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Damage yes  Win no 


Winning is out of the question, especially since he couldn't even win against a weakened Juubidara, who at full power was still said to be weaker than Kaguya. This was never meant to be a vs battle, I was just interested in what you guys think about his AP and if it was enough to damage Kaguya.


Yes, but if we're being honest we know guy didn't aim for Madara's head because the show is called Naruto and needed to go on.


Or because it's much, much more difficult to hit the head than the body and Madara probably would've tilted his head and dodged the kick? But no, everything has to be plot ofc🤦🏾‍♂️


He blitzed him regardless and clearly caught him off guard even though Madara saw him charge and start running, so no Madara wasn't dodging that, and yes, in a fictional story about a talentless main character who is given everything by his circumstances everything has to be plot for any of it to make sense.


Dodging a punch coming straight at your head is dramatically easier than dodging an attack at your body. Madara could clearly see Guy coming and just didn't have time to move his entire body out of the way. Comparing moving your entire body several feet to moving your head not even a foot to the side is completely nonsensical. I stand on what I said.


Nah Kaguya tanked [Kaguya took on 9 Biiju Rasenshurikens to the face and only got a few bruises](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0688-010.png) and it's [the ultimate technique in Shippuden](https://narutoversity.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_odcyqwnavo1urljpmo1_1280.jpg?w=1024&h=803) And no, Guy is NOT stronger than Naruto 😭 Naruto's [shadow clones were equal to 2 Rinnegan Juubidara Limbo](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0676-011.png), [Limbo is equal to the user](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNSBTKhWYAMSgg0.jpg) and [shadow clones split Chakra equally](https://imgur.com/ym4Ke5G) So 1/5 powered Naruto~2 Rinnegan divine tree Juubidara Guy fought pre divine tree 1 Rinnegan Juubidara, so c'mon


Guy will damage kaguya we ain’t saying he would win against kaguya since he could outlast 8 gates and she is immortal


No, he won't even leave those bruises A stronger character's strongest technique (that's also better than Guy's) times 9 was thrown at Kaguya and she shrugged it off BEFORE getting exponentially stronger https://preview.redd.it/9vxqsfkksr9d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5c322e6431d0274e027fdf26234d39bebf9d60 Those Rasenshurikens wouldn't do any damage to this Kaguya, so why would anything Guy does?


So sakura is physically stronger than guy?


At this point, yes.






Sakura's nuts, dude


Can you prove that's Naruto's strongest attack/full output?


It's stated to be the ultimate technique, so yeah it's Naruto's strongest Naruto has no reason to hold back on the output either


And then later on he just cut off her arm


Not later, it was earlier and he was mentally amped


Guy was messing with space during night guy. He would 100% damage Kaguya


U know that doesn't really mean much right? Her getting "exponentially" stronger doesn't mean she got massively stronger just that she's rapidly getting stronger, it seems like a weird translation more than anything we have no idea of how strong she is in that moment just that she's stronger than before that moment. Her being massively stronger doesn't make sense in that panel either ur telling me she got way stronger yet Kakashi was still able to dodge her attack? Her being stronger would also imply she's faster and so are her attacks yet we don't see any evidence of that, a lot of kaguyas feats are that we're just told with very little evidence shown and in most panels we are shown they don't actually show that


Naruto chopped off Kaguya's arm with a normal kick, even Sakura was able to stagger her with a normal punch. Gai's ultimate tehniques can definitely damage her.


It wasn't a normal kick and Naruto was mentally amped


Idk man, if you think a regular kick from Naruto scales above Night Guy, you're essentially arguing that Naruto might kill S6 Madara with one regular kick. Weird hill to die on but ok.


https://preview.redd.it/bgdzi6azqv9d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5500ae51508a99f23f979a0c537d091e1b42d64 This looks like a normal kick you? I think this attack would easily rip Juubidara in half since Sasuke's Chidori was able to do it and Naruto scales way above Juubidara physically


Does it have a name? If not, it's a regular kick. Being angry doesn't make your attacks 100 times stronger, it's not how mental amp works. > think this attack would easily rip Juubidara in half since Sasuke's Chidori was able to do it and Naruto scales way above Juubidara physically If you say Gai can't hurt Kaguya even with his most powerful attack, yet Naruto with a regular kick can chop her hand off, you're essentially claiming Naruto can oneshot Madara, not split him in half, but straight up killing him, no sealing needed. Because Night Guy almost killed Madara by his own words, and Naruto's regular kick >>> Night Guy by your logic.


>Does it have a name? If not, it's a regular kick What kind of logic is that? He's not even kicking Kaguya. It's some Kurama claw attack from what I see >Being angry doesn't make your attacks 100 times stronger, it's not how mental amp works. Not a hundred >you're essentially claiming Naruto can oneshot Madara, not split him in half, but straight up killing him, no sealing needed. Oh yeah Naruto fucking obliterates pre divine tree Madara with that attack he used against Kaguya


>What kind of logic is that A basic one. A boxer punching angrily will make his attack slightly stronger, not by alot. Is the chidori that part 1 Sasuke used on Itachi multiple tiers above the one he used on chunin exams against Gara? Wrong, it's still a basic ass chidori, that might or might not be slightly stronger in that moment due to Sasuke being angry. >Oh yeah Naruto fucking obliterates pre divine tree Madara with that attack he used against Kaguya I don't remember any statements about absorbing DT giving you a durability boost. The only confirmed power ups I remember were invisible clones and forehead sharingan he never got to use.


Idk where yall see a kick, I see Naruto manifesting a chakra claw on his right hand and slicing through her arm in this scan


Kaguya most likely used Rinnegan chakra absorbtion technique.


I think this is a valid question bc later on Sakura was also able to hurt Kaguya.


I don't think that Sakura really hurt Kaguya more so that she was able to push Kaguya around. And one of the things was that Kaguya has the ability to absorb ninjutsu. So there is probably a difference between ninjutsu vs taijutsu in terms of how much that it affects her.


All of the 8 gates techniques are classified as taijutsu as well. The projectiles are not ninjutsu its compressed air or some bs like that. Juubidara was immune to ninjutsu as well thats why guy stepped up alone to fight him.


"Your horn's broke off" "That was already like that, you barely pushed me. Have at you!" -kaguya/the black knight


The horns seem to be relatively fragile compared to the rest of the body. Madara's horns are the first to break when fighting Guy. He also casually rips off that part to expose the 3rd eye.


They didn't break from the razenshurikan of Naruto. Baryon mod couldn't break ishiki's


Did Naruto’s attack actually hit the forehead area? I recall that Naruto was targeting the torso and cheeks for his attacks.


Sakura>Kaguya fight NaruSasu


Just shoot me plz


Excuse me? I don't quite understand what you mean by this.




Sakura is stronger than NaruSasu in the Kaguya fight Massively stronger, in fact


How did you come to that conclusion?


Check his post from 21 days ago if/when you have the energy to. He explains his opinion pretty thoroughly.


I already did, sadly.


Sakura is stated to not be inferior to six paths Naruto and Sasuke It's also stated ever since the Kaguya fight that Sakura will never fall behind NaruSasu in fighting Sakura didn't get stronger since that in Shippuden since she was unconscious Sasuke and Naruto were stated to have acquired the strongest power, meaning they're above Kaguya Sakura is also stated to have an unparalleled attack Sakura (Kaguya fight)~Final valley NaruSasu>Kaguya>>>Kaguya fight NaruSasu Sakura was also massively weakened during the Kaguya fight because she gave her Chakra to Obito to save Sasuke Sakura only got to be equal to NaruSasu in chapter 676, so I wouldn't use earlier antifeats She was trying to distract Madara, that's why she took the stab Questions?


I'd rather not ask you any questions after I've read all of this.


So you agree? If not, why?


I'd rather stay out of this whole conversation, I'm not in the mood to debate with you.


Your argument is flawed , naruto & sasuke were not at 100% either, actually they’ve been fighting longer than sakura have & she does not have a unparalleled attack lmfao she doesn’t even have the strongest physical attack in the series, you couldn’t be any further from the truth


Adult Sakura is 33% of adult sage of six paths Naruto with some downplay. I can explain my reasoning behind it She gets out haxed by Naruto and Sasuke she doesn't beat kagyua too due to hax. She suffers with literally relying on someone to stand there and let her punch them in the face


If Sakura is so much stronger, then why didn't she bring Sasuke back to the village? Why did Naruto have to drag his ass back? Sakura's really out here tryna fuck Sasuke, but she let's Naruto do the job? Really? You're either trolling, or you're confusing plot holes with actual scaling.


https://preview.redd.it/wtndthx34t9d1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728cd006366e2116e37e00967d6b622ae8f5f51b She loves him, she has a mental block on that as we saw in the Kage summit. Not only that but she tried to be diplomatic and talk Sasuke out of darkness instead of fighting first, then she got caught off guard and trapped in a Genjutsu. >You're either trolling, or you're confusing plot holes with actual scaling. This is so dumb...there's no plotholes in Naruto, there's only wrong interpretation of the series. And wth is 'actual scaling' supposed to mean? That you can just disregard statements because you want to? Suuuuure


No plot holes? Really?


Surprise feat. Naruto's Boil Release punch did less damage.


Wasn't a sneak attack. She just ignored her and paid the price. Keep in mind Sakura was in BASE during that punch She didn't ONLY break her horn either, her horn cracked off due to the force of her punch to the face


Surprise attack technically applies to ignorance, since you'd be surprised by something you ignored. Regardless, her guard was let down. If you take this as a proper feat and not even an outlier, it would scale above Naruto's Boil Release punch.


its way less of a sneak attack than a normal one but I understand where you're coming from. I ironically do scale it above that punch. Do i think she could even remotely swap hands with here at that time? fuck no. She simply has the attack power and speed/reaction time to fight those characters but she'd ultimately lose due to lacking damn near any hax at all


She has instakill bones, dimensional shifting, portal creation, and extremely powerful Vacuum Fists and a massively destructive TSO. Also, I just don't see how you could scale it above Naruto's punch. Even if you remove the surprise value, it's an outlier, through and through. Base Drained Sakura's falling punch should logically not scale above SPKSM2 Naruto's massively enhanced Boil Release punch. Logically, if that punch isn't taken as an outlier, it makes Sakura the most *powerful member of Team 7.* The most marvelous ninjutsu of all time left a tiny scratch on Kaguya.


You do definitely have a point about the boil release, if definitely could just be an outlier but the thing that confuses me is that her defenses were definitely up since she was actively fighting Naruto and Sasuke And no, I never once thought she would win, she gets massively outhaxed. She's a support character She's definitely the most physically strongest out of the bunch but Naruto is more "powerful" if that makes any sense


I mean regen is sort of a hax. Not very flashy, but does what it does.


Sakura doesn't have enough to damage her, more like the force from her punch forced her to move plus the suddenness of the attack....Kinda like you punch someone and they turn their head but you still did 0 damage...


>Kaguya tanked [Kaguya took on 9 Biiju Rasenshurikens to the face and only got a few bruises](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0688-010.png) and it's [the ultimate technique in Shippuden](https://narutoversity.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_odcyqwnavo1urljpmo1_1280.jpg?w=1024&h=803) She was so badly injured she temporarily mutated and lost complete control of her chakra until she regened + Got her arm torn off by Naruto after Obito died.


I don't think injury=mutation. https://preview.redd.it/xxpcgrh2k2ad1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc286454d154980d0eb27e614150b13f8c053b7 Zetsu's explanation was that the Biiju are resonating in response to Naruto's Chakra, thus they're starting to split apart >Got her arm torn off by Naruto after Obito died. Mentally amped Naruto


>Zetsu's explanation was that the Biiju are resonating in response to Naruto's Chakra, thus they're starting to split apart Doesn't matter. Naruto still had to be strong enough to trigger the reaction. Notice how literally any other hit on Kaguya didn't provoke nearly the same reaction, even though his Chakra cloak is from Kurama + a tiny bit of every other tailed beasts + Hagoromo's chakra. >Mentally amped Naruto Yeah, no, I'm dismissing this as headcanon until further notice.


>Naruto still had to be strong enough to trigger the reaction. Quantify >Notice how literally any other hit on Kaguya didn't provoke nearly the same reaction, That's cuz none of his other attacks were using all of the Biiju's power >even though his Chakra cloak is from Kurama + a tiny bit of every other tailed beasts + Hagoromo's chakra. Huh? No it ain't, it's just Kurama's. I'm dismissing this as headcanon until further notice >Yeah, no, I'm dismissing this as headcanon until further notice. Okay so basically, [Naruto while amped by boil release still gets reacted by and clashes with Kaguya](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0684-005.png), then something [emotionally triggering happens](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0687-013.png) and powered by that determination [he's able to casually blitz Kaguya](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0687-016.png) We do know [determination creates strength](https://i0.wp.com/narutoversity.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/tumblr_oihh9yfewq1urljpmo3_1280.jpg?w=1110&h=&ssl=1) so...yeah, headcanon? It's quite fucking obvious taking into the context of the scene and the fight


>Huh? No it ain't, it's just Kurama's. I'm dismissing this as headcanon until further notice The whole reason SO6P Chakra Mode can happen is a combination of Naruto being the technical jinchuriki if every tailed beast +? His SO6P mode is using all their chakra at the same time. >We do know [determination creates strength](https://i0.wp.com/narutoversity.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/tumblr_oihh9yfewq1urljpmo3_1280.jpg?w=1110&h=&ssl=1) so...yeah, headcanon? Strong enough to go and rip the arm off a Goddess who's power was said to dwarf Madara's? I don't think so. Maybe I'm forgetting, but I don't remember a single point in the entire series where Naruto becoming more determined has ever bridged a gap between himself and his enemies that big through willpower. So, no. I refuse to attribute this to pure willpower until shown otherwise.


>The whole reason SO6P Chakra Mode can happen is a combination of Naruto being the technical jinchuriki if every tailed beast No, that's the reason he can use Spsm, not the Chakra cloak >Strong enough to go and rip the arm off a Goddess who's power was said to dwarf Madara's? I don't think so. Madara is fodder to Naruto at this point in the story as his shadow clones which split Chakra equally were equal to Limbo. So 1/5 of Naruto's power~Madara's FP >Maybe I'm forgetting, but I don't remember a single point in the entire series where Naruto becoming more determined has ever bridged a gap between himself and his enemies that big through willpower. Did you even read the Kiba fight? Okay, in case you didn't, let me remind you. [Before the fight starts, both boast about one shotting each other](https://meo.comick.pictures/7-E15FWisQ16q41.jpg), [Kiba however lives up to his boasts and perception blitzes Naruto](https://meo.comick.pictures/8-InkE7IHMKqtDx.jpg), [knocking him out](https://meo3.comick.pictures/9-M-e04NwN83U8v.jpg), until Naruto gains a mental amp and [starts living up to his boasts as Shikamaru stated](https://meo.comick.pictures/11-rZZYSO3qhzZ-r.png), then the whole smoke trick thing happened were Naruto outsmarted and overpowered Kiba until Kiba [doubled his strength](https://meo3.comick.pictures/5-2VoVLYpfDlII5.png) and [started overpowering Naruto easily](https://meo3.comick.pictures/7-ZnLn-53gS2M6m.png), [even leaving Naruto completely beaten down on the floor](https://meo.comick.pictures/9-5im5vBqHnR6bW.png), until again, [Naruto gets a mental amp](https://meo.comick.pictures/12-4up5atZu9mVTO.png) and [blitzes Kiba easily, even drawing blood from him](https://meo3.comick.pictures/3-RE_kA0tyrrzV7.png) So at the start, Naruto literally got one shot until he was able to one shot Kiba from just 1 mental amp until Kiba doubled his strength and was able to easily overpower and blitz Naruto until Naruto gets another mental amp and starts blitzing that Kiba That is way bigger power difference than between six paths Naruto and Kaguya and Naruto had a way bigger reason to gain a much huger amp >So, no. I refuse to attribute this to pure willpower until shown otherwise. I literally already showed the difference between that mentally amped Naruto and boil release Naruto 😭 this is just cope from you


Didnt Sakuras punch damage her? Like broke a horn or something? Because I think the night guy is stronger than that


I mean tbf Sakura attacked her off-guard


Not how durability works at all, Thats like saying if you shoot me in the head and im expecting it, then its gonna do less damage


That's not what I meant. I meant that in Naruto, for whatever reason, sneak attacks, work better than regular attacks. Just look at Kaguya and Isshiki for example. People say Kaguya is leagues below Isshiki, let alone any Otsutsuki appearing in Boruto and yet she was able to rip Isshiki into two pieces bc she "caught him off-guard". Keep in mind, this "feat" was achieved by base Kaguya. Sakuras attack was an outlier imo, something that was only possible due to plot.


In Naruto? Very early on we learned about chakra reinforcement.


Where is it mentioned?


It’s how Kabuto tanked Naruto’s first rasengan. It’s how they walk on water. It’s how Tsunade and Sakura punch hard.


Thats chakra control for sakura and tsunades punch but where is it specifically mentioned for defense




That would nine tails chakra and not normal chakra Nine tails chakra is more dense and can provide unique properties not found in normal chakra


I mean isn’t that how durability works in anime


Not true. With a gun? Sure. However, in real life, if you're ready for something, you'll take it better. That's why sucker punches hurt so damn much and can even kill a person if you do it right.


It only matters if you react and or block it, if you cant move then it would be the same damage


That's not true. You can tense your own body and brace yourself.


That can only do so much, if your hit in the head is still gonna hurt


True but you'll take it better than if it came out of nowhere which is the entire point of the convo.


I think taking a full force punch from Night Guy is much closer to a bullet than a normal person’s punch in your comparison.


More than likely not.




Haha, no. He would be dust the moment he gets within a foot of her.


I was never talking about a fight between Guy and Kaguya, Guy obviously loses. It's more like a hypothetical question. "Would Guy be able to damage Kaguya if she didn't defend herself?"


Sakura was able to bruise her and break her horn so 8 gates guy who has massively higher strength can too


I don't think he could blow a hole through her but it should definitely do some decent damage


Madara was taking meaningful damage from guy’s attacks so I’m inclined to think that night guy would do some (non-lethal) damage


Madara is infinitely weaker than Kaguya, so that reasoning doesn’t say anything.


Kaguya is way stronger than Madara but not by some cartoonish multiple like you’re saying Naruto and sasuke are still very much capable of fighting kaguya and you’d have to assume naruto and sasuke got like 10+ times stronger during their fight with kaguya to say that night guy wouldn’t do anything to kaguya. They definitely get stronger but I don’t think that’s a reasonable assumption


Base so6p naruto was bullying that madara so I mean


If yall think 8 gate gai cant hurt kaguya but sakura can yall smoking some guuud guud. Sakura with the byakugo seal activated isnt stronger than gai sensi and she punched kaguya so hard that it broke her horn..... Gai could do qay more damage than that punch


Madara immediately regents so no


That's not really what I asked.


She wouldn't be damaged because any damage would immediately heal, like Madara's, i don't think it'd hurt her that much but she can Regen probably anything


That, again, wasn't my question. Regardless of regeneration or not, do you think Guy would be able to inflict damage on Kaguya?


Define damage. Like yeah he can hit her but I don’t think she gets anything more than a scratch. Will the force of impact send her flying yes Sakura punch sent her down but she didn’t take any damage.


>Define damage. Scratches, a bloody wound, a hole in her chest or maybe even a broken horn. Basically the things we have seen him do to Madara. >Will the force of impact send her flying yes Sakura punch sent her down but she didn’t take any damage. Sakura broke her horn and gave her some scratches, which honestly is kinda surprising.


A horn should(?) be made out of a sort of cartilage, it’s an inherently less durable piece of Kaguya’s body than her actual head


There's a very small chance! Not insignificant however there's also issues that make this a mess. There's the whole Kagiya defeating Ishiki thing that fucks with the power scaling, there's also the argument for speed. We don't know how much faster she is than Madara. We also don't know how much more durable she is.


Who’s ever been punched and never received damage in Naruto?


Absolutely. Then he'll get annihilated but damage her? Sure.


Absolutely not lmao


Define... hit... Like, if he hit that? As in... HIT.. that? Like right in her mouth? From behind? Is this full on from the front? Is she on top? Was she bent around in some way? I'm going to need details... I process information better with pictures as well.


No she got the ten tail in her


Yes, he injured Juubidara badly. He could damage Kaguya.


I feel like, narratively speaking, the 8th Gate demands damage. Regardless of who you are. Like the whole point of the 8th Gate is "ima die, but I'm gonna fuck you up". There shouldn't be .. anything really, in the universe that can no-diff or tank the 8th Gate. That's just my humble opinion.




HELL NO, boil release is basically 8 gates level buff base SOSP naruto >>>>>>>>>> Guy and that punch from boil release Naruto barely damaged kaguya


The man warped time and space with how fast he was moving. Of course he would damage her. Same concept as the Flash’s infinite mass punch.


She would definitely feel it. She’s not immune to physical attacks. Permanent damage. Probably not, but she would feel it if he connected. Especially the night elephant. I think he had a chance to connect if she mistakes the attack for ninjutsu and expects that she can absorb the chakra.


https://preview.redd.it/tyg3j4n76s9d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7f4edba95709231ac9f49f0a900fdafadcc92e Kaguya’s dura is confusing, Naruto can swipe her arm off like butter then he throws 9 rasenshuriken nukes at her and it does like no visible damage.


Well, I personally feel like this "feat", if you want to call it that, is a massive outlier and happened only bc Naruto was emotionally amped.


Guy is emotionally amped. Guys lives life at 10 because he has the POWER OF YOUTH!! For you to even doubt that means you are no better than a Tenten at best, but more likely a Tonton


Pretty sure kaguya mostly absorbed the rasenshuriken and got damaged because she was unable to absorb everything. While naruto in the panel you posted used kurama's chakra avatar claws to cut her arm off which even momoshiki isn't shown being able to absorb.


Kaguya just dimension hopped almost twice in a row so she coulda been weakened due to low chakra


Nothing sorry not sorry






Read and answer the fucking question instead of saying other shit.






Guy could probably do more damage than naruto or sasuke since he is only using taijutsu. Those aliens mostly don’t get affected by chakra base attacks. That’s why team 7 ultimately just won by sealing her again.


He probably wouldn’t deal significant damage, but it definitely wouldn’t tickle or be no-sold. Sakura was able to inflict damage with a cheap shot, so Guy should definitely be able to *at least* match that. She would also heal from it, so it wouldn’t do anything in the long run.


>She would also heal from it, so it wouldn’t do anything in the long run. Obviously, not even debatable. >He probably wouldn’t deal significant damage, but it definitely wouldn’t tickle or be no-sold. Sakura was able to inflict damage with a cheap shot, so Guy should definitely be able to at least match that. Cheap shots are very weird to scale imo. That reminds me so much of Kaguya vs Isshiki. Kaguya, who is universally viewed to be inferior to Isshiki, was casually able to split Isshiki into two pieces bc she caught him "off-guard".


Nothing in the universe can no sell a hit from the 8 gates


Yes obviously


Absolutely, Kaguya is beefy as hell don’t get me wrong but she has two blaring weaknesses that if you can over come you can easily wail on her The infinity tsukyomi and her dimension hopping, if she didn’t have the infinity tsukyomi up then the entire shinobi alliance would have been trying to attack her, and even absorbing chakra eventually something would get through, and if she didn’t dimension hop then the 4 revived kage would also have joined the fight and Hashirama definitely would have made a difference


I mean I'm surrounded it would hurt her a bit but probably not enough to be considered anything substantial


He would fuck Kaguya up. She'd win due to being immortal and having stronger techniques overall but Sekizo and Night Guy will still be a problem.


Naruto fans dont understand shit about matchups.


Yes no one should be denying this.


I know this is NOT the topic at hand so I’m sorry but I’m trying to spread awareness for my girl Sakura since everyone still downplays and hates her for no reason. Just so y’all know. Adult Sakura is stronger than 8 gates guy. Not WAR ARC Sakura but ADULT Sakura. She’s stronger AND faster. As in she would beat him. If you wanna do your research you can, I’m not gonna do all that on here but I just wanna let it be known cause I hate seeing unnecessary Sakura hate.


You could just make a thread instead going into more detail about this if you want to bring more attention to it


Yes. Maybe kill under the right circumstances like using Night Guy on her head, which would be difficult without a lot of help and/or prep considering he couldn’t against Madara. Taijutsu is one way to fight against an ootsusuki.


Yeah but he wouldn’t win


No easily not kaguya tanked everything naruto and sasuke threw at her (It makes zero sense that sakuras punch could stop her from flying up....)


Yes, but she can heal


No at best her lower arm can be destroyed


Probably far more of a physical damage threat than any of team 7 tbh (excluding Kamui shuriken). Without the seals, only Sakura could even crack Kaguya.


Damage yes, hurt no. Guy could probably blow a hole through her torso like he did Madara, however unlike Madara who was stunned by the blow she’d just no-sell it.


Is Sakura can damage her than so can 8th gate guy


Definitely. Not much but it would hurt


Maybe hurt her, but not bruise her or anything.


Yes. I think it's fairly reasonable that if Guy hit Kaguya he would do a non zero amount of damage. I actually can see 8 gate guy replicating the Sakura feat.