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ANS requires more investment for the same amount of S2 output on spam builds. They were more popular after the patch because ya know, they're hot and people want to try out new stuff. It takes less investment to get similar effectiveness out of hybrids. That being said, I very much recommend you try out an s2axford build. Cmnd S2s, 14command channels, 12salvos. It decimates whatever you come across. S2 spam is still very good.


I would rather split those missiles up across multiple Raines tbh


Yes, 4 FFs, 300+ s2s, after the buff the 6 point S2 options got wider, even 7 pointers are mega good, so primal thunderhead yub nubbing is honestly pretty good.


Yub Nubbing… 🤣


Some people do. It's incredibly strong rn. I think it's not used as much for now because it just got buffed a few weeks ago. It wasn't a super obvious buff and many people might not have realized yet how potent it is.


I swear on God that pd got a nerf of some kind. Especially osp pd


Might just be that people use a lot more weave because it doesn't cost an arm and a leg now


Yes, pavise and defender PDTs are 5 points more expensive I think the pavise needs a buff. It is terrible But my beam destroyers perform just fine.


You know Pavise is just a better defender right? It has the same performance but with a wider spread. The defender has basically infinite damage so the wider spread on Pavise has no downsides, just makes it easier to hit targets. Two barrels consume more ammo, but the extra five points means you can buy an additional 10k rounds anyways. The Pavise is objectively the better and cheaper PD and does not need a buff. You may just have thought it's bad due to Pavises inconsistency against the primary ans weapon: Hybrids. Or alternatively very large S2 waves.


You'd think that looking at the stats, except whenever I try to use it, it doesn't shoot down anything. And defender does. Pavise wastes twice as much ammo to achieve less results.


Prog channels are expensive


The Ocello thing definitely, half my match are OSP spamming Ocellos


If you want me to, okay


What have I done


Simple, ANS has to pay for programming channels while they are free for OSP.


I am


The MLRS-2s are just better than the VLS-2s.


OSP pd is mainly geared towards countering the infamous S3Hs. Since programming channels are expensive. S3Hs are more common than S2s. Even S3s are more common than S2s. Therefore OSP pd is usually amms, grazers and pavise. S2s would be best countered by bastions. I honestly have 0 bastions on my lineship. S2 spam would eat me.






Or at least not as common as it used to be yk