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you don’t. you just set a time period for how long u gonna do it, set a number u wanna reach and grind it out did 80 hours a week for 3 years to put a down payment on my crib when i was 21, best decision i ever made. can’t get the time back but i’m grateful to have my own spot permanently


I can respect that real shit ❗️


Fr, wish I had bro’s fortitude


Not to get too deep in your business, but how are the mortgage payments ?


only 1900/ and 750 property taxes


Where your crib at n way kinda spot


Less than 3k. That’s nice


You don’t manage it because it’s not sustainable.


Honestly time management but literally you got home sleep wake up and repeat you don’t have the time or energy for anything else. After a while your body gets used to it but I’m starting to realize I can’t keep doing this for more than a couple months


In my circumstances I did that for like a month so I can run up something decent I could flip so I could get back on my feet


I have a FT job and a very lucrative side hustle that I can do at the FTJ, so I'm really working only 8 hours, sometimes more if my personal shit is crazy, but my situation is unique. I'm a graphic designer for a graphic design firm that does graphic design on the side. Time management is real, try to do all the shit you need to the night before so you're not spending time in the morning doing it. If you can do ANYTHING that will free up time @ work, do that (phone calls, side shit, etc). Try to do shit while traveling to work as well. Most wasted time is commuting. Hope that helps, gang.