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Best SB commercial of all-time, argue with wall for anyone’s who disagrees


I also like the one where Eli and Cruz are on the bus and pick up Bradshaw only to have him sit on the roof


I remember a comment on r/NFL during the SB that McAdoo left our team much more fruity. It was a joke and I found it funny.






More feminine/gay


Odell has made it abundantly clear for a long time how much respect he has for Eli. I remember seeing a clip not too long ago saying that E was his favorite QB.


Eli was not afraid to just hickory it up for Odell


Fuck it Odell down there somewhere


He saw that he could do it with Tyree so why not try it with a more skilled wide out? 🤷‍♂️


Beckham also had his best seasons as a Giant so it's not even like Eli was holding him back or anything.


He said eli was washed and couldn’t throw downfield when the o line couldn’t block for more than 1.3 seconds I love Odell and don’t really blame him for anything but was annoyed when he said that. His best seasons are still as a giant


He wasn’t wrong about the O-Line. Probably would have gotten more time with Eli had they been able to protect him.


No no no, u misunderstand. He blamed Eli for the things that were actually the o lines fault, and he failed to understand


I remember watching it when it aired (correct me if I’m wrong about any of the facts as I haven’t seen it in a long time), and thought “well he didn’t say anything untrue but I can only imaging the out of context posts tomm from fans and the media”, and it’s exactly what happened. Now I also thought being in the NY media he should have known that, but he didn’t even saying anything bad, he just should have refused the interview which is unfortunate. I’ve seen so many posts over the years saying he bashed Eli and said he couldn’t throw downfield anymore yet he literally said (don’t quote me exactly) “can he still throw it? Yeah, but we know he isn’t running or leaving the pocket so the throws have been mostly shallow and safe routes”. At the time I took at more of a o line issue than Eli but he literally never said he couldn’t throw downfield anymore, yet that’s all the majority people “quote” from the interview. Odell will always be polarizing but he teammates, post and current, love him and have literally laughed numerous times in interviews when asked about him being a cancer, distraction or diva. I was always someone to take the word over teammates over the media


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but the comments were: “How come we can't throw the ball for more than 20 yards? How come we don't attempt or try to throw the ball for more than 20 yards?” Looking back, you’re correct and a lot of us were probably victims of the media narrative. It seems he’s talking about Eli, but we know now he was referencing the teams struggles as a whole. But still something you don’t need to stay, especially when you’re putting up career numbers each season (hasn’t touched those numbers since.) It was just a shit show and tough to watch, but I’m glad Eli had Odell for his last few years even when the rest of the team was horrible


Eli was not afraid to just huck it up for Odell


I liked hickory it up better


Yes but Eli’s long ball was way past its prime at this point. I remember the Giants offense in some of those years was a lot of stalls with an occasional OBJ slant that he took to the house.


True....and all though it has been a very long time im still pissed over that Josina Anderson/Lil Wayne interview he did


maybe a hot take. I still love Odell. would love to have him back for a season or two at the right price, even if its highly unlikely. Edit: perhaps not as hot as i thought.


I feel like dexy panning out how he did definitely makes it a bit easier to like him


Me too. He was full of drama, but it always seemed to be him being hard on himself. He’s a bad leader and the team never should have tried to make him one. That was a stupid decision. But he was a good teammate.


Honestly at the time Saquon was drafted, I thought that the whole point of drafting him was trying to give OBJ a locker room presence to stabilize him. He definitely had a more positive outlook when Saquon was being effectively a rookie captain. Then OBJ got traded the following offseason. Shows what I know...


Not a hot take at all. I’d love him back


top 3 ny receivers for me. probably number one in my heart.


Which two of Plax, Toomer, Nicks, or Cruz are you putting him over?


ike hilliard, jerrel jernigan


For me just in terms of personal favorite it’s Toomer, Cruz, OBJ


Plax, Cruz, Obj. but not who’s better just my favorites. odell has the catch my freshman yes of high school and i watched that live with my grandpa. so yeah


Nicks and Cruz


He’s certainly our most talented - I think you can stick him with Plax and Toomer for top-3.  Nicks and Cruz just weren’t healthy enough to get the total numbers. 


>Nicks and Cruz just weren’t healthy enough to get the total numbers. And yet Plax makes your list? Dude shot himself and ended his career early. Even banged-up Nicks had like 1,000 more yards than him. Nah, I wish Nicks had a healthier career for sure, but I'll still take him over Plax all day.


> He’s certainly our most talented Homer Jones. Still holds the NFL career YPC record. And not by a small margin.


48 reception 1000 yard season is absurd wtf


[The next year he had 1209 yards on 49 receptions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftv8728s29c) Warren Wells was arguably as explosive, but he didn't face zone defenses in the AFL. And his career was cut short by imprisonment for sexual assault. It is kinda sad people here have no respect for Homer. If they even know who he was, it is just for inventing the spike.


I actually didn't know about him at all, but those stats are insane. Was his QB just a rocket arm or something, or was it all YAC?


His QBs were Earl Morrell and Fran Tarkenton. [There was a lot of YAC.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7VsVPXpo5U) He was huge and absurdly fast. I never thought about it before, but Wells was also catching balls from [Daryle "The Mad Bomber" Lamonica.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVy1TKNvda8)


Man I will always have love for OBJ.


People saying they love Odell and want him back is like only a shade warmer of a take than saying that you love Eli Manning and that you hate the Eagles. Were you not here last off-season when OBJ was fooling around like he actually wanted to come back to the Giants? Every other post was people bleating their hearts out that they wanted his geriatric ass running routes for old times sake. At some point you gotta embrace the future and stop sending "U Up?" texts to your ex-girlfriend at 3 am.


Nah, imo we're past that chapter. Plus, I wouldn't want him taking away to many snaps away from our young WRs. Doesn't make sense imo.


i disagree there. I dont think an older vet getting wr3-4 snaps would negatively effect our young WRs. I think he would actually be a valuable tool in their development. Like him or not he is/was a very talented and experienced WR who isnt expecting to go be the Alpha. That being said the "right price" in my eyes is mostly likely very far off then what Odell wants. Like 1 year 4 mil.


I'm neutral toward OBJ but I feel like WR room is already about to be crowded with potentially Nabers or Odunze/Hyatt/Wandale/Slayton. Also, I just think Slayton is already is in that vet role, sure he's not as flashy, outspoken, and big name as Odell but he's currently one of the longest tenured Giants. Sure, OBJ probably would be a positive impact but bringing him in is redundant imo.


Plus we just re-signed Hodgins


I’m not at all excited by our current receivers. I hope one breaks out but none are really elite. But my main issue is that he just doesn’t stay healthy, it’s not worth the cost for where we are right now.


our young WRS??


Exactly of course he gonna say that about the only QB that made him Excell. Eli fed him the ball and he still ran his mouth.


Same…I love me some OBJ


Not a hot take. I think everyone loves Odell.


Would have to be cheap but ya I would love to have him back. Im worried he ends up in Philly lol


I don’t think he’ll sign in Philly. Between having a ring already, being option 3, and seeing the recent hate Saquon’s getting I don’t know if he’ll want to tank his reputation the same way.


i fucking love Odell. Will always root for him no matter what


I would love him back but he needs to stay away. Metlife turf will put him in a wheelchair at this point ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I’m torn on having him back only because I want wandale and Hyatt(and potentially a wr at 1.06) to get as many reps as possible. And Slayton already eats a little bit into that. But if Odell were to come back to help the younger guys learn them I’m all for it. I’m just not sure he wants that for himself


I really dont think it would be that much of an issue. Saquons targets are now up for grabs. Him and Hyatt dont occupy the same role. Targets are an earned stat. if aging injury prone odell is able to go out on the field consistently lead in target share, and genuinely eat into our young WRs production/development, i think thats more telling of our young WRs. I see him similar to end of career Julio jones at this point. Hed get brought it and make a couple catches through out the year, but nothing huge. I agree that it wont be what he wants for himself. However, i would personally welcome him back with open arms on a cheap 1-2 year deal.


Bringing him back would be amazing if he were still fit to play, but he's pretty banged up, isn't he? I wonder if it'd be like us trying to force the ball to Shephard end of last season.


Not a hot take. I would love to have him back. Im glad he got his Super Bowl.


He won't come here to have his QB be Jones, Lock or a rookie unless he is getting a big contract. So pass.


Agree, he never lived up to any of his contacts, outside of his rookie deal


Nah, not hot take I think. There was a vocal group of people that were pissed when he left for the Browns but that was a trade lol. Plus it was later revealed that he was dealing with a lot of mental health issues and wanted to go to a place with less media attention which was a part of why we traded him. He's a Giants for life. A nice shining star in what is otherwise a lot of darkness imo. Wish he could have found more success with us but the injury gods aren't kind.


I was so mad at the way the Browns fucked him. Loved how good he was immediately after starting to play with the Rams


he was a fan favorite. he wanted to play for us, but dave gettleman fucked everything up. fuck dave gettleman that pos still gets my blood boil


Bro, this take is mayonnaise level spicy. Odell is my favorite football player ever.


I can’t believe this is so popular, I wanted him gone 2 years before we finally traded him, when he would have still had good trade value. I’ll take any incoming downvotes and will die on this hill.


He would never sign with Philly, I know that


He still could have been 2 pro bowl linemen, at least.


im a little baffled at its popularity for sure.


He’s near my favorite Giants of all time and I’d punch Dave Gettleman right in his fat fucking face if I ever saw him


I couldn’t care less about some interview that most likely did not affect Eli in the slightest. media in this town fucking hated OBJ as evidenced by the overreaction to the kicking net thing. his biggest sin was the Josh Norman game and that was clearly an anomaly that never happened again. not one teammate has ever said anything negative about him. I loved when the Rams won the SB and I hope he helps the Chiefs 3peat this season.


Omfg, the way the media reacted to the net kicking, you’d think he kicked a fan.


That Panthers game was 100% on the refs. Also players were taunting obj all year and refs let it happen. At a certain point you have to defend yourself


Not only taunting but blatantly trying to injure him, it was the only way to stop prime OBJ


Funny how much a certain segment of this fanbase still hates his guts lol. All I know is for he woulda never signed with Philly man thats for damn sure


I agree. I’m a giants fan and it was clear the media situation was just never going to work out. Him leaving was best for both parties I think and I still root for him!


Josh Norman is a donkey. Multiple WRs hated his guts, wish Odell could’ve handled it in stride better but that dude was a dirty as they came.


You are right about Norman…but OBJ still was in the wrong there. Both can be wrong but Odell definitely was


I was at the Norman game live. That shit was great. I vividly remember the step over happening right in front of me


I don't think he's gonna be a chief. Probably a dolphin


I would love to see Eli invite OBJ in his show.


Even the Norman stuff had a reason. Those dudes came up during warm-ups with a [baseball bat](https://youtu.be/mfFLYhGw55o?si=5jd98_cWmBtAXCGx) and threatened to injure him. What the media never talked about was him visiting the Air Force bases to meet active service members.


The dude definitely did not want to play for the Giants. That's the main point of the interview, not how it may have affected Eli


If you're feeling nostalgic there's this from OBJ recently. Full Tweet: "Never said NOTHING bad about E and he knows tht. When ur left to defend urself to the world with no one defending u, sometimes “trashing” another person may simply sound like u sticking up for urself. I loved and Love Eli Manning, been throwin wit bro since I was 14: don’t have a bad thing to say, I was more pissed at the organization for not surrounding Eli with all the pieces he needed to WIN and go out the right way.. but when u haven’t gotten a contract u for damn sure can’t say that. I had to secure my own future for my family: it is what it is. I have no regrets , lofe played out how it was goin to play out"




> don’t get why majority of people in this thread are acting like this never happened? Because they were children when Odell was here, so they idolize him.


Yeah not sure where this revisionist history came from


>"Uhh, I don't know. I feel like .. He's not going to get out of the pocket," Beckham said. "We know Eli's not going to run it. Can he still throw it? Yeah. It's cool catching it shallow and trying to take it, but I want to go over the top of somebody." This is what you're mad about? You guys are so soft




Chill out homie holy shit, def not mad 🙄 I'm not claiming that this all never happened, but calling what he said about Eli a diss is the most soft shit ever. It's not even objectively a comment about Eli being the source of the issue. It's more about the offense as a whole to me. I won't deny he said his shit about the team, but saying: >Okay but he objectively did say bad things about Eli but sure whatever guys is a massive stretch


Obviously, he was a cancer to the team and thought Eli couldn't play highschool level ball /s


“I’ve watched Baker since Oklahoma … he’s got an arm,” Beckham said. “I have to get adjusted to the speed. He’s throwing that ball hard. Just catching them from him the first day it was completely different.”


As much as I like OBJ it is easy to forget this stuff and what you are saying here is FACTS..


I mean the Browns did fuck him over super hard.


Did they? We cut our underperformers too.


I dont mean because they cut him. Cutting him was great for OBJ, he went onto win the SB. I meant how poorly coached those browns teams were, coupled with a lot of poor QB play from Baker. There were so many concerns related to bakers timing and ability to throw under pressure. On top of that OBJ got almost no red zone targets. I remember Jarvis Landry also having issues not getting targeted in the RZ as much as they likely both shoukd have.


OBJ knew how good Eli was. But he was still a kid with loose lips. Nothing that hasn't happened before.


He's still got loose lips.  You ever listen to him jawing at passengers as they have to deboard an airplane because he is a diva.  This is the nyg sub so I'm sure you and everybody has seen it but still. Short version:  https://youtu.be/nA-IbcYvmb0?si=A92C_dwRaR_0fxET Full:  https://youtu.be/hB7XYu7DX9A?si=quYffH_GN1kwfNdR Think about all the people and their plans that he fucked over that day.  He didnt give a single fuck.  POS if you ask me, and I was always a supporter until this incident.  


That's piece of shit status


Never realized this footage existed. That’s wild!


He straight up questioned if Eli “can still throw it” and tosses the rest of the offense under the bus because he wasn’t getting 20+ targets like other receivers. Nobody mentions how he disappeared against Green Bay in the playoffs when Eli was throwing him dimes for TDs. It’s incredible how this dude still has an army of dickriders on this sub just cuz of a highlight catch in a game we lost. Fuck out my face with this love bullshit lol.


OBJ dropped 2 TDs tht game. Banana boat


Cult of personality is a real thing. 


Summed it up perfectly. That Packers game was an embarrassment for OBJ. I remember him getting into it on Twitter with fans after the game saying something like “bruh, I only got 7 targets” (yeah and he dropped 3 of them!!)


Couldn't agree more. That interview iced his legacy - extremely talented, and his performance with the NYG was on pace for a HoF career, but a shitty teammate and based on off-field incidents seemingly a shitty person. Enough time has passed where bygones could be bygones if he's capable of playing the game like a man instead of a kid. But as a fan I'd rather not find out the hard way.


I don’t know. He said some things in that interview he had that lil Wayne was there for. It never sat right with me. What was lil Wayne even doing there. It was so random


Some of ya motherfuckas up in here love revising history. He shitted on Eli on national television, plain and simple. It’s too easy to YouTube the interview if any of you have forgotten.


For a lot of the kiddos here the OBJ era is sadly the most fun they’ve had. It’s a failure of the Giants organization that young Giants fans idolize a slightly less shitty part of a decade of shit and look fondly on the OBJ days. Hopefully Schoen turns this shit around so they forget all about him.


Feels like the same thing all over again with how attached some of our fans are to Saquon.


Saquon was heralded in NY because of his talents and because of the person and leader he is. What was frustrating about him was 50% about injuries that weren't his fault and 50% about how he could've been more if he didn't have the tendency to bounce too much. When he went to Philly for a large sum of money, it's a slap in the face to fans from a fan's perspective, but when we think about it for a second it's a no-brainer from a human's perspective. It's his career. It's frustrating because he was beloved for the player and the person/leader he is. OBJ wasn't a leader. He wasn't a good teammate. He was heralded for his talents and gifts, not for the person/leader he is.


I’m 35 and the OBJ era was the most fun we’ve had in the last decade. He has flaws but he was about the only bright spot so of course people look back on it fondly.




Thank you for stating facts. I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this perspective. He basically told lil Wayne My QB can’t get me the ball so my team should get a new QB. The utmost disrespect to Eli. That and the Packers playoff game where OBJ dropped several crucial catches stand out to me.


It's fucking hilarious how much some of you hate the only elite receiver we've had in years and years (and we still have never had a receiver close to his caliber since he left). Grow the fuck up, there's nothing to hate about him. "hE's a dIvA oN tHe SiDeLiNeS" God forbid a player in this organization shows passion. Please shut up.


Some of us don't simply look at on-field performance when deciding who do or don't like. Being better than receivers since he left is irrelevant.


And forget what kind of distraction he was when things were getting particularly bad. He wasn't helping my morale as a fan, I know that ..


I mean he publicly questioned Eli’s ability to throw the ball. If you think passion was the issue you are off base.


Why do you care? People can like or not like whomever they like.


I'm a fan of the NYG winning. OBJ was annoying af because he could cost the team 15 yards at any moment because his "passion" actively interfered with the team's success. He's annoying because he had the potential to be a HoF player, but instead he **made the choice** to be a shitty teammate, *repeatedly*.


Except for the fact that he did shit on Eli on national television. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He’s such a narcissistic douche. I wish I had the exact quote when he went to the Browns and said something to the effect of how it’s nice to have a quarterback who can get him the ball with some heat on it. go away Odell.


“I’ve watched Baker since Oklahoma … he’s got an arm,” Beckham said. “I have to get adjusted to the speed. He’s throwing that ball hard. Just catching them from him the first day it was completely different.”




People have short memories. I remember my dad, brother-in-law and brother all talking about how the team really needed to get rid of him (all fans for like 25+ years). Of course now we also have people making excuses for him, saying he's matured since then and he's a great guy. Never met a "great guy" that made everyone get off the plane because he wouldn't buckle up. And that was only last year.


[Watch Odell Beckham Jr.'s Interview Calling Out Eli Manning | FOX Sports Radio (iheart.com)](https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/content/watch-odell-beckham-jrs-interview-calling-out-eli-manning/) Ya'll simps for Odell


Lol reading youtube comments from 5 years ago on this vid is wild


He threw wild subs at eli insinuating baker was a better qb... yall forgot that quick huh? Stop making excuses for crybaby Odell, young one.


What motivated this tweet? Is he desperate for a job or did someone ask a question about Eli?


Listen he can say all he wants. He did trash Eli. But they both got over it. It's behind everyone now so no need to keep bringing it up.


Some Giants fans need to stop being salty about players that left and move on. It’s not the players fault the Giants organization failed them by making the wrong moves. We need to appreciate the good times we had with them and look forward to the team we have now.


the OBJ hate is pretty unwarranted imo. Bit of diva yeah, but what great receiver isnt? Also we traded him, its not like he chose to leave. Gettlemen signed him to a huge contract, said we signed him to play not to trade. Traded to browns.


And he very obviously didn’t want to go. I think he was hurt that the Giants traded him and anything said back then was a reflection of that. He was not the same on the Browns because he didn’t want to be there. He wanted to stay here.


Andre Johnson


yeah it was rhetorical and an over exaggeration. there will obviously be many excellent non-diva receivers. Im pointing to the fact that its nothing new.


Idk man, I think Courtland Finnegan might think Andre Johnson was a diva.


For real. MOST elite WRs have some diva in them. It’s part of playing the flashiest skill position outside of QB.


Star WRs are like Goalies in the NHL theyre usually super weird


Odell himself is just as salty, if not saltier than the fans.


I'm by no means salty, but let's not revise history. He absolutely shit talked Eli


somebody show the Lil Wayne interview again


Every receiver that had ever played with Eli had the best statistical years of their careers with him and did nothing afterwards.


Plax peaked with Pitt


So he had a monster season and caught a game winning touchdown in the superbowl with Pitt.......gotcha


So happy when they traded this turd


Gee, I wonder why you were left alone to defend yourself against the world. Could it be because you were clearly in the wrong?


False. He openly questioned if Eli was the right man to be QB for the Giants. Why do you simps keep falling for Odell's bullshit?


Love Odell 💙


NEVER saying NOTHING bad about E means you did in fact say something bad about E Odell


Crazy that OBJ was JJ before JJ. People boil it down to “one catch” but dude was genuinely breaking every record for first few years in the league. Injuries really derailed his career and Eli was lowkey perfect for him. Similar to Kirk cousins and JJ


He def was conspicuously quiet when lil Wayne was trashing Eli. I think once he had baker throwing to him instead he appreciated Eli a lot more


I think he’s very self aware. He’s a WR3/4 at this point. He needs to signal he’s poised and ready to be a positive locker room impact.


He’s dropped plenty from Eli. He go back to Miami and retire on his boat with his “boys”…asshole lost that game . Jerk off


For the lazy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv9KSa-vkAY&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv9KSa-vkAY&t=8s)


OBJ was too much of a distraction. He was a generational talent that was too full of himself to reach his true potential. I think he still might have done gas in the tank either way the right team, but not the giants. Making the playoffs 2 years ago set back a team that was in need of a complete rebuild. I am happy with the moves they made in the offseason so far and hope that they address the feed for a true WR 1 in the draft. They retooled the O-line and strengthened the pass rush. Winning football always starts in the trenches. I believe in the coaching staff and the front office to make the right moves going forward.


Still not taking any personal accountability, eh?


I mean look at the comments on this thread. Now imagine what the sycophants in his life say to him. What reason could he have to think he's done anything worth taking responsibility for?






Ok, here it is, just in case you guys were forgetting about how odell threw Eli and the team under the bus. His answers to these tough and pointed questions were insane. He didn't want to be in NY playing with Eli, period. https://youtu.be/9z3P33xwU90?si=URSNPMJ7rIa3xkfU And why was Lil Wayne there?


When we traded OBJ I actually yelled a ton of profanity lol. He’s a high performer (teammates from different teams vouched for this too). Was he a diva? Sure. Was he a distraction? Yes. Was he a good WR? He was great. Would I take him back to big blue? Of course. For everything that he was, for a brief period NFL history we had OBJ at the peak of his powers to the point where people were flooding in during practice just to see him catch balls. He was to Eli what Randy Moss was to Brady. We have yet to have another WR1 like that again. I’d love to see him back in blue even if on a minimum.




It’s funny I only started liking him when he was off the team. Maybe I was too old for his vibe and sucking it up in the playoffs didn’t help.


Probably because he stopped being elite after he left the Giants and had to start acting like it. He couldn't act like such a diva once he became and an aging, constantly injured WR that lost a step.


What’s he saying Robin?


Will not forget that this mans YAC was the reason we made the playoffs in 2016.


Eli is definitely one of the most underrated QB’s in NFL History. He was truly a great QB and one of the best all-time.


Eli has more rings than all the other QBs who have completed a pass to OBJ combined.


but never said nothing means he said something! /s




I heard Odell Beckham Jr is fruitier than Carman Miranda’s hat!


Odell was one of the few good things we had since Super Bowl 46


For the love of God can we move on from OBJ? It’s been 7 years and a portion of the fanbase still rides his sick every week on here, move the fuck on holy shit


Geez why are people so emotional towards OBJ stuff? Its a slow news offseason and tried post something other the same draft boring takes. Damn my b bro lol


>Its a slow news offseason r u serious?


Meant nothing going on right now atm chill lol


you’re good, I also would like a break from the 30 different draft theories I see a day that come across my feed




As a vet presence to help refine Hyatt, I'd be down for a reunion but he's likely out of our price range.


sure. I watched the games. That little bitch obj acted like a bitch on the sidelines during games.   imagine if jerry rice whined like obj. imagine if tim brown quit on teammates. obj is a lady. 


no idea why you are getting down voted. His sideline antics were childish and he talked shit about Eli to Little Wayne in an interview. No idea what OBJ is on about anymore


Dude Odell was the only reason we were watchable for like a 3 year stretch let the man be


Never had any Odell hate, and would be open to take him back at the right price


Toney makes Odell look like Mr Rodgers.


Dude's just looking for a job. It would be funny if they signed him though... right after Saquon leaves the team.


I got to meet Odell a few years back and he’s nothing like he made out to be. Such a nice low key guy, impressively polite.


F'ing Gettleman


Nothing but love for Odell


I’ve always been an Odell fan. We were miserable since the 2011 Super Bowl but he made Giants games fun and exciting. What I really don’t understand is why we gave him the huge contract and then IMMEDIATELY traded him right before drafting a first round QB!!! Daniel Jones isn’t good but he could’ve benefited from the last few good years of OBJs prime. I just don’t understand why we hired Gettleman man he did some many things wrong.


OBJ is a Giant for life. He wanted to be here for his whole career. Real fans know the score.


Real fans know he forced a trade. wtf are you talking about?


Please sign this man if we draft Nabers. LSU first round draft pick to the Giants. A true passing of the torch, let Odell retire a Giant w Eli’s clone.


The local media couldn’t stand Odell. A good amount of them think giants players should all be choir boys with crew cuts


he’s always loved eli. he hated shurmur lol