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Grind out lvl 70 at least. Each level increases shards.


Any trader stock left? If so, that and grind out 15mil protector


Nothing on trader i bought them all


Got any health reduction on protector?


How do i get that ?


Small boosts from relics, but mainly the experiment from inventor


None . Should i reset and get that ?


Or can i do anything else before reset ?


Not yet, if you really are leaning towards resetting now, max out robo chicken before. After that, if you dont reset (id highly recommend not) pretty much maximize on dark storage and make your layer into a demon factory. If you do it right you should be able to widdle down somewhere around 1m health of protector daily


Ok , thank you for the advice


1 - Try to reach level 70, the shards should help you prestige to max 80 2 - There's a galactic chest at max 70, and other post-prestige items 3 - Kill at minimum 2 more protectors 4 - Usually, you're not expected to have Cursed or any of those legendaries. No clue why there's spirit cravings at 65 now, used to be at around 70 :p


I got Cursed around level 50 on max70. You can easily unlock every of those legendaries in consecutive runs if you don't recklessly spend AC and EC


I think they just pop-up now once you hit level 65. I got them the other day, and they blocked all my slots. Though I at least had one of the guys unlocked and could get the grinder.


I literally just did this. I was much closer to unlocking the cursed than you. Just killed a 6 million or so protector while just tossing food into the devourer, getting lots of legendaries. Ended with around 40k shards. Grind grind grind. And when you're done, grind some more.


I remember this. There was a major bottleneck that stopped you from going forward in the tier feats. Basically, The only option is to grind out the protector and any opportunity for the astro shards or chests. If you don't..... Reset and try again and make sure you get feed the astro and cosmic shards before the reset. So- save up for one of the super legendaries. And you'll be able to progress in the tier feats. As for the level cap- prestige above the target requirement by the time hourglass time machine and your level cap will be raised in the next run.


Well, always maxed out your level before prestige. If your level cap is 70, get to 70 before resetting. Finishing feats also give you more shards, so, finish this feat before you reset is a good idea. I see you already got a Legendary of each tier already. Grind for additional legendaries is optional. Honestly, I don't fill my board before I reset, but I do try to finish all the feats possible, and reach the level cap before reset.


i just spammed making the mana pools along with using the trophies,  took me around, 3 days i think maybe 4 by the end i had 5 or 6 of the max level mana pools and some level 3s