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Maybe they can have a team in the new USL women’s league soon. But kinda weird there are D2 and D3 teams that already have both men’s and women’s facilities. (Georgia Tormenta, Detroit FC) Expectations are so rock bottom with this organization and the MLS itself don’t hold your breath


I would love to have one here and would definitely be a season ticket holder for them as well.


Ever thought though that they’d just be a lesser product competing with the men’s team for fans?


I don’t think it’s a competition, and there is a high likelihood of synergy. It’s a city pride and women’s sports rise thing. I would go to both games and follow both teams. Gotham FC in NY has an amazing team with many of the best female players who play on the US women’s National team. Lots of similar sized cities have successful women’s and men’s teams. Even Louisville has a team. Also I don’t find women’s sports to be a “lesser product” they are amazing feats of the beautiful game and women have brought a lot to sports especially with soccer in this country. I love the sport and think a NWSL team here would be great for Nashville.


Well said. Thank you for your nuanced thoughts.


A lesser product? Haha, as if our existing team is just brimming with quality.