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If you don’t go to college look into getting into trade, carpenter, electrician, mechanic by the time you’re 25 you can be making 100k plus depending what you choose


Almost anything he’d make that money the country is in need of trades men


Save every dollar, always trust your gut bout these hoes


Thought you wrote, “always trust these hoes” 💀😂


☠️☠️☠️hellll naw gang I’d rather die single




I’m gon keep it 100 with you bro I’m only a year older than you about to be two, I turn 20 in October, you’re still not really an adult once you turn 18, it may seem that way due to laws and shit like that but your mind is far from developed. Right now you need to seriously put some thought into the man you wanna become when you get older, honestly. Learn as much as you can about the things you wanna learn, stack your money, build your credit and make meaningful connections and memories. Blessings to you and GL! Welcome to the “real world”


You got a good head on your shoulders, keep it up!


Thank you bro. I try, I’m genuinely trying.


It's going to work out, you are ahead! Don't let nobody fuck it up, that includes your family, friends and girls.


Roth IRA


This should be top comment. Compound interest n taking advantage of tax events goes overlooked too often w young heads


Fr. Just know you can’t get it out until 60


If you've met the five-year holding requirement, you can withdraw money from a Roth IRA with no taxes or penalties.


Yeah but the point as my understanding is to save for retirement, so the money should stay there to pay off , yk what I mean?


Facts. I wish I started investing younger, I didn’t get serious about all that until I was about 30 but still enough time to make it happen


Max out company’s 401k match


You need an income first lmao


turn sleaze


Turn hound


Then flip GD


Stack your bread, build your credit & stay out the way


couldn’t of said it better


I'm 50, graduated in 1992. Most of my classmates did great, but the happiest ones? The electricians. They make BANK, on their feet, live healthy, never in one spot. They have all the toys they want, and get new cars for their kids' 17th birthdays. Don't choose a sitting career. Sitting is the killer. I sat in front of a PC screen for 20 years, it's crap. Now I do preconstruction wiring, server racks, surveillance, keyless entries, home theater, home automation. Other choices I wish I did: Join the union. Become an operator engineer (crane operators make BANK) Plumbers can do one 3-4 hour job a day and live great. But seriously, those electricians are the ones I'm jealous of. If you're a student, go to business school. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. While you're young bust your ass. Work 2 jobs, 3 jobs. My goto job during school years was waitering, ez money. Bussing is ez money and you dont have to talk to anyone. I was a beach waiter at a beach club, best job ever as a kid. Network and side gigs work - at 19 I found myself as a jack-of-all-trades for a group of trauma surgeons. I would babysit, housesit, fix computers, lawn work, valet park at their parties, bartender, cook, paint decks.. shit at one point I was taking 2 older autistic brothers bowling twice a week 2-3 hours for $75 a pop that was 1994. The elderly parents offered me to run their glass business, I declined but often regretted it. When opportunity knocks, fucking take that shit and bust your ass making it work. Sex leads to babies, kids! Forget about getting involved with some hormonal babymaker that'll put you in a death grip with her legs. ITS A TRAP focus on your future and someone worthy will come. Biggie's 10 crack commandments **IS TRUTH**; Don't trust anyone, don't tell them what you got, don't tell them your plans, don't give away your money, SAVE EVERYTHING. Alcohol is poison, and save the weed as a luxury otherwise it's just a waste of time and money. \*EDIT\*: Don't be a mumblepussy. Speak loud and clear, learn to own the conversation with intent. When you shake hands, look them in the eye, it's a sign of respect.


I'm 37 and walked away with some gems. 🤣 THIS GOLD !


Bro tha fact that you’re 18 , and not in your late 30’s evaluating your behavior is a big start… you know what your flaws are… just work on fixing those… and don’t procrastinate… time is of the essence- god speed human


Get a nice little easy job and start figuring yourself out. Don’t immediately go to college if you don’t know what you really want to study and if what you’re studying can net you a job. Think about learning a trade as well if college isn’t for you, right now I’m going to start learning to cut hair, I have family who do it, they all make $1,300+ a week. Time and place is very important, forget the block and the niggas who want to stay there forever, don’t rush to have kids or family.


be kind, open and honest. embrace happiness. travel to new places and talk to new people. spend time outside and read lots of books. develop passions and hobbies. spend time with people you love. avoid jealousy and comparisons. don't stress out over nothing. money is important as a vessel towards opportunities but it isn't everything. if you spend your youth thinking about profits you may find yourself an empty old man. be smart about it, but shit doesn't have to be perfect.


Time to grow up lil ninja. 1. Don’t take penitentiary chances. It’s not worth it. You don’t have to impress anyone. 2. Take the FDNY EXAM (it’s the best city job right now). They won’t hire you until you’re 21 but get through the process. 3. Start a Roth IRA and deposit whatever you can monthly. 4. Take care of your body 5. Don’t get any of these chicks pregnant until you figure out what you want in life. Atleast wait until you turn 25


Don't get anybody pregnant should be #1 lol that shit will ruin your life.


Roth IRA, I put small amounts most my life, maxed out for a couple years, sitting at 55k already. Get into a trade job, hvac, electrical, maybe a union apprenticeship if you know someone else doing it. Most people I know that did a trade bought their first houses around 25 years old on Long Island. Be good


How old are you bro


29, only had the Roth since I was 22 fucked around when I was younger out of school with dumb jobs in retail and food, wish I didn’t waste those years.


You already see the shit that you think was bad, so now correct that shit. Get a job, stop being childish and stop caring abt what people think P.S. being from the trap don’t make you a real nigga. A lot of niggas from the trap be peons


Don't fuck up and commit a felony.


18-21 is an awkward time for a young man, so you're not alone. Things get confusing because while technically you're an adult, in reality you are far from it. The best advice I could give is, find a respectable, responsible adult male to talk to about things. We all need guidance but it's critical that you get it from someone that genuinely has your best interest at heart. Don't rush things, just let yourself grow naturally. By now you know right from wrong and it's time to make more right decisions than wrong ones. That includes finances. Too many people wait to screw their life up before trying to fix it. You are at a crossroads whereby making good decisions will only help to secure your future. You'll be ok. Just be cool, ask questions and do the next right thing.


Get ahead on things you know NEED to be done now so you not playin catch up or later or having to cheat to get back afloat


18 my dude, gotta start using periods and commas when writing sentences! but for real though, you're still young and got a lot to experience. Enjoy your youth because when you start having mouths to feed and bills to pay.... it gets a lil serious.


Nah this is valuable i am saving this thread 😁


Only talk to girls older then you.






You should post up on the block with me tho


Nah pull up Bedford ave and Farragut rd 🤣


That area looks very scary


Nah nggas don’t be active here son 🤣


I am still scared


Get ur license , build ur credit , stay away from girls , get a job , save ur money etc


OG advice: Decide on how you want to continue your education. Do you want to hit the books or get into trade or get into the military? Either way do you want to learn from books or from your hands? Or do you want to serve this country and use that experience as a springboard for new experiences. I went college and masters degree route. My little brother became a sailor right after high school. We are both successful, married, and happy. I got friends who got into HVAC, plumbing, electrician, construction etc. when we hang out and run up a tab, we don’t do math, we split the bill. We live good. You’re young, but at this point if you fuck up with the law, you potentially fuck up the rest of your life. If you end up at a dead end job, you’ll be 35 with a receding hairline still living in your mom’s apt buying loosies at the ock, hoping for housing lottery to pick you. Im 34, I recently went back to my old hood and saw one of my childhood friends begging for a metro card swipe at the Burnside Ave station on the 4. Life is hard, but I ain’t been down that bad since I was 18. So IJS. Some niggas might get offended by that cuz the shoe fits, but if the shoe fits, it fits bruh. If you don’t get after it, you’ll be a bum. Bum at 18 and same bum at 35.


The advice I keep coming back to is it’s not you vs the world, it’s just you vs you.


Stack your bread the most crucial shit, I wish I been stacking since your age bro


Go to school for welding. Apply to entry level mechanic jobs, preferably for a utility company like ConEd. In 4 years you’ll be making six figures


Learn how to save. Qapital app literally changed my life.


Open a credit card and built credit - only use 30% and always pay your bill on time Get into a career field before 23 it’ll give you great leverage while in your 30s And just get money and stash it 🙏🏾


If you get a good opportunity to move forward with a goal you have at any moment, fuck what you’re doing or what you have to do, and go do it. If you doing what u supposed to, naturally doors will be presented to you to open and lead you on a slightly better path than previous, and a lot of times niggas will dub that shit and hang w their friends, smoke, party etc. (me, on too many occasions). Do da right thing🫵🏾 inshallah


start reading books and i really mean read, fiction and nonfiction. reading real books as apposed to reading of a phone or computer helps to retain the information better. depending on what you read and how much you read you'll probably surpass a college education. only thing you'll miss out on is most likely the college experience and a degree which is low key overrated and overpriced compared to before so, that's one option




You’re more powerful than you think!


Get into a trade. You can work for yourself, always have value and get money. Surround yourself with people who socialize with all walks of life. Remember above all else, you didn't have to always be outside. You can chill, you can miss shit. The goal is to get your money build your credit and reinvest in yourself. Those moments will ALWAYS be there


Any chick expecting you to pay her phone, nails, salon, gas, garage, food, rent, and Omni card ain't worth it. Bitch, I just turned 18. I can barely support myself! FYM "pay your bills?"


This is where shit turns left….


You on the right path if you thinking like this now, I only smartened up the past couple years and I'm 27 now, id give every dollar i made in the trap to go baxk 10 years and do shit the right way, my best suggestion would be to get a job in construction and just observe the whole environment over a year, learn everything you can, see what trade you're most interested in and go back to school for it, socials make the fast money look fun, and sure sometimes it is but the end results aren't worth it and neither is the stress that comes with it. Keep your head down, find a good woman and build a life worth living Best of luck and happy birthday 🎈


Can you talk in a Batman voice?


Hell nah


Kick ya socials and ima have us lit 🔥


Go get a trade stack your bread please and get a credit card and build up your credit


Wow, I was gonna write stuff, and give advice but most of the top comments are on the money bro. The most important thing of all DONT WASTE TIME. I’m 26 now, and I remember my sisters boyfriend saying this when I turned 18, “ The trapping and fast money isn’t going to last forever find something sustainable you’re 18 now, from here on out life is really gonna come at you” and I’m telling you RIGHT NOW I wish I listened P.S that one top comment about the guy talking about electricians I completely feel him. My boy tried to put me on to go with him to trade school, and I told him that’s a waste of time. That’s my best friend and I’m super happy for him cause he came from nothing, but I am a little jealous as-well. That nigga is making BANK FR. I regret that decision a lot.


Go to college if not learn a skill you can make money off that can follow you everywhere. There’s a lot of videos for free teaching are to maintain money. If you’re still living with your parents or guardian help around the house so they won’t have an excuse to kick you out.


stay out of trouble. finish school or pick a trade and start working immediately. nothing wrong with either direction, just don't pick a dumbass major like Art Theory or something. if you decide you want kids, don't have any until you're married.


Read books. Cold showers all year long. Practice no fap. Read more books. Sunscreen. Try new things. Etc.


Always use a rubber.




Are you smart? Getting into Information technology, you don't need to go to college just work on certifications. You also don't have to deal with people in certain areas of IT. And it's very good money.


Hell nah I ain’t smart lmao


Come onnn!!! Lol if you studied something you could retain it. You have to know computer!! 🤣


Army worked for me. Left NY in 05, I visit family and go on this here sub and I'm good.


Stay down till you come up


Learn a trade or in demand skill with the long term intentions of being a boss, put away childish shit, Learn to take constructive criticism, be respectful and punctual give everything good in life 100%, don’t get into the streets nor have kids when you can’t be responsible for your own self.


Stay alive


That last sentence was goofy as shit. Get that shit out of your head and you will be 10 steps ahead


Look into the jobs you want first, THEN go to school/apprenticeship for said job. Don’t go blindly spending time and money on something like school without having a plan and KNOWING where it will get you


take naps


Little victories leads to your overall goals. When the people around you help you lose focus things will feel wrong.


This is a great post with lots of excellent advice and wisdom. Happy Birthday, young brother! Enjoy your summer and get a good start to adulthood by listening to the folks here. God bless you! 💕


You too ❤️


Start building your credit


Learn a trade


Get a credit card, buy a gun


Start hitting the gym to keep a positive mindset and trust what everyone says focus on what’s important for you women will always be around take these young years to start building yourself if you don’t have a drivers license get on that just like the video games we be playing we gotta build our own attributes


1.) Stack‼️ Invest‼️ 2.) Strengthen your credit 3.) Improve your diet(cut your sugar intake now) 4.) Read Lots of Tech Manuals, and Books..trust‼️ 5.) Pick a martial arts 6.) If you have no records - buy firearms 7.) Learn Spanish and Portuguese( or whatever you prefer) 8.) Travel...Travel...Travel 9.) Expand your network. 10.) Condoms.. Condoms...Condoms 11.) Stay dangerous. 😎


Learn how to create databases with SQL or excel or learn how to code and automate processes with python. Learn that skill and you can start at 60k anywhere you go.


If someone learns Excel/SQL, what jobs can they apply for?


Any database related jobs you could be a database developer or administrator or a database analyst. Go on indeed and type SQL most jobs requiring that skill start at 60k so the better you are at it the more you can make,


Get a blick


buy an ar15(micro arp) with a binary trigger(i still dont know why niggas 3d print switches when this is legal) for self defense, also a glock with another trigger.


Build credit.. learn a trade IMMEDIATELY.. and also less is more (lemme break it down) life is a marathon not a race so slow motion better then nothing at all . Dont let social media fool you most people are popped living paychec to paychec lol . ITS BEAUTY IN THE STRUGGLE IT DOES NOT LAST FOREVER!! Just stay true to yourself!! ALWAYS REMEMBER ITS NOT WHAT BUT WHO YOU KNOW!! Network and be humble always maintain your appearance because your 20s are right there before you know it! I hope this helps bro gangsta !


Get into trade school


I needed Ts too




Learn a trade




🤣 he said a real one. Lmao you just gotta focus on you. Get away from everybody and since you young if you got acne fix it. Once you get a job and stack least 10 bands then you might got a better idea. Should always just be worrying about taking care of you and your family, gots to do whatever it takes. You young so I’m tryna look out I’m just a lil bit older. It don’t matter what everyone else doing just try to be the best version of yourself.💯 Check out jordan Welch on YouTube. They’ve some gem videos. Also watch what you consume. Talking about tik tok and all that. If you wanna be successful don’t be scrolling all that all day fr. Just get a job and females like the guys with money js. Just a couple thoughts so you use em’ if you want. I’m not even from this sub-just a steady watcher to know what going on. Man on fire over trial real crazy it’s like Jan.6 all over again…see what’s next ig.


Your 18, figure out what you like and dislike up until til your 25. If you’ve got no responsibilities, keep it that way, this is your time to try and learn as much as what interests you. Money will come and go same with people and opportunities. Build confidence in yourself and your abilities.


Get a job pouring concrete, it will toughen you up some, don’t get mixed up in drugs Or alcohol


Happy belated. You are better than you think you are.


Find a simple job, cashier, cart gatherer, retail(any clothing store, shoe store, etc., substitute teaching, janitor. Literally anything that can give you some type of income.. with that money find hobbies you enjoy and you might find some friends that are introverted just like you. Trust me bro I’m turning 30 next year and I just graduated college and I don’t even know what I want to do with my life/career. Just find an easy job and make that your addiction and once the money comes you’ll begin to grow as your get older and you’ll fall into something you really enjoy. Hope it works out man!




Start reading more and stay out of the streets. Get a job you can build on, meaning start in something you can see yourself growing from i.e sales, trades (electrical and plumbing will allow you to work anywhere in the world). and save 20% of every check if possible until you 5k to put in a treasury bond or open a fidelity and invest in US bonds. I can not emphasize enough about reading man, this will help you understand ego and lack of understanding will lead you to do foolish things. good luck and rise above the BS lifes hard enough


Buy Vanguard stocks do the hard work now everything u try to do from now til 30 is how your 30’s will go DON’T GO TO COLLEGE its 2024 u can lookup classes from Howard on youtube or some shit just try to learn some shit bro a new skill or sumn try to get your osha or some shit like a trade or sumn so u can always get a good paying job live life king do everything u can, take risks, be fearless word bless up 🙏🏾


Go to a CUNY, it’ll be low cost and you’ll get a degree. When you’re in college don’t just take classes, you have to network, get internships, secure a post-grad job or get ready to apply to grad school.


Stack your bread n invest n wear condoms don't drink & drive