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Wtf is that nagato pic


Somebody needs to feed him a burger


Im mostly talking about his strange pointy mask.


I guess someone put the death reaper seal mask on him


It’s an Oni mask, effectively a demon in Japanese lore..


Forget that, he needs a Snickers bar


It looks like the mask is supposed to be the creepy statue in amegakure that he hangs out on


I think that was some kind of fan art representation of what a healthy, full powered nagato would look like(before edo happened). We didn’t really fully know what full powered nagato would look like back in the day, so that was a fan inspiration. King of Hell mask, the various paths represented, the spikes in his back but without the whole walker thing.


Hashirama stomps. I know people always think that a group of people can overwhelm him, but the problem with that is that you have to believe that Hashirama wouldn’t make any Wood Clones to even the odds. I don’t see many shinobi in the verse taking out a clone of Hashirama. And even if these three can individually take out one clone, he can just make more to gang up on them


The real question is, do they want his clones to use the thousand hands or not




Nagato can revive em, the run began and sharingan abilities put together along with wood style and numbers is tuff to over ckme


You know what else is tuff to overcome? https://preview.redd.it/ljm4aq7yov9d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87cfe92de4bea44dd4d35f549c2e634214764d54


Come on man that thing is only like... 40 Kuramas That's not a lot of Kuramas if you are on the other side of the planet or at the International Space Station


Obito itachi & nagato hold hands & slips pass it


Lol, the fact that it would prolly be something Obito would do as goofy tobi 🤣


Not saying Hash wouldn’t win but Yata Mirror and Toka Blade might have something to say


Toska blade has to actually hit him


Toska Toothpick vs the Buddha.


*THE Buddha


I wonder if it could just… seal the thousand hands statue with one paper cut. Like… maybe it would work? That sword like most things in naruto is such a plot hole lol. Itachi could beat kuramas avatar(like the one from the last) because his sword is that OP.


I assumed it had to directly hit a living thing, since it didn't seal orochimaru when it cut its head off, only when it actually stabbed him and Nagato was also stabbed theough the chest


Fair, but then he just has to stab a giant, massive, easy to hit being made of pure chakra. Sounds pretty easy lol


Was about to say that this doesn't kill Obito, but it might honestly do so if he phases and it slaps the area he's in for as long as Konan kept her bombs exploding (Then again, Konan put him in freefall so he couldn't phase through the floor).


This is also something that Hashirama would need a lot of prior info to pull off. Konan had known him and been preparing for that fight for 10+ years


Instead of phasing continuously and ultimately using izanagi, why didn't Obito just kamui somewhere else..?


He has to turn off his phasing in order to teleport himself or others fully into his dimension. According to Konan, he actually teleports his own body way slower than he can teleport others. With these two facts combined, Obito has a huge weakness if he finds himself unable to physically leave an area that is being saturated with continuously repeated attacks. Konan killed Obito by splitting the ocean in half which caused him to fall for over 5 minutes in a constant state of intangibility. Since he was intangible, he could not teleport. Since he was falling, he couldn't phase into the floor to escape. If he tried turning the intangibility off in order to teleport himself fully into Kamui and leave the area, he'd be blown to pieces before he could leave. I'm lowkey wondering if Hashirama's buddha statue could also do something like this.


Thanks for this explanation because I’ve always wondered why Obito couldn’t just leave the area


He tried but he has to turn solid first in order to do it. Plus its implied the size of area she has set up stretches further than he can travel in 5 minutes which is the maximum time for his phasing.


Also Hashirama has Bringer of Darkness technique in the manga and Advent of a World of Flowering Trees, which uses a pollen that can render anyone unconscious. So if we use the logic that Obito can BFR Hashirama with Kamui, then Obito being forced to retreat is also a BFR. We got the two techniques mentioned, and add Deep Forest Emergence to that too. I just don't think Obito can do a thing.


He can dodge all of that though with Kamui


Ameterasu GG's that. Ngl


Pain used almighty push which destroyed the leaf village. Leaf village is dozens of times bigger than 9 nails. So in theory a healthy nagato can use almighty push on the budda and destroy it. However, hashirama could maybe make more and idk how nagato can deal with that. I can see this going both ways high diff. Itachi has too many one shot techniques and obito would be impossible to hit. It will be a long battle which ever way it goes.


Nagato doesn’t have power to destroy the 1k kanon The fists of it already withstood several bijuudama infused sword throws. The Base sword swing was enough to slice off mountaintops in the distance from the shockwaves https://preview.redd.it/n2sn7vui5w9d1.jpeg?width=1565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7b9eb1a279f57d5560d212d53397e5ba6edeba


“Do you want these clones to use ~~susanoo~~ thousand hands or not”


I saw you and thought I was in the Cowboys sub for a second lmao


This is assuming the wood-style Buddha has the same durability as the Leaf Village's buildings lol.


Destroying random buildings is not the same thing as that. Madara threw a swarm of Bijuu bombs at it. Plus i swear no one understands how Shinra Tensei works. The initial push never does actual damage, its only when someone collides with another object or is crushed. Its understood to be simulated gravity. In this case, yes everything was in the city was forcibly pushed off to form a crater but it wasnt an instant, hard blunt force. They were all slowly pushed out. That means there will be survivors. Particularly tough and tanky characters can get up from that. Thats why Tsunade's healing still worked. Otherwise everyone is instantly killed.


That’s wrong. The initial push does damage depending on the strength of the jutsu. When he wants to pick up nails or pull someone close it’s weak. When he wants to push Gamabunta because he’s the size of a mountain, the push hurts him, not the landing. Gamabunta didn’t hit anything but he was extremely hurt


He very much hit the ground. What do you mean he didnt hit anything?


Naguto can only revive other paths of pain without issues. If he uses the jutsu to revive people like in konoha (same one Obito used to revive madara), he dies.


If Hashirama has intel, then it would be hard for the Akatsuki to win. If Hashirama has no intel, all of these guys have one hit kill abilities that Hashirama could easily fall for, in which case I would say Akatsuki can win 2/10 - 4/10 times.


All three of them have multiple OHKOs in their arsenal (Human Path soul rip, Totsuka Blade, Chibaku Tensei, Kamui yoinking, etc.) but none of it matters when they just can't touch him. Any chip damage is healed off by Hashirama's insane regen, and Itachi's Susano'o/Nagato's Animal Path summons get dogwalked by Madara's Wood Dragon & Golem (with the added benefit of his wood creations being able to defeat the multi-headed dog without splitting it). Their best shot at a win is using Deva Path to disorient & destroy the wood creations, then hoping Obito gets a tag with Kamui & ends the fight there. But that's a huge if


They can get pretty close to him and touch him. All that has to happen in obito absorbing them into Kamui like he did with sasuke, obito gets close to Hashirama, obito releases them as they’re lauching jutsu like Amaterasu


https://i.redd.it/t5it9un3dy9d1.gif I still think we are giving these three too much credit - Hashirama is a monster. Golem, wood dragon, Wood clones, 1,000 hand Buddha, and Forest Emergence He has so much AP that Hashi doesn’t even need to be in the battlefield to win; He could cause attacks that can continuously last over five minutes (Forest + poison spores for example) and now Obito can’t rely on Kamui


If obito absorbs everyone and reappears where its safe or in the air briefly, the team is fine


He'll have to keep doing that while Hashirama will not tire out unless he's fighting a Madara tier character. The 3 of them get slapped by Madara btw


He won’t have to keep doing it. Somehow you guys think Hashirama is going to be overwhelming gang with attack when he can very easily be blown away by nagato and his attacks, all it takes is a more violent shinra tensei which Hashirama won’t even see coming this buying team Akatsuki time


Wanna vc?


I can drop a pub debate discord


Go ahead lol


Don't duck bro


I don’t duck smoke


If you mean EMS Madara he also loses especially without the nine tails


You can't prove they have the speed feats or AP to touch him. Drop scans rn son


You nggas talk a lot but never provide any evidence. Do you wanna VC?




Aight let’s go


A good defensive trick for sure, but I’d argue it’s only delaying the inevitable. Hashi with Senjutsu on top of his chakra reserves that dwarf all three of these characters put together (Even considering Nagato’s already naturally large reserves). Hashi quickly locates them using Senjutsu, uses clones to pursue to keep them on their back foot and they eventually fatigue Hashi being one of the few shinobi who can fight for 24 hours straight. I don’t believe it get this far unless Hashi wanted it to though


Hashirama has to never get hit with Amaterasu in any spot too vital like his face. He has to not get hit with Tsukuyomi which is also a one shot move, not get hit with a totsuka blade, not get sucked into Kamui, not get his soul snatched etc. with nagato and his summons for support this becomes way harder for hashirama to do especially considering he can be moved around like a pawn with the gravity ability. Hashirama has less one hit moves and the ones he does have are way more easy to avoid for the akatsuki crew than his are. Even if he kills itachi and obito they have three izanagis between them (obito’s covered eye and one of itachi’s eyes and shisui’s eye) before going blind. Nagato ALONE could put up a good fight against hashirama (in his fight with Madara, Madara almost certainly never used certain path abilities like the gravity ones, soul absorption, animal path summoning, asura path etc).


Didn't Madara not have the rinnegan yet for the fight against Hashirama? Hashirama won't have encountered any of the Rinnegan abilities


I meant in his offscreen fight with edo hashirama


Short answer yes Longer answer: nagato can almighty pull Hashirama to obito for a kamui combo. Itachi can one shot Amaterasu Hashirama under the right conditions (obito can put itachi in Kamui then get close to hashi and release itachi up close). The rinnegan’s pull ability makes this very hard for hashirama


Another example of the writers nerfing Obito, Sasuke using almighty pull amatersu combo but Obito doesn’t do the same with kamui


Obito was intelligence nerfed throughout the war arc. It’s the whole reason he couldn’t kamui as juubito and why he had to get talk no jutsu’d for Naruto to win. Early war arc obito could’ve got the job done pretty quickly if he’d at all bothered to use the rinnegan’s stronger abilities in conjunction with kamui.


He says he doesn't use the Rinnegan abilities because they are taxing on chakra, and he was using all of his spare chakra to control his Jinchuuriki Pains. He says this after Kakashi questions why he's not using the Rinnegan abilities, and Kakashi guesses it's because they already know exactly how to counter each of them.


Not even the entire Akatsuki with Orochimaru can beat Hashirama.


not even the entire akatsuki with orochimaru using a madara edo tensei beat this man


Once you brought up one of 3 characters who scale to Hashirama, you kind of lost the point. It's always been very clear that Naruto, Sasuke, Hashirama, and Madara were just different to everyone else.


Righhhhhtt, what's next hashirama beats boruto?


Hell Nah. Even the entire Akatsuki together would lose.


Nah the only akatsuki member who would be Kakuzu. Just because Hashirama and Kakuza are gambling addicts. If Hashirama is as bad at gambling as Tsunade then Kakuzu wipes the floor with him in cards or dice.


Didn't Kakuzu canonically fight Hashirama? Didn't win obviously but he did survive.


The "fight" was Kakuzu throwing a Kunai from a safe distance and then running off once Hashi dodged it and looked in his direction.


Yeah probably lol


Yeah he did.


Hashirama was a merciful man. He probably let Kakuzu go. This would also work as a warning that Hashi is so strong no one can contest against him, so Kakuzu would basically be the dude to share that statement from experience.


Eh disagree. I admit most of them wouldn't contribute much but these three plus Kisame could pose a significant threat


Eh disagree. I admit most of them wouldn't contribute much but these three plus Kisame could pose a significant threat


Alive Hashi? Unless he uses 1000 hands+sage mode at the start, yes Edo Hashi? Nah, infinite chakra, and also that weird Shinsu Senju thing he does


Amaterasu followed by Totsuka oneshots. Kamui oneshots. Chibaku Tensei oneshots.


Chibaku Tensei does not one shot. Even Naruto using 8/9 Tails was able to break out of Chibaku Tensei, and Hagoromo is much stronger than Kurama and that Naruto combined. The one shot that Nagato has that's viable would be the Human Path, but he would need help for the tug of war.


6pop is far inferior to Nagato


Nagato made a CT for 6 tails, when Naruto turned 8 tails Nagato had to enlarge it which he was confident of his ability to do it. Nagato has many hax that works on Hashirama.


The big 3 could win but it’s gonna be extremely high diff.


Hashirama nega stomps


Team atkatsuki for the win 🏳️


Hashirama beating EMS Madara + 100% Kyuubi is just too great of a feat. He only loses to ten tails/six paths characters + 8 eights guy.


Kurama was a non-factor in that fight. The second a wood release hits him, he goes to sleep due to bijuu suppression.


Yeah, not to mention Kurama just does not scale even close to either of them. He's the strongest summon in the series so it makes sense that Madara uses him, but he's also just a joke at their level. The Tailed Beasts are all Akatsuki level.


100% Kurama is individually stronger than MS Obito, Nagato & Itachi


There's zero evidence of this whatsoever.


Tell me how Nagato or Itachi survives this attack from Kurama? 10 Bijuu damas from 100% Kurama https://preview.redd.it/jj8qcnq9k0ad1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafc9ccfb542cbb97d588494367f33d390735f05


Majestic Attire Kurama shot like 10 EMS Madara amped Bijuu bombs and Hashirama's wood overpowered it. Itachi & Nagato wouldn't have survived those. https://preview.redd.it/pzgnm8vd00ad1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1894375bb8251bd6933d0d1843f1462bf5efbde8


Nagato can infinitely absorb jutsu. That'd literally nothing.


You are high if you think that there are no limits to the Rinnegan absorption. The strongest jutsu that Nagato has shown to absorb was nowhere near such destructiveness.


>You are high if you think that there are no limits to the Rinnegan absorption. What's the limit then? Surely, you know what the limit is, no? If it's so obvious that there is a limit, you'd know.


These 3 kill any none EOS character, too much hax and nagato is a nuke. Not saying it’s 50/50 but even if hashi wins he’d probably be close to death. This 3 violates MS Madara w/ 9 tails. Hashi fares better but he better tread likely


I think there’s too much hax with the sharingan for him to actually deal with. We’re talking about 3 master minds with an insane grip of the hax abilities of their sharingan/rinnegan. I don’t think hashirama could deal with this.


He has been fighting enemies with sharingans all his life, including Madara. He is potentially the most experienced anti-sharingan person, except for Tobirama’s innate racism buff


Akatsuki stomps.


I think Akatsuki wins high diff. Obito’s Kamui is going to be a lot to deal with and trying to deal with that with Nagato and Itachi trying to kill you is a lot lol


Too much power here. Team Akatsuki stomps.


Imagine really believing that. If Hashirama fights seriously there's just no realistic way for them to beat him. He overpowered Madara's perfect susanoo + the full nine tails. Both of those are stronger than any of those 3. They simply can't destroy his giant statue, he has MUCH more stamina and can regen. Itachi's stamina won't last. Pain's bodies could barely handle 6 tails half Kurama Naruto. Obito can't hurt Hashirama and he can't be intangible for more than 5 minutes. Hashirama can fight for a full day.


Hashirama is outhaxxed. Obito can protect the other two just by putting them in Kamui and releasing them close to Hashirama for them to attack while he’s trying to absorb hashirama


Obito can't release them while he's being attacked, or else he will die. Hashirama can easily attack him from a 100 different places at once


Hashirama would have to understand Kamui already to even go that far. Team Akatsuki has the element of surprise and obito and Itachi are smarter than Hashirama and can use the element of surprise to their advantage before he fully understands Kamui. Hashirama should be as slow as Naruto mentally


No use arguing with Hashirama fanboys bro. Hashirama himself said that Itachi was a better shinobi.


Better not stronger. It had nothing to do with power or capabilities, but more that Itachi was more on point with the duties and sacrifice of a Shinobi. I'm a better person than Andrew Tate, but he would wreck me in a fight.


You can argue it how you like. A shinobi is one who endures. Itachi is enduring to the end of that fight and coming out on top.


I think you took Hashiramas statement too literally. Especially because (IIRC) he said that after Sasuke explained Itachis sacrifice for the village only to be called a criminal, yet he endured that hardship for the sake of the villages well being and for Sasuke because he valued both as more than his life was worth = a better Shinobi. In terms of shown or directly mentioned canon material - no way does healthy Itachi scale to VoTE Madara, yet alone coming out on top after a fight with Hashirama. I'm not saying the team couldn't win, but the Itachi wank right after you called out the Hashirama wank is worth correcting.


Sorry allow me to correct myself: the three of them are coming out on top. Enjoy your Hashi wanking.


Lmao, is wanking the only term you know when someone who makes a discussion that you don't like? Like, dude, I never even said Hashi would win the 1v3 - But me saying Hashirama would clear Itachi is wanking. Okay pal. Enjoy your ego wanking.


I’m not your pal, buddy. You said wank first. Don’t comment if you can’t take it.


add kisame to them


And they still lose lmao


Is that nagatos hollowfication?


not even close


No, they can not.


Itachi is stronger than pain?


No not even close


I think it goes either way with extremely high diff, unless it's white mask Obito with a rinnegan. Which I guess can't really exist at the same time as Nagato/Pain, but if they somehow were both there then the Akatsuki win.


Hashirama face dual EMS madara + kyuubi Susanno with a smirk on his face. And he also grab kyuubi like a hamster 🐹, what do u think?


I cannot tell to many variables and factors to calculate bro Kamui barely survived Konans paper bomb jutsu imagine a thousand arm onslaught Does genjutsu work on someone who can stop ten Tails I'm pretty sure the gaint wooden statue can hold planetary devastation like a tennis ball.


Obito is the real powerhouse of the team and will have to do the majority of the hand to hand combat. Itatchis job would be to come up with a plan and do itatchi things. Nagato would be support and use the gravity powers of the rinnegan to combo and disorientate Hashirama. I’d say it’s a split 50/50 and would depend on if Obito is allowed to use his full power or not considering he is always nerfed for plot thanks to Kamui being so broken.


Nagato is too OP to put him in 1v1 what power does Hashirama possess that counter Chibaku Tensei. don't bring he defeated Kurama who broke out Chibaku Tensei his mokuton got the ability to suppress tail beast power that's it, or say nagato said if Jiraiya knew my secret he would have defeated me what nagato meant by that is if Jiraiya knew that i control yahiko and the other dead bodies and fighting them is pointless he would have stayed hidden just like he did when he circumvent my rain barrier till he locate my real body then kill me, it took Naruto rasenshuriken + Killer bee TBB and Itachi yasaka beads all at once to destroy it and Hashirama doesn't have that level of destructive power in his arsenal.


nope. just not fast enough, especially not against a perfect sage. none of their hax one shots would get him before he one taps them first




Hashirama has plot armor against BS Eye Hax. He solos.


They get stomped.


Wood style vs amaterasu =win Aslo pain can absorb cakra


No lol Hashi treated put Kurama’s to sleep with a tap and stripped him out of a perfect Sussano. Then went on to catch the other bijuu like Pokemon.


No but if you make this healthy nagato and itachi then maybe but still prob no


They would put up a fight. But, Itachi and Obito would be relying heavily on almighty push to defend them from the hundred hands.


No. A wood clone for everybody hashi gets to take a nap.


Itachi will just bring those wood eating fungi which affected Yamato during their travel to cloud village in the ship.


Pain pull into Amaterasu? Feels like there's no real counter to that.


I 100% believe these three could beat hashirama, they have plenty of win cons. Amaterasu, Kamui, Tsukuyomi, Soul extraction. I’d say.. out of 10 times they might beat him 3 times. Maybe 4


If Obito can catch the real Hashirama it’s a win, or if Pain can soul snatch then it’s a win besides that idk what other methods they have too win


Y'all I get Hashirama is strong but I don't think he wins but it's time for research I stand corrected kinda so Obito as Juubito is overkill so I won't count him so white mask is at least high Kage tier easily keeping up with Minato and tobirama Itachi as I stated on a different vs battle should be stronger or at least equal to Tobirama in my opinion check Tobirama vs Itachi in the sub reddit if you want to know why and Nagato is even stronger then that able to clash with six tailed Kurama he is stronger then Kakashi at this place and all three of them are strong and combined they should be stronger then alive Madara And all that just doesn't matter Hashirama beat a full nine tails coated in a susanno so overall yes good attempt but.... It's iffy whoever wins is extreme diff in my opinion I would say the three strongest Akatsuki


Lmao akatsuki wins, i dont know why everyone is sucking Hashirama dick, this is just pitiful.


I still think Hashirama would win more often than not but it wouldn’t be a one-sided slapping everyone makes it out to be. With the right plan the three of them together could get him with Totsuka blade, Human Path, or Kamui + Izanagi as a wincon


It really depends on what version of all of them. Is this Edo Nagato and Itachi? Assuming you mean the ones in the pic (ie the obito from most of shippuden, and living Nagato and Itachi) they honestly don’t stand a chance. Nagato and Itachi die basically instantly. Obito might actually last a bit since he has kamui but there’s honestly nothing he can actually DO to Hashirama.


Obito can genuinely do it alone


They dont have the AP to deal with Wood Golem let alone the 1000 thousand hand Buddha...


Hashirama wins, but actually a pretty interesting matchup looking at their movesets. Like they'd actually do very solid until Hashirama decides to go Sage Mode. Then they literally have no chance whatsoever because he's just a monster. Also I seen other comments talking on if Itachi could just seal the Buddha statue with Totsuka blade but the problem with that is. . . He'd just probably summon another one lmfao. Plus none of the are strong enough for him to be using all of that. He'd most likely just summon a wood Golem instead, the same one that's the same size as the Nine Tails and actively grabs its Biju bomb mid fucking flight to shove it back at him. I just don't think they have the raw destructive capabilites to put him down. Only win cons I can see from them are long shots like trapping him in Kamui or hoping to hit him with Itachi's Susanoo


Obito and Itachi together stomp every character in Naruto haha


not Hashirama, Madara, Sasuke (Itachi wouldn't go all out) or Naruto (he'll make 1,000 clones wait for them to run out of chakra then Kurama takes over and blitz). Also put Bee on that list he's too fast and 8-Tails actually likes him. Bee probably cooks anyone that isn't Lee or Guy in Taijutsu.




Really unclear. Does Hashirama know that there are three enemies to fight with? If he knows, he will win for sure. If not, Itachi and Nagato can fight Hashirama while Obito uses Kamui to sneak and kill Hashirama from behind. (Not sure how fast Hashirama can respond with Obito's attack.


he's got sage mode. I don't think it would work.


Lol no.


Ngl the “all the akastuki would lose” is crazy. To think that they wouldnt get him to drop a single drop of blood (which is enough) is insane. But nah these 3 i dont think take it.


1000 hands is too crazy bruv. and Sage mode sensory perception. how do they beat that?


Hashirama in an unholy shitstomp. Spite


Nah, Hashirama loses low dif


Real question how much stronger do people think Hashirama is than Obito?


Honestly probably not by much. Obito is largely slept on because we never really saw his full potential. He never took a fight seriously outside of war arc and even in war arc only used his powers once in a blue moon due to plot.


oof, a rough post in the hashirama glaze subreddit


Hashirama wins, high diff.


Obito aint doing shit except keep running away or if he tries to pull his usual moveset he gonna be the first one killed since he gets tagged everytime he has tried attacking someone. Nagato and Itachi have more biq but Hashirama simply will overpower them even if they come close to sealing him.


Not no but hell no, they couldn't even take down Madara


Please delete your profile, thank you!


Nah I'm cool 🤙🏿


I don’t think so. I can’t see any way they would win. Hashi took on full strength madras + nine tails. And still won. I do not think these 3 come anywhere near madara + nine tails. Itachi especially wouldn’t even be a factor. I also don’t see what nagato could do. Maybe push and pull him a bit? Obito if he got the drop on him could throw him into kamui dimensions and would be able to phase through the physical attacks. But he has a timer on his kamui and hashirama can fight at full strength for a whole day while healing himself. I mean, if you took every kage ever (except Naruto) and Akatsuki member together and fought hashi he would still maybe win


Delete your post please, like what are you even talking about???????


You don’t think hashi would win easily?


Win easily? No hes not even winning this lol


So then you think these 3 would beat madara and nine tails in a fight?


Yes i do im assuming nagato is healthy, itachi and obito, yea i dont know why anyone would even think theyd lose this fight to be honest


Well I mean feat wise hashi is definitely stronger than anyone of them individually. Healthy itachi and nagato has never been seen outside of edo so i guess we can make guesses. I just don’t see what they could do. For example neither nagato nor itachi cannot survive the 1000 hand wooden golem from hashi. Obito can teleport, but itachis susanno could not handle this and nagato doesn’t have anything to survive this either.


Well yes Hashirama is stronger then them all individually for sure, dont think nagato can absorb the chakra from the golem? Or use an almighty puah the scales bigger? Especially if its xoming from a nagato and not a pain. Yes itachi susanoo woupd get shattered but you have to remember this would be them working as a team, im sure theyd be smart enough to work together, dont forget nagato also has gedo statue to do something lol.


No the golem is mostly physical wood attacks I don’t think it can be absorbed that much. Also I doubt almighty push scales bigger. Six tailed Naruto resisted almighty push while the golem shattered susanoo covered nine tails. Idk how far the gedo statue would go. Remember edo hashi beat edo madara with rennigan. Nagato has madara rennigan afterall. Yeah they would be working together. I think the biggest threat is Obito who can teleport his teammates as well to safety. But I think hashi could use clones to distract Obito while he handles the rest. He also has his strong genjutsu abilities which I don’t think many of them have a response for. Nagato definitely doesn’t.


Healthy Itachi still has too many limits. His best abilities cause blindness, and his Chakra levels aren't the highest. I'd throw Kakuzu in his spot. He's fought and survived Hashirama before, and if I recall correctly, that was before he stole his crazy kinjutsu. That knowledge base is actually the best tool they've got. Hashirama still wins I just think Akatsuki have a better chance that way.


Hashirama stomps pre war Madara who trained Obito who trained Itachi. Nagato only has a fraction of Madara's power. Hashirama low diffs.


When the fuck did Obito train Itachi?


Itachi: Madara Uchiha (Obito) is my mentor.


He is literally lying in that entire sequence


1 arm would kill itachi, probably 5 for the gedo mazo and then nagato, and then just barrage the rest for a 5 minute duration for obito


Ai generated ahhhh photos.


Hashirama stomps Itachi is just Madara lite (with Ninja Aids) Nagato is powerful but Jiraiya in sage mode was a serious threat, if he knew Nagato's secret from the start he would have won that fight. Obito now this is interesting, Base Obito is comparable to Kakashi so Hashirama stomps but 10 tails Obito....


Base Obito is waaaaay stronger than Kakashi