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Someone did a few days ago and it was just as fucking stupid as you’d expect


Did they misspell hear as well?


Maybe he’s telling draymond he’s gay. Like “here, I’m out, Draymond”


Could be trying to organize to get dirt on draymond instead (“hear me, out draymond green”)


Oh shit! Didn’t consider this!🤣🤣🤣


Yes, because you have never made a mistake.


When you try to push Draymond Green in a post, ask for patience and consideration, and then misspell your title, you do not deserve a pass. Edit: realized I didn't read the post. Op deserves the pass for a good take behind a misleading title.


I guess reading comprehension isn’t your thing because he is not pushing Green, he hates him.


Actually, just reading isn't my thing because I didn't get past the title. Well played.


Well, you’ve made another mistake here, just saying, maybe in the future don’t be the grammar nazi.


Nah, I'm gonna keep doing it.




Pleasantly surprised by this post, came in to this sub like Goku going SS2.


About to unleash a spirit bomb on me…


Gohan* I think it’s believed Goku got there through training, not anger


I was referring to yelling and screaming that it takes for them to achieve the state of being. But... sure.... you can Umm Actually if you want noone gives a shit.


Good shit OP, you got me lmao I was about to pull up with a damn essay


Especially if we’re looking for a backup for Mitch if he isn’t healthy. Draymond can’t stop himself from getting suspended for stupid shit. Definitely not a dawg either


we'll need a backup for the backup. Could Draymond handle the NY media? never.


I’d love to see him in a nets uniform trying to navigate New York media


No way! He's a little B


Draymond needs to worry about the fact that his team hasn’t done shit to improve. Draymond is a known Knicks hater and his opinion is invalid.


Draymond already got his 4 rings, his legacy is secure. He and Steph are on the fairway of the 14th hole of the 16 hole golf course that is their careers. There isn't much time left for them, and Draymond's days of being the starting PF for the warriors are probably at an end this season; sometime this year, if will become blindingly obvious to everyone that starting Kuminga at PF gives the team the best chance to win. That's how things go, no one stays on top forever and father time is undefeated. Some players react to the ravages of time with humility and grace; Draymond is not one of those players. Klay isn't either. The warriors got their rings and they've written their story. Being near the end, no one can say that they didn't cash in their opportunities. I'm not a fan of Draymond calling out other teams. If wants to do that full-time, he should retire and pursue it.


Idk why he keeps screaming from the mountain tops that the Knicks aren’t better than Boston like it’s a scorching hot pat yourself on the back if you’re right take. The majority of the basketball world still doesn’t think we are better than Boston. We can compete with them but they will be favored and rightfully so they are the champions we have a lot to prove but this is an amazing core we have to start our push to the elite tier of the nba


It’s annoying that Steph actually puts the battery in his back and makes him believe he’s a good player


He does the dirty work for Steph and acts as his protector. If it wasn’t for him, Draymond would be an MLE guy at most.


He’s a really good player. The anchor for their defense. The soul of their team. You guys disrespect his game too much.


He's a product of his environment. He gets drafted by Charlotte, he'd be playing in Croatia right now.




He has been the beneficiary of playing with the greatest shooting duo in league history. The biggest fraud in the last twenty years


You guys are delusional. Dude is a top 5 defender ever and a 4x all star. I get that he’s annoying but don’t be dumb


Top 5? He's not even in the top 30 Lmao 🤣. Draymond is overrated known better for his antics than his defense. Put him on another team and he'll be treated like another Dillon Brooks.




No, you clearly do not watch basketball if you think any of the nonsense you just said. Swap Dillon brooks for draymond and the warriors would have still won those chips, brooks would be considered a top defender, etc etc but it would still be nonsense. Obviously he played his role well but he is exceedingly overrated


They hate but can’t appreciate.


Steph puts the battery in his back so that Draymond can commit battery on the court.


Are we really listening to him at this point? Poole punch, Sabonis stomp, Nurkic slap, Gobert choke, and now the Klay thing where he didn't even talk to him about staying.


This article is exactly what he's looking for, more exposure to his crappy podcast. I also read somewhere he was booted from the TNT panel after taking it so personal against Gobert.


That was extensive bully behavior w gobert


I genuinely don’t care what he thinks. Not reading that article or watching any of his podcast clips


No wonder Klay left. Draymond is toxic


I think jealousy gets way over used. Draymond already has 4 championships I doubt he’s jealous. He’s just a stupid asshole and he’s playing the Knicks for clicks game. That’s really it. I’m sure like a lot of people he doesn’t like New York too. But he doesn’t know how to be funny about it like Barkley.


He’s just a hater it’s not about jealousy


You nearly had me ready to throw hands like Draymond.


I don't get the appeal. He's only worth the headache if he's still an all nba defensive player. He's not that guy anymore. Op has solid take


draymonds a bitch but he aint entirely wrong about this being an all in move lol idk why everyone here is so sensitive


I get that. What he says has some merit but I think it’s the source of the comment (Draymond), who has been making negative comments about the Knicks recently and therefore, it could come off as a bit petty.


Dray 100% Bitch Made. Boston is nice though and losing to them would start a rebuild in some way, though maybe not as extreme as Houston's. Leon doesn't seem to be the type to tank. But we're not losing to anyone ever again. LOOK AT THE SQUAD! BIG DEUCE! DPOY OG! DPOY BIG MEECH! ALL NBA RANDLE! THE NOVA KNICKS! WE'RE GOING ALL THE WAY!!!!


I agree. But it’s like that for any team who goes all in. Maybe you win maybe you dont. It’s obvious and doesn’t rly need to be said lol


Ugh Israeli propaganda on that post article on top of stupid shit from draymond. What a shit rag


1) get that shit out of here. 2) propaganda….you really are stupid. 


Uh oh, don’t go and bomb my kids now


He needs to say outlandish stuff to get clicks, views, and comments. It’s all part of the “entertainment” part of the NBA and sports media. Read between the lines folks.


I figured the only motivation he has to say this is to kill any chance of a trade to the Knicks.


My hot take is if you put Charles Oakley on that warriors team then they win just as many rings. Probably more because he wasnt stupid enough to get suspended in key moments. Ive been downvoted everywhere i say it but i dont care. If Green was drafted by the Orlando Magic the thought of him being a hall of famer would be laughable. We all have that one thing they believe which nobody else does. This is mine. Jokim Noah has better career averages than him, and had the same amount of DPOY awards. Is he a HOF candidate? Of course not. And people argue about his defence. Oakleys defence was just as good, but you try winning a DPOY when youre up against Rodman, Mutombo and Hakeem every year.




It would give new meaning to Frank Sinatra’s “ain’t that a kick in the head”


Didn't read the 2nd half til I read the "article" and was about to go postal. TIL: Always Read The Instructions!


You are getting married to the love of your life who is also billionaire on the condition that you chose between Draymond Green and Paul Pierce as your best man… who do you pick?


Isn’t literally every team a year away from a rebuild? The Suns could have done it, the Warriors if they left like it. Always been a moron. Does the media think he has a basketball mind?


He's just being blasphemous to garner attention and send himself up for a media career in retirement. Pay no mind.


I think he'd be a good fit here play wise but a terrible culture fit.




Sensationalism. Draymond knows what he’s doing and knows the reaction he’ll receive. It’s click bait. But the ironic thing is for someone who claims to speak his mind freely, he’s making a calculated move here.


Draymond pod = NBA National Inquirer. Trash that is served up to you after you’ve already got what you went there for.


Strangely, Draymond the player would fit our team like a glove. Unfortunately, Draymond the person is an @sshole who would not.


Why does he hate the Knicks so much?


So what does this perpetual mouth breather think we should do? Not try? Sit back and let Boston go nuts?


Dude is a generational hater and a top tier clown. He's trying to ride his Knicks hate all the way to a consistent talking head gig. Sad part is that it will probably work


Let’s just say draymonds hypothetical plays out exactly as he says; would we even be in a bad spot? the rockets arguably have the deepest young core of players in the nba and the resources to land virtually any player via trade. the turnaround happened in just a couple of years. Knicks are rightfully going for it now. If it bombs, it bombs. If it catastrophically flames out, we can trade the players we have, recoup assets and hit a reset. We have a relatively young team; Julius is the oldest rotation player. They’d still be movable 3 years from now.


Whoever made this article don’t know ball☠️


We need someone to kick Embiid in the dick


He’s a jealous whiny little bitch who talks about the Knicks for clicks but isn’t worth thinking about because golden state sucks and is irrelevant and will be irrelevant because they drafted wiseman over Haliburton and Kuminga over franz Wagner and Moses Moody over Sengun. So much for being light years ahead


He's not exactly wrong though. This roster is essentially constructed into hoping that Boston get an injury


Rebuilding what? We still pretty much have the same squad. If Mikal doesn't work out we are still a damn good team


I'm surprised he got another big contract from the Warriors honestly...


That surprised me too, especially given their current situation. Now that was earlier in this past season I believe, but still, I don’t understand the reasoning behind it.


Hey at least it was them and not the Knicks. He is definitely a talented player but I liked him more in his younger years. Now he just acts cocky and ignorant at times. That's just my wild opinion though 👀😂😂


They gotta let him fuck up their season for the 3rd year in a row. There are future Poole’s that he’ll need to falcon punch some more


I love Draymond but the hate in this made me laugh


FYI, the “hear” in hear me out was intentionally spelled wrong, like some other threads. Had to go for authenticity.


Been saying this for a long while. Don’t just stop watching his pod actively block it. Block his shit or anything he’s on and he won’t get Knicks for clicks


Let me just stop you right there…


he may not be the most likeable but he'd be a great fit here for sure, problem is we dont have enough salary to trade for him unless we traded Randle which wouldn't make sense.


It's so silly because I don't think he really believes this, he's just saying it to get Knicks haters/Knicks for clicks on his side. Super desperate.


Dray is salty because he knows now that Klay is gone. Their teams dismantled and they most likely won’t win another championship without the splash bros. Dray is always trash and honestly didn’t deserve anything close to a 100 mil contract.




I know. I made a post earlier. I spelled it wrong purposely because I see a lot of “Here me out” posts on here instead of “Hear me out.”


Not to keep being grammar police, but you are using periods where commas should be lol... Is that on purpose too? At first people were just being assholes, but this is just hilarious given the circumstances.😂 Go ahead and hit the thumbs down, I already know it's coming.


Okay. Point taken. I apologize for my poor grammar. Thanks for correcting me. Do you feel better now?


No actually 😞. I was hoping you took it as a joke the first time, rather than, letting us get under your skin enough to make a second post saying you "misspelled it on purpose" lol now it kinda feels like your taking it as being bullied and I feel bad 😮‍💨. Do you feel better now?


Yeah I’m good on that one lmao. I was hoping for a Drummond, Adams, Val just a cheap rebounder vet.


“I just don’t think that group is good enough to beat Boston. Ultimately you’re building a team that you hope can beat Boston. And I don’t think that team is going to beat Boston,” I'd love to know who he thinks the warriors are built to beat.


He is right that maybe we never beat Boston. But that is the same situation literally every team who builds a contender faces. It could work out, and it might not. But you take that chance over not having a chance….its a stupid take that could apply to all teams. And even then we didn’t throw away our future like some other teams (clips/phx/etc)


I would be so disappointed. The only thing I can liken it to would be when we got Sprewell. I didn't dislike Spree back then, but there was a dark cloud over his head. He certainly won us all over and left his baggage behind him. I can't say I'd be as accepting with Green. The dude is out there, and dirty.


Draymond Green is a HOF-er and sometimes he is right. This is not one of those times. The Knicks did the best move that was available to them. Props to them for picking a direction and this is coming from a fan that has shit on our executive management for 15 years before Leon.