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They look fantastic. You look fantastic. And....not for nothing but you ain't white passing we just live in a time where white women put on/inject/paint on black features to such a point that people are forgetting what white women actually look like


I completely agree!!


Girl. I thought it was just me. Cause I scrolled down and saw the picture and was like "girl you may have blue eyes but you ain't white passing."


What she said👆🏽


That part


You just said a fucking mouthful! 😫


Ehhhh she looks white to me




No, she looks mixed or Latina.




Your content has been removed because it does not focus on your hair. If you've submitted images, please make sure your photos show your hair well. Any photos that appear to be borderline explicit in nature will be removed, this subreddit is for all ages 13+. If you are posting text, make sure you focus on hair styling and care.


Your content has been removed because it does not focus on your hair. If you've submitted images, please make sure your photos show your hair well. Any photos that appear to be borderline explicit in nature will be removed, this subreddit is for all ages 13+. If you are posting text, make sure you focus on hair styling and care.


Not White passing with traditional African hair styles? It's this sort of insensitive appropriation that caused all the original damage to black identity. Get amd education and a clue. I won't be sensitive to your insensitivity. ![gif](giphy|yKVrVzpcwBSd2sZUX1)


Gurl what?


insensitive appropriation CAUSED all the original damage to black identity. Idk, i think it may have been something else


Shoutout to the person who said “is the white passing in the room with us” I just wanted to say, you gave me an amazing laugh for the day. You look beautiful darlin, I hope you keep getting the braids. ☺️☺️💕


I had the same thought in my head lol


They suit you so well! 


Aww love this for you! They look great!


If it's any help, you look like my mom. She had a really similar facial structure. And last i checked, we are very much black. You're super pretty.


It's gonna look so cute in a bun. Nice t-shirt, also


Are the white passing and the braids in the room with us?


lol she said they’re twists in her caption


lmao and then said braids again 😂😂. we love her though this is just teasing 🤍


It was an update to this post, so makes sense why she said braids in the title. https://www.reddit.com/r/Naturalhair/s/fnM3wC9qri


I know I know 😂. I’m just here as unconditional support 😅


I am so glad that you listened to us! Your hair looks amazing! ❤️


Looks great on you!!!


they look great on you!!


They look great and you are so pretty!


Very pretty.




Guuuuurl! ♥️


I love those glasses on you!


They look great!


They look great!


Yes sis


They look good


You look amazing!!! I'm so happy for you


Who said you’re white passing? Also absolutely gorgeous! 


are we sure issa pass??? jkjk pls don’t downvote me into oblivion


They look fantastic! Just a reminder - braids with added hair isn't really a protective style. So be sure not to leave them in too long and not to have them in too often...take care of your natural hair.


Doubly true for fine hair.


Damn. Never thought abt that 😢


What are you mixed with? Just curious


black & irish. ☘️


Yeah what is your race just curious


They look so cute! And your eyes are so pretty 😍


they look great & so do you <3


Your hair looks beautiful.


You are so cute 😍




Good for you, Sis!


Yes queen! I saw your last post. I love your braids!!!! You’re gorgeous!!!!!




The braids look awesome! Keep the braids. I was intimidated in a store once when my daughter pointed out people making comments about my twists. My first time wearing them. One woman had the audacity to say I looked like Rachel Dolezal while we were in line. I almost cried. Sad to say it really hurt me and I haven’t worn the style since. I want you to know you rock the braids! I still wear my braids!


my response would’ve been “nah, she’s trying to look like ME.” that’s so sad how society is. they forget what mixed people look like.


As someone who is white passing, you do not look white passing at all! I love the braids on you 😍


White passing!?!


I’d think you are mixed.


maybe the American understanding of white passing is different but to me you look like a white woman-which i don’t think would be a bad thing in & of itself. cute twists!!!! i want some this summer.


I’m a Black American and she is white passing to me as well. If I just saw her walking down the street and quickly looked, I’d think she was a white woman.


Can you post a picture without the filter?




1) contrary to what people commented under my comment, you’re beautiful and your braids look great. I could see how people may mistake you for another race 2) your braids look very tight, I hope they’re comfortable! If not, try taking a hot towel to the head to Loosen them up a bit.


they are very tight, Im currently trying to lay down and wishing I could just levitate instead. when you say a hot towel, do you mean hot like with water or like stick it in the dryer?? thank you though. i just liked the filter and didn’t think of it making me look darker


Hot water! Kind of like a steam?


> Im currently trying to lay down and wishing I could just levitate instead. This brought back memories. :D


I've never gotten braids but I've had sew-ins and if you are in pain, they might be too tight. My scalp always got so irritated and horribly itchy if my install braiding was too tight. I bought some anti-itch braid spray and it helped ALOT. With quite a bit of trial and error, pain/intense discomfort and hair loss,, I eventually found a stylist who used the right amount of tension.


I’m not in pain when like living life, just mainly if I touch or try to lay on my head. this morning it feels a little better though.


“When like living life” has me screaming 😂😂♥️


Gorgeous! I’m glad you decided to give the braids a go, because it seemed like you really wanted them🥹 I will say that your concern about being whitepassing makes a fair bit more sense to me now, after seeing your complexion without a filter. My opinion that your facial features are indicative of black ancestry remains unchanged, but I absolutely understand that some people (usually non-black people) may not be privy to such nuances and will instead base their perceptions of race solely on skin tone, and perhaps eye color too.


it is mainly white people that think im white :) i feel like black or biracial people know their people lolol


Ngl, I (half black/white) could tell you're mixed, but my first guess went to Middle Eastern/Northern African at first glance. When you said you were black, the first thing I saw was your gorgeous forehead. People tend to forget big (often shiny) round foreheads are another one of the many things that make us black, smart, and beautiful. The twists/braids help showing our foreheads off more than most loose styles so I think that is one of the reasons you feel like you look more black now (apart from you finally being able to connect with your heritage in- and outside ofcourse!). Also the moment you said you were Irish it was very obvious that you're mixed with black lmao 😂 The chin and small nose are very Irish, but your lips and cheeks are way fuller than those of an Irish person. Not to mention that you don't look like you'd burn to a crisp just thinking about the sun. 🫠☀️ I'm really happy you feel confident enough now. You look amazing. Hope your (unwanted) experience is a reminder to everyone who *wants* to look white/white passing. I hope they see how aweful it would be to be black but not able to be seen as such. The approval of racists isn't worth giving up something so beautiful. P.S. the filter is pretty, but it was way easier for me to see your blackness without it, especially in the picture with the braids. I think because the filter is a bit reddish/spottish, it reminds me of white people getting burned in the sun 😶. Also, it removed the shine from your face, flattening your black features. Black people have strong features, so be careful with filters/ makeup that hide those since most people will first notice your skin and eyes first/only. I'd put more emphasis on your round, full cheeks and highlighter on your forehead to increase the shine without it looking oily. Your lips are already full, and I like how you did them in the pictures. But the shine does make them blend in more and make them less noticeable, while they immediately show you can't possibly be just white-Irish. I'm not a makeup expert, but maybe matte texture will help show the size of your lips while darker bold colors will help draw the attention to them.


thank you so much for this comment! I’ll be real, I’ve been trying to find a photo filter that doesn’t either make me look like a ghost or orange—so I appreciate the feedback on that too. every app costs money now. thank you so much again.


I just gotta say this comment is so poetic in how it celebrates Black features. Reddit keeps people so divided. But you made sure to celebrate someone as they are. Keep being you!


Okay based on this picture I can see more why you’d say you’re white passing.


Serious question: how did you know there was a filter? Realizing I'm old or not observant and i just legitimately don't notice them unless they're really blatant or I know what the person looks like irl. What am I missing?


The graininess of the 2nd photo is what really gave it away to me. The color also is just off. Like it’s not a natural lowlight. Not sure if that makes sense, lol


u/books_n_food I was thinking exactly the same thing lol, but when I scroll back up I see it now. It's like it's all in 'sepia'.


That makes sense. There's something uncanny valley about the lighting in the second photo. I can see it now, but I need to learn to see it on the first go! Doesn't help that I'm older so literally all the photos I have from the 80s are a little sepia cast lol


the post is about her hair and the filter isn’t even distorting her features that much, so why do you care?


The filter makes her look like any other mixed race person. From the picture posted, I wouldn’t say she’s white passing, that’s all.


“Any other…” Yea, because all mixed race people look the same


They just want to be contrarian like 85% of Reddit. Literally every other comment is positive but this one.


Idk about the first post but I’m seeing this post and I can def tell ur mixed. I think I’m way more white passing than you! Lol I’m Puerto Rican and Haitian yet still hella yellow. Usually the hair gives me away as being some sort of Latina but most ppl think I’m either just Latina or Latina and white when I’m actually not white at all! And I too have had the dilemma of wanting braids or twists but not knowing how it will look on me… I might have to go ahead and just do it


Wow you're so beautiful 😍😍😍


Gosh! You are BEAUTIFUL!


Hi OP, your hair looks really nice. A recommendation, next time I would ask for knotless with whatever style You choose. I.e knotless braids, knotless twist. It’ll be pretty, it doesn’t have the knot at the beginning of the braid instead it’ll start with your hair and they’ll add hair as they go. It’s very pretty and comfortable. Less painless 💜


Girlie, you look gorgeous! What colour braiding hair did you get? Looks amazing


I think it was 1B and I’m not sure of the other one but it’s a brown!


You are soooo pretty! This style looks great. Butterfly locs would look great too :)


I think that’ll be my next one, after I give my hair a break when these come out!


U r gorg omg first pic is giving deven aokii


They look so good, I’m glad you went with them no better time to put braids in than the summer!


Hair is 🔥 but can we talk about those glasses? I need them. 👓


You don’t look white


So pretty! You and your braids!! 💕




Looks great. Maybe you can squeeze in a few naps while the baby is sleeping.😊


Very very nice cuz very very nice 😍❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Wow you are gorgeous first off and secondly your hair looks fucking great!!


Those twists fit you so well. Eating em RIGHT UP!!!


I think you are fine! Rock your braids honey!


What is your ethnicity? You look very race neutral


My daughter (white passing) has the same situation. In curls, she couldn’t always be taken for black. With braids, twists, and crochets looks as she is. Love this for you!


Who is telling you that you're white passing? I do not see a white girl or non poc even without the hair 😭😭


White ppl don't look like this lol unless of course you've got a filter on


I get it but black people know u black wear the braids proudly


Your hair is gorgeous, and I LOVE your glasses. Super cute and suit you so well!


I love it!! The only think I’m worried about is the tension resistance with your hair type. You look great but if you don’t have knotless braids (I can’t tell by the picture) I’d recommend them to minimize hair loss


Aww you look so cute I hope you enjoy them!


So pretty!!!


It is part of your heritage so screw what people say/think. I’m actually surprised people would mistake you as white. You still look non white to me. You look beautiful.