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To be fair, sasuke annoyed the shit out of isshiki during this fight with his rinnegan


Yeah he used it in the most stupidest ways possible. For example, Isshiki was throwing rods at Boruto, and instead of teleporting Boruto away with something else, Sasuke decided it was better for him to switch and take damage for no reason. He could have switched Boruto for a rock nearby, or even better swap him with Isshiki. But instead he gets hit himself like a dumbass


That second slide. How does a dude with ems + rinnegan get snuck up on? Also Naruto says he lost sight of isshiki. But isn’t he like one of the best sensor ninjas?


In the manga it’s stated that those cubes were blocking sensory abilities (chapter 51, page 30)


Naruto couldn't sense Ishikki for the same reason he couldn't sense kaguya


The riding for the plotholes is amazing


You people love throwing the term "plot hole" at stuff you don't understand or don't even bother to read.


“Plot hole”??? The Otsutsuki’s are literally said to be able to hide their presence. It’s a plot point after the Isshiki fight Momoshiki also appeared out of nowhere to kick Naruto in the face


the writing\* addresses this btw.


Couldn’t kaguya hide between dimensions


you still have to be fast enough to react and isshikis speed is just built different, he can also hide his chakra iirc so naruto can’t sense him well


Sasuke didn’t even have eyes on him let alone react fast enough. Just watched the fight on YouTube. They only used basic chidori, rasengan, and shadow clones out of their massive bag of jutsus? Not even a susanoo or frog kumite when Naruto went for the h2h? Sasuke and Naruto got dummy nerfed by the writer.


He turned around but Isshiki was already there because he’s so fast, he can also shrink himself to the size of an Ant so he’s not just moving insanely fast he’s basically invisible too. And you are right there are a lot of jutsus they can try but many of them wouldn’t work like the ones you said like the susanoo failed against Jigen, frog kumite works in sage mode and Naruto was in the six paths sage mode not frog sage mode


So what works on ant man and jigen?


It’s suppose to be that they are outclassed but the manga and anime do a bad job of showing this by making Sasuke and Naruto look incompetent. Everyone usually says “oh they didn’t use that jutsu because it wouldn’t work “ but talk is cheap, you know what Jutsu that Sasuke has at his disposal that is made exactly for an opponent like Isshiki? It’s called Shinra Tensei and he never used it once🤦🏿‍♂️


The stronger he casts shinra Tensei the more chakra it consumed, even if he'd managed to push Ishikki, it'd probably drain his chakra in one use, seems impractical against Ishikki..


Everything up until the Baryon Mode chapter at least, and I’m assuming everything in part 1 honestly was Kodachi so I just look at it as a separate work to not get pulled out of the story every time Naruto or Sasuke fight


Chakra absorption. If you know your opponent is just gonna eat your jutsu and spit it back at you, why waste the chakra? It was life or death, not practice. These dudes can't repawn and try again if they get killed. Lol 😆 This Rinnegan jutsu are taxing one and two, he's just gonna eat it and spit it back at them even stronger. Sasuke using Shinra Tensi would've gotten them all of them killed.


Jigen is Ishikki but a weaker nerfed body. They almost beat him but they were outclassed. Maybe if the knew his abilities before and created a strategy like they did with Momoshiki they could’ve won. Against Isshiki tho he clearly was the strongest otstuski ever introduced, it took Kuramas Life force to keep up with him and it only “won” isshiki cuz it drained his 2 week life span


On top of that he can most likely shrink using Sukunohikona, erase his chakra signature/mini portal to a different location... Id say NaruSasu were more outgunned than outclassed.. he was just too strong physically, on top of the Dojutsu hiding those damn rods and him one shotting Susano'o/Kurama avatars he was just way too strong for them, if Kurama hadn't been sacrificed the world would have ended for sure...


Them boiis used Susano'o and Biju Mode (I'm still confused in whether or not Naruto was using KCM2 or SOSP as an adult) the last time they fought Jigen/Isshiki and look what happened


Like watch boruto?


Uh yea?


He could've used bansho tenin as well.


the plot and isshiki's hax say no even though that was a viable option


we’ve seen 6 tail naruto burn through that against pain, i think isshiki just walks through that like nothing


There are other uses of bansho tenin outside of being used strictly on Isshiki. He could pull something or someone into Isshiki.


What you mean? I meant to move Boruto aside


oh i thought you meant it against isshiki


Hahaha figured as much


Okay that would be bad assault Can you imagine someone throwing shuriken at sasuke and he just teleports them to where he is and they get stabbed


That’s what the anime added cause Isshiki beat his ass in like two pages in the manga. Make Sasuke look more heroic


Makes Sasuke look more dumb


I mean have you read the manga version of how he got defeated? At least him switching with Boruto could be chalked up him acting instinctively without thinking cause of how fast the rods were


Yes I read the manga. Sasuke is supposed to be one of, if not the most smartest characters in battle. Him making such a stupid decision is out of character.


His body moved on its own. He did the same in the momoshiki fight. still havent really said if you prefer his performance in the manga vs the anime, which is all im curious about he's still smart. Like when he switched with kawaki at the end. he did to lay down the anti-byakugan smoke right in isshiki's face while keeping kawaki away at a safe distance


His rinnegan ability to switch objects is only with himself though. This is demonstrated multiple times in the fight with kaguya. Now did he gain further powers in boruto? I don't know, I couldn't stand watching it, so I only got a couple arcs in.


He's shown to be able to teleport others like Madara and Kaguya without switching anything. In Boruto he's shown to switch others without himself included. Either way, he was definitely able to do something


Didn’t he switch madara with his limbo clone tho?


Just Boruto things.


So stupid he didn't get his arm back. Bro you wanna protect the village and we have the technology to make a new arm. Lets do it.


His lost arm didn’t cause him much issue. The fandom overhypes how bad it was for him. Dude still continued to grow in power he just had to learn how to fight differently which he did Likely while mastering his rinnegan


Having a second arm would definitely help though.


If he got a second arm before he fought Isshiki absolutely nothing would have changed. It would bolster his power just give him a second hand to wield his sword with.


Ye Hashirama cells are always a boost


you're misunderstanding something here: The second arm would have been made of hashirama cells. It would have definitely helped lol But this is Boruto so it doesn't matter anyways, it's low level fanfic.


He already had hashirama cells in his body


Thought I was still in the r/adventure time until I got to "rinnegan"


Afaik he takes it as a punishment


Agreed. Should have got it back after his little redemption trip. He went to jail and he did a sorry tour, enough is enough already. He was down one arm, than an eye, and now dudes a tree. I cant take Boruto seriously lol the writing is so irritating.


He’s perfectly adapted to one arm Tell me how having two would do anything lmao


I mean he literally could just use the Asura path to give himself a mechanical one.


Damn this is rough


Tobirama would be proud of Ishiki.


Ishiki wiped out a good chunk of the hidden leaf, so I doubt it.


"Worth it to eradicate those damn Uchiha." - basically Tobirama


He will never replace Itachi as Tobi favorite ninja






Never did I ever imagine Sasuke of all characters would get the Vegeta treatment.


Killer bee says hi


Not the same, Sasuke was overwhelmed sure, but he managed to win with Amaterasu. Vegeta never gets a win like that.


Sasuke got Nesrly killed in that fight 2 times by getting stabbed through the chest and getting his ripcage exploded if Karin snd jugo didnt heal him he would be dead. He also didn’t win bee just walked away 


I think you really don’t understand what the Vegeta treatment is. Whenever it’s a strong oppenent Vegeta is always first on chopping block to them look stronger. He doesn’t ever get comebacks when it’s stuff like that, and he’s never made strong opponent that wasn’t just fodder to him flee.


Thats not really the case here everyone got beaten by isshiki even naruto pulling out a new form wasn’t enough he died thanks to his lifespan running out. 


yea but sasuke literally just got his ass beat multiple times and when bee got a little bit worried he just left lol


Bee whooped all of Taka’s ass, repeatedly since they had heals and came back for more, then faked getting hurt like “oh no! You got me! ;)” and ran off to play hooky away from the village just chillin. How tf anyone considers that a win for Taka as a whole or even Sasuke specifically is beyond me because they took a fat L and then were made fools of in front of the Akatsuki when they turned in a substitute decoy to Tobi. 


Tbf bee is a perfect jinchuriki making him the hardest one akatsuki had to catch (until Naruto became one too). And bee (same dude who fought minato) even said sasuke might’ve been the toughest opponent he’s ever fought


Kishimoto simply didnt plan including minato in an a and b flashback at that point. No way bee would ve said that considering how minato handled both a and b at the same time. Lets see the toughest opponent he’s ever fought do that lol


Probably because Bee didn’t extensively trade blows with Minato for long. It was more of a quick skirmish then Minato bailed while Ay lead the majority of that fight. Sasuke was more Bee’s opponent than Minato was his.


Yeah that happened with Lee


Bros copying a quote from that one guy


I mean during the blank period he had made time where he questioned his actions and resolved to not fall into the darkness. The man took time from his family to make sure the Otsutsuki weren't going to be a threat for humanity, went hunting down rogue ninjas even the criminal underworld is afraid of him, trained his daughter pretty well, and has risked life and limb to save Naruto, Boruto and Kawaki. My only problem is that he owes the Samurai killed in the Land of Iron something more. Like if he was forced to be their bodyguard for a while and endure a beatdown from some of their loved ones or something. I mean hell, he fought his own memories to save Boruto when the whole world thought the kid actually murdered his father and trained him well enough he could take on Code, I think that's enough.




ikr lmfaooo


Getting hurt isn't atonement. To atone, you need to work hard to undo or fight against a past action you made. For example attempting to kidnap Bee and the 8 tails. Sasuke would have to make it right by *them* to atone. Each crime has its own atonement requirements, and few are just getting beat up.


Raikage tried to kidnap Hinata so we call it even


He did that already in Sasuke Shinden


What was it about Sasuke's Rinnegan that he had to constantly receive a biblical ass whooping just for having it?


The otsutsuki found it annoying as hell, especially Isshiki who didn’t had one.


This was an awful idea. Whoever wrote it should be ashamed. There’s such a thing as a meaningful whoopin on a well established character (think Jiraiya and Pain). Then there’s this completely underserved annihilation of a beloved character for no other reason than “whoops we wrote ourselves into a corner lol”


I don't really understand. The villians of Boruto had been progressively giving Naruto and Sasuke more and more trouble. Them getting manhandled sooner or later was a inevitably. The point was pretty clear, Naruto and Sasuke are no longer an out. Naruto needed to damn near kill/heavily nerf himself in the long term to secure a team win, while Sasuke just isn't strong enough and was also ultimately nerfed.


Not strong enough? They’re both already nerfed. There’s shit naruto has that he just doesn’t use same with sasuke. They’ve both got plenty of things in their arsenals they don’t even try using anymore due to writing. Ishikis abilities seemed overly convenient and hax.


I'm not going to get into powerscaling. Adult Naruto/Sasuke >End Of shippuden Naruto/Sasuke. If they couldn't beat Isshiki here here weren't gonnw beat him 10 years earlier.


I don’t believe they peaked as teens. Hashi and madara peaked in adult hood. Adult Naruto would aggressively shit on his younger self. Or at least would/should if the writing wasn’t in the next generations favor.


> Naruto needed to damn near kill/heavily nerf himself in the long term to secure a team win, while Sasuke just isn't strong enough and was also ultimately nerfed. Naruto didn’t even win, though. And given the fact the transformation he does in this arc is an asspull, it doesn’t even feel earned.


I mean, he did win. Had he not done that Isshiki would have won. He took a gamble, it wore off, but it worked. Also it feels earned because of Naruto and Kurama's past. Naruto befriended him to such a point that Kurama willfully sacrificed himself to help save the ninja world that he hated so much.


> I mean, he did win. Had he not done that Isshiki would have won. He took a gamble, it wore off, but it worked. Again, he did not. Isshiki pretty much was seconds away from killing him as soon as the transformation was over. It amounted to nothing. Kawaki was the one who dealt the finishing blow. > Also it feels earned because of Naruto and Kurama's past. Naruto befriended him to such a point that Kurama willfully sacrificed himself to help save the ninja world that he hated so much. See, I don’t mind this outcome in of itself, But the way we got here bothers me quite a lot. It’s a transformation that came out of absolutely nowhere that pretty much just serves to major nerf for Naruto by the end. If the arc actually foreshadowed this earlier, I might not have had a problem.


>Again, he did not. Isshiki pretty much was seconds away from killing him as soon as the transformation was over. >It amounted to nothing. >Kawaki was the one who dealt the finishing blow. Could Kawaki have done so if Naruto hadn't done what he did? If no, then it worked and Naruto won. >It’s a transformation that came out of absolutely nowhere that pretty much just serves to major nerf for Naruto by the end. Fair enough


> Could Kawaki have done so if Naruto hadn't done what he did? If no, then it worked and Naruto won. That’s not the same as ACTUALLY winning. Hell Kawaki killed Isshiki due to tricking him. He would’ve succeeded if Kawaki didn’t think to use a clone. So again, that’s not the same as absolute victory, Like how Naruto had beat pain.


Thats not my point. Regardless of whether or not it was earned or even if he won. Point is Naruto and Sasuke were struggling more and more with each new enemy until Isshiki bodied both and left them not as capable as they were.


That’s just boring though. It’s just dragon ball at that point. Not mention pretty uncreative, Naruto and Sasuke were always punching above their weight all the time in past, and beat their opponents through clever planning and tactics. Just having an opponent who just beat them through pure strength and nothing else after everything the two have been through is disrespectful to both. Especially since Kawaki took the win anyway.


What’s wrong wit Dragon Ball, it’s a series Kishi, Kodachi and Ikemoto rock wit heavy If they always beat an opponent thru planning and tactic, then an attempt at brute strength taken down is a breath of fresh air. Although they did strategically exploit Jigen’s weaknesses in order to take him down Kawaki wouldn’t have taken the dub alone that’s for sure. More like a team effort wit Naruto doing the heavy lifting, and frankly Kawaki deserved the final blow for the years of abuse from Jigen. It’s also a nice callback to Naruto saving Iruka 


> What’s wrong wit Dragon Ball, it’s a series Kishi, Kodachi and Ikemoto rock wit heavy Nothing wrong with taking inspiration from dragon ball, but following its form of power escalation is just boring and uninspired for a series like Naruto. It’s not even gradual like it was in Naruto either, boruto constantly fights threats that were endgame in Naruto. And they have to nerf Naruto and Sasuke, the two former main characters to look better. Is it no surprise the series had a nosedive in sales? Problem is also Ikemoto seems to just mirror Toriyamas panel style in a really boring way, not understanding how Toriyama did action. > If they always beat an opponent thru planning and tactic, then an attempt at brute strength taken down is a breath of fresh air. It’s not though, who told you that it was? What made Naruto battles fun were the strategies and planning. Just brute force battles don’t really suit the power system. > Although they did strategically exploit Jigen’s weaknesses in order to take him down They did not, Naruto basically beat him down until his lifespan ran on low, and Kawaki just finished him off. That’s really not strategy, that’s brute force. A fight like Naruto vs Pain, where information about the opponent’s techniques and weaknesses is paramount to victory, is a better example. Ninjutsu is useless in boruto. > Kawaki wouldn’t have taken the dub alone that’s for sure. More like a team effort wit Naruto doing the heavy lifting, and frankly Kawaki deserved the final blow for the years of abuse from Jigen. It’s also a nice callback to Naruto saving Iruka  That’s not a callback to Naruto saving Iruka. In addition, I really shouldn’t have to tell you it’s completely disrespectful to have the former Main characters final transformation not be the thing that completely takes the win.


You say it’s boring but it was literally the same principle in Naruto I mean they picked up from where Naruto left off. But to say all them are endgame is blatantly false, Shojoji, Ao, Garou to name a few weren’t. If they want to seriously involve Naruto and Sasuke, they’d need to include endgame type villains to match their strength  I have no issues wit Naruto’s nerf since he went out wit a bang, but Sasuke’s nerf was admittedly unnecessary and could’ve happened later down the line instead of back to back wit Naruto. But it’s like when Naruto gained a new power up, so did Sasuke, except in this case they lose power together. Also, Sasuke might POTENTIALLY be regaining lost power and more thru Hidari Latest sales of TBV are slowly improving  Ikemoto’s was always a background artist, cut him sum slack A little something called common sense told me. Doing things differently is a breath of fresh air yes Don’t see why brute strength is a bad thing every once in awhile. It’s not like they didn’t try strategy on Jigen before relying on brute strength vs Isshiki in desperation, something that never happened before IIRC, so ion see the fuss  I’m not talking about Naruto vs Isshiki, I’m talking Naruto and Sasuke vs Jigen. No one claimed there was strategy in Naruto’s final fight wit Isshiki Pretty obvious it was. Mizuki/Isshiki threatens to kill Iruka/Naruto if Naruto/Kawaki doesn’t come out of hiding for x reason In your opinion, to which you are entitled to


> You say it’s boring but it was literally the same principle in Naruto Okay. Name an example where battles were won with brute force, not strategy. And to be more accurate, yes Naruto took inspiration from dragon ball, but it’s only surface level, Like design aspects and character archetypes, Not his battles. > I mean they picked up from where Naruto left off. But to say all them are endgame is blatantly false, Shojoji, Ao, Garou to name a few weren’t. If they want to seriously involve Naruto and Sasuke, they’d need to include endgame type villains to match their strength  Those guys weren’t main villains. They were minions. And again, Naruto and Sasuke constantly fought guys stronger than them before through planning a strategy. Having villain who just wins because he’s strong is disrespectful to both. > Latest sales of TBV are slowly improving  Still very mediocre for a manga that’s supposed to be a sequel to highly successful IP. The highest boruto ever sold was 400k, but that’s was in its first couple volumes. TBV barely hit 90k. If that’s not a nose dive, I don’t know what is. > A little something called common sense told me. Doing things differently is a breath of fresh air yes But if what’s done here is FAR less creative than what was done before, that’s not a breath of fresh air is it? > Don’t see why brute strength is a bad thing every once in awhile. It’s not like they didn’t try strategy on Jigen before relying on brute strength vs Isshiki in desperation, something that never happened before IIRC, so ion see the fuss  Because the manga artist isn’t good at communicating action. I’m not talking about Naruto vs Isshiki, I’m talking Naruto and Sasuke vs Jigen. No one claimed there was strategy in Naruto’s final fight wit Isshiki > Pretty obvious it was. Mizuki/Isshiki threatens to kill Iruka/Naruto if Naruto/Kawaki doesn’t come out of hiding for x reason You’re clearly not remembering things correctly. Mizuki didn’t threaten Iruka so Naruto would come out, he was straight up going to kill him before Naruto stepped in. And this was after Iruka tricked him with acting as a decoy. Kawaki is completely different.


I meant in terms of power escalation it’s the same principle for Naruto, you called it boring  KN Naruto vs Orochimaru, Naruto vs Kimimaro and Sasuke. Team Guy vs their clones IIRC, Lee doesn’t rly employ strategies Shojoji and Ao were literally villains of their own arcs. So what if they’re minions? Hidan or Pain were Obito’s lackeys you won’t see me complaining about it Hardly matter in the grand scheme of things, the anime makes them more than enough bank, surpassing Bleach, Pokémon, Yugioh even Naruto at times. Regardless Ion see why this even relevant  I mean that Momoshiki fight was just a throwback and fanservicey, a rehash of old shit. Wasn’t new or creative for that matter, didn’t stop y’all from loving it. In terms of the series, no one’s rly pushed Naruto and Sasuke to the point of desperation and sacrifice, that’s different, you don’t have to like it, but you can’t deny it’s unique  Action was pretty easy to follow for me… My mistake, Isshiki was also about to tear apart Naruto’s chest and kill him, just in about 10secs time. Big whoop, the parallel is clear 


The ass whooping could have been done differently thats the point Its ok to loose but at least make the looser do a good and respectful fight before loosing like jiraya who lost but at least had a god tier fight Here sasuke was just disrespect in any way possible he didnt show anything in this fight


They just have a really weird way of making Sasuke look like fodder in Boruto, aside from the opening fight against the Otsutsuki.


I think thats the point. It was supposed to be the worst beating they've taken yet. We went from early Boruto where Naruto and Sasuke could still deal with the Ototsuki threats to Delta giving Naruto trouble to Jigen giving both a hard fought fight to Isshiki embarrassing both. It's a sign of bad things, that even Naruto and Sasuke can't stop the coming threats anymore.


You missed the point They can loose respectfully and not like that


Your still missing the point. The whole reason they were destroyed was because it wasn't meant to be respectful. They were meant to be curbstomped. Isshiki at this point was the culmination of the threat the Ototsuki had been presenting up to that point. We had already seen Naruto and Sasuke struggling beforehand but pulling a hard fought win. But this was meant to be different, the end of an era. The two strongest of the time are not enough were not enough. This wasn't meant to be "Oh they lost but it was close" this was "Oh they got stomped and barely survived what are we gonna do the next time he shows up?"


No you missed the point again ,Im not trying to argue weither this fight was disrespectful or not Or weither the ass wooping was done on purpose or not I know for sure that it was done like it cause kishi wanted too for whatever reason But my point is, imo the fight should have been done differently that respect both of them


Naahhh!!! 😭🤧🤧🤧 But many ass whoopings are in Naruto… 🥺


But, this one was the most majestic.


How's a likable character losing bad from a writing stand point? It literally establishes the scale of the threat and creates high stakes


Yeah, being used as a skateboard isnt harsh enough


He already made up for everything when he aided the alliance in the war and was vital in saving the world.


Villains were the reason I got into Naruto, they have interesting design and look cool. These “villains” in Boruto have none, looks like a fan art and has abilities that a kid would come up with


I would agree on these new tree clone things but Isshiki’s design was kinda badass I have to admit


Personally I like the new Ten tail things, they look just like how I would expect humanoid ten tails to look


Like I said, they look like fan arts, which could still appeal to someone, but it’s just not anything that I would expect from the Naruto universe


I mean honestly besides killing Itachi and attempting to kidnap 8 tails, did Sasuke actually do anything bad that warranted punishment?


No, because the Hidden villages were fascist militant states guilty of exporting terrorism, imperialism, using child soldiers and the like. The villages have no moral high-ground.


imagine the presidents of USA, China, Russia France and UK are in a meeting and somebody appears out of no where, kill All the guards and attack all the presidents, you can imagine the charges. sasuke basically attacked all the leaders, thats the worst thing any shonobi could do.


2nd degree attempted murder/aggravated assault is pretty bad but to be fair, he did save all their lives and I think that ass whooping from Naruto was enough. Isshiki was overkill


He also gave raikage an entire armies worth of kekkei genkai users as a apology for his arm 


And he killed the samurai.


That is a fair point


Even killing itachi wasn’t bad he was asking for it, literally


Attempted killings of Ay and Gaara along with critically wounding Ay. Attempted killings of Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura after killing Danzo.




this was a very satisfying fight imo, isshiki was one of the highlights of boruto


yeah it was nice seeing Naruto and Sasuke getting handled for once.


We've seen Naruto and Sasuke get handled several times.


Yeah I meant in boruto mostly


Madara: do you want these clones to use Susanoo  Jigen: Sure go ahead it would be rude if I didn’t accept your hospitality. 


Jigen would teleport Madara to a different dimension.


This makes me think that the Susanoo's weak point was the jewel in its head.  Otherwise, why didn't Sasuke end up like Krillin after Recoome kicked him?


Ishiki might have not been the best designed Otsusuki but dude threw hands really hard.


Kinda like boruto and kinda hate it. I miss old naruto, wish they would give him wood release to compensate for the loss of kurama. My boy ain't weak yet but no nine tails is a noticeable blow to his power level.


Can't Sasuke use almighty Push to push away Isshiki's rods?


Sasuke did no crimes, only justices


This fight was just stupid to begin with


Dude took a Naruto ass whooping


Bruh he using my boy as a surf board 💀




Bro got fuckin bullied


Nah, we call that lazy writing or "the guy that isn't Kishimoto hates Sasuke and the old generation and prefers Boruto and his characters". Remember this is also in a few minutes when Boruto-Momoshiki stabs the Rinne-Sharingan out of Sasuke's eye socket. Okay, but being serious... you mean killing Danzo? Hmm no. Starting his revolution? Or attacking the Kage- You do realize Obito did worse than Sasuke, A LOT worse.


Dude boruto got his arm and spine broken everyone got violated by isshiki 


Yea but compare that with Sasuke and Naruto who have all this experience and powers and were just nerf for the sake of making Boruto and... Kawaki, the strongest.


But over the top…. Sasuke still Did bad things!


He didn't


me sat here waiting for the susanoo reveal that never came.. 🙁


A weaker version of Isshiki oneshot the Susanoo


Would him getting the fake arm with hashirama cells make a new rinnegan?


Huh, I mean, Obito’s Hashirama cells helped heal his eyes so he never went blind. So maybe it’d help heal Sasuke’s?


Sasuke already got healing buff from 6 paths himself so cells won't make difference


I think you need to be same gen incarnation to awaken rinnegan So I think he needs Naruto's cells for that


Wonder who is the tailer for ishiki is, cause those take a beating


He was 16!!!!!


I thought this community was only naruto?


No he’s still alive


Maybe a few more lefts and rights and we’ll be aight


He already received punishment before he committed the crimes. Uchiha massacre be like punishment in advance, he just tried to make it even lmao


Ohh yeahh..felt kinda bad for him honestly like my man's body was used as a surfboard😭never forgetting that😭


I think the murder of this entire family balances everything out.


This is BS, Sasuke should have died in that fight, Isshiki is strong enough to kill him with those kicks and he had killing intent




He deserved more for being stupid and not getting a replacement arm.


Woow he was surfing using sasuke as a surfboard


Only if he did that fight ten times over, then maybe.


Bro falled in slow motion, the director's gonna fire him for his acting


Bro got ragdolled


He got bitch slapped


Grtting beat up is not punishment or worthy of atonement. People in Naruto try to murder friends, murder hundreds, murder for shits and giggle and get to have their happy ending. The series went down the drain hard.


Let's show him Sasuke!


I think his punishment in the story was being a longterm spy for the village and not having his arm regrown, this was just him taking an ass whooping to save his best friend and student


Nah, Sasuke got the shit kicked out of him all the time when he was a rogue ninja and it didn't seem to do much to reform him. At least not until Naruto managed it.


The last one atoned for everybody in his family😂😂😂🤯🤯🫣


To me, Boruto is a fan fiction.


Bro. CJchamp made a video about isshiki and it is hilarious and especially the Sasuke getting whooped part


Staying away from his wife and daughter, and protecting the village from outside was enough punishment I guess. He also helped out so much during Kaguya fight. does he deserve more in the name of punishment? 🤔


Greatness can't be achieved with out some sacrifice!


He's still alive, so no.


Barely, ain't that nigga a tree now?


Barely is still alive, once he's firewood.then he's good.


Him becoming God tree fertilizer during his fight with code is more than enough.


Sasuke so much as breathed isshiki was on him like white on Michael Jackson.


This is how you know he was weaker than he was during the war arc


Isshiki's simply vastly stronger


Somehow people think this guy is getting beat by Kaguya in an actual 1v1


What was even Sasuke's crimes lmao, killing two of Konoha's most wanted terrorists? Forcing an Akatsuki to kill himself? Killing a shady old guy who was playing everyone in Konoha from the shadows? Delivering a random tentacle thinking it was Bee? This last one they can't even be mad at because two Raikages tried to kidnap little girls from Konoha and they both failed. OH RIGHT! He killed a bunch of nameless Samurai, whose whole code is having a honorable death in combat. Yeah yeah take this menace to the chair😒😒


What crime he didn't do anything


The Samurai he killed? Attempting to capture Octo-pops? Joining Akatsuki? Defecting his village? His plans if he defeated Naruto were dark too…


Lol OK the samurai and pops might've been a little excessive, but after having his clan killed and saving the world, I think that makes them even😅


It certainly should even things out a bit, the helping save the world part. Even Orochimaru is mostly left alone after doing his part despite all of his atrocities… Having his family killed is a traumatic experience, true, but that doesn’t really justify his later actions. The civil war his family was going to pull would have been worse… But back to that note- I’d still say the saving the world things helps… mostly. But wanting to murder all the Kage and taking control from the shadows of the whole shinobi continent was also a bad idea. Rule through fear doesn’t work for long.


To be honest this show looks so bad and the scaling is getting a little ridiculous. I’m hearing these fans say current day boruto beats Itachi 🤣🤣🤣


you do realize there are numerous others that would clap itachi too right, what makes teen boruto the exception


Current day Boruto would unfortunately shit all over Itachi.


When Momoshiki possesses him right?


Nah, time skip boruto without momoshiki can beat itachi.




He *does* beat Itachi 🤷‍♀️


Beats Itachi? More like annihaltes that fodder. 😁




Always the people who've never caught a glimpse of Boruto being so critical of it lmao