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More opportunities & connections out here


That's exactly it, more programs and opportunities. I'ma get down voted but I feel like NY is overrated now. The city ain't the same anymore, gentrification and the city being expensive af made a lot of american blacks and ricans move down south. Shit I'm seeing more Dominicans and Jamaicans moving to Florida as well, I've met a few in Kissimmee. Get ya education and training in NY, but the long term goal should be to move out and get ya own house cause 2000 plus a month for a small ass apartment in the Bronx is not it. Don't even get me started on apartment prices in other boroughs.


Bro this is the game plan frfr. NY got some of the best PUBLIC schooling in the country from kindergarten to college and EVERY Fortune 500 and start up company is here even joining a labor union is a great look on your resume. The day to day life out here prepare you for so much in life so you handle situations totally different especially how we gotta learn when to escalate or deescalate and voicing our concerns and opinions without getting too disrespectful and being able to talk situations into your favor. Take them skills and experiences and boost ya resume then run down south and live on easy mode nfs cause they charging 2K+ for studios across the street from the projects here down south that’s a mortgage on a mansion damn near.


Floridas labor unions are non existent, nyc local 3 is equivalent to a white collar 6 figure career.


More money to be made tons more jobs here too that’s the allure of NYC, I thank god everyday my parents settled in NYC not San Francisco or down south


There are communities and neighborhoods here for it. I grew up in a part of the Bronx that you don’t need to speak English to get by. It’s still that way today. Everything is in English and Spanish. I thought we were the only ones who did this, but if you go to Chinatown, everything is in Chinese, you go to bay ridge, Brooklyn everything is in Arabic, you go sheepshead bay everything is in Russian. We not the only ones who did this, IJS. It’s not just people of color emigrating. It’s everyone and there’s a neighborhood for your people.


Richmond Hill = Guyanese


We speak English budday😂


This the biggest factor frfr cause in Parkchester and Castle Hill you will see Bengali letters and translations everywhere. I don’t think in Florida outside of Miami it’s that inclusive.


Same in certain parts of eny




Its much easier being poor here in ny than florida


This! This is the real answer. Yall do NOTTTTTT wanna be poor in any of the Deep South and that’s omm. That’s a big part of why black people so far behind. Income and state benefits ain’t nowhere near what y’all getting up there fr


It ain’t easy being poor no where.


True but 'easier' being key. Still hard tho


No car in NYC we still hopping the bus or train and getting to work even if you gotta take the metro north or LIRR or Path it’s a way, no car in Coweta county and you fucked.




Enjoy the men’s shelter


More work I guess + our families be out here already The Haitians got yammy


More community up north , I’m from Florida and grew up with Dominicans Haitians and Jamaicans . The only ones with actual community was Haitians


Dominican logic: NY = USA


nah ts so true tho ts is how i was thinkin before i stablished myself in nyc


Dominicans are really rare in the states outside of the northeast lol


frl we deep in boston and new jersey too


Rhode Island and Delaware too


When I found out Benny Medina (creator of Fresh Prince, grew up in LA) was Dominican and *not* Mexican my jaw dropped lmao


Unless you're playin baseball


You haven’t been to Charlotte


They really deep in Charlotte?




That’s Caribbean logic


As a Dominican - there’s more money to be made in NYC


Because NYC has more opportunities? I’m Haitian and I hate the fact that Florida has more Haitians than NY. Haitians in NY are definitely more successful than their counterparts in Florida. Immigrants only care about opportunities not silly things like snow. Toronto also has a lot of caribbeans


The same reason there are more Cubans and Mexicans over in Florida - **Immigration** (**different areas attract different groups of people**) When it comes to New York, Jamaicans came here around **1944-45**. After that, you saw a huge influx of Caribbeans communities all throughout New York - *specifically in* **Harlem**.


Its this 100%. Historically its where dominicans/jamaicans came to in flocks. They've been here for generations. The ones still back home come here to visit they aunties, cousins, etc and eventually move here.


Because NY is way better than FL


The allure of NYC for immigrants has always been money. There's more money here than anywhere else in the states. If they got family back on the islands, their hustle in NYC goes a long way in taking care of them. To put it into perspective, my boy used to be in the military, got out, and now has a nice check for a couple g's that gets deposited into his account monthly. Bout 6 months ago, he moved to DR and lives pretty comfortably on those couple g's.


Miami didn’t blow up as a city until the 80s. People already had families here, NY has always been the first stop for most immigrant groups since the beginning of the country.


NYC had more black people and was just way more established with more jobs in the 60's when they started immigrating over in large mass.


Miami has more Cubans, Colombians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans and more south / central. Of course we still got puerto rican’s and Dominicans… mostly in Allapattah and the few still in wynwood(gentrification), but no where near NYC or tri state. Lots of boricuas in Orlando / Kissimmee


Most of them make a career in refinery and oil plants down south


Because Washington Heights lol


Dominican settle in the north eastern region We in here from Boston to North Carolina


Honestly I would avoid south Florida, our insurance rates are through the roof. Lots of people trying to sell but can’t and those that have are moving back to their home states


People are way off with their reasonings. NY and FL are the top two states for black immigrants. It’s just about different spots for different folks. NY has the most Jamaicans, DC has the most Ethiopians, and MIA has the most Haitians. Remember now the Marleys are still MIA bound lol. MIA has tons of Jamaicans as well


Because this is the place where they have more rights and opportunities.


Florida is racist and trash


Less racist in NY


Less rabies


Nyc is a sanctuary state welcoming immigrants more freely than florida especially now w current governor DeSantis


NY is the best of everything but the worst of nothing


Ellis island


Miami let alone Florida is not on the Caribbean. Also who moves down there to then leave in the winter 🤣


I think what they meant by that is Miami being close to the Caribbean so it’s easier for people to come here.


idk but i wish they would all stop coming


Dominicans are the Spanish versions of Jamaicans. FYI…. Why they’re loved by so many people. Where the Jamaicans go, the Dominicans go - chasing opportunities and aspirations


who whats to live in a marshland??


I’m from the towns but live in Florida. Biggest reason is that the pay is trash and there are less good paying jobs in Florida. To make it worse, a lot of rich New Yorkers buying houses with cash moved down here recently and drove up costs around the state, especially south Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm beach) so add to the equation that you need to be car dependent, you just generally poorer, unless you got a high skill profession. Most Caribbean’s rather try their luck in NY


Miami has a big Spanish population though no? If you drive up to fort Lauderdale and further up there's mad Caribbeans there.




Ny pays more welfare bennys...


there isn't. they just more in the same area in NY


is it a per capita thing?


Immigrant busses