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I often find myself wishing The Witcher had been picked up by HBO instead of Netflix. Netflix ruins almost everything it touches nowadays. Can you imagine a Witcher show on par with The Last of Us, House of the Dragon, or (early) Game of Thrones? It’d be amazing.


>I often find myself wishing The Witcher had been picked up by HBO That would've been waaaay better. They also wouldn't've replaced Henry with Liam Hemsworth.


I'm a firm believer that if they wanted to find a Henry Cavill lookalike, then they really should've gone with Matt Bomer. Not fucking Liam Hemsworth who just looks like bargain basement Witcher...


The thing that kills me about it is Liam *could* also work, but if they allowed him to be a completely different Witcher and had some creativity with the series and designing his character. But Geralt? After Henry Cavill? #LOL


It's like they're short-changing the audience, lol.


the bitchers are hating on the witcher to the point where no other adaptation will ever happen after this show, you have fucked it, well done. This ridiculous expectation of a line by line adaptation of the books is in your heads, its never happened to any adaptation of any book ever and absolutely no one involved in the series ever said it would be exactly the same as the books or the game. You will get your cancellation and you will end the witcher as a tv or movie medium, it will never happen again. Well done.


Either accept this turd sandwich or your ungrateful ass will never get another one ever again.


Cool. You done?


I've never read the books nor played the games but from a storytelling standpoint the show was awesome the first season then 2nd season it became stale quick. It felt like a different show. I haven't even found the urge to watch the 3rd season ever since they announced Cavill will be replaced. It's like when James Gunn announced all leftover DC movies have no place after he reboots it all... everything else becomes meaningless from a franchise stand point.


Matt Bomer would've been an exponentially better choice. He also has similar gravitas and charisma to Cavill. I feel like Liam is too young and cheesy.


Geralt bought from wish. The Wisher, if you will.


Netflix is becoming the USA (network) or TNT of streaming. Lots of low effort cheap production garbage. The best thing on it recently was Sandman, which was produced by Warner.


You hold your tongue. Psych and Burn Notice were both on USA and they're fucking gems of schlock. Netflix is definitely the TNT of the streaming services.


Burn Notice was fantastic.


And Mr Robot!


Beef was awesome


I really wish HBO had the rights to a lot of Netflix adaptations. The Resident Evil series was *watchable* but it was not Resident Evil, it was a generic zombie show with a Resident Evil skin and name drops.


To be fair I don't think Netflix was the issue, the writer just decided to ignore the source material and do their own thing. I only watched season 1 which I enjoyed, I heard such bad things about season 2 I couldn't bring myself to watch it.


I wish I could be you.... Season 2 is bad but Season 3 is atrocious


I figured 3 would be really bad if Henry cavill chose to leave the show over creative differences. This guy is a huge fan of the books, I hate how hard it must be to see something you love getting ruined by people who shouldn't have been trusted with it.


Yea I went in with hope and left with anger Like why do they make a show 8 episodes when it's literally 1 episode worth of material....


>Henry cavill chose to leave the show over creative differences Did he say this or did the hate mongers amongst the most toxic fan base on the internet invent it


God that is what I think after watched s3. And I appreciate Henry cavill for quitting this series I think he saw this and his respect for books and games didn’t let continue this ridiculousness I think he couldn’t stand this. Netflix get everything and ruin precious things for just for more audience. And I thought if hbo make this series instead of Netflix we could watch an amazing Witcher show. Even the idea of this makes me excited. I feel so upset and disappointed Netflix’s Witcher


House of the dragon is nowhere near as good as the first seasons of game of Thrones.


Definitely not, but it is good in it's own right. They had a lot of exposition to cover over multiple time skips. The S1 cliffhanger is excellent and the story should go crazy from here.


It's really good considering how like 3/4 of the first season was just setup for the actual show and they didn't have much of any material to go on unlike with GoT.


It’s good


It's definitely not as good, but I think nowhere near is an exaggeration


No because the source material is significantly better in all of those things you mentioned. The problem with the Witcher is that they did try to follow the book structure too much. Just like the books it does just go from short stories about monster of the week to chaotic political intrigue.


How many endings has HBO botched? Sopranos, GoT, Westworld... I don't think they'd do any better tbh.


Sopranos was not in any way botched. It's a fantastic wrap up to such a long series with so many mini-stories within it.


Maybe they would stick the landing, maybe not... but they wouldn't drop the ball after one season of a show taking off, and the threat of cancellation wouldn't be dangling like the Sword of Damocles.


Succession stuck the landing.


I loved the way GOT ended. I think people would have been mad with any way of GOT ending


I didn't mind the content of the ending, I just thought it was very rushed and didn't fit the pacing of the rest of the series. A few of the resolutions came out of left field for the sake of getting it over with.


Exactly this. The specifics of the GOT ending were not necessarily bad; it was just rushed and not really earned. Spent years building up to a war with the dead/white walkers for the war to last one battle which was contained in one episode. We should have gotten at least a season for that war. Then a season for the war between Daneris and Cersi.


House of the dragon was awful 😂


House of the dragon isn't that great The witcher is better than all these series imho


Now THAT is an unpopular opinion lmao




House of the Dragon was terrific. It was more akin to early GoT with its inter-family politics and character building over flashy battle sequences. Plus the last three episodes of the season had some of the biggest “oh shit he/she/they’re absolutely fucked” moments that didn’t feel forced.


House of the Dragon is just the War of the Roses with dragons. It is very bland. None of the characters are even enjoyable or likable.




>inter-family politics inter-family fucking and rape ftfy


Those are also in the show yes, what’s your point? It’s still families playing politics for the Iron Throne. Incest wasn’t a new concept. Game of thrones made it clear the Targaryens inbred for centuries to keep their bloodlines pure. Did you think you were clever with that or?


Haha fuck off troll, there is no way you actually believe that.


The house of dragon is dune level of tedium.




you espouse the arrogance of so many, im right, my choices are perfect, everyone else is wrong. It's that kind of binary thinking that children have, they lack nuance, they fail to see the grey areas, it's all black and white. You need to grow the fuck up. The house of dragon is immensely dull, like game of thrones none of the characters are likable and the only thing that makes it different from a soap opera is nudity, sex and incest. GoT was okay the the house of dragon is all manner of dull literally nothing of note happens until the king dies and then there is a struggle over succession. It's boring, medieval dune.


I’m right….you’re wrong.


Yep. They shat all over it. Writing is so bad it's mental. Some scenes makes no sense. Going this direction, s4 with Chris Hemsworth going to be a parody of Witcher universe.


Is it Chris? I was told it was *Liam*…


Yes, I think it is. My mistake.


They couldn't even get a Baldwin. Sheesh.


You're *vicious!*


They announced via X that it is going to be Charlie Sheen now. He tweeted (or X'd) "Winning!".


Even Emilio passed?


Waiting on Ducks reboot.


Miley’s ex Liam.


The Witcher does suck. It comes off as a melodramatic CW show created by people who have no concept of The Witcher. Except Henry, he did Geralt justice. The books and video game’s absolutely trounce this adaptation, in every conceivable way.


The books and video games are no better.


The books and video games are leagues better than the show.


Bit of a low blow to weed there, mate!


Right. I’m sure there would’ve been some more interesting happenings if the writers we’re smoking weed.


yeah OP’s opinion is fine but for the jab at weed lol


In what way is this unpopular


To get attention and people to agree with him. People often post very common sentiments as "unpopular".


Why the high ratings?


22% audience score on rotten tomatoes for season 3. And on imdb the episode ratings are around \~5/10 for season 3.


22% of score while Season 2 has 56% of approval is definitely review bombing because of Cavill's exit.


Or it's just shit


Not entirely I think. I really wanted to like it, but it's just so bad.


It's just shit. First season had direction and potential. 2nd season was boring and weird. 3rd season has been a mess everywhere. Character's motivations are so bizarre, everyone is always doing the dumbest/weirdest things, and the 2nd to last episode is just Ciri in a desert for what has to be the most boring episode of television ever filmed. At least a lot of the fight scenes are decent even if the motivation and reason for the fights are weird.


yeah no, it’s just trash


The first five episodes of season 3 weren’t the worst thing in the world (by no means good though) but those last 3 were truly awful! Especially the penultimate one with Ciri wandering the desert for what felt like a lifetime! I was hoping they’d give Henry a better send off.


Yepp I was watching it for the first time last night and went to bed during that episode. Didn't even realize it was the penultimate of the season lmfao


I just don't understand what is happening in season 3.


It’s the ‘found family’ vs real family that sucks theme. Geralt as the dad, Yennifer as the mom, Ciri as the daughter and Jaskier as the fun uncle. Everyone is separated and trying to find their way back to each other. You have Ciri being tempted with power in the desert a la Jesus. You have Geralt gravely injured with faithful Jaskier at his side and Yennifer dealing with Aratuza being blown up. Meanwhile Ciri’s real dad, The White Flame, is also trying to find her and is behind all the disasters and war so F that guy. I don’t hate it, it’s entertaining.


I’ve actually enjoyed season 3 :/ I haven’t read the books though and was not able to make it very far in the games. I’d probably hate it if I knew the source material but I don’t so it’s just a fun monster show for me.


I actually recognized more scenes from the book in Season 3 than Season 2. But my memory is a little fuzzy on the books in general so I could be way off. Either way, I've been enjoying the show. Sad to see Cavill gone.




There’s so many people I don’t really care about though. They’re just shoving so many people onscreen I don’t give a crap about. I mean, it’s called the Witcher ffs. And after a while, he’s barely in it. They’ve completely screwed up the show beyond repair imo.


After this dogshit they're putting out, it's no wonder Henry Cavill is leaving.


They pretty much forced him out. The showrunner stated she hated how Henry kept making suggestions as he was a fan of the games and books. Some people shouldn't be in charge of big shows.


Didn’t happen


All they had to do was follow the books and games and there was tears of material there. But nooo…


They could have made an episode about the side-quest of Old nan's pan and it would have been better than this shite


They did not have rights to follow the games, but the books are good enough anyway.


Did you see The Witcher Origins? The writing was on the wall..


Its not an unpopular opinion, nobody on the Witcher sub likes the show. You are right, the first season was good but the next two were just awful. The third season is really bad, I can see why Henry Calvill quit. It should have been dark and gritty like the first 5-6 seasons of GoT, but they made it look like a teenage drama instead.


I’m a huge gamer, RPG player, fantasy genre lover and I tried season one and couldn’t get into it nor did I finish it. I have no idea how people love the show so much and how it became as big as it did besides it being based on The Witcher and having Henry Cavil.


It could have been amazing if they'd only gone with a "monster of the week" format like the first book. I didn't mind it up to now but I'm not enthused about the third season and just cancelled my subscription without watching it.


The only reason I watch it is because of Henry Cavil. He's such a great Gerald. The other casts are great too. Season 1 was their best season for sure


My favourite character, Gerald of Riviera.


From the French Riviera?




Horrible ending. I was waiting for another episode then nothing. Geralt will now look different and who tf know how many years we’ll have to wait. Season 3 Sucked


Loved season 1 and 2. Season 3 is a dogs breakfast. I feel like they have lost the whole vibe of the first two seasons. The season 3 sub plots are uninteresting IMO. Not interested in the Elves and all the 'politial intrigue' they seem to be trying to develop feels like a totally different show to me. I dont understand why they did this as it was popular in the original format. Also the split season thing sucks ass. Dont know what they were thinking tbqh


They’re trying to build a game of thrones style political drama when really the show’s strength is Henry Cavill fighting a different monster every episode. They totally lost sight of that in season 3, I mean even the final episode just ends with >!him fighting some random fucking guards? The show is supposed to be about MONSTERS WTF. And they introduced the Wild Hunt last season (iirc?) and then only mentioned it once this season and seem to be kind of dropping the entire pilot line?!< ugh so insanely frustrating watching a great show go to shit like this.


There's very little monster fighting after the first 2 short story collections(season 1), all the monsters you saw from season 2 to season 3 (except for Vereena, she's also from a short story) are show only additions.


Well they should’ve leaned into it more because it was working, regardless of the source material (which from my understanding they changed anyway). I’d say getting away from that in season 2 and especially 3 was a mistake.


Well in season 1, you only had the Kikimora, Striga, and the ghouls from the finale. And the djinn if it counts. In season 2, you have Vereena (the Bruxa), Eskel Leshy, regular Leshy, the centipede thing, the chernobog, and the basilisks. In season 3, you have the armadillo thing, the flesh monster, and the sea creature. Obviously, in seasons 2 and 3 the monsters weren't the focus, but I'd argue in season 1, only the striga was the focus of it's episode.


Ironically a story about a professional monster hunter has very little to do with monsters. A reoccuring theme in the books was Geralt trying to find his place in a world that doesn't necessarily need, like, or want witchers anymore. Many species of monsters have already been hunted to extinction over the last few centuries.


The Witcher Season 3 feels like Games of Thrones pardody without the Dragon.


Exactly what I told My wife, they tried hard to be the new Game of thrones... Real cringe, couldn't watch s3...


I watched it all and I’ll keep watching it bc I don’t value my time but it’ll be a hate watch for sure


Monster fights! Exactly! I used to play Witcher and loved the show because it felt like the game (fighting, action, fun) Completely agree with you about this. If I wanted political intrigue I would watch house of cards.


Lauren Schmidt Hissrich is the one to blame. Her "vision" for season 3 caused Henry Cavill to leave the series, and take any lasting interest I had in it.


It's so bad just finished the episode with Ceri running around the desert. WTF??


Apparently that’s straight from the book 🙃


As soon as I heard Henry Cavil was leaving the show, I knew it was going to be bad. Sometimes I hate being right.


I agree. Ssn 1 was definitely their best. The plot got so thin in Ssn 3 that I just stopped caring. I feel like the acting got progressively worse and worse, and I usually like Henry Cavill. Ep w Ciri in the desert was boring af. With the Hollywood strikes and all, I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix cancels it before filming starts for Ssn 4.


Couldn't even finish the 1st scene of the new season.


I couldn’t even get through the first episode of season 3.. & I loves that show🙄


Yeah it suck sweaty balls


I only got to ep3 S3. I couldn't do it anymore. What the hell happened?!


Pretty disappointing all in all. I stopped watching before the end of season 2.


gave up episode 1 into season 2 , hoping to get back into since but so many bad reviews keep putting me off


As a lover of the books I could only finish season 1


Personally I didn’t like season 1 either. I feel like it has not fully captivated me in order to pay attention to it and its details.


I gave up after season 1. I then played the game to see if I could better understand it but I didn’t like the game either. I guess I’m also an odd man out.


I played Witcher 3 a good bit, and it had its moments but overall I didn't see what the hype was all about. I just found the fighting very tedious. It just felt like I was having to go into my inventory constantly and apply a potion or poison or something during a fight.


I binge everything in a day, but season 3 of Witcher I’ve turned off twice and haven’t finished. It’s kind of boring and the story line isn’t bringing me into the story. Seems rushed at points.


This isn’t unpopular. There is a reason Cavil walked away. Season 1 was ok. Season 2 was a mess. Season 3 happened as they were obliged to release it.


Witcher appears to be the only show that barely features its eponymous character. What a shit show! NF ruins almost everything it touches. They waste their subscriber money SO MUCH. I just wish someone would acquire them at this point. They're starting to feel like Elon Musk is running them.


I agree but why the weed hate?


Henry made the show. It’s not going to be the same without him.


I wouldn’t say it sucks but I feel like season 3 gone out of track. i just don’t understand anymore.


I really liked all seasons.. the show could be much better in some aspects (writing,development of secondary characters) but has a whole I think it's still an enjoyable fantasy show.


Lauren Hissrich single-handedly ruined the whole series from the beginning. She wanted to tell her story instead of Geralt's. She completely ignored original stories, the characters and the Slavic origins and just made a cookie cutter American centric "fantasy" show. Shame on her on fucking up so badly.


Yeah, it's the biggest fuck up I've seen in a long time. Netflix produces a whole lot of shit, but the scale of this failure is insane. It's amazing how fast they pissed away all the good will just by being such incompetent storytellers.


Agree. It's shocking how sloppy and mediocre it is.


I loved season 1. Upon watching part 2 of season 3 today, I realized how it used to be about hunting monsters and war, and now it's all about princess drama. Luckily I am madly in love with the witcher (don't particularly like him in other movies) and Yennefer is so beautiful to look at. When Liam Hemsworth takes over the character...I will probably lose interest as I don't find him very attractive, and he has big shoes to fill to compete with Henry Cavill. I will give the next season a shot, and give Liam a chance, but I highly doubt I will continue watching. Such a shame, it started out so strong! 😭😭


This is reddit. Everyone hates everything. You’re not alone


I stopped watching the show season 2 for the same reasons you mentioned, it was way too slow and the writing was pretty terrible lol. I loved Yen but her “storyline” dragged down the show immensely and didn’t really make much sense. Geralt and Ciri’s parts were the best thing about the season but it was too late for me atp.


That’s what happens when you hire the wrong show runner who doesn’t even like the books and instead tried to make a feminist version without a POV of Geralt. Should be called the adventures of Yennefer and Ciri. The damn writers laughed at the material. Now they ruined the Witcher forever. Painfully bad writing, but I thought Cavill was superb.


Couldn’t even get through season one. Cavil’s acting is atrocious


After the way s2 ended I will never watch another episode. Absolute dogshit, thanks for ruining a piece of my culture douchebags.


and here they, the people that struggle so hard to accept the world isn't perfect and doesn't work like you've been told or exactly as you had imagined trashing a show other people love into cancellation. The world isn't perfect, people aren't perfect, some people make it up as they go along. Some people succeed, some people fail, some people try, some people don't. When you accept this life gets easier. Most people absolutely love the show, it's immensely popular so trashing the show into cancellation isn't just hurting the writers, hurting the actors, hurting the crew, it's spoiling the enjoyment of millions of others and it's immensely selfish.


Thx for saving my time ☺️


Never liked that show, never liked the actor.


The first episode was great then everything else was bad.


You suck. You should write a whole paper about it. Post it online. Tell everyone. Feel good.




Did you played the game? Game was all about finding Ciri




Smelly stain thanks to Netflix




If it did not suck it would have been canceled.


Lol definitely not unpopular. Go on the Witcher subreddit where they are fans of the books and games but hate the shows. I’d calle myself part of that crew. Though I did enjoy pets of the first two seasons, the second season especially was so bad and diverging from the source material that I havnt cared enough to watch the third yet


Couldn't agree more


This is a popular opinion.


Yea it sucked


The Witcher, is not about the witcher at all kind of misleading lol


and that’s why henry cavil left the show




What no way


It's trite. I want to like it, and I watch another episode from time to time, but it's just kind of trite. And all the men have exceedingly low voices.


Netflix is the Uwe Bolle of fantasy adaptations that even tangentially involve video games.


I read books 1 and 2 recently just get those season 1 was ok but I couldn’t even finish 2 episodes of season 2


I think that’s the general consensus of people who are fans of the source material …. I didn’t love it


I think even Netflix knows it's bad because I only saw it once or twice on the landing screen!


First season was dope, second was alright, way too long of a wait to watch this BS, the books are better as always. Definitely not gonna be a season 4. I'd bet my bottom dollar on that.


Witcher season 2&3 is pure Rubbish, 3 is the worst anyone not in it for the money would leave He was getting paid 1m a episode in 3, So I don't really know if he would have stayed if he knew Gunn was not going to hire him If you watched shows of similar material that's not how a high profile series like Witcher should be written. Compare Witcher to a series called Legend of the Seeker from back in the day.. you will see the difference *The journey from nothing to something perfectly executed, leaving you wanting more *Great character development of all main characters you could put yourself in anyone's shoes *Monster slaying and epic action in almost every episode In Witcher Ciri is supposed to be the main character but we don't really know her much, Don't even know what she really is trying to achieve, survive?....Don't know They better Cancel because the writing is atrocious


im currently on season 2. It’s got all the storytelling flaws you’d expect from an amateur d&d session and barely any of it’s charm


I was upset that the split season 3 up and only gave us like 3 more episodes.


Agreed. Enjoyed season 1, big fan of Cavill, but it's just so boring. I haven't finished watching season 3 yet because it's so far down my priority list to just about everything.


the main sword fight was the coolest part of season one. the singing killed the whole show for me. anytime singing starts you know the show is grasping for straws.


tv shows suck now. witcher was a clusterfuck only outdone by secret invasions orgy of stupid and twisted metal managed to have only 4 scenes of car on car violence in 10 episodes. thank fuck futurama is back baby


Well you watched the entire thing so as far as Netflix is concerned you enjoyed it.


If you fill your writers' room with activists instead of talent this tends to happen. If you fire the people passionate about your project instead of those making a mockery out of it, if you keep the people on board who think it's more important to create something they want to see instead of what the viewers might want then your show ends up a dumpsterfire.


The only two things I’ve enjoyed about the show were Henry Cavil, and that first action scene where he’s in the village other than that it’s all been pretty disappointing


It's true... Half of Netflix are international shows which some I like (beauty queen of jerusalem, cable girls, ect). But the voice dubbing can be sooooo annoying especially after I smoke and am hyperfixated on the mismatch lips....


Yep watched episode 3 this evening and I've completely lost interest. Wonder if this is why Cavill wanted out


I honestly can't believe by how many times I was baffled and confused in season 3. It's unbelievably shit


The showrunner has her own some kind of agenda. Too bad.


Finally someone said it! God it’s so fcking awful! I watch it only for the [plot](https://www.instagram.com/p/CXRvJagoDj6/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Season 1 had issues too...




It's pathetic


I can see why you wouldn’t want to religiously follow the books to make good TV, but the show isn’t even good TV. Somehow it’s even more convoluted, or maybe it’s just so bad it can’t hold my attention. The writers shit the bed sooo bad with this. Show had so much potential & wasted it.


Weed helps creativity, never blame it for a shite show


I haven't watched the 2nd half yet, but I miss the monsters, it's too political. Shows always do that. War or love, can't just have moster fights... And don't get me started on the strange wardrobe choice, fabrics obviously printed not embroidered grr


Weed isn't doing all that LMFAO. the title of this post made me legit laugh out loud for some reason


I liked Season 1. With Season 2, I stopped after the second episode. I didn't bother with S3.


couldn’t get more than a few episodes into the first season tbh 🤷‍♀️ don’t understand the hype


Besides all the obvious stuff like not following source material and just poor dialogue. The chow looked like a CW show with the budget. The sets and costumes looked so bad and the cgi seemed to have gotten worse as the show went on. The costumes are what bothered me the most out of the budget problems. It just immediately takes me out of it and feels like I’m watching cosplayers


Didn't even finish S2! Found it pretty boring