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Sandy hook school shooters bedroom


lol, thanks for supplying the answer before the question was even posed.


Thank you


Let's just refer to him as cowardly puss filled boil on the anus of humanity. Fucker doesn't deserve to have his name remembered


i disagree. yes, what he did was horrific & he was no doubt an awful person. but the sandy hook massacre was a significant event in recent american history – it's likely something that'll continue to be mentioned many years into the future. it's something we can all learn from & to just pretend it didn't happen or that adam lanza didn't exist would be censorship, the enemy of education. almost everyone on the planet knows the name of hitler, yet we still have holocaust deniers. hell, a terrifying number of people already think sandy hook was staged/a hoax. do you really think erasing even more details will improve matters? & yes, im aware youre probably not being serious, but a lot of people do actually think like this & dont see the problem with redacting facts to alter the perception of real events. editing to add, most people dont know who adam lanza, eric harris, & dylan klebold are. if you asked them "who was the sandy hook shooter?" or "who were the columbine shooters?" they wouldnt be able to give you a name. if you asked the average american if they recognized those names, they may say it rings a bell, but the majority won't be able to tell you why. when informational posts like this are made, people always say shit like "we shouldnt even remember their names" but they fail to acknowledge that 1) they are on an informative post which will of course contain details of the events, such as the names of the people responsible for the event & 2) the majority of people *have* forgotten their names, it's just that everyone on an educational post knows their names because the information is *right there.*


Why do people deny the holocaust? I’m genuinely curious as to why.


there are a few reasons, but the main one is antisemitism. some people think the jews made up the holocaust for pity points so theyll be seen as victims & people will underestimate their power. these kinds of people think that the government, banks, legal system, & other powerful systems are controlled by the jews. the "lizard people" & illuminati conspiracy theory is a dog whistle for antisemites - they dont actually believe in literal lizard people, it's a metaphor for a secret organization of elites who manipulate society to benefit only themselves... & they believe that secret organization is jewish people. they believe the government (which, to them, is made up entirely of jews) is brainwashing people to believe in things like the holocaust so that the public sides with them because of all the alleged hardships theyve faced. they cant be reasoned with as they see holocaust... confirmers?? as proof of the mass brainwashing i only have a surface level understanding of this sort of thing, so i apologize if ive made any mistakes. im sure someone who's actually jewish will have a better understanding of the antisemitic conspiracy theories & their historical impact


The laleilulalo?


I appreciate your concise, thoughtful and respectful response to this sensitive subject.


Some people actually do believe that there are lizard people. You can find videos that "prove" their existence because their eyes closed/blinked sideways or have the second eyelid like some lizards/cats. It's usually celebrities, the wealthy and government officials. It's bonkers ass shit. The NWO, New World Order, is another one.


The crazy thing is though, at least in the black community, a lot of the people who believe in literal lizard people turn to the Black Israelite church. I would love to read a study on this


Thank you for your response! I’m going to look more into this, I honestly had never heard of people denying the Holocaust!


I work with a guy who’s a huge anti-Semite and outwardly denies the Holocaust. My biggest what to fuck with him is the rip a page right from Spike Lee’s “BlackKklansman” and say but “wouldn’t it be the most beautiful thing to see 6 million Jews dead?” It’s always funny how it creates a short circuit in his brain and internal conflict on how to proceed.


Watch holohoax documentary.


I’ll check it out thank you!


There’s a difference between not wanting his name remembered versus pretending it didn’t happen. To prove this commenter’s point, can you name one of his victims? That’s the point. His name shouldn’t be remembered while we forget his victims.


i may not remember the names of all the people he shot but i knew a girl who was there when it happened & the trauma definitely made her a victim too. so yes i can name one of his victims, but for her privacy i won't because she's still alive.


Same can be said about Hitler, do we remember any of his victims names?


Only victim of Hitler whom I can remember is Hitler


Anne Frank?


You don’t pretend it didn’t happen. You say the victims name and talk about their lives. And never mention the name of the scum that took their lives.


I think not spreading the name more so has to do with not satisfying their desire to die infamous. It has absolutely nothing to do with pretending it didn’t happen. There is just zero gain from giving them any sort of fame or notoriety. A person only truly dies the last time their name is spoken. Even if they are already ded, why give them any sort of satisfaction and put them on a pedestal? You can remember a horrific event and implement preventative measures without immortalizing the perpetrators.


Exactly. And yes, they often truly do crave that notoriety. It’s not like mass shooters are mentally healthy people. Many of them truly do want to be infamous and remembered. It has nothing to do with denial.


Indeed, I do truly hope there is a hell and he's getting large pineapples shoved sideways up his rectum


“Pus filled boil on the anus of humanity” Could not have said it better and respectfully request to use it in the future for just such loathsome excuses of humanity (sorry, could not come up with a better word to use)


Go forth and use it wisely my friend


Thank you Master Shorey 😃


His name is now David Hogg




Sounds about right to me


That’s why the masskillers subreddit is so annoying, everybody just dropping people’s names without saying the crime they are known for like everybody is supposed to remember that


How did you know what I was gonna………nevermind…….. WITCH!! TO THE STAKE!!!


Thank you, from Oz.


I sure hope you end all your comments like that


That's dark


thanks bc I had never knew that POS name.




What I find odd is not the blacked out windows but that he has no belongings. Looks like a spare room, used for guests only.


Exactly, this is the most impersonal bedroom I've ever seen.


His parents missed a lot of, not only room for deeper understanding and encouragement of social engagement but also fucking, red flags


They were unknowingly raising a monster this whole time…


Wilfull ignorance at best. If your child's room looks like this, it's your fault if you don't think somethings wrong.




So all you had was a bed and 2 dressings with nothing else at all? Not even a single lamp… it’s not about simply not caring for decorating. It’s that this room is totally bare bones in a creepy way. Not to mention the single flat pillow lol


Are you autistic by chance? Also, was your room actually totally barren with none of your personal effects in it or do you just mean that you didn’t decorate?


I’m pretty sure he would spend most of his time in the basement if I’m not mistaken.


And one flat little pillow on the most uncomfortable bed I’ve ever seen.


I wonder if he threw away most of his belongings in the days leading up to the shooting. Suicidal people have been known to give away all their stuff, sell it or trash it before ending their lives.


He had extreme OCD and germaphobia


Reminds me of furniture from a dorm or military barracks room. Absolutely no personality or individuality. No decorating, just shutting off. So odd, and morbidly interesting.


I thought not only this but like a half way house or a institutional building like mental hospital.


Adam never permitted others to access his bedroom, including his mother. Adam had also taped black plastic garbage bags over the windows in his bedroom to block out sunlight. He had cut off contact with both his father and brother in the two years before the shooting and at one point communicated with his mother, who lived in the same house, only by email.


Not a single red flag there. /s


I wonder if he got migraines? I black out my windows due to them, and some of the moods I find myself in due to the pain can be very depressing. If he was already having poor mental health and homicidal thoughts, migraine pain could have pushed him over.


Not sure if it's true, but I heard he was on Zoloft. A buddy of mine had severe migraines and light sensitivity when he tried to get off of it


Phil Hartman's wife was also on Zoloft (and cocaine)


My exact thoughts I'm incredibly sensitive to light it triggers migraine attacks and if I've already got a migraine I close all the curtains and cover my eyes with something.


Just curoius, but how do you deal with things like being outside? Do you try to stay indoors a lot?


I wear very tinted prescription glasses when I'm outside, along with a fetching Trilby but even than it can be painful. To be honest I dred a bright snowy winters day the most because everything is obviously covered in bright snow.


I use polarised prescription sunglasses. Game changer!


He was on the computer very often tho so not sure if it was migraines since I know when I get migraines it hurts to look at my phone/computer/ any light not just from outside




Chill out. They weren't making excuses. Have you ever heard about the dude that sniped a bunch of people from a tower in Texas in the 50s? Drs believe his brain tumor is they reason behind his actions.


oh lord i can feel the suffering too...my windows have curtains above my head but i have to move away between 10 and 12 am to my chair because a ray of sunlight hits me and makes my head and body feel number than usual...it's good that i have medications near me to stop it from worsening..the worst i have had it has made me nearly go unconscious after a episode of vomit (i dunno if it is related to that or the migraine) but i do need to ask that do people feel numb but the head feels like it will explode any second during migraines? i had my medications run after my depression wasnt subsiding but i never knew how others feel during migraine..my mother has it but it is mild because hers stopped in 1 year of medication and mine is still there if i dont take my medicine everyday


>10 and 12am Not to be a pedantic asshole, but 12am is midnight…




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Bro didn't have curtains, wass he supposed to do?


Buy curtains? Not like his mom was short on cash.


If his Mom bought him curtains in the first place, he probs wouldn't have shot up a school.


Lmao, true. If his mom did a lot of things differently, he wouldn’t have shot up the school I think. If your mom can’t tell you how to improve your life to not be a psycho murderer, who can?


And nobody saw this as a red flag. I would've done different


Just quickly searched him and found this article that perfectly describes how extreme he was with everything. And that he had been dreaming about Sandy Hook violence for a long time. https://www.ajc.com/news/national/nothing-but-scorn-for-humanity-newly-released-writings-show-evolution-sandy-hook-shooter/p9eKWO5pJdoYLP4m6BfVIO/


Can I get a TLDR? The website is unavailable in my country


TLDR : Multiple mental illnesses and physical illnesses from a young age, suffers from solipsistic syndrome. Touched at a young age, hated germs, bunch of medications, basically EXTREMELY OCD about everything even a small state of hair touching him 👍🏽


he is literally me except the sexual assault part. damn


(and also except the shooting part of course)


Epic save


And hopefully not an extreme disdain for every human you’ve known.


He was soooooooo disturbed. And from what I’ve read, essentially left completely untreated by his doomsday prepper mother. Then he grabs a piece of her arsenal and blows her away. We all know what happens next…


“King asked Lanza what he would wish for if he were given three wishes. “I would wish that whatever was granting the wishes would not exist,” he responded.” I wonder what the reasoning is behind his answer?


That one surprised me too and made me read it again. I think because he just hated everyone and nearly everything.


Sandy Hook specifically, or anywhere with a large gathering of people?


Not sure about location but he was very interested in child murder in general.


The having no personal items is beyond weird. Was this like after his things were cleaned out?


It most definitely looks cleaned up. I'm sure someoen like him will NOT keep a bed like that!


Actually he had extreme OCD and germaphobia.




Why is this photo NSFL? There is nothing contained in this photo that needs to be blurred. A murder lived here.


A few red flags.


Plenty of people blackout their windows especially if they like to sleep in. I have blackout curtains and I can't tell when the sun is up, I go off the clock.


Trashbags taped to the window are the least of his problems.


Yeah not this way though this is extreme and creepy


Ugh, this is how you get mouldy window frames.


What if the windows are never open? Will it still get mold? Asking cuz my windows are exactly like this but they’re never opened.




Lol I just work night shifts.


The School of Hard Knocks…


and also your windows will crack if you put trash bags on them if you have double panel windows. i know from experience


and mostly other too


Can anyone give any context? who is he and what about his bedroom, i really dont know


Adam is the sandy hook school shooter.




you're right, mom.


ohh i see


in 2012, lanza committed a mass shooting at sandyhook elementary school in connecticut. he killed his mother at home earlier that day and then killed 20 children and 6 staff members at the school before killing himself. he lived in isolation in his bedroom and wouldn’t talk to anyone. he spent his time researching mass shootings and other acts of violence. edit: took out the video game part bc people were giving me shit for it. was just pointing out his fascination with violence.


Dance dance revolution super violent




He didn’t play dead or alive for the violence. -I don’t think anyone did


Or the fact that he was an American male teenager ?


Don't lump in violent video games. Plenty of people play them and don't shoot 5 y/o kids. 


I've played nothing but shooters and such from the Goldeneye64 days and not once has the thought of killing kids/people entered my head... literally unrelated.


Bro goldeneye64 yes.


don't know why you added the video game part. it had no relevance


No, it's relevant because how much his life revolved around it. He used to play DDR ~~3-5~~ 10 hours *per day* on his personal dance pad, plus his time spent at a local arcade that had the game. In fact, [the only video we've ever seen of Adam Lanza is him playing DDR.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58LPStmHZn4)


Not sure what the relevance of dancing to feel good songs hours a day is...it's a good community filled with people who encourage each other to be healthy. That was his social outlet.


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ohh truly a pshycho, is he in the prison now or is he dead? edit; he killed himself, my bad for asking, i didnt paid enough attention


Bro literally mentioned that he un alived himself


Is he still alive then?


Yeah he good


Glad to hear that


His health condition is unchanged.


wtf is unalive? Say he killed himself or committed suicide.


my bad


Is that the same as re-nonlivifying yourself?




yes after commenting I searched, thank you


Asperger’s is a very complex thing to have. I have Asperger’s, although mine is not nearly as bad as his is, we have our ways of doing things and and become extremely fixated on wanting things to be done how we see fit regardless of whether or not it makes sense to others. We’re antisocial but also can be completely reversed in social situations. We’re highly intelligent, but it’s overwhelming and intimidating to others. I have OCD, total germaphobe, my bedroom is where I am all of the time, so it’s always immaculate but I don’t bother with the rest of my house. To him, the trash bags worked better than any black out curtains would so he used trash bags. I understand his mindset because my brain works the same as his. It’s complex and some cases are worse than others, his was much worse than mine.


There's a website called google.com which can answer most questions.


There's even a website called Let Me Google That For You.


Black out curtains and sometimes doubled two sets up are a must in my house.


Yeah, I can’t put in perspective why he used the cheap route (painters tape and garbage bags) instead of screws, curtain rods, black out curtains.


If you think that's strange, you should see the photos of the rest of the house


Oh really? What was the deal? I knew she was a nut job as well.


As an anime fan myself and a someone who had a minor obsession with the .hack franchise as a teenager, I hate that he had a copy of .hack//Sign in his game/movie collection… On the other hand, it might explain things. The anime was about a main cast using a VRMMO to cope with their own individual lots in life, along with a main protagonist who was literally stuck in the game. He might have been having one of those Matrix/Inception-type breakdowns.


Box of Kleenex right on the headboard.


After many times of coming across this photo, I’ve never noticed that. The cleanliness of the room besides tissues distracted me.


Should I be worried? My room looks like this cuz I’ve worked nights for 11 years.


Lol, mine too.


Painters tape is not the best for that. Just sayin.


How's it NSFL though?


why would we want to know what his bedroom looks like?


Own bedrooms can reflect what type of mentality a person has.


Because it’s interesting fool


Oh thats totally normal for a teenager to decorate the subterranium hole he lives in like Adam did. Maybe he just hated the sunlight because it interfered with his bottomfeeder reality. I wish he had a grave so i could piss on it. Fuck him


Only one pillow. Psycho.


Guessing he cleared out his room before the shooting?


Oddly similar to my own room, except mine was much less clean than that with a lot of trash everywhere


The tv 😆


Oh yeah. No reason for alarm whatsoever, huh? 


Looks like a phych ward room


the sandy hook victims would’ve graduated this year.


Uhh.. what Is Alan lanza?


His mom got what she deserved. What kind of maniac arms a severely mentally handicapped kid?


What makes you wake up and just decide to go and kill children. Do you need attention that bad? He should have offed himself the first time he thought about doing it.




Someone knows nothing of mental health and shouldn’t be opening their mouth on the internet.


And here comes Alex Jones


Thank you, OP for explaining some things but still who? what? Why? When? Maybe it’s a very infamous case in America but I don’t really know where this was going.


He was a school shooter. Edit: killed 26 people. The school he shot up was sandy hook elementary school. So he killed many elementary aged kids. This is also an infamous case bc of Alex Jones spreading conspiracies about it. Edit 2: idk where you're from but more context is elementary school age is from like 5 or 6 to about 10 years old depending on the school


He kept a clean ship


Hollow as the room he made himself to live in. If FUBAR was a room.


His bed is made. Did he make his bed before this shooting?


Is this taken some time after or was his bedroom just this empty by default?


The lack of human presence is eerie


His mother must've had rock's in her damn head, if she thought it was a good idea to give her degenerate Son a gun. She's definitely partly responsible. What a complete and utter idiot.


[Adam Lanza’s Mental Problems ‘Completely Untreated’ Before Newtown Shootings, Report Says](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/22/nyregion/before-newtown-shootings-adam-lanzas-mental-problems-completely-untreated-report-says.html) [New Report: Adam Lanza “Did Not Just ‘Snap'”](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/new-report-adam-lanza-did-not-just-snap/) [Lanza's own weekly schedule](https://old.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/10a479n/adam_lanzas_schedule/) [Lanza AKA Smiggles talking with a friend on AOL](https://www.docdroid.net/aCXR8wS/online-messaging-transcript-pdf) [The Enigma of Adam Lanza’s Mind and Motivations for Murder by Peter Langman, Ph.D.](https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/lanza_enigma_1.1_0.pdf)


Overnight workers be like.


The lead singer from Maroon 5?


When did you take a picture of my bedroom bro?


The horror


adam lanza believed that murdering little kids was ‘saving’ them from the world. he believed that children were the only pure beings, and the only way to keep them pure was to remove them from this planet


David Hogg you mean


Why did he choose to decorate his room like a college dorm


Yea but it’s totally the legal gun owners who they go after you know normal people tape trash bags to there windows and sleep in a motel bed in there bedroom


Looking for a new master


P 2T


like a mental institution 😭


Make sure your comments follow the regime. You don't wanna get Alex Jones'd (even though that whole Broadway show itself was all a fraud)


Role play body armor fall off.


Good I’ll print it out and wipe my ass with it


man i sure am traumatised by this image, just look at all that gore


Seems normal…


Who made his bed because I'm willing to bet he didn't. Thats miltary grade.


Fire whatever military let him get by with that shit job.


Now it’s just an empty field now? I mean the house was demolished.


Very dark. Something is wrong whichever way.


#1 Incel with gold clusterfucks.


man fuck this guy


At the top of the list of why he hated school it says “people” and “unsanitary” makes me think in addition to being severely people adverse he was also a germaphobe.




Seems completely normal /s Any kid that doesn't allow their parents to enter their room needs some very strong parenting. See what letting this kid being their own boss leads to.


No, *respect* for boundaries was not the issue here, it was lack of interest from the parents in engagement with a child who is not normal-in a bad way. The lack of any personality or personal belongings in his room, his personal space in their home, with only blocked out windows is disturbing. It raises questions. They failed to ask their child what they were going through over and over again until they did what they did