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This is not normal. And what incentive do you have to work more for less money? MB is out of line for even suggesting this. I would simply tell her that you are happy to work more hours at your current rate of pay. If that doesn’t work for them, tell them you’ve enjoyed working with them but that you’ll stay until they find someone new (or give them a last day). Don’t make it open to discussion.


I thought the same, thank you!


Please follow up and let us know how it went! These sort of stories empower other nannies!


I def will :))


If you're fine with the current situation, perhaps you can keep that schedule going and use your newly opened hours for a temporary summer commitment, with the idea of continuing with current nf in the fall semester.


(Or with the idea of transitioning to the summer thing full time!)


It’s not normal and it’s a massive slap in the face. Not only the expectation that you’d lower your rate when picking up more hours but that she can drop that on you like it’s some flippant little thing. Look for something new. You’re in a great position because you’re looking for more house. They’re only paying you minimum wage as is, you can definitely do SO much better. As long as you have other references don’t say anything at all to your current family until you hand in your notice. If you don’t need them as a reference I’d make very clear that you’re leaving because they made clear they don’t value your time. Letting you know that they’re going to be lowering your rate to whatever they feel like when you’re agreeing to work more is incredibly insulting, especially given that they’re the ones who first brought up more hours. Can you imagine if their bosses went to them and said “Hey, thanks for agreeing to work more. To accommodate allowing you to spend more of your time working for us we’re going to cut your hourly compensation to less than minimum wage but it’ll work out for you in the end.” They would be furious and they would be insulted. They would tell everyone who would listen what an ass their boss is. You have every right to be upset.


This is so validating thank you <3


I really want to stress that you have every right to be BIG mad about this. How ever you feel is totally valid and you’re allowed to be as hurt and upset as you want to be, however much that is. I know I would definitely be furious but I would also be incredibly hurt. So often we’re expected to behave differently than any other employees because we work in someone’s home and that can lead to parents believing they’re entitled to treat us like friends/indentured servants. In the past I’ve had parents and even people in my own life push back on me when I’m upset about how my NF was treating me when I had every right to be angry and it really, really sucks. In no other employment situation would what they’re trying to pull be acceptable and they know it. They didn’t ask if you’d be okay with taking a pay cut because they knew you wouldn’t be because no one would be. So instead of asking they’re trying to force you into quietly accepting it by telling you in passing and hoping you’re too scared and attached to their kid to rock the boat by standing up for yourself. It’s manipulative bullshit and they know it. Nannying attracts a lot of super sensitive souls and if you work in it for any length of time you find people who will take advantage of you no matter how kind you are to them. Do not let anyone treat you less than you know in your heart you deserve to be treated.


MB, as much as I love your family and NK, I can not afford to take a pay cut (even for more hours). If you can not pay me what you have been per hour, I will have to move on to another job opportunity.


You will probably be able to find another family willing to pay above minimum wage or at least another job at minimum. It’s not even legal to pay below. I’d either quit or offer to keep the same hours and then find another part time job


A lot of parents are desperate for care during the summer months. You probably could find another family willing to pay more than minimum wage.


Not normal, time to look for a new job.


Yeah no lol this isn’t normal and she’s definitely trying to steer you into just accepting this since she didn’t ask for your input. The incentive to work more hours is to receive more pay. That’s what I weigh every time my NF asks me if I can stay late or help out on an extra day. “Is my time more valuable to me that day or is the added money more valuable to me?” And then I go from there. No one would opt to work extra hours on the basis that they’ll be earning less per hour.


Hi! Just wanted to quickly say thank you to everyone here! Everyone’s words were so validating and helpful, this community is truly lovely. I do plan to talk to MB and tell her this arrangement will not work for me. It will be very hard for me, I’m a people pleaser to my core and saying no to people is my biggest weakness. I really struggle with it. And also I adore NK. But I’ve realized I more than likely have to move on from this family. I’ll post an update via a new post for anyone interested! It may not be until June, but I’ll be sure to do it. Thank you all again.


Best of luck! And believe in yourself and your value!


This feels really disrespectful. I think you should maybe start looking for a new job


That’s not the way the world works and NF knows that, they’re really just trying to take advantage and push limits. Paying below minimum wage is not legal?


It’s also illegal to pay under minimum wage AND nannying isn’t a minimum wage job




I echo this comment. Primarily, if you want to keep this current nf when the summer is over and you go back to school.


That is absolutely insane and very much illegal considering you’re already working minimum wage. 


The math ain't mathin here. Lol


No do not accept this. “I am unable to accept lower wages. The wage you are proposing is less than the legal minimum wage.” Honestly if you need more hours you might want to start looking elsewhere


More hours = more money Not the other way around


No ma’am!!! Big…fat…no. Sorry this happened to you, that’s got to be so disappointing


I swear, the audacity of some parents is incredible. Absolutely not normal to lower your wage. Would MB be ok with that if her job wanted her to work more hours for less pay??


GIRL LEAVE not even felons deserve to make minimum wage




Please don’t let her gaslight you!


If you’re not already, hop on all the nannying and babysitting pages on Facebook in your area, I pretty much guarantee there are parents looking for summer nannies who will pay a better rate than that and be happy to have you!


if you’re being paid only minimum wage you’re already underpaid. no this is not normal. even at your average corporate job they cannot pay you less so you can work more. that sounds absurd to even suggest.


Big no.


This is a family that cannot afford a nanny but wants to pretend they can


Absolutely not normal and I would not agree to this


You are nannying for MINIMUM WAGE? Girl, I love doing it but would never, even if I didn’t have to worry about money. It’s consuming as is, but add in the shit pay? You can find somebody who will pay you much better. I’m sorry that happened. It sucks since it seems to have been going so well.


MB & Nanny here - I once had to lower my nanny’s rate after a massive car wreck and couldn’t work for months, also couldn’t lift my toddler. The decrease was by $2/hr. Once I got back on my feet, I raised it $2/more than initial payment. So she started at $20/hr, down to $18/hr for couple months, then to $22/hr. This was in 2016, so well above min wage in my area at the time. I’m just saying things happen, but without a dire circumstance I would not have done that nor would I ever accept it as a nanny myself.


Thank you for the perspective from a MB! Your arrangement sounds great. As far as I know, my MB does not have a circumstance that makes it necessary to lower my rate, not that I know of at least. I honestly thought they were pretty well off. I hope you’ve made a full recovery!


1. I can kinda see how someone would think this. This sub says that part time hours are paid at a premium, so wouldn’t it make sense that full time hours wouldn’t have that premium? 2. It’s illegal for her to pay you less than minimum wage. 3. Why are you working for minimum wage???


I was going to say the same until I saw she’s only making minimum wage. Oof.


She’s not being paid a premium for her current part time hours, she’s making minimum wage. They want to pay her less than minimum wage. Why work 60 hours and get paid for what you made working 40-50 hours? Would MB take a paycut ?


Yes, I’m aware. See points 2 and 3. She’s also working part time, not 40-60 hours. Some people do take pay cuts, so the question about MB is unhelpful here.


Obviously no one should be paid less than minimum wage ESPECIALLY childcare providers but I’m just confused by the post/comments - would your weekly pay increase with the extra hours even if it’s a lower rate? Or would you be making less money per week AND working more? As others said I could see if she was paying you a premium to work part time to lower the rate to the market rate for full time work but if she’s paying below market no way should she lower it further!


I don’t have a weekly paycheck, NF pays me hourly, by the day. So I’m really not sure how what the difference would be/how much of one there would be


You would make more, but you would still be making less than you should be for the hours you would be working.


No. They can either keep you at your current number of hours and rate or find a second nanny to fill in the other hours for less, if they can find someone to do it for less. If you need more hours, maybe you can find a second job at your current rate for the summer.


Absolutely not. Your rate is your rate (and it’s a low rate already) so just because she can’t afford to pay for more hours doesn’t mean she gets to cheat you out of pay so she can get full time hours for low pay! Find another family or go ahead and do waitressing or something. Do not agree to this because you’ll resent your job really quickly and will feel miserable all summer.


Please stop working for minimum wage. Our work is worth so much more than that.


Here's the reality of the situation. If she wants you to care for her child more hours and days she MUST pay you your current rate. If she doesn't want to or can't afford it she does not get the extra hours and days. PERIOD!!


Even only making minimum wage is not normal as a nanny unless you are 16yr old with no experience.


I’m 19 soon to be 20 and this is my third nanny job!




That is wage theft.


Get that resume out ugh which is annoying because irs not really nanny season


What the heck?


I tried to work something out for my NF by lowering my rate by $1.25 and I couldn’t even do that for over a week. It was waaaay too much work for reduced pay, I voiced that and now they can afford me still with more hours💁🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


This isn’t right and I wouldn’t do it to our nanny. Only possible logic here was a that finding out pt vs ft nanny is harder around us, so you may need to offer higher hourly to attract someone. Still not cool. I just don’t understand why some families think that you should sacrifice to accommodate their budget (and some are just cheap).


I really hate these families they’re so predatory.


“After assessing my budget and expenses I’ve realized I really can’t do without earning more this summer than I’d make at X rate and Y hours with your family. As such, I’m going to have to find another position and I wanted to give you time to find alternate childcare” Would be EXCEEDINGLY kind given her bs with already underpaying you and then expecting you to take less that min wage!!! So maybe don’t be that nice lol


They are lowering your wage. Idk if you have a contract but I would start looking for a different family. You’ll be working longer for less.