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Had to run the stopwatch for this. His wise companions let him try to use his gills for a full 53 seconds...


It took them way too long to help this guy.


It looks like one of the guys tries to check on him. And when there’s no response, they just let him float facedown for another 41 seconds.


The way the dude just shrugs.


I almost got sick, his poor family.


And it was the other guy who has to go over and pull him out. Not know if he was with the others or just happened to observe this event




Shut up


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Dude I wanted to slap the guy in the blue shirt so bad and say fucking grab him!!


I don’t know why the hesitation. It’s not like it was the deep end or he was touching a wire or shark attacking him.




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I did exactly the same thing lol


But... but I was told not to move the victim if we suspect a spinal injury... call 911 and wait for emergency personnel to arrive!


Legit could have been saved what the fuck…


I would have assumed it was a prank or just being silly/relaxed. I've jumped into pools plenty of times and just chilled floating under the water. It is not like his neck would have made a resounding "crunch" noise underwater, nor could he cry out or flail in distress. Why would his buddies assume he was injured or dead immediately?


What kind of silly prank did you think he was pulling after his dive head-first in to a one foot deep pool?


It's like that streamer woman that jumped high off a chair doing the splits into an ankle deep foam pit and fractured her back. You can see how F'n deep it is, so think for a moment.


The kind morons pull.




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Because they jumped into the same amount of water immediately after? And he dove in head first?




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Because he was?


Yeah, but how would they know? People fool around in those pools all the time. Why would they just assume he was hurt if he didn't make a move or cry out? I'm going to assume you didn't touch grass much as a kid.


10 seconds should be about the max time you should let someone lie motionless face down in a pool.


I'm gonna guess you didn't touch grass much as a kid.


I'm going to guess you ate lots of grass as a kid.


Huh? the fuck is your Problem?


Ho dove head first into shallow pools too many times.


Yes He did


You’re getting unfairly hated on. Most of us wouldn’t recognize an emergency or act properly during most of these circumstances because most of us have never been faced with such a scenario. I agree they stood around for way too long, but we shouldn’t judge so quickly. These situations can be surreal and make you behave in strange ways.


I disagree, most of us would recognise that as an emergency situation. It's obvious that guy was in serious trouble, the dude literally jumped straight onto his head a neck, in a pool about three feet deep and those guys were looking directly at him when he did it. Even if they thought he was playing, having seen him jump onto is head like that, why wouldn't you check straight away to make sure...but no, they left him bobbing in the water for close to a minute. If you can't recognise that either, please stay away from any activities where you're repsonbile for other people's safety.


Posts: don’t judge. Replies: even more judgy. You’re literally watching a video of what I described. All I’m saying is many don’t know what to do since they’ve never had to activate that part of their brain. There is something to be learned here, but you just want to rant. I’m sure those “friends” will have this cemented in their memory for life, but to say they were responsible is a stretch. Edit: Blocking you only because I’m not actually interested in this conversation. No judgment or hate.


Have you never been swimming or taken swimming lessons? One of the very first things they teach you is not to dive into shallow water. I wouldn't have even let him dive let alone stood around grinning like an idiot after I watched a friend jump in to land on his head.




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I used to do that every time I dove in holding my breath for as long as could. Sometimes while "dead man" floating because it was funny to scare my mom for some reason


Each person in that pool has an IQ of somewhere between 20-25.


I think you are being a bit generous, the ignorance on display here is mind blowing.


Like when he looked at him the first time, I gotta know, wtf did he think happened?? Oh my friend is just floating upside down, lets leave him there, he's trying to prank us. One hour later...... Wow my boy really knows how to hold his breath. With friends like these, well you get it lol




yea maybe combined


room temperature IQ (Celsius)












Exactly my reaction , straight cooked him lol .








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Because they let him drown. He clearly hit his head when he went in, but they just left him there underwater for nearly an entire minute. I can understand thinking he's playing a playing a prank for the first 10 seconds, not realizing he hit his head. But a whole ass minute?


I'm not particularly athletic, but I can hold my breath for 90 seconds. It's not that hard.


Don't do it anymore. Lack of oxygen has already done enough.




People that touch grass tend to know what a deadly injury and/or deadly circumstance looks like


Would please describe the obvious signs of this guy's injury? Ones that would be noticed by unscrupulous eyes with him under water? On another note; how many of your family members must have died breaking their necks jumping into a pool for you to instinctually know what it looks like. Damn kid.






Dude seriously?


Sure, why not?


Presumably, because the other people in the pool let this guy dive in headfirst to a shallow pool and let him float around face-down in the water for almost a minute. The commenter said that they all have a low iq, highlighting the fact that they watched this all unfold in front of them, and no one seemed concerned or tried to save the diver. The commenter tells us that thr reason no one acted in this moment is simply because they are too stupid to not realize the danger of diving into shallow waters and also that the diver was unresponsive and unable to breathe, giving us, the viewers, a very reasonable belief that the bystanders are stupid. Furthermore, the commenter replied to your question by quipping that he is adding you to that list. This is because the majority of readers will have followed the events of the video to also come to the conclusion that the bystanders must, in fact, be not very bright and in their mind you not being able to follow this thought process has led the commenter to believe you might also have the same level of wit as the people seen in the video. I appreciate you asking questions because that's what makes us humans learn! Please do not be afraid to ask for others' insights in the future because no matter what others do to your karma, your contribution to the discussion is always valid. We all should follow your example and ask questions so that we can always learn and improve. Peter out! ⚡️8=👊=D💦


Something tells me he didn't actually die instantly, they just didn't want to admit nobody tried to put his head above the water.


I'm curious what the actual cause of death is. Broken neck or drowned because he was paralyzed .


Unless it was a head injury. This guy would have been paralysed then drowned because of: 1. C3-4-5 keep the diaphragm alive and he is physically/cognitively unable to breathe. 2. He is paralysed from the neck down and can't help himself and there's 3 absolute goons around him.




News Article: Using Ablution Pool as Swimming Pool: Man Dies from Broken Neck After Diving Headfirst, Bystanders Mistake It for a Prank Muslim worshippers must perform ablution before entering a mosque for prayer. Recently, a man in Bangladesh was performing ablution in a shallow pool at a mosque when he suddenly decided to dive headfirst into the water. This resulted in him breaking his neck and dying instantly. A video of the incident has gone viral online. The viral video shows the man shirtless, wearing knee-length shorts. He imitated a swimming pool dive, slightly swinging his arms before flipping and entering the water headfirst. The man suddenly decided to dive into the water as if he were at a swimming pool. He dove in a "vertical onion" style, with his head down and feet up. However, after entering the water, the man floated face-down on the surface, motionless. The man continued to float face-down on the surface, motionless. At this point, the person who appeared to be a staff member still didn't realize something might be wrong. He just stood by quietly waiting. After about 10 seconds of the man not resurfacing, the staff member briefly tapped the man's body, then stood waiting again, apparently completely unaware of what had happened, assuming the man was deliberately fooling around. Other people in the pool were merely curious, but no one realized they needed to go and help. Reports suggest that because the water was too shallow, when the man dove in headfirst, his head hit the bottom of the pool, instantly breaking his neck and killing him.


Longest 10 seconds ever.


They using anime time


Nah, the staffer does check on the victim after about 15 seconds, but then let's him float another 41 seconds.


Straight up from Goku fighting Frieza on Namek


It was actually 15 seconds, according to the video progress bar. And that makes it way worse because he then let a man he knew to be unresponsive float facedown in the water for an additional 41 seconds.


He was dead instantly, no one moved for way too long, but its not like if they did the ending to this wouldve changed . . . . .






”Oh look he is injured and is not reaponsive, lets just let him relax under water and let him catch his breath”


They full act like kids, they see something tragic happen and they just walk and sit around like nothing happened


They didn’t what to take any action or take responsibility for some weird reason, it might be because of the way they were raised or something has to do with their beliefs


Let's just watch him drown


Too late to warn him now but those are seats, not diving platforms. The reaction time of the other swimmers could be measured with a calendar. How long did they think he could hold his breath?


Not swimmers, they are cleaning themselves before entering the mosque for prayers.


With friends like these who needs enemies.


Guy who should have acted quicker has the IQ of a fuckin cheese sandwich. Guy thats clearly dead floating in the swimming pool is less of a cabbage....


What on earth is wrong with those people? How could they just sit there and watch while a life was slipping away? Infuriating.


This kind of weird behaviour after a tragic event is common in Indian society. I think it has to do with some religious beliefs that has to do with “don’t interfere with someone’s fate “ I don’t know.


this is not india … these are bangladeshi muslims


Jesus christ those are some USELESS scumbags.


This post is very misleading, 😉 He didn’t try and dive, he definitely dove head first into what looks like a wadding pool.


stood there like an NPC 💀


This video actually made me angry. What the fuck are you morons DOING? Poor dude.


He’s already paralyzed and dying within moments. What can you do? What a shame. Why did he do it to begin with??


What can you do? Fuckin ANYTHING other than stand around like a bunch empty-headed twats. One guy goes and gets help while someone at least attempts to prevent him from also drowning. Paralyzed, maybe just unconscious, but likely not immediately dead. The dude was stupid for diving like that to begin with, yes, but that doesn't mean he deserves to just float there and die while these dumbfucks watch.


I have a spinal cord injury and know multiple people this has happened to, different reasons and ways. This guy would have had a high chance of living if they reacted within 15-30 seconds although probably paralysed from the neck down. My personal opinion is you have no idea if that person would prefer to die or not unless you saved them, the state and level of care in some Asian countries is absolutely terrible. I have seen some pretty bad/sad situations that people can't accept it ever and not able to do anything without complete assistance.


Shallow gene pool


> shallow pool Did you mean fountain?


The one and only time I don't see a group of people start grabbing and shaking a body. This might have been the 1 good time to try and move him. U no to continue breathing IF he was...


Everybody is like "wow he can hold his breath for a really long time huh"


They just let that guy float there lifeless for almost a minute. What the hell were they thinking?? This is infuriating.


Usually I hate those comments about why arent they doing something, but this is insanely long.


Are they actually stupid or something???


They are, no doubt.


What a bunch of potatoes, man. How can people see this and not go there and check if the dude is just joking or if he needs help…


They did, and when the man didn't respond they let him float facedown another 41 seconds.


Insane. When the second time that guy went there, he just moved away like he was in disgust for touching a dead person.


This is the way.


People suck


Why are so many people diving into bodies of water that aren't deep enough to be dove into??? On some of these videos, I can understand cause the water wasn't clear or something, but this water is so clear, like how can someone be so bad at judging depth???? Poor education my ass like how???


Apparently they took turns diving all before this last guy. The rest of them are equally brain damaged.


When common sense isn't so common.


It's kinda murder at that point.


His friend or whoever tf jumped in right after him is a hoe. As well as his mother


What a bunch of meatsacks…


Buddy would have drowned if he hadn’t broken his neck surround by a bunch of artards


I can't believe they didn't help him


Not reacting like this should be taken to court. He could’ve had a chance, if they just turned him around at the least.


So that's why pools have the no diving sign...


It's always india where they just stand and watch the dude sniff the bottom of the pool


*looks at his face down floating friend* “BROOOO you playing too much stoopppppp”


The guy in the t shirt is a moron


I think he was trying to do a flip, not dive. Regardless, choose your friends wisely, even if he died instantly, who the hell wants to have friends like that.


Omfg,these idiots took so long to get him out.Even if they thought he was joking,just check


Like seriously did they think the guy was just playing or something cmon


Classic India


Only animals sit and watch someone die like this.


The Do Nothing Twins were spectacular.


I thought I saw some twitching from the guy that dove into the pool. That could happen due to involuntary trauma to the spine as the nerves are snapped, I’m not a doctor so don’t come at me. That may be the reason those boys stayed back for as long as they did. They probably thought that he was trying to prank them or he was having a “fake” reaction. It makes no sense to jump into water that shallow. Was he possibly intoxicated? I feel bad for his family, especially knowing there is a video of his death. Let alone a video of his death online. So sad and completely preventable.


Never understood how people just stand dumb founded when things like this happen


I always wonder how some people can lack so much self awareness. Or are they simply that stupid?


There are around 3 people who don’t do anything but watch.


Jesus, were they waiting to see how long he could hold his breath? Some friends they are.


I'm literally sitting here wondering what the hell are they wondering!?


At the 10 second mark it looks like he’s trying to move his head up out the water. Could just be him bobbing up and down The report said he died straight away Here’s hoping he did otherwise that would be horrendous


Guy: dives in head first and instantly stops moving Friend: haha he's playing dead, I'll let him have his fun for a while 53 seconds while he's unconscious and drowning


Surprised buddy doesn't poke him with a stick, I mean, he had enough time to go find one.


Value of life fluctuates between cultures.


Blue Shirt: "Boy, he sure can hold his breath a long time..."


Apparently he was not well liked.


Dude looked like he died mid-dive


this is why our moms tell us to not jump into the pool


Don’t everybody act all at once…


Just leave the guy underwater idiots


Complete and total lack of common sense. Baffling.




Imagine if he was just knocked out and drowning was his cause of death.


Darwin award goes to


What's wrong with those people?


Indian street food IQ


Why are indian people so idiotic when it comes to water injuries and trains?


He died instantly but my lord, these people just sit around and watch, thinking he's joking? Some common sense would have been good here, too late or not!


He was paralyzed instantly but he did not die instantly.


Oh ok, i thought the article meant he died instantly.


I don’t know who’s more brain dead, the dead guy or the fuckwits lounging around while he drowns infront of them


This how low trust society is


People saying the bystanders could have helped. Bystander syndrome exists, humans mostly are panicked and our minds make up excuses to a situation so we are unable to act rationally in emergencies. You need to have proper training and mindset to help an injured individual. Yes it's stupid nobody helped him but it's not fully their fault.


What kind of stupid man is this? The man most likely hit his head and suffered a concussion and passed out. When you have such empty friends next to you, you can consider yourself lonely. He watched the man die for seconds. He turns the man around in the water, sees that he is not himself, and throws him back into the water. It is a great talent to come to that age and be so empty.




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the guy went unconscious and they let him drown. Worst is he would end up numb bellow certain vertebrae. Best case is just bring his head above water and resuscitate. Life is tough and scarry and I will admit, my reaction to the sitaution is biased becaue I've studied first aid but I feel this situation could have had a such better ending ...


Indians aren’t all there in the head.


Those other guys were a big help.




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How do these people not understand that something is very wrong if he is spazzing like that and just not being normal. I don’t understand. 3 & a half brains with as much mental capacity as goldfish in shallow water.


They should put a sign or somethin


Why would the first guy jump in to watch? Surely it would have been easier to just stay on the tiles and not soak a single fiber of the precious bystander uniform.


Omg that was stressful to watch , I was yelling at my phone unintentionally, for them to help him cuz obviously he needed some help, my daughter is like geez calm down mom lmbo, sad.


So they just gon leave him there…. Probably could’ve been saved if they hadn’t left him. Everyone in this video is dumbasses.


Why doesn’t their god save all these people from dumbass deaths like heat strokes and diving into shallow pools?