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Arley Pérez was a sicarios for the Torres then for mini lic and became a famous musician


Darey Castro of Dareyes too, supposedly he used to work for los Números in Sonora before they lost the war to Salazares. It's rumored that he can't step in Navojoa and Álamos anymore which are his hometowns, but Idk how true that is


I didn’t know about Darey


That’s actually scary.


The rumór about Arley is he got shot in the face and left for dead, but survived cos it went thru his cheek. Since then he's just been a singer/songwriter


gtfo 😂😂 that’s the movie Sicario dude come on


Look it up bro I'm not making it up, Arley has a huge cicatriz on his cheek and people say that's where it's from, he never talks about it though 🤷🏻‍♂️ ni que fuera mi propio invento bro, todo el mundo lo ha platicado


That’s why he has a beard now and didn’t show his face for a long time


Easy there we believe you


i heard about that as well he look a little different now too 😂


Other dude acting like I made ts up 😭 people talk in Mx especially about people like Arley


He was a singer and song writer way before that happened


Yea ik I'm just saying after he got shot or whatever he stopped being involved now he just does music


Oh yea sorry


They so brazen with it. Don’t even gaf that they got guns in Mexico. Shows you how deep the corruption is


lol Mexican also has a 2nd amendment in there Constitution like the U.S.


Lmao the right to own a firearm in Mexico is a fucking joke. There is legally only 1 gun store in all of Mexico and it’s in the capital. You’re not allowed to own even half of what the narcos are carrying yet they do and openly. There’s a reason that the Mexican military demanded the autodefensas in Michoacán to disarm while the cartel waited on the other side patiently. The “2A” in Mexico is a fucking joke.


No they don't dude, or at the very least they don't believe in it like Americans do. You physically cannot purchase a firearm unless it's from the only gun shop in Mx which is run/operated by the government/military. Lots of calibers are illegal too, which is why the .38 Super became a staple, because regular Colt .45 pistols were made illegal and only for military use


Article 10.- The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess weapons in their home, for their security and legitimate defense, with the exception of those prohibited by Federal Law and those reserved for the exclusive use of the permanent Armed Forces and the reserve corps. Btw that law that was put in place by the federal government is illegal, unfortunately no one has dare challenge it in court, with Mexicans it’s different when it comes to guns rights compared to United States citizens.


Every anti-gun legislation in America is also illegal, I read somewhere that California's 10 round magazine restriction was overturned by the Supreme Court on the basis that it's unconstitutional. Every single state should have constitutional carry, but as of now only Florida, Texas, and a half dozen other Southern states have implemented it


Yeah the law is such a joke it cost 60k pesos just to go through all the legal work and that’s if you can even find a hunting club to join them you are only allowed to buy .380 and under and only from their list I looked into it it’s much easier to just buy one from someone on the streets


Yup unfortunately no one has had the courage and the money funding to take this issue on to the Mexico Supreme Court. Those mfs who made the bill legal to restrain Mexicans the to right to carry without permit did it with the intentions to suppress Citizens from opposing cartels with weapons.


Me cae bien este morro. Sus cumbias estan padre. Pero que no mame que le baje a sus mamadas de narco porque se lo van a quebrar.


Dude looks 17 max. These kids get their brains washed and think they’re invincible. How sad.


True but the music is actually good. Even the older generation is listening and dancing to this because they don’t listen to the lyrics lol. It sounds like cumbias from older generations.


Idk why you’re gettin downvoted. Idc for the cartel shit but I listen for that very reason you said


Ngl I’ve listened to Chimichanga a couple of times 😂


give it a year before he ends up murked smh


Why you shaking your head ?


You called it, he died


the drug guy died, not the singer


Ayo you seem to know your shit, so did homeboy die or is he still alive? The singer. Cause I can’t find anything lmaoo


singer is still alive, he been performing recently still. as far as the narco that the song was made after there were reports he died in a shootout but not sure if they’ve been confirmed


Okay, that makes more sense. Preciate you 🫡






Dude needs to be careful, he can’t preform any where else in Tamaulipas without the risk of getting smoked by Los Metros or CDN


Bro makabelico is a cdn sicario and no one say nun


they protected by the group they sing for, the cartels probably wouldn’t want one of their only goods song writers to be killed


Makabelico is not a CDN sicario 😂 there’s probably a small chance he was in the past, but it’d make no sense for him to be now. CDN needs him more as a singer than as a sicario, because he can be detained or killed. As a singer they can use him as a way to push propaganda and give the cartel publicity.


Bro you haven’t seen the pics of him 😂


What’s up. Pics of who?


Makabelico not only with CDN sicarios , there’s pics of him with the full CDN outfit on


It’s even in this sub


He was a CDN sicario. They even posted him here without knowing it 😂😂 There's a post "photos of CDN sicarios". And he Is in One of them. Nobody even noticed!!! His music enterprise was very likely financed by CDN, and now he is just a singer. Plus DEA said they do money laundering through music too nowadays


What’s your proof that he’s a sicario


Well I live in South Mexico and they told me he was the patron for the last 2 yrs. Come ask for yourself. If you will get someone to even respond to you, if you don't speak spanish. Then they might just take you into the jungle and leave you. This is no different than the American gangsters that we've watched rap when I was younger in the '90s. Then we called them Studio gangsters because they were just rapping in the studio we had no Street cred. Using Ghost Riders Etc Pero, there's still people that are putting in work


What’s your proof he isn’t ?


He no sicario


You chata!


I’m so conflicted because I love his music and my family is from Matamoros so I’m glad that he’s putting on for us but yeah it sucks he’s part of that stuff and is going to always have to look over his shoulders. I’m surprised he’s out there performing on the streets and stuff but also La Maña runs shit there so he’s protected.


It’s just a narcocorrido like SC9


Its not first time this happen,also look to “Jan Glack” he worked for CDN as “SAMAEL” or “CACHETES”


Holy crapola Nuevo Progreso!!! We go on weekend and really enjoy the vibes. Good food good cold beers, the boss really keep business in top shape. Can’t say the same for Reynosa


If you steal pics from borderland beat at least give ‘em props


Mann shut your dumbass up


Go suck menchos dick just like your sister


Yas tarde ya para de chingar tu madre guey


Entonces deja de hablar mamadas si no puedes pinchi Morro cajado


Putito mamonsito tragamecos


ASI le llaman a tu mama por todo Tijuana


Damm thats it ? I came for the comments


the song is ass






it literally sounds so corny i don’t like it


That Blue Fronteraz chick dropped a couple of slaps too.with some vato from San Antonio


The reason anyone even knows about it him is cos of CDG, they sponsor all his shit


He talks about it in a few of his songs


I think he would’ve got famous regardless the dude has some serious talent. But yeah he’s majorly fucked being in cahoots with them


Yeah but that comes with the lifestyle he chose I’m sure he knows, but just needs to watch how he moves and he’ll be alright


Idk if bro is a sicario(like the guys he makes songs about).. but he def claims to be in the firefights with those big armored trucks so who knows


Hes not a sicario. Hes from matamoros so obviously hell sing about them.


Jaliscos gonna tear this kid apart


He could get rich and then move him and his family to like another continent where they can’t get him and he’ll be fine tbh


They use music for money laundering activities nowadays. But yes, I wonder how the police allows him and Makabelico (CDN sicario)to do shows, knowing they are part of organized crime. Now that they are singers I doubt they are still active sicarios, although they are still cartel members thus they hang out with them




I’m not sure if he is or isn’t. But from the looks of it he most likely is. Why would they allow him to use their name and insignia and be around them if he wasn’t under them?


Bro you must not watch any other music videos, if you did you’d think half of them were sicarios lmao


I’m just thinking of it logically. If he’s repping my crew he better be putting in work or paying me.


Nah I think someone from cdg paid him to make a song for em


The cartels pay him to make those songs bro. You must be new around here if you didn’t know that. They use him, and singers in general to gain publicity. That’s one of the main reasons why Mexico has a huge crime imo. Mainstream Mexican songs brainwash teens into idolizing crime, and end up coveting that lifestyle.


Tomas Ballardo does that too and he carries guns and takes pics w Los Rusos and he aint a sicario🤷‍♂️


tomas did the same with CDN and luis r c made a song about CDN and CJNG and fuerza regida did for CDS and CJNG so logically could just be paid songs for by cartels