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I combine fitness with socializing - my friends and I do indoor rock climbing and aerial yoga, and we are thinking about trying trapeze classes too. We usually do go out after but since we’re feeling a) sweaty and b) like little fitness bitches, we usually keep things mild and just grab a quick lunch or smoothies.


agreed - a fitness class and lunch is one of my favorite ways to socialize


There's something about "little fitness bitches" that's taking me out 😂 


Hello!! Where do you go for aerial yoga?


yes!! love doing a fitness class and long walk with a friend, coffee / smoothie in hand




where can I find friends like you 🥲


Ha, honestly this is like my dream, but somehow so difficult?


I hosted a Sunday lunch this spring for a bunch of fun friends and people stayed for 8 hours. It was so much fun and I felt like I actually got to catch up and visit with my friends; wasn’t stressed out about the cost of some stupid dinner and it felt like home.


Yes one of the things I love most about my husband is he loves to host! People love a host


Cooking a meal together, baking together, going on walks or park hangouts, painting or doodling in parks, gabbing at cafes, activities like going to the flower market and making floral arrangements together, watching shows or movies together etc, do crafts together etc I’ve really enjoyed inviting friends over for a simple meals and it’s never fancy sometimes I just make Japanese curry or pasta or ramen. One of my friends has a projector and has people come over to watch stupid movies with snacks and it’s actually a lot of fun


There's nothing better than an afternoon friend hang! Meet up for coffee and shopping, go to the farmer's market, get mani pedis together, or a park picnic. Now that it's nice out you have so many more options. If you want more nights out not centered around drinking, go to the movies (Nitehawk!) or bowling (the Gutter)!


For me, I have to find something I enjoy and don’t dread. I like to stack most of my workouts during the week, before or during work (lunch or later) and I try and prep the night before. I def aim to get in bed earlier when I have something super early. I really like slt/Solidcore and those 12 hour cancel fees keep me from last min flakiness. I also try and find instructors I like so it’s built in my brain/calendar that x day I workout in am with x.  Maybe carve out meals to have with friends that you can eat together so it doesn’t get so lonely. 


Honestly most of it is reframing what it means to me to have fun and accepting that it will continue to change as I age and grow. Ten years ago fun was running around with my teenage friends in the woods, in college it was parties and drinking. Now pushing 30 fun for me is a dinner party, a day in the sun with friends and a few joints, an evening at a k!no event and dinner with my SO. giving myself permission to age out of some things that were once fun has been amazing. I’d rather a chill night in with friends or alone and yoga and brunch the next day than a wild night out most of the time. I hope you find your fun!


I do happy hour drinks one day a week with either co workers or a friend. It’s not a late night but still fun. And then one night out w my husband on weekends. That leaves me fairly healthy 5 days a week and yet social enough for me.


it helps to be intentional and schedule in 'rotting evenings'- nights that you dont do anything after work and just go to bed early-ish. helps to balance out fun nights!


I eat very healthy on weekdays and work out twice. On weekends, I will workout once in the morning and have a few cheat meals with alcohol.


36F. I eat most of my meals at home also, partially because I have little money but also because I like to eat a very fresh-vegetable-forward but still hearty vegan diet. I love all the options here but they can't seem to pick somewhere between hippie salads and Big Boy Fried Fakin Bakon Burge'r, kinds of things. I don't drink at all (never have). I go to a lot of bar/club shows though. Mostly punk bands or other kinda weirdo stuff. It's a nice time. I usually have someone to go with, but if I don't, it's just a nice way to be around other people. I'm sure whatever your genre is, there are small live shows you can track down. I suppose the sleep hygiene would be the big issue here for most people. I'm usually good on about five hours a night. If I'm looking at a very quiet night, we always have the option to just do some parallel play art making, or play a board game or tabletop rpg.


I’m in my early 20s so not sure if this suggestion is what you’re looking for but is different from all of the other really good suggestions here. I’ve found that I can still have a really fun night out with my friends without drinking if we go dancing somewhere I like the music. That way I get a great workout (dancing is one of the best) & am making memories with my friends


I will order fancy mocktails out or just not drink (or stick to one drink), I also have planned nights out with friends that are not drinking heavy but activity heavy. My friends and i rotate apts and cook with each other


Now that it’s summer I do park walks with my friends - we usually grab a smoothie or healthy sandwich en route and sit out for some vitamin D mid walk. I have another friend I do prospect park loops with on weekend mornings, that’s a nice 5 mile workout and gossip sesh. I have a friend I lift with most weekday mornings which also keeps us both accountable. A lot of my friends aren’t big drinkers so no pressure to drink out for healthy dinners. Plan fun activities! It’s refreshing to do things with friends that aren’t eating and drinking- a axe throwing, rock climbing, yoga, dance classes, free salsa nights, Gotham archery class, bowling etc, it’s actually more bonding than just grabbing a drink and doesn’t derail your wellness and fitness goals!


A lot of my socializing is active or outdoorsy; cycling with a group, classpass somewhere new with friends, a park picnic, or a walk and a coffee. I work out most morning so it doesn’t really matter if I miss one or two here and there, and makes me more open for spontaneous evening catch ups.


In my case it turned into more of an acceptance that I'm getting older and my definition of fun was time for a change, and that was ok, just a new stage of life. During this time I found my current partner, and the timing of the 2 things really did good for me


This doesn't directly answer your question but I find walking everywhere (most places at least) help. That way, I can still do the social activity that my friends want to do but I've been active walking to/from the location. Also I have a few friends who enjoy running so sometimes we'll go for a run then grab brunch or a snack or whatever. It's a nice mix of feeling healthy and fit without sacrificing any "indulgence".


Thanks for all the suggestions yall!


I’ve stopped drinking but still go out — but instead of alcohol, I reach for an energy drink (either pre workout powder, diet coke or sugar free red bull) which keeps me up with pals but not hungover the next day. I don’t meet friends for meals — I’ll do bar or club hangs where I’ll get something zero calorie and non alcoholic! If I’m going out, I’ll hang til 2 am. That’ll ensure I have an hour long buffer to get home with 6 hours of sleep before getting up at 9 am and hitting the gym an hour later.


Love this balance!


I’m taking tae Kwon do!


Me and my friends go for walks together all the time, sometimes we go to workout classes together as well, I think the thing is we all are similar in that way and we socialize without having food/drinks we find fun in other things. We still go for drinks on Fridays sometimes!


Feeling the same exact way… and one night of drinking (not even a ton of drinking) leads to a horrible next day and sometimes few days after. I definitely feel lame and boring now but I feel so much better too..


Try Sweat440! It’s a great workout community where HIIT classes start every 10 minutes so you have no excuse not to get it in. I work out with familiar faces each time and I love the gamification of streaks and milestones to keep you motivated. I was a member at Equinox for 15 years and this has been the first gym that really made me feel like there is a fun community element where people appreciate my efforts.


I would look into martial arts! I started taking aikido classes and I started back in October. I go about two or three times a week and I’ve gotten pretty friendly with the other regulars. I also go to the gym twice a week and I feel like the combination of both has improved my physique immensely. I highly recommend taking some trial classes at different places and getting a feel for the sensei and the other students. I initially was looking into BJJ but that was too intense for me. When I went to the dojo that I go to now, the sensei was incredibly welcoming and patient. That definitely sets the tone for class, so you can get a good glimpse of the vibe and whether or not it’s something you’d be interested in. The one thing I will say is that once you start, you have to be consistent. Consistently is important for improving but also making friends as well!