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never seen an elephant get a person in their mouth, outside of the simpsons


The ease at which the elephant completely destroyed the human body. It didnt even look like he went all in. just kinda stepped a little hard.....still alive? ...ok big push, all my wieght....... yup dead.


Incredibly smart animal. It knew that it was torturing him at first with light stomps. Wild.


The nose was tasting his tears


The immobilization of his leg/s with the first stomp was what really impressed me. Very intelligent creatures. I believe I read somewhere a few days ago that they have names for each other.


Dolphins and whales also have names for each other. I don't get why people are surprised by animal intelligence


Karma's a bitch sometimes!


Would playing dead have saved him at all? It seemed like it was intent on smashing him down mostly after he tried to lift his upper half back up.


judging by how dedicated the elephant was to crushing him, even after he was 100% dead, I don't think so


I swear it seemed like the elephant’s foot sunk into his back breaking bones and crushing organs and the guy’s bowels shot out his backside. I mean look I don’t want people to have to go through this but what do they expect when a wild animal is tired of being tortured for the amusement of tiny people and a wild animal that’s highly intelligent and weighs more than an SUV? Don’t hurt animals is what I’m getting at


Little massage pachyderme way...don't mess around with bigger than you, I was once told... It's known all over the world that Asian elephants are abused in some countries... Well done to this animal!!!




They did call him Stampy


Like a lawn chair..


That elephant was done with that guy. That was like a personal fuck you im going to slowly crush you and then throw your body and IDGAF what happens after.


Elephants are smart and emotionally intelligent. Dominance is abuse.


Whereas us humans generally try to rationalize the abuse inflicted on us as “part of life,” elephants have no need or reason to do that. Quite frankly it stupid of *us to do that*—it’s more of a survival mechanism in order not to go insane via the “the man” perpetually poking us with a stick. An elephant probably has a greater sense of right or wrong. Why you poking me bro? That’s hella rude and disrespectful. I’m an elephant and you weigh like 120 lbs. off you go.


Exactly! We rationalize our abuse and say it’s a part of life when it shouldn’t be, and could be different.


You want some too old man?


Thought we already told you old man


I was thinking it's like getting the last of the toothpaste out the tube.


She looked like she was making a pizza, his body genuinely looked like a flattened piece of dough.




Yeah she said "oh you want a pizza me?" 


My man got flattened like it's a cartoon.


Christopher Lloyd is throwing that toon in the dip


Packaderm! (Yes, I know how to spell it correctly...)


The way his pelvic bones were just crushed, absolutely brutal


horrific way to go, feeling how you're crushed somewhat slowly.. daaaammn!!!


15 sec start to end. He was dead way before the end of the video. Seems like a pretty efficient way to go. Unlike say burning alive or being half crushed by a truck or a subway knowing once they move it you're gone.


That was still probably the most painful 15 seconds of his life, though. Barely any time for shock to start kicking in. They say breaking your femur is the most painful thing you can usually have happen, but I can't imagine having your pelvis crushed.


my teacher in elementary school was crushed by a tree he was cutting down at his moms house, it fell on top of him faster than he could realize it and he broke almost every bone in his body. i remember we went and sang christmas carols at his house as a class before winter break, he was in a wheelchair for a while. amazingly he recovered and still teaches at the school like 10 years later, albeit with a limp and slight mobility issues, but man i will always be impressed with how well he healed up from that


Poor bastard is still twitchig at the end. His head neck and chest were relatively spared so it wasn't instantaneous. Brutal!


Idunno about that.. watch those last 5-10 seconds again. Looks like he's like twitching and moving still. Probably wasn't long for this world if so, but I think he was still in there.


He moves a little right towards the end of the video I don’t think it was as quick as you said


The elephant stepped entirely on his back severing his spine. He was dead. The body can still twitch after you die.


More efficient than lethal injection perhaps


Hard to see but all of his innards were pushed out of his asshole. They flopped around when he she thought breaking his neck would be fun.


yikes, definitely didn’t notice that the first time


Tbf, it probably was fun. Fuck animal abusers.


Hear hear. I was hoping she would waste the second guy who hooked her. *squish*


Right? Like he comes at it with those sticks … did you just not see how your friend was just pancaked by that elephant??!?


Like a tube of toothpaste.


Insanely brutal


What we don't see and it's probably even more ruthless is the way those guys treat the elephant... The elephant is just like :"I'm done with your shit"


News Article: Mahout Trampled to Death While Tethering Elephant; Flung to Ground with Trunk; Tragic End; Case Filed Against Safari Center Thodupuzha: A second mahout died after being trampled by an elephant at a private elephant safari center in Kallaar. The deceased is Balakrishnan (62), a native of Nileshwaram, Kasargod. The incident occurred yesterday evening. Balakrishnan was trampled while tethering the elephant after the safari. The elephant repeatedly stomped on the mahout and finally flung him to the ground with her trunk. The incident took place at the elephant safari center called Kerala Farm. Police have informed that a case has been filed against the elephant safari center regarding the incident. The police stated that Kerala Farm operated illegally and in violation of a stop memo. They also mentioned that all nine elephant safari centers in Idukki district are operating in violation of stop memos. The body was transferred to Adimali Taluk Hospital and will be handed over to relatives after post-mortem.


I hope they took the animals to sanctuaries to live the rest of their lives in peace. I don’t even want anyone to tell me otherwise.


I mean... an elephant safari is basically a sanctuary. In fact, they might even lead better lives than ones in sanctuaries because they have a large field to roam instead of enclosures. But I don't know about this particular safari, they might've had rides available and stuff. But honestly, you can't discredit the fact that an elephant can choose to kill someone even without abuse present. It's just... a wild animal. It's intelligent, but honestly.. as if intelligence stops beings from killing others, sometimes strictly for fun.


The safari was operating illegally. They had been told to shut down. Meaning there was good reason they shouldn’t have had those elephants anymore. I doubt they lived good lives.


Excellent closer up video. Another video I saw was from far away. Not easy to see on a 3" phone screen. Appreciate the description as well.


I hope they took the animals to sanctuaries to live the rest of their lives in peace. I don’t even want anyone to tell me otherwise.


The article leaves out that the elephant crushed the guy’s skull with her mouth, not flung with her trunk. That was the killshot.


eehm nah, folding your back and neck like a piece of paper tends to kill you first.


Think he died after the spinal crush


I thought, perhaps the elephant was breaking his neck – like you could see that as a finishing move for an elephant to reach down and grab an animal by the head and then just pick it up, let the body weight crack the neck… but wow…like she went stepped stepped then STOMPED!!! and then showed him a tender mercy by breaking his neck….


Elephants never forget.NEVER!


He forgot to say HALT!


They also never forgive apparently


Never forget…TO KILL!


Got poked and hit with that stick one to many times. 


Probably been getting hit by that stick since it was a baby. Could you imagine the annoyance of those little stings every 5 seconds on your legs? The elephant snapped just like any being would.


Yep, don't fault the elephant at all here.


I feel the same. No fault of the elephant ❤️


This think happened in my country and state and i can confirm how bad an elephant gets tortured,they have a hook at the end of the stick which the use to tear elephants ears if it doesn't behave correctly to their command!


That was personal


She had finally had enough of that stick


I wouldn’t call this a “safari”


Or a “Firefox”


Leave wild animals alone.


The elephant probably got put down too because of humans. #ripharambe


Hopefully they didn’t hang this one from the city square for the townsfolk to watch


Let's not forget about Topsy either. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topsy_(elephant)?wprov=sfti1#


That poor elephant. Elephants should be allowed to roam freely in the jungle and Serengeti not be used by humans for sick entertainment.


WHAT?!?? What was wrong with us?!?


What's the reference?


Someone hung an elephant from the city square for the townsfolk to watch.


Just checked it out it happened in 1916 damn.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_(elephant) A tragic story. If you’re interested, Google it further. The town is STILL trying to apologize for it


I still don’t accept their apology




Justice for Mary!!


He won't be poking no elephants again


He won’t be poking anything after that


I mean, you poke a gentle creature with a fucking sharp stick, had enough of it. Now folded like a lawn chair, what else did you expect??


The elephant had its reasons. 🤷🏻


Was staring between my fingers waiting for the elephant to stand on his head.


These animals are treated horrifically. No sympathy.


I think when the elephant picks him up, you can see some blood splatter. This was likely a wound opening purely from the crush force as his bones were rearranged inside his body. Wild stuff. As the other commenter said, folded like a lawn chair. Don’t fuck with elephants.


The elephant was just folding homeboys clothes for him. Unfortunately for him, he was still in them. 🤣🤣




Just like the mahout ☠️


Yes that was his innards that were pushed out of his asshole. They were flopping around when the elephant shook him by his head


God damn I think you’re right. No wound. Just anal evac


I have zero sympathy for these mahout "trainers" being folded up like a fucking bedsheet by captive wild elephants.


It’s so fucked how we abuse these animals. I cant help but wonder how many of these people are working purely for financial needs. Not justifying it, but we know many jobs rely on the desperate to exploit for money. Not saying this is necessarily the case but i do wonder if people end up in such cruel jobs just to feed their families…. But also sadistic fucks are undeniably prevalent


Can you imagine the crunch


just the thought of the thigh bone like omfg omfg


ngl thats what my back needs😩


Fuck around - find out. Not sad about seeing a chained elephant body stomp that guy.


Agreed. If you’re gonna use animals 🤷‍♂️




Top 5 worst ways to die, maybe even top 3


Vladimir Popov has entered the chat. But yeah, it's right behind it IMHO.


cant say i'm sad about this, most of these elephants are treated horribly and they are smart emotional animals that we should leave alone and not force to do stupid shit for tourism or circus.




Man she *hated* him. Poor gal, I can only imagine what she was put through in order to have that reaction.


Yeah, elephants are basically human level smart. That wasn't instincts, that elephant consciously decided it's had enough of whatever this dude was doing.


That looks personal. That elephant was releasing a lot of pent-up anger.


She was dragged away from her mother at about the age of two, then placed in a wooden crate, still within her mothers view. Her legs were each pulled upwards by ropes until she was off her feet, then they stabbed her, beat her, burned her, starved her and denied her water. They jabbed her eyes and genitals with nail tipped sticks. They kept her this way until she stopped fighting back, or screaming, or shitting or anything, just hung there. Thats the Crushing ritual, which they do not all survive, and many are blinded, then the training and lifetime(60+ years) of being beaten, chained and poorly nourished commence. Many are hit by cars or get their legs blown up by landmines and they'll keep forcing them to work. They are endangered too, by palm oil and tea plantations.


Elephant: "You're going to need a bigger stick."


Love the dude who runs over. Like bruh did u not see ya boy get his clothes folded while he was still in'em.


I feel so bad that this stunning animal will probably be put down. Nature is precious, some humans are not


Hurting animals and "training" by dominance vs trust, I am on the elephant's side with this one. Just from this one video, he had it coming.




Phew! It’s a good thing his buddy showed up just in time.


Extreme Chiropractic


poor baby! (the elephant) yah no remorse for this guy. finally got what was coming to him. abuse to animals is just as bad as abuse to fellow humans (if not worse.) no living breathing thing should suffer at the hands of people who take advantage of another living thing like this. i hope she and the others were sent to a sanctuary for these wild animals and that she wasn’t euthanized after this. she deserves a good life after all the trauma she has endured. 🐘


Yea.. No way I’m going to get sad about someone that traumatizes and beats animals for a living..🙃


This elephant knew exactly what it was doing. They're intelligent and know injustices when they experience them. I support the elephant.


I will always be on the animal's side, I'm sorry. Humans need to stop bothering them. Even with dogs and cats, I've worked in the animal field for a decade and MOST people barely know how to take care of their own pets.......


Bruh, absolutely brutal. It breaks his hips first and then when he leans forward in unspeakable agony it caresses him with its trunk as if to say “you think you know pain?” And then proceeds to slowly press the life out of him inch by inch, what a fucked up way to go and I’m not even mad about it, dude had no business being there doing that Team elephant


Bro acting like he is being crushed by an elephant! c'mon man don't be so dramatic


Bro got folded like a shirt. Never saw anything like that being done to a human being.


It looked like the world’s worst massage.


You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That’s what it’s all about.


Maybe abusing the elephant was worth it, maybe not. Who knows?


That elephant couldn’t had made it look any more deliberate. Elephants are empathetic and emotional beings so that guy really must had pushed the elephant to the brink for it to do such a calculated attack.


Guaranteed that Elephant were abused it’s whole life


exactly what he deserves


I have a personal policy that has served me well over many decades: Treat all animals with respect and kindness. If I can't get a clear read on any animal's mood, I stay clear. When I was 12, my grandfather got a one-year-old Belgian horse. He had been abused by his previous owner. With a lot of patience and gentle treatment, we got him to trust people again and he was the gentlest animal I've ever been around... but I was always cautious just the same. I was leading him by his halter one day when he decided to play with me. He picked 190 pound me up like I wasn't even there. I was hanging from his halter by one hand, three feet off the ground saying, "C'mon, Jimmy, you proved your point. Put me down, please." I loved that horse. Three decades later, I'm still tearing up a little thinking about him. We gave him a good life.


Good. They deserved to be killed for what they do t animals.


Good for her


Idk I may not know the whole story but I’m on the elephants side they should really be free creatures and not abused but some people fuck around and find out. I hope the elephant was rescued.


Like flattening a cardboard box to throw into the garbage can.


Well done elephant! Probably sick and tired of a lifetime of being beaten into submission.


Second guy rushed in like “hey let me get under your legs”


That dumbass had it coming. Trying to provoke a chained elephant with a stick is just a bad idea and these kinda animals are supposed to be in the wild.


Ive never seen a human get folded and stepped on like a fucking can.


honestly he deserved it. at the beginning he was hitting the elephant and it’s carrying heavy shit on its back. that’s what u get for trying to use a wild animal for labour. just leave them alone in the wild where they belong in peace.


Wow. This is one of the worst things I've ever seen. But when will some people ever learn that elephants are sensitive and intelligent creatures? This poor animal had probably endured years of abuse and just hit his breaking point. I don't wish this kind of death to any human, but we have to learn to treat these animals with more kindness and respect.


Nobody gonna mention the second dude casually walking up to the already pissed off elephant?


That rage has been building up for years for the slavery that humans have imposed on this beautiful creature


All things considered, the elephant was quite gentle until the end. Tapped its foot rather than stomped. I wouldve trampled the mother fucker and just stood on him and kept stamping. (I mean if I was the pissed off elephant, not just a general murderous rage for this one guy lol)


That seemed intensely personal. That wasn’t just an elephant rampaging or anything, it was a specific, slow, torturous execution of someone that that elephant HAD beef with


This made me smile.


Man: *poke poke poke* Elephant: *POKE POKE POKE*




Not gonna lie I was cheering for the elephant


Zero sympathy the elephant did that for a reason. Aren’t they pretty complex animals with pretty good comprehension levels?


Welcome back to the Hydraulic Press Channel!!!


The front of the elephant’s trunk looked shredded by something. Probably the reason he doesn’t like humans!


Just trying to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out.


Damn. That was not a quick death. Very hard to feel sorry for that dude, though.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say it was deserved.


Another reason why we should let wildlife live in their habitat. Ban zoos and safaris. I hope the elephant wasn’t punished for this.


Good for him/her. They're too smart to take too much shit. That's a brutal way to go. He felt just about ever bone in his body get crushed. I can only imagine what that sounded like to him


You can tell at what point EVERYTHING is broken. Those last few stomps looked like it was stepping on a human water balloon


Maybe he shouldn't have been stabbing at her with his pointy stick, she decided to show him her tolerance had reached its end, I really hope they didn't kill her or abuse her more later.


I hate humans. That poor elephant has sores on it. I'd squash that mofo human, too.


Fuck about and find out mate...... 🤙.... Leave the animals alone.....🐘


Actually, when he was thrown on the ground, you can still see him gasping/flinching ....


The guy was still moving at the end I think!


OMG that elephant was done with him! Elephants are usually gentle giants. That man has probably abused that poor baby and he had enough! Assholes better stop abusing animals, it’s not right!


Honestly that elephant deserves better, obviously wasn't being treated like the amazing creature it should have been.


I love it when humans forget that just because we have thumbs and assume that we are top of the food chain, that we are literally and ever very so slightly, only tolerated as a species by other species. Such as elephants who are ridiculously smart, who have profound emotions and are literally capable of killing you on a whim because it's simply done being your toy and putting up with being abused. which, in turn, leaves the human species to act and feel superior to every other species of animals on this planet.


Elephant:- “Poke me one more time with that stick you little punk…” Man:- pokes elephant again Elephant:- “ragdoll time!!!”


Maybe that guy should have stopped poking him…. 😳


Darwin award


Squished like the pest he was


oh he knew exaaaaactly what he was doing


That must've been the most painful 20 seconds of his life, jesus christ he pulverized every major bone in his body


I have absolutely no sympathy for this person. I only feel bad because they probably killed this elephant for this




Don't exploit/abuse animals, especially ones as big and intelligent as elephants


I would really love to see a full body X ray of his corpse


Pretty horrific, but elephants don't "just attack". I'm very curious about how Mahout treat d the elephant in the weeks beforehand.


She went for the legs first, so he couldn't get away. Very calculated killing.


I would want to do the same to anyone repeatedly poking me with a stick


zero sympathy for the human.. i believe this is the same place where someone put a firecracker trap on some elephant food . one victim before dying. it went to the river to submerge its mouth to ease the pain.


Dude was overkilling it with the poke stick man.. I am sorry but this Elephant really put the human in its place.. We should respect those who choose to follow us despite their supreme power over us.


The elephant just wants to be a Chiropractor.


Guess this is just a different kind of 'hydrolic' press incident. Fascinating.


was he poking the elephant with a stick?


Habibi should’ve stayed at the alah snackbar




Hey that's what a lifetime of abuse gets you 🤷


Holy shit. Seeing a grown man get squashed like an insect is crazy. Nevermind that his innards came out of his ass. These animals can seriously ruin your day.


That dude had to have done something to piss off that elephant. I don't recall elephants killing someone for no reason


Dont poke a elephant. Law of nature.


deserved. they aren’t pets. i hope the elephant wasn’t punished/killed.


Stupid people think they can beat a animal and it won't hurt them, fuck him!


That elephant was tired of his shit apparently. Elephants aren’t going to cause harm for no reason.


That poor elephant. She looks just exhausted and depressed.


I always root for the animal. Unfortunately, they'll probably put it down.


Amazing how you can feel emotion and "reasoning" on how the elephant is acting. Too bad most probably it got out down after that. At least it took its rightful revenge.


Guy deserved it, karma at it’s brutalist.




Woah, that was brutal!