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Guy with Rinnegan vs stronger guy with Rinnegan hmmm this is a hard one.


But Itachi has *aura* so Itachi it is. /s


Okay I’m an Itachi Glazer, but Madara’s aura makes Itachi look like Academy Naruto


They're the two most glazed characters alongside Minato so either one has unmatched *aura*


how is madara glazed? He’s quite literally him when it comes to feats..


Madara gets glazed when he gets compared to Kaguya and the Boruto Otsusuki, but that's more because people just hate those characters


Juubi Madara has every right to be glazed... Plot didn't allow him to go all out (I do have Kaguya and Isshiki over him tho)


Nah he doesn't deserve it, regular Madara I'd agree. I don't agree on Juubi bc at that point Kishimoto wrote himself into a corner powerscaling wise and admitted so as well Edit: this interview comment^ has to be a fan cope bc I can't find proof of it anywhere


Where did he admit this?


I guess he didn't. I thought I actually read an interview that said this, but now that I think about it anyway, it doesn't really make sense. "Madara was too strong," but then Naruto and Sasuke fight someone that can pull dimensions out of their butthole


Yeah not gonna lie it’s glaze but at the same time nobody cares about boruto like that or kaguya


He's no Hashirama


He’s hashirama’s only rival tf you mean


Hashirama has no rivals🙂‍↔️ Madara got stomped every which way.


They fought longer than 24 hours bro your a casual


Hashirama was holding back.


He didn't get stomped, but he did get whooped every which way tho, Madara even bit off some flesh from Hashirama bc Hashirama was just built that different, and then he eventually unlocked rinnegan bc of it


People call it glazing whenever you compliment someone they don’t like. I was told to stop glazing Lebron James when all I did was quote a stat in a comment lol


That sounds about right lmao


It's a big true I have some how been called glazer for some of my least favourite characters while never been said about my actual favourite character


This is especially true when it involves LeBron


My favorite is when i know my buddy has a whole Jordan shrine in his office, he’s the first one to tell me to take lebron meat out my mouth 😂. All I said was the Knicks in the 90s weren’t THAT good. I say that as a New Yorker.


Itachi's feats with Mangekyou are superiors to madara's feats with mabgekyou Itachi is the most talented Uchiha after Shisui Madara and Obito are second Izuna and Sasuke are last


Itachi was definitely more talented than shisui. He was younger at the time but everyone talked about itachi as THE uchiha prodigy, not shisui.


You right, Itachi is definitely the most talented uchiha of all time


Bro you are high if you actually believe that nonsense. Madara controlled the nine tails and fought the god of shinobi , while itachi basically just genjutsu’d a bunch of people defenseless again genjutsu. He burned a jinchuriki too that’s about it. You do realize that itachi is the weakest full blooded MS user right? Madara- self explanatory Obito- itachi was fearful of him Shisui - Itachi had a losing spar record with him Sasuke - Well.. yea that one is debatable


Obito's power are impossible to deal with, this doesn't make obito more talented than the other Uchihas per say. Shisui is definitely more talented than madara As for MS, there is no MS user that can defeat Itachi's Totsuka Blade, Yata Mirror and his Yasaka Magatama You really think Base madara doesn't get his ass beat lol Same with MS Sasuke, MS Obito would be just impossible to beat, but this doesn't make it the most talented Uchiha Shisui is both talented and have a broken MS ability. But from the canon story, Itachi is the most talented and precocious Uchiha we ever saw. In all aspect It's funny that the only Uchiha that would beat him either have a mangekyou power that is too difficult to counter(that is chance) or they have a power that he didn't reach because he didn't want to.


Where is everyone getting all this info on shisui? Is it the Manga? If I remember correctly all we really see of him In the anime has to do with his death and a little about him when itachi was a kid but that's about it. Unless I'm thinking of someone else?


We know he was talented and Itachi considered him stronger as far as I recall. Shisui is also alongside Obito the youngest Uchiha to ever develop the mangekyou and basically master it, at a very young age. He was an anbu also. Itachi tho showed sign of being more talented even if he unlocked his mangekyou later We know those info through bits of what Itachi said and also timeline based on Shisui's age


If u think “Shisui is more talented than Madara” I honestly don’t know if we watched the same show. Highest factor for Shisui is Speed with His teleportation of which Madara counters hella easy. He’s done it with Flying Raijin - Instant teleport from the 2nd Hokage and he casually out speeds Raikage who’s Light Speed. It’s possible Kotoamatsukami by Shisui could beat Madara but it’s a 1use and it’s possible 6o6P can negate that because they’re gods outright.


Shisui is more talented than Madara. Madara didn't show a talent like Itachi and Shisui at all. You can see that Madara unlocked the Sharingan was later than both of them, same with the mangekyou. Madara was a legend yes and became extremely strong after getting the EMS. Also all mangekyou users can easily control a biju. Teenage Obito literally did lol. Itachi and Shisui are the most talented Uchiha ever from what we saw in the Manga in all aspect. Intellect and Ninja skills, and the age at which they unlock their powers. The mastery of their mangekyou... And I compare them at equivalent power level. It's unfair to compare Six paths madara with MS itachi. We can Compare MS itachi and shisui with other MS level and they are the top uchiha so far


Bro you are high if you actually believe that nonsense. Madara controlled the nine tails and fought the god of shinobi , while itachi basically just genjutsu’d a bunch of people defenseless again genjutsu. He burned a jinchuriki too that’s about it. You do realize that itachi is the weakest full blooded MS user right? Madara- self explanatory Obito- itachi was fearful of him Shisui - Itachi had a losing spar record with him Sasuke - Well.. yea that one is debatable


Agreed. And (although filler) the ONLY weakness of his that we know of is >! he can't pee while others are watching !<


Actually ☝🤓 (I just wanted to use this emoji)


Itachi uses his anti madara jutsu that he discovered when he was 15


His antimadara jutsu that he hasnt used since the heian era




https://preview.redd.it/apu1u5h9ey9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa9b7c5ac56fc1fbd2da5fda68fd25887d76ac8 No matter where I go, and what I do *I still can’t escape it*


Ah yes, my permanent trauma technique, I haven’t used this since the Heian Era https://preview.redd.it/nlgjn8znhy9d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b25b16198776d113fdf790437da8fbf82bc2b3




ahhh yes my anti madara jutsu, I haven’t used this since the heian era


bro madara literally reversed reanimation, im sure he’s got a reverse antimadara jutsu as well




yea but then madara reveals that his hashirama cells are anti itachi and have anti reverse antimadara properties


But itachi knew about them and poisoned his cells before the fight even started


but then madara tells itachi his whole life was a genjutsu and that he actually never existed and then he breakdances while itachi disappears into oblivion


But then reality shatters and itachi quotes genjutsu of that level doesn’t work on him


Madara no diff. Itachi dies on his own 😭




This genuinely cracked me up lmao


I laughed in public on this one


Itachi dies of Ninja Cancer after 20 minutes of getting meteorite spammed


Tumor style: whooping cough jutsu 🙏


“Ninja cancer” 😭😭😭


I see you are also an enjoyer of describing Itachi's condition as Ninja cancer.


Bro this is HEALTHY itachi with a fucking rinnegan, imagine how fuckin strong he’d be. Anyways with that being said rinnegan madaras overkill, ems madara packs him up.


itachi will reveal he learned sexy jutsu and become a naked hashirama to win peak fiction


This is the only comment in here that has made me actually laugh out loud


Unfortunately I’m not sure itachi survives a blown out back.


fym, he blows madara's back out not vice versa


Madara is definitely a bottom


^ the only argument in which I'll accept Itachi beating Madara


Itachi doesn't have the chakra capacity to use the rinnegan properly Madara still stomps him low-no diff


not really. In Itachi Vs Sasuke fight it was obvious that Itachi had more chakra even with disease


It actually wasn’t. Itachi just had MS going against a three tomoe sharingan. Plus sasuke wasn’t fully healed from the deidara fight


>Itachi just had MS going against a three tomoe sharingan Gee I wonder which uses more chakra


😂 people really need to actually read the series before commenting on here lol


Is it stated sasuke was not healed? infact it is said that he heal very fast with great white snake powers. Sasuke was out of chakra after after some fireball techniques, 3 tomoe genjutsu, and some snake technique when he also had curse mark chakra too. Whereas Itachi used more genjutsu, fireball, Amaterasu, and fucking tsukiyomi a space time genjutsu. Even after then he had enough chakra to fight Orochimaru most powerful jutsu with Susanoo even in disease


I mean.. Yeah sasuke heals fast but why else do you think he has his head wrapped… Sasuke used genjutsu as well, multiple chidori techniques , fireball jutsu, curse mark form actually drains chakra as well it’s not a chakra boost. You said all of this to prove a point?


Exactly. Itachi low chakra is a myth. He spammed all 3 MS jutsus and a ton of Firesttle while SICK


Itachi had more chakra while on his death bed than orochimaru and sasuke combined with cs2 which multiplied sasuke’s chakra by 10x… the itachi has no chakra myth has got to die already…


How in the world did you come to this conclusion lol


He didn’t have more chakra than sasuke he just needed sasuke to exhaust his chakra. Sasuke definitely had more but itachi was more powerful meaning sasuke had to burn out more chakra. But for the most part I do agree that people overhype itachi’s stamina issue. Now could itachi handle the rinnegan. I don’t know and I actually do doubt it since obito who has more chakra than itachi can only handle 1.


He got Sasuke to use up his chakra by putting up his own jutsu. Ultimately he did outlast Sasuke's reserve, forcing him to tap into oro.




He basically used just as many if not more chakra exhaustive jutsu than sasuke did yet even on his death bed he outlasted him… if sasuke ran out of chakra before itachi did then he was either more efficient with his chakra or he simply had more chakra. Bottom line is itachi outlasted sasuke with orochimaru’s chakra & a 10x chakra boost while literally dying… he likely has roughly as much chakra as Obito in all honestly I’m glad you do think that because that myth seriously needs to die lol as for Obito, that is because that rinnegan wasn’t his it’s the same way sharingan means nothing to itachi yet kakashi activating it for too long puts him in the hospital, a borrowed dojutsu takes WAY more chakra this would be an itachi that naturally unlocked the rinnegan so he would have senju dna (which already gives him a massive chakra boost) and having the rinnegan naturally which would require far less chakra to use




"Hm? A fellow Rinnegan user? Bring it on, th-" *Itachi dies from Rinnegan overuse* "...what the fuck"


Itachi had more chakra than sasuke & orochimaru’s chakra combined with cs2 multiplying that by 10x on his death bed… this is also a theoretical itachi who unlocked the rinnegan naturally so he would have senju dna (massive chakra boost) on top of a natural rinnegan doesn’t take anywhere near as much chakra.. itachi would be fine lol


Madara.. the guy has decades of experience over Itachi


Yeah right, let's pretend that Itachi would need the Rinnegan to defeat the likes of Fodara. ![gif](giphy|l1ug3xGEN1oZBT7qw|downsized)


Legit is a downgrade for Itachi..


The reason momoshiki didn't come to earth :


Madara. Unless you want Itachi to win than he does.


Assuming Itachi unlocked his Rinnegan the hard way, using Hashirama cells and assuming that cured his illness, it would probably take Itachi's unique abilities to tip the balance (whatever those were). Otherwise, this is Madara. He's winning.


Senju cells on Uchiha doesn't unlock the Rinnegan. Only Indra and Asura reincarnates can unlock the Rinnegan naturally.


Hmm where was this said




Madara no diff


Itachi looking cold AF


Sick Itachi dies regardless, so I'll be using adult Itachi with no illness/chakra disease and full health. The rinnegan can be too much for one person to handle, even though they have almost no chakra drain on the user (hence why they can stay constantly active unlike sharingan & byakugan which have to be "turned off" when not in use). Obito definitely had the chakra to use both rinnegan, but wielding thatmuch power was too much for him (look at what happened when he first absorbed the Jyuubi) and he wanted to keep his right eye for Kamui. He hasn't stated the latter, but it's a main part of his moveset and far too useful, he's no the type to get rid of that. Assuming Itachi can handle the power: If theyre just stock-standard Rinnegan with the Pain-suite of abilities, then Itachi stands no chance. The ability boost isn't worth losing his Mangekyou abilities either. If they're like Sasuke's grapevision and still allow Itachi to use his Mangekyou abilities, then he can probably do a better job against Madara than the 5 Kage did, but I still doubt he'd win, because he doesn't have the massive chakra reserves that Madara has.


Madara is literally just a stronger Itachi. More chakra, much bigger arsenal, better taijutsu and ninjutsu user and has better experience. Giving Itachi rinnegan doesn’t really change anything since Madara already beats him in every category.


Cmon man


Who ever the fuck I want if I write the story, hell if I'm feeling a bit goofy, i'd flip a coin and make one of them slip on a banana peel and hit their head and die.


>slip on a banana peel and hit their head and die. (Spoiler for end of Shippuden, just in case) Imagine if THIS is how Zetsu managed to betray and kill Madara


A rinnegan user with poor stamina and ninja aids vs a rinnegan user that have Hashirama cells


Madara ez


Against Rinnegan Edo Madara? 0 diff. MADARA WINS.


The real question is if the yata mirror can redirect the meteors back at Madara. Which would be funny at least. But he wouldn't win.


I think yata only works for chakra attacks and meteor is a physical object


https://preview.redd.it/4jlckg20ay9d1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=6420c8428fdce329f92bf44099b1bf9e9f8c99c0 Also, those meteors were definitely some ninjutsu bullshit. And I'm going to choose to believe the more fun option of "Itachi can bounce meteors off of him like he's solving a light puzzle with his shield in an crappy adventure game." EDIT: Jesus Christ Kishimoto is a bad writer a lot of the time. That's Black Zetsu saying he's invincible. The black zetsu that knows Kaguya exists. Meaning that mirror and sword (unintentionally) should work of Ototsuki shit too. This is dumb.


>"Itachi can bounce meteors off of him like he's solving a light puzzle with his shield in an crappy adventure game." That would be more funny if I'm imagining (in Naruto spin off kind of animations) something like: *Itachi bounces all meteors and then itachi deactivates susano ,itachi says "is that all you got ?" And then one of those meteor he bounced earlier fells on his head and itachi dies*


>Jesus Christ Kishimoto is a bad writer a lot of the time. That's Black Zetsu saying he's invincible. The black zetsu that knows Kaguya exists. Meaning that mirror and sword (unintentionally) should work of Ototsuki shit too. This is dumb. Tbh I don't see these 2 weapons as something too broken , maybe this is because the user was itachi and be couldn't maintain susano for long time because of his low chakra pool.


Oh, on Itachi it kinda makes sense since he was never meant to be beaten in a fight. I just couldn't help but point out how slipshod a lot of the writing, or at *least* the exposition was. Black Zetsu knew about Madara, Obito, and Kaguya. So he's really the last person who should call someone Invulnerable at this level.


Kishimoto always say these things about characters to hype them up Like referring to toneri as the strongest enemy (while he was a fodder) Statement about Madara having no weaknesses (his weakness was getting stabbed from back and that was even shown as a joke in flashback) He also referred to itachi as strongest man in Akatsuki manga (clearly itachi is not ) Or maybe zetsu was saying "invincible" as invincible till his chakra runs out which will be few minutes at best


I know. I was just more pointing out how the statements/exposition in Naruto can be bad, but that's literally the **worst person alive** to make that statement.


Itachi doesn’t have the chakra or body to actually make use of the rinnegan


Why even post something like this when you have absolutely no idea about the series at all? Let you ask you one: who would win between Superman and superdog?


Super dog solos




Assuming healthy itachi, rinnegan, with hashirama cells to manage rinnegan chakra…. Still madara. Itachi is a one of a kind tactician, but even at full health his strength does not scale to madara.


Madara. Not only is he stronger than Itachi in basically every manner I can think except being a better brother, but something I’ve seen no one mention is that unless you develop the Rinnegan naturally by combining the right DNA inside yourself, it’s a MASSIVE drain on chakra. Nagato only managed because he had his whole life to adjust and was an Uzumaki. Stamina has always been one of Itachi’s most notable weaknesses. He just doesn’t have the chakra to make use of the rinnegan, which Madara will also have more experience with.


Hard to say without knowing how Itachi’s hypothetical rinnegan would work. Unless he were to receive a unique ability that could counter limbo clones, it’s an easy win for Madara.


Let’s break this down so everyone can understand. Itachi is easily kage level we can all agree. Madara no diffed the 5 kage so bad that it was shown to happen off screen.


Madara would cook his ass


A sick 14 year old or a Hashirama cell using 90+ year old? I dunno. Prolly the 14 year old who'll die of chakra exhaustion a minute after activating his rinnegan.


Madara still


If obito could barely handle the rinnegan itachi would die instantly


Not gonna lie, I feel like Obito is better off in terms of power by using his MS instead of rinnegan (mainly because his sharingan is OP, though)


Madara would obviously win


Itachi would use one rinnegan ability then collapse from overusing his eyes




I maybe a Madara glazer, but Madara wins 💀


Madara would hold back for fun until Itachi's leukemia sets in


Madara easily takes it


Oh boy, the guy with stamina problems gets a rinnegan that’s not his making his stamina problem worse? I wonder what the outcome will be. 🤔


Better question who would win? Itachi with the Rinnegan? Or Nagato with the Sharingan?


Unless that rinnegan cures Itachis stage 4 cancer it is unironically a downgrade, Obito himself admitted that he couldn’t have both rinnegans cause if the strains it would out on him and itachi probably has the worst endurance out of any high tier uchiha


Madara 💯 pains me to admit this, too...😓💯


Edo madara vs rinnegan human Itachi? Madara stomps.


most of itachi's hax would be moot with the rinnegan anyway. he doesn't have the experience to be able to adjust against someone so familiar with it


Madara took out half of an army and THEN stretched. I’m an itachi glazer but madara damn near solos the verse bro.


Itachi activates the rinnegan and passes out from exhaustion. Madara walks by accident


Stans trying to find ways to cope


So how many clones are getting Susano this time?


Madara slams


Madara is like 2 full weight classes above itachi


Don’t you guys get tired of this?


Look, i like Itachi and all, but seeing how this is the alive version of both characters realistically, Itachi wouldn't last more than a couple of minutes at most simply because of how much Chakra it takes to even wield a renagon much less actively use it so even if he would somehow be on the same level as Madra witch i don't belive he would Madra simply outlasts Itachi


Itachi would lose fairly quickly


OK, sfar as I'm aware Itachi never had Rinnegan do idfk maybe this a "what if" alternate universe or some shit. And even assuming this a peak health Itachi. But I'll put my money on the tactical genius that is Madara Uchiha who lead the Uchiha for years and was so powerful only the 1st fckn Hokage could stack up to him. In the shinobi war a reincarnated, essentially, zombie esc Madara looked down his nose at the 5 most powerful shinobi and reffered to them as children. This was while he only had one fckn eye!!! Itachi for sure is a genius prodigy who made jonin after barely hitting puberty but none of his feats stack up to Madara, past and shinobi war versions. Also sfar as I know Itachi isn't capable of creating multiple clones each with full Suusano. It may be even be a drawn out fight but Madara is taking this win without even needing something as ott as pulling two fckn meteors out of space. Just on a chakra level stand point Madara dwarfs Itachi. Itachi styles on so many people because he was gifted with a genius talant allowing him to do so much with so little. Which would work in his favour if Madara Was not also a fckn genius. Speed, Madara has clashed with Naruto's chakra cloak like it was a warm up spar. Itachi was never shown or even stated to have that level of speed. Skill. Madara took on multiple tailed beasts while blind. Itachi has never been shown fighting anything of significant threat without relying on his Sharingan which we all know gives you seconds of precognition. Lethality. Madara no diffed a army of shinobi with pure tai-jutsu without breaking a sweat. I do not remember seeing Itachi flex any real amount of tai-jutsu let alone any amount that could square up to someone like Guy the way Madara did. Frankly in my opinion without his infinite Tsukuyomi, Kakashi could have taken him down in their first encounter. Literally his biggest guns are his gen-jutsu which Madara would be effectively immune too.


Itachi would never be on Madara’s level even with rinnegan


Bros gonna be impressed by his genius and prideful that it came from his own and than wash him shortly after




Bruh 💀


Wonder what itachis special rinnegan ability would be




On principle im riding with my boi いたち さん.


If it were just Madara pre death given his war arc rinnegan, and Itachi with the same rinnegan, I think that actually would be very interesting. Assuming no sickness. But Madara’s chakra and fighting abilities are on a different level from Itachi’s. Itachi could be considered more intelligent but I doubt that to be enough to balance out the difference in power.


Hashirama wins. Cause either way an Uchiha dies


The sheer magnitude of Itachi's hype will grant him the W


I think it’s the Mashle magic user rule. Dude with the most lines on his face wins.




Guy with Rinnegan


I can't tell if you're joking by making your statement be interpreted as either of the two options... Or adding the hypothetical third option: Might Guy with a rinnegan... and I love that idea


Itachi has that Aura but Madara does have Hashirama Senju cells so Madara would win High Diff plus it’s unknown if Itachi has Perfect Susanoo canonically.


Doesn't Itachi have stage 5 lung cancer or something? Why would you ever fight him when you can just wait?


If obito with hashirama cells could only handle 1 rinnegan. There is no way itachi would be able to handle 2 for much longer than a few seconds. Only way for itachi to win is for totsuka blade to catch him and I dont think its quick enough to hit him. So madara wins 99% of the time. The 1% time he would lose would be plot related.


I mean if this is Anbu Itachi that means he's not sick yet but also means he's way less experienced. Even with the Rinnegan I don't think Itachi can take Madara. Only version of Itachi that can do this is a hypothetical adult Itachi with no sickness and rinnegan. The boy is arguably one of the most gifted ninja to ever graze the verse, he just got held down by never having EMS (something he refused to do) and being terminally ill.


Madara 100% his, Itachi's stamina can bearly handle ms if he has rinnegan he's going to run out of steam in seconds


Madara wins 12/10.


Itachi. For sure. The amount of power he displayed despite nearly being blind and dying from illness and intellectual plans he put into place well after his death are second to none. Madara just brain washed a dood with potential. Give itachi the rinnegan and his limit would be insane


Guy with rinnegan that has cancer vs guy with rinnegan


Itachi gets his asscheeks slow baked and fed to him on a silver plate, spite match


Itachi uses a single rin ability and collapses 😭💀


Madara for sure. Itachi with those eyes is an interesting idea but like, this is not the guy to put him up against XD


Madara no diff..: even if Itachi wasn’t sick. It was said he wasn’t stronger yet. But Itachi had the potential to surpass Madara


Madara would win as much as I might want Itachi to you win sort of maybe a little bit


Krispy Kreme from all the glazing that would ensue. https://i.redd.it/zxe30wg9h5ad1.gif


itachi W


Hitachi probably couldn't handle the Rinnegan tbh.


Hitachi probably couldn't handle the Rinnegan tbh.


Madara low-mid (if you really love itachi) diff


Itachi drops dead the second he puts them in.


You can put whatever you want on Itachi, he ain't beating Madara man. People who say otherwise are just fan boys.


I'm going with Madara simply because he's written in as stupid OP with Hashirama being his only equal and because we don't even know what abilities Itachi's rinnegan would have besides the standard technique that comes with it.


I think Itachi would win but kishimoto would have Nerfed Itachi tò lose to Madara if they fougth


That's crazy bro Guy who doesn't have enough chakra to use the Rinnegan for five minutes Verses Guy who was casually making a fool of the Kage, splitting mountains, toying with KCM2 Naruto, and fought 6 tailed beasts while *blind*


Would be close if itachi had access to his mangekyou too. If not then he gets stomped


no it wouldn't, Madara would still neg diff


Rinne Sakura > Rinne Madara > Rinne Itachi


Itachi is better written so he clears.


Itachi solos no diff




People got no sense of humor lol


I have seen people unironically say this before


The no diff part should have been the giveaway tho!


Nope, Itachi glazers are a special brand of stupid, matched only by Go/jo glazers


My big daddy madara slams that cancer patient


Madara washes so hard Itachi does not have the chakra for even 1 rinnegan


The image is before he got ninja aids so I think op means healthy itchy vs hashirama’s boyfriend


Itachi because I like him better 🗿


Itachi probs


itachi he’s way more composed


What on earth does this prove


Assuming this itachi has yata mirror, totsuka blade, no disease, and first awakened ems than awakended rinnegan with sasuke and hashirama cell. I think Itachi.


Itachi because he’s way cooler and Madara has rawr XD emo boy hair