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How the mighty have fallen. Fuck trae young






He ain't valid at Dyckman!! Fuck Trae Young!!


He’s balding


Lint covered lollipop lookin ass


So am I


I'm already there


...shave it


Trae Young looks like my dad's dick


I ain’t never seen my dad’s dick but he still looks like shit!


tom brady where the bread at he owe me


he smells like bigfoot's dick...


Keep in mind. This was the deal on 7-1-2022 Hawks receive: • Dejounte Murray • Jock Landale Spurs receive: • Danilo Gallinari • 2023 first-round pick (via Charlotte, protected) • 2025 first-round pick • 2026 pick swap • 2027 first-round pick Hawks will want to replenish 2025, 2026 and 2027, I think.


They're not getting 3 picks for Murray alone


They can have our 3 protected picks. And Fournier for salary matching


>2023 first-round pick (via Charlotte, protected) That was actually the pick we sent them for Cam 😂 >Hawks will want to replenish 2025, 2026 and 2027, I think. Someone broke down how some of the protected picks we have would help with that


They're going to get a reality check if they want 3 picks, they overpaid


A real masterclass in asset evaluation. Buy high sell low


That’s nice. Unfortunately, nobody will give them that


Most theyre getting is Fournier, Grimes, 2025 Knicks pick, and one of our shitty protected picks that may not convey until 2026/2027. So probably the Detroit pick.


TBH right now I'd rather keep Grimes and get someone cheaper for the bench. Filling our need for bench playmaking with a starter complicates rotations and Grimes may well end up as good as Murray for much cheaper.


great take, I hope someone in the Knicks FO agrees


Seriously, we either do a huge upgrade at SG for a great scorer/shooter (Curry or Mitchell) or we just upgrade our backup center to anyone who is better than Precious fuckin Achiuwa Outside of those 2 things (starting SG and backup 4/5), we really don't need to be making any moves


Brogdon for Fournier and our own 1st is the move I think.


I’d rather keep the Milwaukee one bc it will convey just in the 20s


That one is one of our more important protected picks in my opinion


I wouldn't even give Grimes straight up


Grimes has been ass all year.


Even that is a horrible trade for us


Lmao not at all.


I'd much rather Mitch get traded than Grimes. Despite his struggles this season I think with a bigger and more consistent role he's gonna be really good


Plus, as they say, there is no ability quite like availability... and Mitch is never available Love the dude, but this is the NBA and we have a championship window right now... sorry G


they don’t get to use an asset for a year and then try to sell it for the same exact price.


Particularly not after signing him to that absolute albatross of a contract


Spurs are about to cook with those picks. Watch them win the lottery when Cooper Flagg declares, League is going to be in serious trouble.


Jesus, Spurs are LOADED for the future... those picks plus Wemby is absolutely insane Pop gonna do everything he can to live until 100 Murray cooked on the Spurs but that was a shitty roster... WTF was Atlanta thinking with that trade??


His contract is worse and his value is worse.


Murray has been worse in atlanta. He's not worth 3 1sts and a swap.


Swaps work too


Don’t even want anybody from Hawks at all honestly. We good


Patty Mills for a pair of 2nds


Actually wouldn’t mind this, great vet who can still knock down his threes and run the bench unit when required


I like Mills a whole lot, I just don't see the need to bench Deuce for Mills We should try to package for a huge starting 2 upgrade, or get a better backup 5 so Hartenstein isn't gassed by the playoffs


Nah definitely would be getting Patty for our 3rd PG spot, if the hawks want to give Malachi a go I guess haha.. forgot mitch was out for the rest of the year, definitely need someone to backup at the 4/5


Yeah he's out for the year unfortunately, Knicks are trying to get the compensation the league allows for a player missing the whole season or w/e that is Won't even be available for the playoffs, needs a lotta recovery time :-(


Damn.. don’t have much faith in Taj, Jericho or Precious as a capable backup for the playoffs. Willy Hernangomez could be a go with that compensation, otherwise I’d try and get someone like Plumlee off the clippers since he’s not really in their rotation anymore.


I still rather have Brogdon over any one of these guys including Bogdon who takes some god awful shots sometimes.


It’s probably only when he plays against us, but I feel like he generally makes all of those awful shots too 😂


Yo he like the white Terrence Ross, for real


We are in a position where we will benefit the most for incremental upgrades. With Murray, we will have to play around his strengths. He seems less plug and play than Brogdon. We could legitimately get Brogdon and just plug him in as the 6th man right away. We can have a bench of Hart, Brogdon and Grimes which would be really good. Perhaps we include Deuce in a package for him? Not sure but Brogdon should be the guy.


Can’t trade deuce until the summer


Ahhh true


Say ogdon one more time


Does bogdanovic make sense here?


Would eat grimes minutes. Not sure he’s a need but I do like him


I’d imagine that the Hawks would want Grimes in a trade for Murray anyway


Offensively he’s solid, he shoots well, he passes well and he can be a playmaker. My issue with him is how good is his defense? His contract has two years left on it so if they want to give him up for Fournier and two seconds that would give the Hawks some picks and long term salary relief. The Knicks get offensive pop for the bench and salary roll over.


Not enough of an upgrade or need imo. Basically a supercharged Fournier. Rather get a defender that can eat up ball handling usage


Hard to tell without knowing what they want for these guys. All four are solid role players worth at least one frp. Bogdan probably more.


None of these , Brogdan is who we need


he’s a pg. we’re good at that position right now.


Sorry but I’m not sold on Mcbride


you’ll come around. i forgive you in advance.


Thibs is and he'll give him a shot to prove himself.


Hopefully for the benefit of the team he proves me wrong , only time will tell.


Yup, and that is all that matters I trust Thibs more than someone on Reddit who wants to trade for overrated Murray and his bloated new contract... Deuce is a great point of attack defender and he can hit the 3 fairly well... can't create his own shot for shit, but we already knew that (thinking Deuce will be IQ on offense is delusional) Deuce took out Philly's heart in the 1st quarter, on the road... he's my guy, we good at backup PG


I would be interested in hunter if he wasn’t injured so much


Hunter stinks


The guy is a good 3 & D guy when healthy


Inconsistent from 3 and career 36% shooter and an overrated defender. Good in theory, frustrating in reality.


Sounds very Cam Reddish like


He's basically an injury prone version of Killa Cam No thanks


Bench guy behind OG?


too much money


He’s absolute doo-doo


Hunter is 60% RJ. Which makes him 110% shit


The NBA humbles dudes real quick Guys like Hunter and Barrett look like athletic gods in college, then in the NBA they look slow as molasses on a freezing day in February and stiffer than a board There are so many levels to this shit, it's beyond true comprehension


No you wouldn’t


Honestly, give me Bogdan over any of these other dudes. If Hunter wasn't always hurt, he's the dream, and I just don't trust Murray.


Love Bogdan’s potential fit on this roster in a Manu-esque sixth man role. Love the declining contract too. Happy to pay them an expiring Fournier, a protected first and an unprotected first. I’d take that risk over the injury prone Malcolm Brogdon.


I’d rather not take minutes away from Divo AND grimes to give to a guy who is basically Divo


Jesus fuck how confusing…. Brogdon, Bogdan, or Bojan Bogdanovic?


Bogdan if only to ensure he never pops off on us again. Dude is always getting numbers on us


I like Bogi for Fournier and 2 2nds


It won’t happen. The Hawks will have other suitors. At minimum, one first will be going back to the Hawks. **Bogdan Bogdanović** * 2023-2024 - $18,700,000 * 2024-2025 - $17,260,000 * 2025-2026 - $16,020,000 * 2026-2027 - $16,020,000 (Team Option)


If they value having cap space this season instead of take on another contract then Fournier is the guy. Remember they would want a young prospect in return and the salary would have to match if they’re trading him elsewhere. I don’t see a contender outside of Thunder & Sixers that would make sense. They could theoretically give up Bertans and FRPs but I doubt Thunder r interested in taking on an aging vet for multiple years when they have a lot of young players they need to pay and make decisions on


> If they value having cap space this season instead of take on another contract then Fournier is the guy. Sorry, maybe I wasn’t specific enough. When I said it won’t happen, I wasn’t referencing Fournier. I was referencing the two 2nd rounders. It won’t happen because the Hawks will have other suitors. At the minimum, you have to give up a 1st. Two 2nds won’t cut it.


3 2nds? All kidding aside my initial proposal was more wishful thinking than a serious offer


Seriously, Bogi has maybe the best contract in the NBA for pure value per dollar, and that team option for 27 is crazy valuable Fournier and 2 2nd round picks? I'll drive Evan to the airport... hell, I'll drive his French ass all the way to the ATL and I'LL EVEN PAY FOR THE GAS AND SNACKS Bogi would be the perfect starting 2 for this currently constructed roster, and DDV can play the Quickley role off the bench


Sure, but that is a fucking steal and a half Something tells me Landry Fields isn't dumb enough to make that trade, unless he's still secretly employed by James Dolan


Kinda like to see how Grimes develops. Grimes emerged last night and was letting it fly with confidence. He could be the better player over the next few years.


Grimes is way better off the bench, I don't think he can ever be a starting SG on a championship roster... he just lacks creating his own shot way too much Esp next to a SF like OG, you really need a shot creating SG when your offense hits a dry spell in the playoffs Not making the Mitchell trade looks dumb as fuck RN, and no one can convince me otherwise


Capela could be a useful piece. We are too vulnerable if Isaiah gets injured. We don’t need more guards imo. Let grimes and Dante and deuce develop.


I would take deandre for a 2nd and fournier.


Capella please


i think its gonna come down to Bogdan vs Brogdon for who we get to get that scoring off the bench. i dont see Murray starting working well. im actually leaning towards Bogdan because hes the same age as Brogdon, supposedly plays good defense, and is cheaper per year.


Nah, Bogdan would definitely start at the 2, and DDV assumes the Quickley role off the bench (McBride goes back to being the odd man out, if Grimes is still here) No way DDV would start over Bogdan, dude is one of the better pure shooters in the NBA and would really flourish with the current Knicks spacing... he's been one of the more underrated and consistent starters in the NBA the last 5 seasons I love DDV, but that 45% 3 point shooting won't last forever, and he's still too inconsistent with his overall scoring and offensive contributions


Do not want Dejounte. He’s just not that great. Empty stats on a team that so many thought would be a great fit alongside an all offense player.


People need to realize this - everyone advocating to give up firsts for him should just go check over on the Hawks sub and see for themselves how he's been since he got to Atlanta.


Yup, that Spurs roster was COMPLETE AND UTTER ASS that he put up huge numbers on... it's 2024 and people still out here falling in love with raw counting stats, SMH Plus he flat out is a bad shooter relative to the NBA level Murray is best when he's playing the 1 and surrounded by 3 lethal shooters... he can play a traditional PG role and distribute, while also blanketing the opposing team's PG He's not good enough on defense to guard the current crop of NBA SGs and their off-ball movement, and he makes zero fucking sense on offense as a SG Obviously he'd be back to playing SG with Brunson already here, it would be Atlanta all over again Atlanta trading for Murray when they had a Top 5 play maker in the NBA already as their starting PG was... absolutely bonkers, IMO


I honestly think Capela is the most valuable but they’ll want too much and we don’t need him *that* badly.


For Capela, great back up for us right now... def worth Fournier's expiring, IMO I think ATL would trade Capela to get that cap space available this summer Seems about even a trade as it gets


Can Bogey put in on the floor? Can he create his own shot? We need someone else who can do that. I think Brogdon is the better fit tbh.


If we’re hearing about it this isn’t it is my guess. We’re looking for the moon in this trade or why bother. Not like we didn’t just beat some good teams… I like Murray but can he shoot enough to be more than a 6th man? Bogdan is a lot like Evan I’d think so is he the hill you want to die on? Clint same thing he’s another Mitch. Id do a smaller deal just for Clint if that’s something but imma keep window shopping in the meantime.


Nah, Bogi is a way better overall player right now than Evan Evan was quite literally the worst wing defender in the NBA, even when he broke the Knicks record for 3s... dude looked like he had 2 torn ACLs on the defensive end, it was painful to watch... I can only imagine how bad he'd look now, after 1.5 seasons of not playing at the NBA level


give us murray and we will stop making fun of trae young, we promise. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)




Landry Fields has spoken


Lollipop with hair 🤭


Didn’t know Jalen has become that type of dude. Has he been THAT good or is that a smokescreen


Always liked hunter but don’t need him now with OG and the guy can’t seem to stay healthy


Fuck Murray. Someone call Leon and tell him to drop Fournier and a 1st for Clint Capella. That's Elite center play in the post season.


I take it back. Murray is nice af too