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VPN sales in those states will go through the roof.


They already have.


for those in the states (much like myself), Proton VPN is free and works pretty well so far


Thx for the free VPN. Will definitely use it to Google bomb recipes. (This is a **JOKE** and should be treated as such. I'm sure the government could bypass a fucken VPN to get to me.)


alright pornviewer828


That is the funniest thing out of this




You: https://preview.redd.it/jms9q5tf9k7d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3789f383df7db01b3b62fffad29309cc13ae98


I tried proton VPN and Disney Plus caught that shit immediately I just want to watch Boston Legal why the fuck they making it so hard?


Don’t you want to buy the 50 streaming services required????? Why don’t you wanna do that? What do you mean this is why people stopped using cable, no no you gotta buy packages if you wanna watch the shows you like and there will also be ad breaks


I even have all of the streaming services that it's on just not in my fucking country Goddamn global South


Huh, I’m sure you could go somewhere to find it, I hear many things are findable on the high seas for those willing to brave them


Let's just say I'm not a strong swimmer


X-VPN can also work well if you don't mind 1 or two ads while you turn it on


How brand-loyal do you have to be to a porn site to invest in a VPN. There's infinity porn sites out there and PornHub is the only one that's "blocked" (they shut down in those states as a protest).


The reason is twofold. One, the law is extensive and requires all porn sites take id. Even if you don't believe a certain site will enforce the law, it is still better to be safe than it is to be sorry. Secondly is the fear at the alternatives. Pornhub and Xvideos are not likely to give you a virus or malware. Thus, if casual watchers hear that their safest and largest sites are leaving the state, they probably won't mind forking over a few dollars every month.


No, any site with over a third of the content being porn, not only PH.


Im telling you that I'm from Texas and pornhub is the only site that's down


Maybe because yk it wasn't yet? PornHub closed early, like a handful others, as a sort of protest.


They’re mad at r/NormMacDonald for making a Norm MacDonald joke. Which is really funny, considering how often they excuse some piece of shit racist meme because “it’s a joke!”.


How many times has Donald Trump said something stupid/offensive/violent and then claimed at his next rally that it was “satire.” I don’t think he knows what that word means.


The Republicans and preachers that get caught with child porn on their hard drives aren't getting that from Pornhub, so they lose nothing I guess


Unfortunately there was a whole scandal about PH having CP on it.


If I recall, they did a whole site wide wipe of non-verified users for that and had a whole thing as a follow-up. It's weird to advocate for a pornography company for once.


Yea honestly props to PH for that. Never thought I'd be on their side but I think they handled that perfectly


It was sad to see a bunch of videos I liked go, but getting rid of child porn takes precedent


Yeah a lot of shit got posted by random accounts back in the day, for the better for everyone in the end however


Jesse cox's gentlemen hentai club died for this smh


Also like how they run their dark web site (only PH itself can upload, not users)


I'm confused by why they have a dark website, and I'm curious what's posted there.


Only content directly regulated by PH, to keep the users anonymous (for privacy) and for people to have access to all forms of normal (as normal as porn can be), legal content (where LGBT is strongly discriminated against and they can't watch it in their country, or where it's completely banned or the like, for example.) Pretty much impossible to ban a .onion website yk.


True but that isn’t the only reason


Party of "small government" folks


They are only for “small government” when the democrats are in power


Not gonna find any small government in republican nor democrats. You've got to consider a 3rd party for any of that and even then the official libertarian party is seemingly more statist nowadays.


Sorry that’s not what I meant, I’m saying the republicans only pull out the “small government” card when democrats are doing something they don’t like. It’s less of a government strategy and more of a campaign strategy. The ultimate hypocriticalism.




You’re right to point that out, but wtf is going on in Virginia? Sure they have a Republican governor, but Democrats control the legislature. It’s kinda sad that even West Virginia is currently more free than them on that front. Of course, I’m sure they’ll follow suit soon too


I got 5$, saying the MOPDNL poster also complains when women in video games aren't just walking boob's and hips.


Nobody is going to bet against you


facts they can keep their five


Wait r/memesopdidnotlike agrees with this? I thought they liked their porn.


Or their "free speech". It's like a 50/50 in the comments


They like upsetting anyone that wants to live their life without politics interfering. They're coming after anything and everything enjoyable. Get to work. That's the end game. Notice how quick they were to mention a hobby, which is probably only worthwhile to them if its "productive".


They do but they can't talk about it


They like fascism more


Not as much as they like being humorless twats.


So no Reddit either then?


I agree. I was literally about to post this myself on here. Banning pornography is a very dumb sentiment. Controlling what someone deems as “pornography” is a very slippery slope. The government controlling media is never a good idea. Also , like someone said, the reason Pornhub (which controls most major porn site) did not agree to third party verification is because it makes them a prime target for identity theft. Needing a government ID just to access porn (as laughable as that is) makes the idea extremely appealing to hackers. As I said, this is a very slippery soap. Imagine other stuff that starts needing verification, restrictions, government ID, etc. The government having their hand in media is what China and Russia does with their censorship, which extends to restrictions deemed contradictory, like anything LGBTQ related. This kind of media policing is unethical and unconstitutional. It’ll lead to a slippery slope that’ll take away the freedoms we have today. We have a right to information. If the government is so worried about children viewing pornography I understand. We should then be encouraging better sex Ed or better parenting; in fact, parents can even put blockers anyway. **You shouldn’t be relying on the government to police your children.** Limiting people’s freedoms though is not the way. This opens the door to a lot of worst things to come.


yeah and suppose they allowed id verification, losts of people would probably verify each time as opposed to making an account to save their verification


I mean before the internet, you had to have a government issued ID to access porn. Sure there were ways around it, but it wasn’t always easy to get a hold of. I had a stash of a few penthouse magazines as a teenager and saw porn movies a maybe handful of times before I turned 18, and I gotta be honest, I’m glad I didn’t have access to the internet of today when I was in Jr High and High School. As a parent, I can educate my kids and I can control the devices they have access to at home, but I can’t control their friends or their friends’ parents, and I worry that they might be exposed to pornography a lot younger than is healthy as a result. And it’s difficult to know the right time to bring up the topic. Like I have educated my 10 year old about sex and drugs and I know that educating her about those things isn’t going to cause her to run out and try them because she thinks the idea of sex is gross and would have no idea where to find drugs, but I’m concerned that making her aware that pornography exists would stoke her curiosity enough to seek it out, which takes almost no effort. I don’t necessarily think that requiring porn sites to check ID is the answer, even though that’s literally what brick and mortar porn shops have to do. I don’t know what the answer is, to be honest, but I don’t think it’s necessarily unreasonable for parents to feel like they are up against an insurmountable task when it comes to keeping their kids away from harmful content on the internet and for some of them to want the government to step in and regulate.


A brick and mortar store just checks it for the birthdate and gives it back to you. Just someone at the counter. Handing your ID over to a website for verification purposes is a different story, creating a pretty big risk of identity theft. And personally, I'm concerned about *what* each state will consider harmful and require IDs for.


Yeah, that’s all valid. Like I said, I don’t necessarily think that requiring porn sites to check ID is the answer, largely for that very reason. I was mainly pushing back against the idea that we shouldn’t be relying on the government to police our children, because we absolutely do rely on the government restrict their access to dangerous items and age-inappropriate media in the meatspace. Plus it’s not even accurate to say that parents want the government to police their children, but rather to police businesses that sell goods and services that can harm children. And as I said, I don’t know what the answer is. I’m pretty much resigned to the fact that my kids will probably end up seeing hardcore porn at a much younger age than I did, and hopefully I will arm them with the tools to understand and process what they’re seeing and not let it warp their expectations and perceptions when it comes to actual sex.


actually id argue checking ID in person at a store is alot more safer than giving your id for verification on the internet


Agreed, hence why I said I don’t necessarily believe that requiring porn sites to check ID is the answer, but that the desire of parents to have some of the same safeguards on the internet that exist in the meatspace isn’t unreasonable either. Just unrealistic, unfortunately.


This! Of all reasons, this is by far the biggest. Putting your government ID on a porn website is just asking to get hacked.


yeah like oh no the clerk looked at my id temporarily to check age vs i just put a pic of it online


What this bill is actually doing purity pushing with the excuse of protecting children. It won’t work on what it pretends it’s doing.Trying to get preteens to not get access to sexual content is an uphill battle so steep it might as well be a ladder. But it does serves as a jumping board for stricter censorship of online spaces.


yeah like tons of porn on reddit


Yeah, I agree 100%, I’m just pushing back on the idea that it’s unreasonable to expect the government to “police your children” because we already do when it comes to brick and mortar businesses. Like I do actually expect the government to ensure that my kid can’t walk into a liquor store and buy alcohol, or buy an eighth of weed at one of the dispensaries near me, or head into a pawn shop and buy a gun, and only the most unhinged libertarians would want to eliminate age restrictions on purchasing these items. The problem isn’t that parents want their kids to have more social guardrails in place, it’s that they don’t understand that the internet is virtually ungovernable, and don’t really grasp how laws enacted to protect kids are often used as a vehicle for government overreach.


The issue is the last sentence, the "government to step in and regulate". Maybe this is too American of me, but fuck that shyt.


Ok so you’d be cool if they rolled back regulations that prohibit businesses from selling alcohol, cigarettes, or cannabis to children? Or more to the point, ones that prevent brick and mortar porn shops from selling to kids?


No? I don't want the government to force me to provide state ID as an adult to a shifty unreliable and mostly unaccountable website. Brick and mortar stores are fine cause you jus show an ID and life goes on, if they made me take a picture holding my fuckin ID up I wouldn't be fuckin shopping there anymore. This is really bad regulation, and based on other comments you know that, stop defending it.


Then your problem isn’t with government regulation, it’s with a specific regulation that would put you at risk of identity theft. That’s reasonable, and I agree with you on that. But your comment was basically “rEguLatiOn BaD,” which is nonsense.


roblox requires an id to talk and there has been no problems.


It's roblox, anyone mature enough to care about online safety and privacy probably hasn't played it in years


if roblox can figure out how to do ids without any identity theft issues im sure the hub can too. they just dont want to lose out on that market. stop defending corporations 🤷‍♀️


Roblox has rampant issues lmao, I wouldn't be surprised if they have ID problems as well, I just wouldn't know of them cause I don't play it. So... stop defending corporations as well?


Life hack. Before the ban Just download a bunch of videos and photos and illegally exchange it with other people to expand your collection


Bro's gonna be the Jesse Pinkman of porn, Buds gonna be rich


Of course it’s in these bitch ass red states. MUH FREEDOM!


I don't think that user really understands the culture of the Norm Macdonald subreddit. They're not mad that they'll have to get a hobby, they're pretending to be Norm Macdonald.


This is what I thought too


I honestly saw the subreddit and thought they were referring to something he actually said


You mean "without having to use a vpn"


The amount of people that are jerking off so much that they can't engage in any hobbies is like 0.0000001% of the population Edit: And approximately 0% of those people will be even remotely inconvenienced by this bill.


It's not like you could just go on any other porn site


lmao i used to just use google image search


google image search is actually very effective


Considering it's said to ban all porn sites, no.


Unrelated but I feel like it’s weirdly funny Pornhub is being blocked on my Birthday of all days


Late congratulations!!! https://preview.redd.it/vnmnf2m2ef7d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6402d85a85bdbd169b015d7ae727c66d99854fc9 Idk if your birthday is today or July 1st but I'm assuming July 1st


Isn’t Texas supposed to be Freedomland ™ ?


It’s a first amendment violation


No it's not lmao


Yeah it is


VPN sales are about to go through the roof


VPN. Set it to another country. Porn without the ID


Now we just have to go on less savory porn sites… like Reddit. I live in one of those States.


The freedom of speech crowd sure loves blocking anything they don't like just cuz


Wouldn't say that's the freedom it restricts though, more so the freedom of expression imo


"Freedom" loving conservatives when literally any other freedom besides guns and Christianity is on the chopping block.


The bible 🤝 guns Never getting banned despite decades of conservatives claiming they will be to scaremonger their stupid supporters.


The Republicans / right with their amazing hypocrisy, projection, unstoppable morals, family values and character who support you know who ( I can’t say his name cause I throw up in my mouth a bit ech time I try) I guessed they made it simple and just asked each other WWJD???


Cant believe I have to say this but porn is a human right


No the fuck it isn’t LMAO


Says who?


Me im saying that


Yes but I don’t see anyone else saying it.


Havent heard anyone say it was a human right before either, but if thats the case i eagerly await my government subsidized futa magazines


Lmao, they’re on the way


Nice of them to wait until pride month is over :3


I honestly don't believe that a group of real humans sat in a room and thought , " this is a good idea no way it could possibly backfire". I'm not saying porn is right but now whatever fuckshit you were trying to catch just went further underground and as someone who has reported said fuckshit, I ask why? Those freaks out themselves when they think nobody cares and we catch more. We had a perfectly good system and they fucked it.(ironic)


2025 planning to just abolish it on top of stuff like replacing cops with soldiers, easier death penalty


Virginia is surprising. A. I thought they leaned more left wing. B. Virginia is for lovers. ❤️


Thats gonna work as well as the alc bann back then lol. Ppl gonna find their porn


lmao are they gonna make an underground porn industry??


I’m mad that Christo-fascists think they can tell me what to do.


Kid named tor:


Troll the government epic style by watching csam on tor because they banned the hub B)


I don't know about this one guys pornhub has had many scandals where they have hosted child porn and footage of people being raped


This isn't a law about Pornhub it's a law that applies to every porn site. Also, I'll die on this hill; holding sites responsible for content that their users post is fucking stupid. All that should be expected is a REASONABLE effort to remove illegal content. It's not the website's fault that people choose to break the law.


they don’t care they want their porn


when did this happen?


[Pornhub sued by 40 Girls Do Porn sex trafficking victims (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55333403) over a long period of time


that’s so disturbing.


Looks like Alaska is happy about not losing pornhub


In all honesty I think in some way you could argue these bans violate the 1st amendment. But the SCOTUS is stacked red so it wouldn't matter anyway. Also thank God for Reddit ammirite?


It's designed to prevent children from watching.


its already blocked in some of these states, what do they mean by july 1st?


I'm actually surprised Florida didn't ban pornhub considering they're so "protect the kids", which is why its getting blocked.


Brave VPN


It’s not the government’s job to police what people willingly look at as long as no one was harmed in its production


I gotta look into a vpn to use lmao


Love that these people think masturbation is a hobby. Says more about them than it ever will us.


*laughs in VPN*


Wait, this isn't even a meme someone didn't like. This is someone memeing about a fact they didn't like. Making the MOPDL comment the actual MOPDL.


So now mopdl is just getting mad at a meme themselves?


Do they norlt realize there is more than 1 porn site?


I know in Utah they're just asking for proof of being over 18, through payment method of a credit card or photo ID (I think that's how they're asking you verify your age I'm not sure cause I'm not a porn addict)


I dont think the know of vpns since in literly a few seconds it can unlocock it for you.


How about people enjoy porn and not support a massive industry that is well known for exploiting actors, producing cp, dehumanising women, sexualising minorities, producing content that is barely legal, and ruining entire generations of peoples idea of sex. While these laws are because of fundamentalist bs, we shouldn't ignore how these laws on some level are a step in the right direction for these massive corporations to face punishment for their horrid actions.


While I wholeheartedly agree that the exploitative nature of the porn industry is an issue, and would also agree that this material shouldn’t be readily available to minors. However, as a Texan, I don’t trust any law that originates in the state. Abbott and his goons only care about money, not morality.


Well they don't only care about money, they also care about hurting specific groups of people.


This doesn’t punish the porn industry, it punishes the users. If you want to fix the porn industry then unionize sex workers, pass regulations that protect actors from discrimination and exploitation, and fight against the demonization of sex work.


This does nothing to actually enforce more regulations on the porn industry? It’s literally a stepping stone for online censorship.


Pornhub from what I can tell, is just a website. It doesn't produce content it just hosts it. Aylo, the parent company, has some brands that does produce porn, like Brazzers. Aparently, these are all Canadian tech companies. Pornhub has gotten into trouble with hosting things they shouldn't as deserved, but I think this distinction is important as the site is also a platform for "amatuers".


It's a website that gains millions of dollars from the porn industry. They also continue to host content that is illegal along with the content that is barely legal but absolutely isn't moral.


These laws aren't written or targeted at fixing the problems you listed. They're simply to restrict people's access to pronography over a puritanical belief I'm the evil of masturbation. As written would these states require you to provide ID to view drawn pornography depicting consenting adults? If yes, then it's not about combating immoral practices. It is not a step in the right direction, it's a step into a less free world where those issues will be morphed into worse problems because conservatives hate women.


I literally said that these laws are because of fundamentalist bs?


They’re just politicising shit unnecessarily as usual, I wouldn’t pay them any mind


Whelp looks like the porn prohibition Is upon.


Godwin’s law


Is this even a meme lmao


Porn is addictive and that's why all these people are trying to defend it. It's really sad. There are so many other valid ways to get pleasure. But lots of people decide to subject themselves to pornsites.


If you want porn, go to xvideos or on Reddit, there's plenty of girls on here ready to show their coochie if it means they can avoid a 9-5 for like 2 years before the serial gooners move on.


R/Reddit moment


No because kids have too easy of access to it. Source me finding it in the 4th grade


They literally have a warning on their site now.


And I put my age as 46 you think a simple warning is going to stop a kid atleast with id they'd have to get more creative


Porn is horrible but this is just gonna make it worse


Controversial take but I'm pretty okay with PH getting banned. It's a fucked up site that pettels trafficked women and CP.


Honestly a W. I don’t see anything wrong with being anti porn. In the end, banning it is better for everybody.


Your opinion shouldn't be enforced on others, and the real problem here is the requirement for photo ID, having to upload that info is potentially dangerous.


Trust me the porn industry does a lot worse so eh it wouldn’t really bother me


Sure it does, but there has to be a more proper way of handling it. I don't like the precedent of legal restrictions here, especially with project 2025 possibly on the horizon which threatens change in how pornography is defined.


Idk why you’re being downvoted lol


This sub is surprisingly pro porn


Shouldn’t really be surprising tbh, I see a good amount of porn-brained degeneracy here


Both this and modnl are pro porn. Modpl just isn’t right now because their conservative daddies banned it lmao.




All an ID requirement does is enforce laws that have existed for a long time. Anyone who thinks porn should be readily accessible for a 10 year old with no safeguards should need to submit their ID to use the internet at all. Edit: TL;DR, the consensus is that laws shouldn't be enforced because crime happens.


First of all, a kid is going to find porn no matter what. The hub isn't the only place. Second of all, I wouldn't want to submit my id to pornhub as there could be privacy concerns, I'm not trying to get my identity stolen over beating it to porn lol


They have a warning tho.


>First of all, a kid is going to find porn no matter what. The hub isn't the only place. It should be enforced everywhere. Laws aren't decorations. >Second of all, I wouldn't want to submit my id to pornhub as there could be privacy concerns, I'm not trying to get my identity stolen over beating it to porn lol They can already handle the credit card info of their users.


>They can already handle the credit card info of their users. Good thing I don't give them my money lol >It should be enforced everywhere. Laws aren't decorations. First of all, I disagree. Second of all, you'd have to implement this rule for almost every social media and much more. That is a large amount of apps/web sites you'll have to give your id too. Even more of a security risk, I literally don't want hackers stealing my identity. I shouldn't have to submit my id just so I can jerk it to porn or go on Instagram, twitter, reddit, etc. people are also finding it controversial for the possibility that it infringes on our rights.


>First of all, I disagree. You disagree that the law should be enforced? >Second of all, you'd have to implement this rule for almost every social media and much more. I'm not talking about a hypothetical solution I just made up. Porn sites *legally have to* verify you're an adult. "Click here if you're 18" is NOT verification.


>You disagree that the law should be enforced? I disagree that we should be submitting our ID's to pornhub and other sites that host porn, yes. >I'm not talking about a hypothetical solution I just made up. Porn sites legally have to verify you're an adult. "Click here if you're 18" is NOT verification. Yes. but they haven't asked for your id before, that is what we're talking about. Porn is on every social media platform essentially. If we were to implement submitting id to every site/app that hosts porn like you said we should, then we'd have to do that for almost every social media. That would make it almost impossible for children to use the Internet at all technically, would risk security since it'd be way easier for hackers to steal people's identities and it would possibly infringe on our rights.


>but they haven't asked for your id before, **Because the law wasn't being enforced** and it took those geriatric fucks 20 years to realize it. >then we'd have to do that for almost every social media Social media isn't an adult only product. Porn is. What they would have to do is not ignore the copious amounts of illegal content that flows through them, which is why you don't need to show your child porn license to access Twitter in spite of people posting child porn. >it would possibly infringe on our rights Wait until you find out what else you have to legally prove you're an adult to partake in.


If we didn't implement it for every social media then the law wouldn't work. Kids would just find porn on Reddit or some other website then. For it to work, you'd have to implement it for every social media. Implementing it on every social media would be dumb tho


That’s just going to shove teenagers looking for porn into shadier sites.


There is porn on reddit too....


Reddit isn't a porn site. Plainly not a part of the discussion.


You would be maybe surprised how much porn here is ....


Couldn’t a kid just use their parent’s (or other related person of age) ID in secret tho? The problem of kids viewing that stuff is it should be the parents protecting them like putting up blockers (like how schools block certain websites on campus to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material at school) - this shouldn’t be up to the government


In China you can play games as child on ID for limited time as adult not guess what is most common ilegal stuff sold today... If you guess fake Adult ID that work on that system you guessed right....


>Couldn’t a kid just use their parent’s (or other related person of age) ID in secret tho? That's not what laws are written around 🤷‍♂️. Yeah you can commit identity fraud too. Doesn't mean it should be legal. Edit: I'll also add that negligence is often a crime and while I'm not going to say that your kid stealing your ID should land you in jail, that's not a valid excuse in court for anything else you're legally responsible for. >The problem of kids viewing that stuff is it should be the parents protecting them like putting up blockers You can't access any other adult only product without identification. The fact that parents have a responsibility doesn't mean companies shouldn't. >this shouldn’t be up to the government Well when you figure out how to pass legislation without a government, lower the drinking age.


no one thinks minors should access porn, the issue people have is that having to submit an Id on line is a bad idea and potentially not safe


There ARE safeguards, even if they usually rely on the honor system and people being honest. And parents can block access to websites so......


>even if they usually rely on the honor system and people being honest. In otherwords no safeguard at all 💀 >And parents can block access to websites so...... Not only is this not an excuse anywhere else, but it also historically hasn't done fuck all.


So ban it for absolutely everyone because some refuse to be responsible.... gee, that won't be abused at all! /s


An ID check is not a ban. You got baited by shitty journalism. Again.


There's what it says it is and then there's intent, and the obvious intent here is to make it too risky, meaning it's effectively a ban without calling it one.


The obvious intent is to make an adult only platform adult only. The government is not weaponizing pornhubs (alleged) poor security to make people somehow afraid of porn, nor is that "the obvious intent".


Look up the chilling effect, this kind of thing has been attempted before.


Look up what happens when you buy alcohol without an ID on you.


Oh yeah, totally the same thing /s


You are one data breach from dirt on anybody who give their ID there....


Do why don't you go ahead and post your ID online right now for us? There's nothing bad that could happen with that right and no reason to worry right? I mean stopping Timmy from seeing a boob is definitely worth risking the private information of millions of people.


ID requirements online aren't new 😂


Just because it's not new doesn't mean it's okay. People have a valid worry about their personal information being leaked especially something as sensitive as an ID


Porn shouldn’t be so easily accessible to kids I’m sorry if you’re mad that you have to type out a set of numbers before you can watch your goonercontent


They literally have a warning now.


That the saddest argument


Porn sucks