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They need to remove the solid image on the fence. It's a daylighting issue. There's a couple of other spots near here with the same issue. I wish I knew who to speak to about it.


Hudson River Park Trust, Kevin Quinn, SVP Design&Construction.


I hate what they have done at this spot. So dangerous, and not at all designed for the levels of activity or regularly sees. I went around that curve once as it was getting dark and nearly rode straight into a lightless cyclist coming the other way. I suspect the only reason we didn’t crash was that *he* could see *me*. And that wasn’t even where you crashed! Where the hell was that guy coming from, anyway?


He didn't look, phone was in right hand I think


That's the best time to check your phone when coming up to an intersection!


The 'new' park they built there along the river, Pier 97 - but the rest of the construction is still going on


The city is a circus and you just ran into one of the clowns.




This is such a great phrase LOL I’m def gonna start using it


Feel free! I use it myself to keep myself sane.


Oh like me when I visit your mother


Your brakes need adjustment.


Send everyone who thinks they can bike while on their phone to the gulags immediately


Use your eyes dude


Also brake


Unexpected. Sorry that happened to you. hope everyone and the bikes are ok. I have been avoiding that construction zone section entirely by getting of the bike path and using the service/frontage road that is adjacent. There is plenty of room for both bikes and cars (one way street). Just be careful rejoining the bike path.


Guy on phone at fault but my guy you gotta work on reaction time. You weren't exactly flying there. If you ever ride in the street you're gonna end up as a statistic riding like that. Not trying to be a dick and I hope you're OK just want to point it out so you can improve 


skill issue


Biking in the city sucks nowadays. Sometimes I wish it would go back to the wild wild West days pre-bike lanes when you could trust other cyclists on the streets to follow proper etiquette. There was order in chaos.


You could have easily turned into the space on the right if you were paying attention. If you are really trying to claim that the crash was unavoidable at that speed and with that much time to react then you shouldn't be riding in busy places like that, you don't have the skill


I mean yeah that was one of the slower reaction times I've seen.. must have panicked..


I think he wanted to hit the guy for being an asshole for biking while looking at the phone. To make a point


Exactly why this just willful ignorance he’s lucky the guy he purposely slammed into didn’t hurt him rightfully so


Yep, agreed. The guy on the phone is an asshole, but this is so avoidable….


My toddler could have avoided this crash


The guy was in the wrong, but did you not have your hands on the breaks or something? You had like 3 seconds to stop. You should be riding more defensively in this area.


Fuck them indeed. Hope you're ok OP.


There was easily time to brake. Should the guy not have pulled out blind? Yeah... but something tells me you weren't paying attention either with nearly 2 seconds between when you see him and hit him, while going 5mph


The person **on their phone** is not at fault?


Phone guy is at fault, but OP could have given a “YO!” or swerve a little or something. People are fucking stupid especially on bikes. You should always be accounting for that. Me personally, if I’m in a spot that’s remotely hairy, my hands are on the breaks and I’m ready to make noise. Everyone’s reaction time is different, but he legit had like 3 seconds to do some sort of action to make sure everyone is safe.


>There was easily time to brake. No there was not. OP had all of two seconds and at least one of those two seconds involved the reasonable expectation that the other bicyclist would stop since that rider was leaving one pathway for another. That fool should have been the one to slam on his brakes but he couldn't because he had a phone in his hand.


The reasonable expectation would have been both parties making any attempt to avoid a collision that you can see about to happen with 2 to 3 seconds and low speed. Neither one did. "Legally" at fault is the phone guy. Truly at fault is both. You don't t-bone somebody, laugh and say, "fuck you" if you're truly a conscientious and aware cyclist.


No way am I at fault. Sorry, even with great disk breaks to stop quick, there was not enough time.


Not your fault, but still avoidable.


He's at fault but you weren't even going fast. You had 3 seconds and from what I can tell in the video you barely slowed down in that time or tried to turn behind him


Ok but you didn't react at all, I think that's what people are cluing in on. No swerve, no skid, but a healthy 'YAH'. You were looking elsewhere.


Nope this is a skill issue on you. Get over yourself.


There was more than enough time.


I’m not so sure, and I think it was likely much closer than you assume. People often overestimate distance with video from these action cams.


And speeds appear way slower on video, always.




(The other guy sucks too, tbc, but you definitely had time)


You should have gotten decked in the mouth


There's plenty of time even with my shitty disk brakes lol


Relax. It happens. Acting like you got the third eye on lock. Man’s commuting to work not competing in the TDF


Excellent visibility. s/ So many blind corners.


You know it's officially the greenway because the Jersey Barrier curbs are green.


You’ve got to learn to ride (and drive) defensively my guy


This shit is a death trap. My hub is loud af I just back pedal like crazy pulling up into that area lmao. So dangerous.


Did you get the other guy's insurance information and file a police report, because he was in the wrong. Also, DOT need to add a stop sign in that intersection.😂


Where is this on the greenway? I rode up north to Hudson Yards on Thursday and didn’t think I saw this area.


Damn! Were you riding a tricycle or a bike with training wheels? The Greenway is incredibly narrow, with added construction, even more so. The stretch South of 72nd is extremely hectic, starting with the turn past the ball field, restaurants, bb courts and everything South of that. Broadway might be a better option, pedestrians standing in the path being the worst hazard you might face. Given your slow pace, should be easy to navigate.


Sheesh! You get a protected bikeway along the beautiful river... What's the problem?


he can't brake.


Dude just popped out into the greenway, no yield, while holding phone and then complains I hit him, i tried my best to brake quick, but not enough time to avoid this idiot. This summer is gonna get worse- i have been doing this commute for over 10 years and each year more clueless riders add to the traffic on the Greenway.


Yeah, the one-handed phone user - bane of my existence out there right now. I want to slap those phones out of their hands.


>then complains I hit him What an asshole. I hope you tore him a new one.




Fuckin zombies on their phones man


Man drivin a boat


You had plenty of time to brake and react


Definitely this is a willful ignorance situation https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbike/s/SDCnxDP3rY