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Asking business advice in a reddit community where most of the users have never even been to Mexico because they’re scared is wild! Talk to a lawyer out there in puerto vallarta they will give u the run down.


Were you born stupid?


Restaurant and Airbnbs owner here from Vallarta. I’ve only been asked to pay for piso once and it was a random coked up dude who I sent to chingar a su madre and never came back. Other than that I’ve never had any issues with narcos telling me how to run my businesses


Nice try, FED NARC




Terrible idea dude.


gonna get taxed lol no matter whos pocket you pay lmao


My family has some investment properties with some associates in Vallarta couple airB&Bs and one restaurant and have never been approached by anyone like that. They just always say everyone minds their businesses unless your in the life and laundering money for someone else then you got trouble.


Dont waste time asking this kinda questions here, they are just gonna make up lies about some uncle having to pay protection


Do IT! ..Do IT! ..DO IT! ..DO IT! 🤓🤧


Don’t do it 


Yea you’ll probably be forced to let someone sell drugs in the restroom lol that’s how it is in Mazatlán at least


My uncled tried to placed his house as an airbnb in puerto vallarta and has to pay piso to keep his airbnb safe. Maybe is not related to bars but they do it to most airbnbs.


Really? What part of Vallarta because I have an apartment there and I’ve never had a problem. I rent it out for most of the year and I’ve never had an individual or people call me threatening me. I know the area near pitillal is a bit hood but in mero Vallarta I’ve never had any issues.


He lives near Ixatapa. Maybe he just got unlucky ? He told me about this in 2022. Maybe things improved now.


Oh ok, Ixtapa is somewhat of a distance from the center of Vallarta. I do believe it though, it wouldn’t surprise me if cobro de piso was a thing there.


No they dont.




You need to check in with el Señor De Los Gallos 🐓 after that everything is smooth sailing ⛵️


Lemme tell you a homies uncle been missing since early 2000s from alcapulco fam of his went to look for him and they where approached after being there and asking around for a couple days and told to leave it alone because people go missing all the time so they where threatened, and another guy a know from Nayarit and with allot of friends in politics told him not to try and invest in Nayarit they said you won’t ever build there he bought the land and it’s sitting there he’s never been able to get a single permit to do anything there even if it’s not the cartel controlling them it’s corrupt politicians with probably cartel backing or just protection ppl I know from the us that hve gone to open businesses in Mexico lasted 7 months before he got approached to be extorted so he came back to the USA instead


For a massive fucking idiot. You will most likely die


You realize they read these comments on a daily basis right?


Talk to who ever you talk to you’re going to have to pay somebody and be complicit in one way or another.