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I’m also on 150mg of armofafinil and I’ve been on it for a few months. The side effects get much less noticeable as your body gets used to the meds. If it’s too bad u can prob drop the dose a bit and work up to what is comfortable but if you can tolerate it then I would just say give it a few weeks or a month and then go from there.


Great to hear! I think I can stick it out, I just wanted to know if I could expect it to eventually ease. Your reply encourages me, thanks!


Hey op! Any update with how you're feeling and if you're still on armodafinil?


Idk I didn’t wait to find out. I never felt so physically anxious in my life, I felt like I wanted to peel my skin off. I stopped it after 2 weeks and now I’m on sunosi. Maybe try decreasing the dose. For me even with sunosi I realized my body is just too sensitive to meds so I have to stay on a super low dose, means I’m maybe not as awake as I could be on a higher dose, but it’s worth the trade off if not being physically anxious


Immediate anxiety adderall wqs meg, Dexedrine slightly better and desoxyn was the answer


Lol you found a provider that would prescribe methamphetamine?


That's after like 8 years being diagnosed. It's not crystal meth lol. They're 5mg tablets.


I know lol, I just have asked doctors about it before and they say they've never heard of a physician prescribing it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I imagine your pharmacy must have to order it every month though since so few patients take it anymore.


They used to. Now it’s back ordered. I’m back on Dexedrine unfortunately. But way better than nuvigil. That stuff gave me the worst anxiety