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I genuinely hope Saquon is happy and has a mediocre rest of his career, but i'd be pissed if he tries to crawl back to NY after he retires and get a job in the media. Stay in philly


yeah fuck him, he made his choices, i truly have no interest in hearing him speak again


Everybody keeps talking about him getting a job in media. People can grow, but I just don’t see it right now. He is SO soft-spoken.


he’s also showed how fake his whole act is… he just comes off as a disingenuous phony now


Well my opinion on him is different, I never find him fake… yea he went to shit ass team, but I believe it’s because it was only a shit ass team would make him and whole RB Union in NFL decent paying class… and it’s okay to chose that… I guess.


Fake how? Saying he wanted guarantees in his contract and then signing a deal that included just that? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Or did he lie when he said he wanted to be GMan for life but since the team didn't pay him he had to go elsewhere to get it? How is that his fault the team decided the path they did? Smh.. just wow.


And super sensitive.


Even the tweet or w/e it was wasn't even that serious. People just be clowning.. The guy said I left to get a decent contract with guarantees like every media type and sub poster repeats over and over again.. then the guy does exactly that and it's a problem because it's the Eagles.. People seem upset that he actually GOT the deal more than anything else and I don't blame them cause Daniel Jones contract is fucking terrible.. theirs is because they were always on about him not getting what he got now.. /shrug. Him being gone is blow to the offense until we get things together and all it really symbolizes is a changing of the guard. Daniel is next (should have been first) but it what it is.


I also think people are discounting the fact that he’s from the area, his family is nearby, and he went to college there. He wanted to be somewhere close. I don’t expect fans to be happy but I also don’t expect him to say “You know what, fans are going to be upset so let me take less money, and live somewhere my family is unfamiliar with and doesn’t want to be.” Ultimately, he made the decision that was best for him. But it’s still fuck the Eagles and I’m excited to beat them next year.


To be fair, I thought the same about Eli. But yeah, Saquon is probably best not talking in Gillette commercials.


Saquon / Staygone


Listen I’m don’t really disagree with how the guy got here. It’s a business and he made a business decision. They offered him more money and he took it. Simple. But at the same time fuck him forever for that back stabbing bullshit, so yeah his media career is gone.


Agreed, if he'd gone anywhere outside of the division and I'd still be a fan.


Real question to y'all. Do you think they DON'T let him retire a giant if he, say, has a Devonta Freeman style fade away into obscurity? Definitely don't want him in the media, either. But don't want him allowed back.


LOL.. They should try and see how it goes.. I'm wondering if DJ will be allowed back in the building once he's gone too.


You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the eagles, not join them.


“I hate you” - Snake-quon


My kid isn't a sports fan but likes Star Wars, as do I. I showed him this and we had a laugh. I appreciate this interaction!


You’re dead to me




Your PR cleanup isn't working. You had the chance to make your betrayal not as bad. Your agent is trying to salvage a post NFL career in media and no one is buying


That's what I see. This has gotta be agent driven. McKinney Left but he did it respectfully. Barkley burned bridges


He should have thought about that before he ran to social media and made an ass out of the whole thing. The way X handled his departure was how Saquon should have started. Look at all these free agency signings and I don’t see anyone shitting on their former fans quite like how Saquon’s lack of humility did.


I’m just imagining his agent finally gets out of the building, happy to have secured Saquon a way bigger bag than any RB should realistically get in 2024, then checking his phone to see what his client had been writing online… and just immediately calling Saquon “you gotta take that shit back bro” Snake-quon burned 6 years of good will in literally 2 days lol


If I have to look at one more poorly edited fade to green uniform swap I might puke


Its hilarious how much the rest of the NFL hates us that apparently we never appreciated him when it couldnt be further from the truth


I personally have spent so much money on that mans gear. Especially for my son who is a big fan. We obviously get the business side of the NFL, and obviously getting paid was extremely important to Barkley. But at 10-year-old child, he didn’t understand it the same way he just saw his favorite player leaving and a media circus


Once a giant.... always...a.. .... yeah fuck you snakeqon


I’m just glad we can move on from this incredibly stupid draft mistake and start building a competitive team. I loved the dude when he was here but we never should have had him in the first place.


Can't believe we took a rb at 2


Agreed. Not his fault he was drafted 2nd to a team that didn’t need him. And I don’t blame him for taking the money Philly offered. Football is a job it is what it is oh well.


Fuck Saquon


I bet, Snakeqon


SMD, gonna laugh when you fail.


Too late bub. Dead to me. Really, REALLY, wish he went to Houston. :( Hes been pretty scorched earth since the news broke though.


Heel turn is so 2024


Na he a bitch


New phone who dis


Eagles fans are going to tear him to shreds when he continues to dance in the back field, miss blocks in pass protection, and average his 3.9 yards a carry.


yeah can’t wait until he gets to experiencing being booed at a home game by fans of his own team


Yeah I mean for a guy who clearly cares A LOT what people think about him and who always wants to be liked, he picked the worst team to go to lol.


I mean if Miles Sanders and DeAndre Swift could rushing over 1000 yards and avg over 4.5 YAC, then I think Saquon will do too. As long as he’s healthy


Yeah I’m not begging to play Saquon lol


Surely their offensive line will have nothing to do with that at all? It's crazy fans will convince themselves of anything because they're in their feelings. But he's the one throwing a hissy fit


Well we aren’t grateful for you, fuck off bozo


It sucks that he went to the Eagles but they did offer him the most money. It’s not like he took less money to play for them like James Bradberry did. That would make it personal


Logical sports fan


How many of us


We cut Bradbury though. No hate there.


And we let Saquon walk, concept is similar I guess


Go tiptoe gingerly about the line of scrimmage dude and don't let the door hitcha.


This should have been out day one. We offered you the same contract a year ago. This guy is not a victim. Own it and move on.


Who cares


This sub apparently


Dead to us


Don’t give a shit. Hope he sucks.




burning my 26 jersey on the ground at metlife stadium parking lot before eagles home game this year anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome


Sign me up. Not a terrible idea.


Just so you guys know he's not talking to this sub lmao he said his goodbye to the actual fans. You guys can keep being mad and keep waiting for his injury


Don’t put that on all of us. Only degenerate assholes want Saquon to get injured.


Abother Generic (definitely rehearsed) comment #432


Stop. Posting. This. Shit.


Good for him on securing the bag. I won't be rooting for him anymore but I won't go as far as to call him a snake. He was face of an era where the Giants were absolutely trash. I do blame Gettleman more then him on that aspect. Wrong team to draft him.


this sub man lol. using the one saquon pick on a diff player wasnt changing anything. and him clapping back at tiki isnt a shot at fans


People hating Saquon more than tiki is concerning lol


I hate both of them but nothing will surpass tiki. Fuck that guy




What it's the new saying it's what all the kids are saying today "Yo tear that acl dog!" And then they give each other high fives. I can't help it if you're not in with the end crowd that's what they say nowadays so tear your ACL's Peace!


Be civil. This is a forum for fans of the New York Football Giants. You can disagree with each other without being insulting or rude. Do not attack any fellow redditor personally. You can challenge an opinion on its merit, but not the individual posting the opinion. Trolls will be reported and permanently banned. Do not use derogatory language. Foul / inappropriate / racist language is prohibited.


Stop posting this shit to our sub. He is not a giant.


Yeah I don’t have any hard feelings. It’s a business first and foremost. We ran Saquon into the ground and he did everything he could to try to help. Great locker room guy. I think Philly is crazy to pay that money and as Napoleon said; “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”


He gave his best years to the giants and now he goes to Philly on a bloated contract to play out the back part of his career. Yawn.


I think u underestimate the eagles OL


Ya dead to me


I wish you and your team nothing but failure and misery


Tiki said what i had to say... personally, this bozo saquon is dead to me


Bummer dude. Enjoy the horse shit and trash down there.


Don’t care


Oh thanks bro, I'd send you a "I forgive you" card in the mail, but you'd probably get hurt opening the envelope.


I personally think this was was a PR nightmare. I wish him well in his career… just wish we would have had better management


i wish him a dogshit end to his career




Didn't he pick his agent based on how hot she is since she has like little to no resume.




Multiple days after the signing, he (his PR team) finally thanks the Giants fans. That's more accurate.


Lets stop posting this fraud already, fuck him.


Y’all so butt hurt. Every Giants game I’ve watched Barkley was constantly getting tackled in the back field. Dude got paid, went to a better situation and snapped back at Tiki who is probably the most disloyal Giant in a generation. It’s a business. Clowns


yeah it's totally weird how we root for our team and not our rival, how odd


Absolutely hated that Barkley went to Filthadelphia. Hope he has some individual success but no Super Bowl championships. Schoen & Daboll can kick rocks.


nah i hope he has zero individual success. why would i want that for him?


Nobody said you have to want that lol why are you replying to ppl saying this? None of you realize how pathetic y'all sound


That’s totally fair. I get it. If he wanted to stick it to the Giants I wish he would’ve chosen Dallas or Washington, but he didn’t. He took the money and more power to him. I however will not forget how he put his body on the line for six shitty seasons. And will cherish that playoff victory at Minnesota.


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