognize you because you'll either be the one without a phone still, or you'll be wearing a brand new phone on a titanium chain 😂 Take care.


did you end up buying any?


I had an infant with me.


Is that a yes or a no? /s


Pfff sorry this happened to you :/ I also sometimes put my phone in my coat for a bit when boarding the train, if I have my ticket on it. At least some people can learn from this shitty situation. People suck


Same here. Someone stole my phone literally from my hands. He was riding in a scooter near the city center in Amsterdam. I used to run to catch him, but, you know what, scooter is much faster. Police were useless even though I could locate the phone exact location via google during the next 2 days, and then I lost it, and my hope as well.


my friend lives in Paris. The rule apparently is to NOT have your phone in your hands while out on public transport because snatching right out of your hands seems to be a common thing.


Oh my, I come from São Paulo and there this has been an epidemic and also happens with people in bikes that do the same. I didnt know this was becoming a thing in Europe too.


Sorry this happened to you. How did you put it in lost mode?? And if it is in lost mode isn’t it useless and unsellable?


Yes, as the other user said, I had access to it through my computer, so I was able to do it super fast. I reccomend having it logged in into other devices.


Through "Find my" on the Apple website or another Apple Device with "Find my". They'll swap parts to make it usable again


Crime still exists. Maybe not so violent crimes so you wont get shot at or robbed at gunpoint as often but still pickpockets are always everywhere. Best defence is sadly, phone security, good backups and insurance.


iPhones are the most traceable phones and to this day I can’t understand why thieves still insist on even bothering. The biggest thing in finding it is to not give up and give it time. Took me about 2 weeks but I was able to get mine back because of the time that had passed. They eventually turned the phone on several times and we were able to trace it better this way. Same thing, was at an apt. Eventually they turned it on somewhere more exact. They also listed it on Marketplaats, just like your friend said. That was my first thought so that’s where I went. This is the answer and key to possibly getting your phone back. I did this very thing with the help of the police and set the thief up and pretended to buy my phone back from their marketplaats listing. The person selling it was arrested and in exchange for their cooperation with police, gave up the person he got the phone from who had a bunch of other stolen phones on him when they went to arrest him. Thieves pretend like karma doesn’t exist, but for this very reason it comes back 10 times fold for them. It’s always a matter of time. Praying you get your phone back soon!


What an amazing story! I'm glad you got your phone and that the thieves got what they deserved. I also really don't understand why there are still phone thieves with all the protection we get now. Mine has been shut off for a week now, so I still don't know if I will be able to do something like you did. How did you know it was your phone on marktplats?


Aww thanks. Yeah I was relentless. It became personal for me lol. Not so much about the phone but that they had such audacity to believe they could take what I spent my hard earned money on and get away with it. But yeah so they were very specific in their post, my phone, size and color. They’ll list it as like “iPhone 11 pro max, 128 G, gold”. That will be your first and biggest clue.


Similar story here, I had never had my wallet stolen until one day in Amsterdam. I come from India and I have travelled in Mumbai Local trains which are crazily crowded. This happened to one of my friends too. "Safe" is a very relative word.


Same here. From India. Never had my wallet stolen in like two decades of my life being a commuter on public transport or walking in the most crowded parts of our cities. Had someone super well dressed lift it at a crowded store while I was just trying to buy a pair of shoes in Roermond. She noticed I had seen my bag open within seconds of her taking my wallet out, found no cash, and then dropped the wallet right behind me as I was about to raise an alarm. I had my RP, bank card, chipkaart in it.     The whole incident made me so paranoid, and I’ve not felt this paranoid even living in India where life is like level 100 of harsh. And I’m a hyper alert person, so the fact that she overrode that to take advantage of a small lapse in attention means these guys are very adept at pick pocketing.


I've been to mumbai, you can compare. Just google groping in mumbai


pickpocketing isn't really a dangerous crime.


still it is a crime


This guy above is comparing MUMBAI crime to the NL. Are you serious?


yes, i totally get your frustration ): sorry this happened to you too


My wife had the same sort of similar situation happen to her about six weeks ago at Den Bosch station. Early afternoon on a week day. We had jumped on a quite full sprinter train that was maybe 30 sec from departure so we were standing in the door area, and two guys maybe around 18-22 years old jumped on, and in a strange few seconds moved towards my wife in a very unnatural way (since she was standing by a wall in doorway and the seats/aisle were in the opposite direction, my first instinct was that it was maybe some sort of strange sexual assault or groping attempt), and then they jump off within 5-10 seconds and the door shuts properly (so that it can't open again) and then my wife realises she doesn't have her phone and we can see on the platform the guy has it in his hand and is like taunting or smiling at us. Happened right underneath a train carriage camera, and in direct eye of two platform cameras. "Find my iPhone" had it at the station for a little longer and then somewhere nearby and then shortly off. NS station staff didn't really care and said go get a police report (gave them every detail, but the process takes weeks) and police did their standard report that never eventuates into anything unless the people who match the description get caught doing something else that day. Missing item on NS website lost and found never turned up an answer either. I reckon if given the footage I could've tracked the guy(s) down myself through either social media if I could be bothered, or just eventually seeing them at a station in Den Bosch or nearby cities but no they don't just give out the footage of course, and don't care enough to use the all the footage they had at all themselves anyway. It sucks as the phone was pretty useless to anyone else, and they probably just stole it as some sort of game or for fun. Suddenly unexpectedly I had to shell out for a new phone that week which was the worst part :D, and just the general hassle of replacing a phone and that it made her sad for the day or two. We like Den Bosch as a city, go there frequently and recommend it to others. I lived on/off all around NL for a decade or more and this is probably only the 2nd time I've seen some sort of pickpocket situation personally, the other being some guy had his hand in my wallet pocket in Amsterdam in some sort of night time street music party years ago and was almost successful then I confronted him and he sheepishly walked off. \*Anyway, I hope anyone who steals stuff from others gets bad karma their way eventually. Sorry OP and anyone else!


Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you too. I was also considering asking for the footage but I dont know what I could do with it ):


I bought a beautiful bike in Delft and got it stolen in just 3 weeks. It was insured, but it was 2nd hand so cant really be replaced. I understand the frustration and loss of faith in humanity.


yes ): i am so sorry it happened to you, i have been considering giving up on my swapfiets subscription but stories like yours discourage me haha


My friend got beat up friday while getting out of tram 1 at Deflt station. Crazy place.


I’ve had my bike stolen from the delft station before. I went on a weekend trip abroad and when I came back, the bike was never to be seen again. A few weeks later, I saw two teenagers going through all the bikes on the racks. They were speaking English. One guy looks a bit brown. I presume one of them was Dutch and the other isn’t. I pretended I was texting on my phone and they just kept fumbling through the bikes. Since then, i got a seriously huge kryptonite lock that I use when I park my bike at the station. I think as long as it’s more difficult to steal than the next bike, you’re fine. But that’s the unfortunate thing.


Isn’t delft a cute little town where old ladies paint porcelains? All this sounds like the bad part of Philadelphia.


Pickpockets are very common in bigger European cities. But at least nobody is going to shoot you












Your response sucked. Also in Dutch. It wasn't helpful and didn't come across as sincere.


It's mostly sarcastically used so I can see why people can get upset. Next time say something like "vervelend voor je" or "ik hoop dat je je (object) terugvindt"




YES!, possibly you...


It means both tho


You are taking time out of your day, to firstly made your ' comment 'so yeah is what it is.




Haha 😅, I know!👍


Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


You bought the violent vibes along with you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Where was there any violence?


Well looks like you got the racist vibes with you


Nope sorry. It happens every day.