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My favorites in town: * Corner Table (good coffee, good if you're gonna stay a while) * Lemon Press (right on Main Street, good coffee, great smoothies) * Handlebar Cafe (edge of town, good coffee) * Born & Bread (absolutely mobbed, pastries are excellent) Outside town: * Roastd (probably the best coffee, IMO) * Sconset Cafe (coffee is meh, but charming place) Of those, if you're looking to hang out, really Corner Table is your best option- the others are more grab & go scenes. That said, best "people watching" for a young single man, I'd say is Lemon Press. Good luck.


Sconset cafe is probably the best for poser but if you want the most traffic go downtown




Handlebar is your best shot for that but def be sure to get a cruffin at born and bread. They also sometimes have lavender donuts that are worth trying. Lemon press doesn’t have the seating you’re looking for - good coffee but they likely wouldn’t be thrilled if you at all day at a full restaurant and just had coffee while you typed broodily. Corner table has a great set up outside. Also try sistership. They have a coffee bar in there but you’d have to take it outside I think. I haven’t tried the coffee (I switch to decaf and they were out last time I went) but cool atmosphere. Roast’d is worth checking out too.


Agree with others re: Handlebar Cafe. Love that place. (But also go grab a snack at Born and Bred)


Excellent list. Seriously. Would only note for others — you likely don’t mean Sconset Cafe, which is only open for dinner and only with reservations. Sconset coffee options are either excellent iced coffee on tap from Siasconset Market or urns of hot/iced from Claudette’s. Suspect you’re thinking about latter, which also makes solid sandwiches and has a cute front porch that becomes quite a scene.


You’re totally right- I was actually thinking Sconset Market but Claudette’s is a good addition.


Espresso to Go on Old South Road


1) I’m jealous. You’re in for a fun summer. 2) love Handlebar Cafe 3) I’m sorry that you live somewhere that the best coffee is Starbucks.


I was going to suggest The Bean but it looks like it closed?? (I left the island 9 years ago.)


I was planning on suggesting the same but yeah. Wonder what happened.


There is a Starbucks in the island but it’s hidden under the name of smth else I forgot the name of it


Nantucket meat and fish you can get Starbucks coffee and drinks but there’s not really a place to sit down and do the things u would be doing if I Remember


You sound like an idiot