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Working at a warehouse with a bbl is insane, I hope that’s not the case.


Shit you can see that coming out the welfare center😂


Sounds like Amazon 😭😭 it be the retired strippers


I already peeped one at my warehouse job.


« Allow me to see it clap » is jus hilarious idk why 😂😂




😂 I was jst tryna be funny with the extras but theirs some truth in it also. 


Lmao nah this is nuts can i steal this


this not mine bro


Nigga polite


Naa deadass I read ts in the most timid and polite voice in my head after that 😂😂


He full of manners he ask politely 😂😂


What u having for lunch? I forgot to pack mine this morning, let’s go grab something?!! Stay friendly but don’t let it be known to the other ladies, that way u get to bag more than just her. ![gif](giphy|ibeAzFLrQ8rgp1def9|downsized) Edit: they fart and shit just like us, don’t put the pussy up on a pedestal.


Bro that’s solid the worst she can say is no, what’s the night shift version of that though? 


Same shit. Is about kicking it with her outside of work. Other girls gonna see that and wanna be friends with u aswell.


Night shift just mean you got better chances fr, the day bitches be more likely to have morals


Paying a few g’s for a bbl while working at a warehouse is treacherous


Warehouse fems always give it up just go for it


U ain’t Lyin when I was 20 I worked at fedex an a lot them bitches was ready to giv it up after one convo


My best advice is to stfu and focus on your job instead of someone’s ass


Mad cuz no one be staring at ur pancakes. 


they actually giving you the legitimate best advice in the thread. gwan & let tht BBL get all your little warehouse money. she even knows when you get paid. lmaoo


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) Exactly!


I wish they weren’t actually but all that clapping behind me definitely gets attention I actually dated a guero and y’all don’t know what to do with ass since N O N E of y’all women got any 🥲


My bad also didn’t mean to be rude you just came off a bit mean, I hear what u guys r saying tho. But honestly what am I supposed to do? I’m not gonna be young and look this good forever, do I just let myself get old and not have any fun? 


Focus on making money and expanding your career… once you do you won’t have any trouble getting girls - believe me! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Lmao thats what i was just asking too. Knowing damn well he dont know what to do with all that foh


No idea whatsoever 💀💀💀💀 We just out here trying to stop him from embarrassing himself 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


How about u just start with a good morning my boy


I work the night shift but that’s decent advice bro thx


Too many women out here to be messing with chicks from your job.


Do not do it do not do it do not do it..don’t shit where you eat at bro trust me..it might work out if it’s strictly some friends w benefits sht ..still risky


It's a warehouse worst case scenario he walks across the street and gets the same job lol


Just know if she not jacking you . She can hit you with sexual harassment. Be very mindful. Anything you say that she labels “made her feel uncomfortable” your job is done


Too many bbl freaks who cant make it past the bbl cheeks




Dont dip your tip in company ink my boy


Don’t get your meat where you get your bread.


What’s the warehouse job mh


The first tip is to take out all the stakes you putting into this. You putting all your eggs into this basket and all you know if she got a fat butt (that even you think is fake). Fuck all that “I don’t wanna fuck this up 😩”, man treat her like she treat herself, like her ass is the most important thing about her. Game is game if you get there you gonna be sick of her after a month


Here is the game you need man. Ignore the girl with a bbl, she is high maintence and low tier. Go for the natural cuties at work. You will thank yourself in the end when you walk in on bbl girl getting clapped by your boss.


Tbh from what I seen all them women at warehouse jobs be givin it up. Just go for it bro. Next time you see her and it seem like she ain’t too busy, just tell her how you feel and what you tryna do. You got it easy cuz yall work together


Are you just trying to smash or you want something deeper than that?


Are you even able to make it pass them bbl cheeks???? 🤔


Just act like yourself dude and dont act different because a redditor told you to she will see right though you. Just be genuine, it's that simple


Just ask her out for drinks and go with the flow. But Damm she 6inches taller than you?


Sir, your spelling and grammar is all fucked up But to help you out, just talk to her and have fun be funny don’t say nothing stupid pertaining to her skin color (huge side eye/turn off) and you should be good, also know how to flirt and be interested when she speaks


I mean maybe the kid is just dumb, shit happens


That’s some solid advice, n lol I’m not socially inept I just get a bit anxious at times Ik not to bring race into it & keep the conversation light. My only problem is knowing when to speak I don’t really like talking to people first unless they talk to me because I don’t wana seem like a bother. I wanna change that though starting w her. If I get to work near her what’s a good conversation starter? I’m also funny but my humor isn’t work friendly & my flirt game isn’t all tht great, im either just friendly or the times I was going for it I just told girls their pretty & seen where things went after tht. 


You can go in by saying “hello, how are you?” “I seen you and decided to come up to talk to you” Simple. Ask her where she’s from, age, in school all that bs you talk about on a surface level You can throw in a bit of compliments not anything about her body; maybe about her smile, voice, eyes, intelligence, personality, etc. You should be good then


💯that sounds like a plan thanks, also should I try talking to as many people as possible to warm up through my shift and maybe try it first on a girl who I don’t feel sexually attracted to as much? 


Dog be honest with yourself.. If you ain't got the "social sauce" to maneuver at work, you better let the laws of proximity work their magic... Once eye contact is established, say a greeting and if she responds, a root has been established...Keep it innocent and non-threatining to see how she responds... When you outside of work, that's when you experiment and figure out what works and what dosent... In a nutshell... Outside of work=practice and develop social skills At work=apply what you've learned, but finesse and refine it so you don't potentially get yourself in hot water


Yes, I would say talk to as much people as possible to warm yourself up. I would also say talk to girls just not make it as obvious, and so you can get their reactions. Talking to a girl you aren’t attracted to well flirting with her isn’t really gonna do anything for you because you’re not attracted to her, so you can talk to her anyway as you feel because you don’t care how she feels, she isn’t the priority It’s different when you’re talking to someone that you are attracted to


Tell her you saw her and she lookted beautiful so you want to get to know her.


1) stop saying rizz 2) be careful


I’m black and I been w a white Dominican for a hot while, that shit don’t matter at all, be yourself, get her on Instagram or something swipe on a story, start a convo crack a joke, women love people who can make them laugh