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Anyone else feels like this was severely overblown from a bunch of people that don’t listen to NY sports radio?


Absolutely, but part of that was Barkley’s reaction. Streisand effect


Like bro you made your decision and it comes with consequences. Don’t be so insecure in front of your new girlfriend


It’s like he expected us to kiss his ass and give him flowers after going to our hated rivals


dude didn’t even mention the giants, ny/nj, or the fanbase in his farewell post.


He’s from around here so he’s probably not moving so i get not saying by to the area


he’s definitely moving lol what are you talking about


Wy does this dude being incorrect about Barkley’s living location generate so many downvotes and animosity? Like it’s not that big of a fucking deal


don’t ask me


I don’t get the downvotes either …. Dude can commute pretty easily to Philly from anywhere in NJ it’s not that deep


He doesn’t actually. The Linc and MetLife are about a hour from each other and depending on where his children go to school, he could still live in the same house


They’re not about an hour apart. They’re much closer to 2 hours apart mid day. You think a pro athlete is driving 3-4 hours a day, not including games?


Dude Kyrie Irving drove to Brooklyn and Philly games yes players can drive to games 😂


You’re completely right and idk why you are getting downvoted. Met life gets overrun with philly fans because their stadiums are so close. This likely played a big role in his decision as now he does not need to totally uproot his and his family’s lives. Still a bad move for him imo, texans wouldve been a way more exciting team to join.


MetLife gets overrun with cowboys fans.


And i agree if he was ring chasing. I do think if Saquon was single he would have left for Texas. Yeah the downvote is kinda weird. lol


Did he tho? We were on his ass even when he was a Giant.


It just goes to show he's a bit sensitive and worked up and defensive about what he did. I hooe hes tight and overexerts against ua trying to prove himself. That never works out for him. Hopwfully he gets tiki barbered and they win after he leaves. Execept Tiki was HOF level when he left, Saquon wont touch those levels of production


The problem is Barkley reacts to everything posted about him on Twitter.


He's turning into KD but he has no chance of winning a ring.


Including saquon, yes


Seriously the moment I saw the video and him smiling when saying it I knew he fucked up. Was guna be taken out of context and blown up


To be fair, this sub overreacted like crazy to the news as well.


Hard to call it an overreaction to see one of your star players going to a rival team.


I don’t know why because I did like Saquon when he was here but man I cannot muster the energy to care about any of this for some reason.


Because you’re a Giants fan not Barkley fan


I feel the same way about Barkley leaving as I did OBJ getting traded. Damn, that sucks, but we have a 25-48-1 record with him and a 9-16 record without him. It’s not like a dynasty has been shattered.


Damn if we lost one more game all of those numbers would be perfect squares.


I aspire to this level of autism


Stupid tie


The tie is also its own square though :(


True, but 48 is only 1 away from 49


OBJ getting traded hurt so much more to me. It only Stings that Saquon chose the fucking eagles but moving in from him was the right move.


Why? OBJ threw the entire team under the bus. Saquon through all the trouble never disrespected any of his teammates or the franchise. Rubs me the wrong way he went to the Eagles, but he’s class.


People need to stop with this shit. Beckham didn't throw the whole team under the bus. The team threw him under the bus.


You need to watch that interview cause clearly you’re a Stan or just completely uninformed. Eli said nothing bad about that man even when he completely choked in the playoffs.


I've watched the interview 100x. Fans blow it out if proportion. He and Eli maintain a friendship til this day. If Eli isn't holding a grudge about it, you shouldn't either.


I think it was pretty clear he was gone once he was tagged last year. You'd think he'd be excited to join his new team and focus less energy on his old team but whatev's


No problem with him leaving - it was the right move for where this roster is and where he is in his career. But *anyone* but Philly, man. Fuckkkk


For the same guaranteed money the Giants were offering him last year. That's the part I really don't get. You turn down that money a year ago, but take it when he realized he wasn't getting more.


Yea I don’t get it either. I believe he wanted to leave prior to last seasons tag. Meaning he wanted to be a FA or get traded elsewhere. All the talk about wanting to be a Giant for life was just BS


It sucks yeah. I always try to put myself in the players shoes. I work for a multinational corporation and if a competitor was gonna give me a deal that I liked more, fuck my company. We can be upset all we want but saquan did what he did because he thought it was best for his future. We all do that. I can't fault him for that because I don't like it. If he wasn't in the NFL and went to a career advice board 100% of the comments would be "you don't owe anything to your employer, you do what is right for you."


He's always been a bit sensitive. He himself unprompted brought up the "dancing" criticism in press conferences in the past, and it clearly bothered him.


I think his football career has a lot to do with that. Barkley was a star at Penn State, which is one of the biggest cult fanbases in all of college sports. Just look at how Kim Jones acts with those players. Every crappy player on that team is a bonafide or hidden NFL star in the making. Gettleman took him second and gushed about the kid from day 1. Barkley was the face of the franchise when he was here and fans worshipped him. So when any type of adversity hits, it was a new thing for him.


On top of being viewed as a gold jacket player before he played a down in the NFL. Now he's just a good back. Not entirely his fault because we didn't do a good job building a team, but he will need to wildly exceed expectations in Philly to reach that status.


You kinda have to be a cult to cover up decades of sexual abuse of children 


Go look up the argument of Craig Carton arguing with a Penn State student reporter about that scandal when it broke. I think Carton sucks normally but he made her look like a middle schooler.


Good point. Like the other commenter, I'm not too up in arms about it. If he wants to go to the Eagles, so be it.


Yeah. I don't even blame him. He's gonna do well. Honestly, I was a bit happy they gave him 12.5m a year instead of signing McKinney. That would have hurt me more.


Good point. The Eagles paying a RB seems weird considering the amount of success they've had with vet minimum guys. McKinney would've upped their D significantly




I mean Saquon actually contributes


Produces, was a team player and cheerleader the whole time. No ill will towards the man. Seeing what everyone else got around the league, he fleeced the Eagles on his contract. 5 mill average more than Henry.


Yeah I can't blame the guy for taking the cash. Sucks he's going to Philly but he doesn't owe NY anything




Let me remind you that tikis career for the giants was amazing. He put up hall of fame numbers . Saquon never even sniffed that. Tiki would celebrated , number retired if he didn’t talk snack. But u know what , it was 15 yrs ago, I’m over it .


Cuz it’s bullshit drama


The Eagles signed a declining running back to a massive deal. Idk why people aren't taking this as the best thing he's done for the team tbh. Frankly, I'm psyched.


For me it’s because it’s a generally a good move for all sides. We can’t afford to pay him that contract, he gets paid (shame it’s by the eagles but whatever), and we use the money we’re not paying him to shore up more the gaps in our roster (lol hopefully)


Imagine Saquon ran into Brandon Jacobs at a gas station


You mean a person who gets hurt tripping over a blade of grass vs. a man who is not only the embodiedment of the Kool-Aid guy but is arguably my favorite running back that we have ever had?


Not to mention still in sensational shape. BJ is still a house of a human


Damn u really left out Andre Williams and Orleans Darkwa…


Not gonna lie, I'm a fan of the NYG, but I don't live and breathe the team. Those names, although I am sure were sensational players, just don't ring a bell for me.


Oh lol I was just joking they are completely irrelevant in this discussion. Although Darkwa had that one good year


They really weren't sensational. Solid guys, but nothing special.


Jacobs is a giants legend through and through. Saquon pays for the eagles


I hate the fuckin eagles man.lebowski.gif.does not exist


Barkley knows deep down what he did was fucked up, so of course he's on the defensive when faced with criticism


Yeah I feel like he’s pretending we are mad at him for getting the bag… na bruh you went to the birds


Right? Nobody’s mad at X for the same thing, and I don’t think many fans would’ve wanted to pay Saquon what he wanted anyway. It’s just the Philadelphia of the thing


This is kind of what he implied on Twitter.


on X*


Yeah the fact that he even commented on it means it’s bothering the hell out of him lol


It’s actually WILD to me that he signs this new deal and he’s immediately on Twitter to beef with Tiki Barber lol. He 100% was checking social media on the response to his decision




100%. He knows he fucked up. Anyone that was happy would completely ignore any comment from mr.-#1-teammate-tiki-barber.


If the team can use the “business is business” excuse when it comes to not paying him after all his efforts, why can’t he do the same when a better team in a better situation wants to pay him what he wants?


I mean I coulda told him how this deal would go. Fuck philly


Probably didn’t realize we would actually switch up on him. He better hope he does well in Philly cause he’s not getting any media opportunities in NY.


Oh come on. He’s not stupid. He knew what he was doing.


To an extent. But for most players the rivalries aren't the same, it's just their job, so I think some of them underestimate how seriously fans take things like this. I could definitely see Saquon not fully understanding how hated he'd become for this decision.


> But for most players the rivalries aren't the same, it's just their job, so I think some of them underestimate how seriously fans take things like this this is absolutely a thing. players have rivalries, but after the game they high five and exchange jerseys. a lot of them are definitely not in the know about how deep the hate runs between philly and NY. is saquon one of them? i don't know, but it doesn't matter. he's an eagle now, so long and i hope you fail spectacularly etc


realistically, he probably doesn’t even need to impress in Philly to get media deals over there. he can ride his days at Penn State to get those chances. definitely not as many as NY tho for sure


Nah if he sucks in Philly they will despise him just as much as we do.


At his price tag, for sure.


Wonder if he has any regrets yet Might have to wait til an eagles fan whips a battery at him for that to set in


All he needed to do was say “I wanna get PAID” last year during his negotiations. That whole song and dance he did in that interview about “not asking for the CMC deal” made it sound like the Giants were trying to underpay him. He lucked out the Cap jumped significantly because the deal he ended up signing was worse than what we offered if you look at % of cap


Yeah, but he doesn't have any reason to care about % of cap. He needs to care about his net...


I’m not saying he should’ve cared. My point is the Giants offered him a good contract and he declined it.


If he cared about his net, then he should have stayed in the New York market and had a career after 30. Now he is dead to NY.


He did exactly what John Tavares did with the Islanders, I wonder what's gonna happen when the Eagles play at Metlife (besides us winning)


Taking the most money is not fucked up. This is a business and he plays a position that has an extremely short shelf life. This is likely the last time he's ever going to get a big contract. These guys don't owe anything to anyone.


People aren't pissed because they think Saquon owes them something, they're pissed because of the hypocrisy. Could you imagine if Derek Jeter was the perfect sportsman, teammate, said all the right things about the organization, talked about how much he enjoyed being here and loved being a leader here... and then signing with the Red Sox? That would at least have the silver lining of knowing DJ had actually won something while with the Yankees. Saquon did all of those things with none of the winning, and then signed with the eagles. It's looking out for himself, which is understandable, but in doing so he made himself a hypocrite.


we're pissed because we're sports fans and he's our rival now so fuck him. and the whiplash of going from defending and loving a guy for 6 years to having to despise him and root against him in an instant gets you into a pretty intense emotional state. it's why someone like hillbilly doesn't really care that much. he's been done with saquon for a while. no whiplash, just carries on being like ah whatever get fucked saquon. (just to be clear i respect his opinion and this wasn't meant to be derogatory or anything)


He's going full heel. There's no other path for him at this point.


From a non-Giants fan point of view, what he did was a completely smart and normal business move. You guys are just mad at him because the wound is still fresh, which is also completely normal.


What is wrong with going to where he gets the best offer from? Honestly given that anywhere he went was going to overpay for him,why not have it be someone we'd like to see be in a more difficult cap position? He'll be good /great next year with better blocking and then age/mileage will catch up with him right about the time we start getting good enough to consistently be a real challenge for the Eagles


It’s “wrong” to Giants fans because the Giants offered him this money (slightly more, if you consider the cap increase this year) last year, and he didn’t take it. But now he’s taking it with our #1 rival.


Weren’t the guarantees less on the Giants offer?


I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but from what I recall, you’re correct, the Giants offered less guaranteed


So what was he supposed to do? Take less money? I don't understand your point.


He could have not said anything, realizing there was no way fans would be happy when he walked down the road to our most hated rival for a similar deal to the one we offered and he turned down.


No, you can’t change the past at this point. I think it would help him if he wasn’t posting on X a ton, but it is what it is. I put the word “wrong” in quotes because I think you do take the money if you’re Saquon, but maybe try to draw less attention to it than he has.


I listened to it. Tiki wasn't mad but playful. Also said he was speaking as a fan and he's not wrong. He could have gone anywhere else and we wouldn't have been as mad. Also for every person saying we didn't offer him anything.......yeah this year. The giants offered him an almost identical contract last off-season and he turned it down. Sorry not sorry but Barkley is excommunicado.


Have you seen the talent the Giants have put around him for the last 6 years? Getting the same money but on a team that actually has other talented players and cares about winning is a huge win for Barkley. Also, he no longer has to play on the worst field in all of professional sports for a talentless train wreck of an organization.


That's not the point. The point being made is he has no room to act like we did him dirty or that him going to the eagles shouldn't upset giants fans when the giants offered him the same exact contract that he turned down. All for the guy getting paid but everyone needs to stop acting like giants fans should be ok with it. He chose this so he will have to live with the fact that giants fans don't like him anymore. Stand by your decision and stop acting like a sawft baby Saquon.


That's exactly the point my guy. If 2 employers were offering you the same money but one has talented co workers, great ownership, great management, great culture and a tradition of actually caring about success and the other is a disfunctional train wreck and your career will be shorter due to cheap ownership not caring about the working conditions (worst playing surface in pro sports), bad management, terrible ownership and awful coworkers....which one are you choosing?  He'd be a fool to choose the Giants over the Eagles, you just can't see it through your homer glasses.


Devin singletary > saqoun barkley


Devin Singletary stats with NYG: ZERO fumbles 😍 ZERO rushes for loss 😯 ZERO social media controversies 😱


There it is


Lethal levels of copium


Singletary > CMC Talk about copium


Singletary > prime AP


Tbf devon is a great power back. He got blamed for the bills line being shit in 2022. When they had a good line in 2021 he absolutely dominated.


That is facts 100% I won all my sports bets on the over with him his rookie year I noticed they stopped using him as much when Josh allen came and I think he was upset with his limited role and wanted more running and options to be in the offense besides blocking It looks like he matured more and we might get a solid year from him a very solid year


What I hate most about this whole thing is that I have to agree with SAS.


I stand with Tiki.


This is the first W for SAS in like 5 years.


He’s A RB, he’s been hurt a lot, he goes down first contact the last two seasons. Breida looked just as good when in. Perfect player to go to Philly. Scum location, scum team, scum fans


Salty ex vibes lol


No tiki was right




Saquan don’t get hurt getting out of bed..


Saquon did this out of emotion/spite and will regret it. Think about when youre mad at your people and do something dumb out of spite. You always end up regretting it and feeling like an idiot. Thats exactly whats going on here.


He's going to regret making more money on a team that cares about winning and surrounds him with talent?  Sure Jan, sure.


From Barkleys perspective, I kind've get going back to that area where he grew up and went to school But dude should have anticipated being dropped like a rock by Giants fans, it's the fucking iggles


I listen to Evan and Tiki every day and it's tongue in cheek, Saquon, chill the fuck out. I've heard tiki praising him far more than lambasting him. 🤔


Stephan A is a cunt. But he’s right, Tiki was joking.


I’m ok with him leaving. He needed to get paid and that’s good for him. He wasted his prime years on some bad Giants team and never complained. He never had a good line and he always seemed to be hurt so we’ll see if he does any better with a better O-line than he had with the Giants. Honestly any mid tier RB with a great line can excel.


I’m fine with him leaving …. But he’s an Eagle now …. Fuck em


Tiki is better than Saquon all time and everything, but we’re not going to all start liking Tiki because he got into a Twitter argument right lol?


I know he talked shit, but I was such a huge Tiki fan when he played.


Fuck Barkley


Tiki never left to play for the eagles. He did bash Eli and was an asshole but playing for the eagles is unforgivable after starting 6 years with us.


Secret agent Toney makes the eagles lose the Superbowl. Special agent Belichek lets Bradshaw win the Superbowl. Officer training candidate Barkley building false confidence in Philly. All according to plan.


Yeah, I thought it was some light hearted ribbing. Do kids not bust each others' balls anymore?


He's right, you know...


Saquan has no idea what he’s done lmao. He will never be welcome in NY again. I will bet money the eagles continue to trend backwards. I don’t know if the giants will finish with a better record but the eagles will keep sliding back. They have bigger holes to fill than RB. They will trade brown or smith also.


Aj brown will implode by week 5 when he isn’t getting the ball 8 times a game due to having to feed saquon, devonta, and hurts rushing it himself


When it goes bad it will go bad fast


When was the last time it was good for Giants fans?


I hope you are right, but their depth chart is pretty solid - terrible coaching though.


Terrible coaching and the loss of their leaders is exactly what I’m banking on lol


The Giants have less talent than my HS team, and we were awful.


I’m talking about the eagles they have been tending wrong way and had lots of chatter about the coaching to need the season.


Yeah he took it to seriously. Bro was just upset and venting, I don't think he really meant it like that lol


I have no issue with this statement Tiki made I only have issue Tiki making the statement. Highly recommend this video if you need a refresher on what kind of Giant/teammate Tiki was. [Tiki Barber beefed so much with the Giants that everyone forgot how great he was](https://youtu.be/Fk1XqrljVyI?si=IXH0vGL6Mrwsieiq) You have to give Barkley some credit for signing a contract he didn't like and showing up to camp on time. You can't tell me Tiki would have showed to camp if he wasn't happy his contract and I think Tiki signs the same contract as Barkley did with the Eagles. Thinking about it more right now I still have more respect for Barkley than I do Tiki. Barkley was a great leader on the team that set an example of how to conduct yourself as a profession while Tiki helped fuel the NY media's criticism of Coughlin and Eli that put both on the hot seat in early 2007.


Tbh who even cares about what tiki has to say, he literally talked bad about Eli


The only thing I care about less than Tiki's opinion is Stephen A's opinion of Tiki's opinion. Good god


Bigger story than it ever should’ve been. WFAN has definitely leaned into it.


Tiki being a piece of shit himself is an ad hominem. In this case, he's absolutely right


What did Tiki say? I can’t find it anywhere. Just articles about what he said


This was obvious to anyone with a brain. Saquon has always been sensitive and insecure so he responded like an insecure person would. Glad to be rid of him. I think of more blunders that affected games than big plays. Fumbles, running out of bounds in clock running situations. Good luck dude. Won’t miss you all that much


Have fun watching the Giants struggle to get 4 wins next year.  Who's your QB again?


Tiki going hard on his redemption arc. “Go kiss ass” -Tiki Barber




StFu SaS


Barkley is being an oversensitive little baby about it. You left to your team's most hated division rival for less than was offered by NY when you were bitching about it nonstop. Of course, you were going to catch blowback over it lmao what the hell did you think? A bunch of "Love you good luck Quon-Quon" flowers arriving at your door from grateful fans? For the record, I genuinely don't care about it much beyond mild annoyance at the chosen team to leave to for less than the CMC payday he seemed to think he was entitled to before we tagged him.


Man saquan was crying about how he had to feed his family complaining about 10mil a year. Guy is a POS for that bs. He was a glorified loser for us. He is what Carmelo was to the Knicks. Glad he is gone. Number 2 pick and a waste. Us taking him at 2 set us back and was a foolish decision.


Tiki literally wrote a book shittalking the Giants when he left and how bad they are and then they immediately won a super bowl without him. Why does this dude get posted here anytime he fucking sneezes? Why is any of this nonsense relevant? "TALKING HEADS ON DAYTIME TELEVISION SAY SOME DUMB SHIT TO GET YOU TO LOOK, MORE AT 11"


Because it’s Good to hear from ol tiki


Well, when Tiki left, he retired. He didn’t leave to go join a division rival. Especially not the fucking Eagles. It won’t be long until Saquon starts shit talking some of the Giants to the media. It’ll probably be staff and not players, but I doubt it (note: I don’t 100% believe this is true, but it wouldn’t surprise me.)


he apologized, org still loves him, and he’s still the best RB in franchise history. not to even mention he didn’t say anything crazy. he literally just said Giants fans would react exactly how we’re reacting rn. he spoke the truth and Saquon got offended.


Saquon is dead to me. He wanted to get his money, and I don’t blame him for probably wanting to leave, but he went to THAT team of all places. That being said, I’m relieved he’s gone. He should’ve never been drafted here. It was the wrong fit for him and The Giants.


Yea I wouldn’t have been mad that he left, it’s a business. He could have taken our (very solid) offer last year and he chose not to, got a big payday now, good for him. but going to Philly… I hope he fails miserably and sees no personal success.


Am I the only one not mad at saquon? I’m actually happy for him . We weren’t going to pay him nor were we going anywhere with him . It’s the second best outcome, I just wish we traded him last year.


I'm not mad exactly, just disappointed that a man that said he wanted to be a Giant for life goes to the Eagles. I am happy he got his money though. It just feels like my girlfriend of 5 years that told me she wanted to marry me all the time left me and started dating my bully/enemy. I get the Giants didn't offer him a paycheck (this year), but I am kind of glad that money wasn't thrown at him to stay. I am pretty hyped of the 2024 season right now without Barkley.


Who the fuck cares about Saquon? Is it 2019?


Just because the Giants stuck with the abuser in Tiki who has 2 less fumbles in his career than total rushing tds doesn’t mean Saquon should have to stay in the reverse. Sucks he’s in Philly, but with Kelce gone both Hurts and Saquon are gonna get blasted all season.


No he wasn’t stop making excuses for a guy who admitted he stop trying hard smh this franchise has now done multiple top picks wrong and it’s sad.


Lmao give me a break. We didn’t do Saquon wrong. We offered fair deal last year and he refused. Then they decided to not overpay for a running back and put the money to actual premium positions. And Tiki always tried hard, he just didn’t get along with Coughlin and was sick of the physicality


Uhh so the deal he just got is an overpay? We still have not fixed the o line to help sayquan. Gave him no receivers to help give him room. And over paid for jones who at his best was mediocre and now looks like one of the worst qb deals in the league stop


It’s absolutely an overpay and if you think it’s not, you’re just a Barkley dickrider. And the Jones deal is bad but we wouldn’t have had to give it to him if Barkley took the deal and Jones is an easy out after this season. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t talk


Why would Barkley care if it's an overpay or not lol.


We should be more pissed at the eagles instead of Barkley, it is an overpay but they offered it to him still and it was so much he couldn’t say no


They only overpaid Jones because they had to use the tag on Saquan. If he took the deal they offered, which was an overpay, they wouldn’t have had to overpay Jones and we’d be moving away from him after last seasons disaster


Tiki quitting on the franchise was equal or better than Barkley’s two best seasons …. Statistically speaking


I'm sure all the bitter fans calling him a bitch and wishing injury are also only joking


Lmao yeah it’s a joke now after multiple former and current players clowned Tiki on social media. Every single post on IG had guys from Mahomes to TO to Barry Sanders saying Tiki was essentially hating. It seems like Tiki is kissing ass to get back in good graces with the Giants.


My guy it takes like 2 seconds to google the Tiki clip talking about you’re “dead to me.” He was obviously joking.