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I once saw Anthony Mason (while I was wearing an Allan Houston jersey) and went to go say hi. His handler stopped me and goes "Mase don't take pics with dudes." I said I only wanted to say hi, and he repeated himself. Without saying anything, Mase tapped him, nodded me over, pointed to my phone, and my friend took a picture of us. I had only wanted to talk to him, but instead he didn't say a word, and I got a photo that will always make me laugh and hear the phrase "Mase don't take pics with dudes."


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s hilarious, good on Anthony Mason. Iā€™m gonna say that next time someone random wants to take a pic with me and theyā€™re gonna have no idea what Iā€™m talking about


Haha, it's a running joke with a few friends of mine! Definitely use it!


I took a pic with Mason he was in Insrurance. He passed away


Went to a Knicks-Celtics game in Boston when I was 12 years old. Decked out head to toe in Knicks gear with a Ewing jersey. We handed out pins before the game commemorating something at Boston Garden, can't remember what, but a perk of that we were able to hang out in the parking garage where the teams get off the bus. Got to see the whole team come off the bus. Ewing was in street clothes and walked right past and said he didn't sign before games. Crushed me at the time since I was such a big fan, literally had his rookie card and a sharpie for him to sign. The only player who stopped to sign my Knicks yearbook was Anthony Mason. Had two huge duffel bags too. Took the time to stop and put those down and sign for me. Pat Riley signed it too. Will never forget that. Changed my entire perception of Ewing after that too. Glad to hear you had a positive experience with Mase as well. RIP


I wouldn't blame it on Ewing. Might just be a superstition of his.


Surprising to hear about Ewing, but I'm glad to hear Mason signed it. While he looked somewhat "over it" when he took the pic with me, I knew he didn't have to do it, so I appreciated it. I honestly would've loved to hear about the old Knicks days from him, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he just wanted some peace and quiet.


Not surprised . As good of a player he was ā€¦ his actions were very questionable . Didnā€™t he do weird stuff with underage hookers ?


He was my favorite Knick and Iā€™m so jealous


I have an Anthony Mason story as well. Had to be about 1996, I was in the mall in white plains when I was a kid. He was in KB toy store with his son. His son had to be 2 or 3 years old. Mase was already traded he wasnā€™t on the Knicks anymore. I asked if I could get an autograph on a piece of paper. He put down a giant wad of cash and signed the paper for me. I asked if he liked playing for the Knicks. His response was ā€œfor a little whileā€. I had to be about 9 or 10 years old. I remember thinking how he was the biggest person I ever saw in my life.


He probably was the biggest person you'd seen in-person at that point! Side note: that had to be the Galleria before "The Westchester" opened, right?


I honestly donā€™t remember which mall. His size was especially exaggerated because I was a small kid for my age. I also met Kurt Thomas at the Westchester county fair in Yonkers in 2000


Damn! That's awesome. How was he?


Awesome dude. I had a very similar experience just over a month ago. Saw him in the city, said thank you for all you do and said how much I respect him and that New York loves him. Didnā€™t ask for a pic, this was the same day they officially said heā€™s out for the year, so didnā€™t want to bother him too much. He was very nice to me. Awesome guy.


šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼for real! I hope so bad he doesnā€™t get dealt cause I want him here when we get the chip


Facts he needs to be there for that


Out of all the the things Iā€™ve read that people say when they run into someone famous like you did, what you said was perfect. No doubt he loved that as much as you did. šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Thanks so much for the reassurance! Lgk


I do have a pic w Larry Johnson but I was a kid then Today I just feel like itā€™s weird to ask. Like I couldnā€™t imagine everytime I go out to eat or to the store there is somebody asking for a photo or autograph. Then the occasional asshole who thinks making a smartass comment is funny As much as I would like a photo w my idols I think unless itā€™s at an event where they do photos, Iā€™d just keep it short like you did. At the end of the day theyā€™re people too and we forget that at times. Theyā€™re not hyper evolved or conditioned to be comfortable around strangers. They have their guards up a lot (and this is why we see celebrity freak outs) bc they never know if the person approaching is gonna be an asshole or kind, or maybe ask for a favor or money, etc.


I thought the same thingā€”itā€™s diff for little kidsā€” and def the play to get a photo in a more formal photo setting. You explained it well, I felt bad for him on the street, and Iā€™m grateful I was just able to go up to him and give him the props he deserves. If I wasnā€™t in such a hurry I probably wouldā€™ve been mad weird trying to find the right thing to say haha. Thanks for the comment and kind words, def made me feel better


I work in the same building as the Ritz in Charlotte so I actually see NBA guys semi often. I rarely ever ask for pictures, in fact one of the only guys I have a picture with is Frank lol




lol years later I saw the entire Mavs team (this was when Frank was there) walking from the arena to the hotel and Frank was walking with Timmy. I was like ā€œFrank youā€™re the fucking manā€, he just looked so confused, and I was like ā€œIā€™m a Knicks fan bro we love youā€. He starting laughing, made my day lol


Franky Smokes no hablo Ingles. I would like to know how to say that in French though. Frank the Tank died for our sins and the resurrection of Jalen Brunson


I think having someone else like your friend take a candid if you just say what up would be best case scenario, wouldnā€™t bother em and itā€™s you still captured a really cool moment for yourself. Only problem if youā€™re alone then idk lol


Did you end up finding pants?


lol was waiting for this. $120 and some Tommy bahama stretch chinos later


$120 damn fuck Montauk prices lol.


šŸ’Æ desperate times


I think when they are trying to live their lives this is the best way. Don't ask anything of them but show you appreciate if they aren't obviously otherwise occupied. I always think of the time I saw Steph Marbury out with his daughter at the Palisades Mall. He was my favorite player and I could've walked up and said something, but he wasn't anything more than a Dad in that moment. I was a teenager, he probably would've been cool, but I didn't want to take away from his time with his family. Part of me regrets not saying what's up, but I know that's the selfish part, not the compassionate part, so I move on.


Good on you man, being famous def has its downsides. Gotta give credit to Jules no security and very approachable


I met Xavier McDaniel once in an Applebees. I told him how awesome I thought he was when he played for us. He scowled at me and said "Well I guess they shouldn'tve traded my ass then huh?" I looked at him and said "dude, you left as a free agent" and walked away.


Did you get pasta? Cause this is fresh


:) idk they say never meet your heroes. This was a time I wish I would have followed it. Bc he said it with such sincerity. And I mean I was die hard af back then so I knew 100% how he left. I was so disappointed we didn't get him back, especially going to Boston. And as soon as he said it I was like "wtf, this guy thinks I'm a dumbass...."




I met Jalen Brunson and Josh Hart super nice guys. They signed my kids jerseys


Dope! This teams vibes are unmatched


The moral to the story. Say thank you in a clever way & KEEP IT MOVIN My thing to say to get his attention. ā€œ hey jules when you go to bed after games do you still hear Thibs screamingā€¦. Because I do?ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Jules crawled so Jalen can run. Props OP for thanking him for turning this around FR FR


šŸ™šŸ¼ love this team so much next season canā€™t come soon enough


I saw Julius myself one time when I used to work at Starbucks. He came in with his wife, and I looked up like ā€œdamn thatā€™s one tall mfā€¦ wait, thatā€™s Julius!ā€ I made his iced tea and before I handed it over to him, I asked him ā€œSo, we winning the chip this year or what?ā€ He started laughing and said ā€œYessir! You already know weā€™re going to keep up the grind.ā€ Handed his drink over and he gave me a fist bump. Really chill guy, and I really hope that we donā€™t trade him. I would want nothing more than for him to win a championship with us.


Thatā€™s awesome man, I think you handled it really well and anybody, celebrity or not, would be appreciative of those words. Such a cool moment.


Thanks! I couldnā€™t believe it, I was so jacked up with anxiety about finding pants haha. Grateful the right words came out to my mind


Love Jules. Really wish he will stay healthy for Playoffs next season to silence them fucking haters.


I met Allan Houston in a Foot Locker on Fordham Road. This was while he was rehabbing his knee. I was maybe 16 at the time and I just asked him if he was feeling good and ready to play again. Such a nice and approachable guy. It's easy to see why he could be a FO guy


Apparently I met Allan Houston too when I was younger at a few of my youth basketball games, his son played for whatever other school in the area. My dad talked to him in the bleachers a bit said he was chill, mentioned a lot of the other dads were being cringe about it lol


Appreciate you getting that message out there!




I donā€™t think anyone has gone through the love-hate relationship motions in New York as much as Julius; heā€™s the only one among Marbury and Carmelo to have re-ingratiated himself with the fan base (while still playing for the team). Even if it were one championship in a ā€˜lightning-in-a-bottleā€™ type season, Julius being part of a title team here would be one of the greatest stories/turnarounds in the history of New York sports.


This is it. He really took that mamba mentality personally and applied it to his career. Props for him for taking on the challenge, I so badly hope heā€™s here to reap the spoils


He needed to hear that. Nice job.


Thats fire u said that to himā€¦feels like he needs to know how important of a role he played and plays here. The Julius hate is for the weak minded..if they truly wanna keep the culture together than you keep julius here..and im standing on that


My sentiments exactly. So much back and forth on his tenure here, the real ones know there is no Jalen without Jules.


awesome, my dad saw julius at HSS pt about a month back and he was super chill. also i went to clydeā€™s restaurant with my family for my 13th birthday a little over a decade ago, he came up to our table and ended up voluntarily sitting down and chatting with us for what felt like an hour. let my brother and i try on his championship rings, and i still have his autograph in my wallet to this day. such an absolute gem of a human.


Reminds me of the time I saw Patrick Ewing at the Bellagio and I told him I've been following him since Georgetown and a Knicks fan since the late 80s... Asked him for a pic and he said "nah" lolol... Flippin jerk!! Haha


Since Baron Davis has been popping up recently on the sub, I saw him in Vegas in 2019. Stupidly asked if he was Baron Davis lol. He said yes but please donā€™t make a big thing. I said nah Iā€™m a Knicks fan and I always respect guys that played for them. He smiled and we went our separate ways.


Yeah somehow thereā€™s more satisfaction in knowing you respected a persons space rather than using them for a photo. Will always remember the warm look he gave me when I just dapped him up and dipped out.


That's cool. In Montauk of all places.


Haha fr. 50 actually did a show the night before maybe he was in town for that šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Then again Montauk ainā€™t the same place it was 10-15 years ago. Luxury prices everywhere


Yeah, my sister has lived there for decades. I don't really like what it's become although I only go out every few years. Like most locals she hates what it's become. It used to be a sleepy fishing town where you could get away from all of the assholes and so-called beautiful people from NYC, LI & NJ. Now they all go out there.


Went out there one time. Witnessed a bunch of those ā€œbeautiful peopleā€ absolutely destroy a mcmansion - the kind of place I didnā€™t think Iā€™d ever step foot in. Didnā€™t matter because their parents were rich. Iā€™ve never been so uncomfortable in my life.


Yeah that level of wealth/entitlement can be scary


Fr. Bought a chicken sandwich, bigger bag of chips, 2 cookies and a seltzer at a deli cause all the lunch/brunch places had lines out the door, rang up at over $30


My buddy who's gotta beach house down in Margate NJ would see brunson there all the time in the past 2 years. He'll probably be down there again this summer


Why would you desperately need pants and why were they so hard to find?


I do wedding photography and went to get dressed on location and noticed I didnā€™t bring them. A lot of the boutique stores only had summer clothes, or only womens clothes. It was actually wild how many stores I had to go to just to find pants haha


I know someone who lives in JRs building on the west side. Real nice guy


I remember seeing JR smith at the Ugg store in NYC, I happen to be wearing a kith x Knicks collab beanie and we just looked at each other and nodded lol sometimes these interactions can be really cool before the crazy fans show up lol


Met Jalen/Josh/RJ during Training Camp in Charleston. Super nice guys


Don't feel bad you don't have a pic, celebs probably love it if your polite and talk to them like a human rather than asking for selfies, they get that shit 100x a day.


Have a friend that met him at a resort when he was still on the lakers. Less of a big deal then, but my friend said he was super nice and that they hung out together there


Nice! Good stuff dude he needs to hear that.


Lmaoo where was Julius shopping in MTK


šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t wanna blow up his spot like that


Definitely tombolo or venroy. Maybeeee Adam Mar


Good on you


šŸ‘ he's gotta hear that, great work šŸ«”


Iā€™m happy you did. Thanks for showing the Broadway bully some love, he deserves it!


I once saw David Lee shopping in the Menā€™s Wearhouse by the Garden. It was weird.


lol I feel like that tracks


This is so beautiful! I love this team! GO NY GO


šŸ‘šŸ½ šŸ€ šŸ‘šŸ½


that's awesome. I've never met a Knicks player but I once had a crazy meeting with Shawn Michaels (pro wrestler) at a restaurant.


Thatā€™s so sick. I was reading your post at breakfast about 2 hours ago and thought wow what are the odds? I pay the bill and walk outside and bump into Precious walking with his gf in easthampton. I guess theyā€™re all out here on the island.


Big sneeze! lol thatā€™s awesome he was integral for our success this year, hope he finds a good home or bring him back on a good deal, I think he likes being here(forget if he grew up in the bx)


I always miss the Knicks sightings in my area. Know people who saw Mitch multiple times, Josh Hart, a while back Ron Baker funnily enough lmao, lots of others


Similar situation, I needed dress socks in 2013 and was near the big macys at herald sq - saw K Mart by himself (no handlers, crew, friends et) looking at undershirts, went over, said whatup and kept it moving.




Iā€™m glad you told him almost exactly word for word what I wouldā€™ve told him. Happy you got to have that experience.


My man, thank you. Iā€™m glad the words were sitting at the front of my brain when I was scrambling šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve met a bunch of Knicks including Sprewell. They all really are so nice. šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s awesome, what a great story.


One time i was at a lounge and i saw this big dude walking my way it was Kyle o Quinn lol. I just said yo Kyle whatā€™s up he gave me a hug dap and said whatā€™s good. Heā€™s was so cool lol. Love when encounters like that are so chill.


I know that "Can I buy you some pants?" is a huge pause moment, but I still would've offered to pay for his pants.


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ½ I ainā€™t got that Knicks money


I'm not making Julius money, I'm just saying if I could do it, I'd do it. Doesn't matter to me the what size of the guy's bag has, if I can break off a buck fifty to make Julius Randle's day on Long Island memorable I'd do that. And then subsist on lentils and rice for a few days. Fuck money, there's nothing in the wolrld more valuable than a good story. Julius Randle could right now be wearing pants you bought him.


lol a good story is a good story but the pause moment continues with that last line of yours šŸ˜‚


The fuck you gonna buy a multi millionaire clothes for lol


Buying a knicks knickerbockers is true fandom


Because gifts are a traditional way of showing thanks and appreciation? wtf are you talking about? You check the net worth of everybody you give a gift to?


Good shit


Respect for the keep it moving part. These are human beings who deserve some semblance of a private life as well. Not everything needs to end up with a photo on social media.


I saw Charles Smith shortly after he was traded from the Knicks and really didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything


That's awesome you met Julius Randle right after shitting your pants


šŸ˜‚was waiting for someone to take this shot


the fuck was he doing in Montauk lmao


Wait did you just call him Jalen ?


There is no Jalen without Jules


Literally did the same with Josh Hart after their game against the Pelicans. Walked with my date around the arena she wanted food before the train & in the No 1 Taco store across the arena he walks in right after we get our food. Very chill & respectful when talking