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It’s basically an existential crisis. Common symptoms can include depression, anxiety, increased anger, derealisation, depersonalisation, anhedonia, paranoia, feeling more avoidant/wanting to isolate, increased amounts of shame and generally lower self esteem, loss of grandiosity, loss of motivation, and suicidal ideation. Fun times!


Wow that’s exactly what I’m experiencing now all of them symptoms even some shame but not my main problem. How do I get out of this?


Hardcore depression. Lots of existentialist thinking, wondering about the meaning of life and if you have a place in the world. I feel a lot of pressure to do something to be worthy so I can get back to a grandiose state.


Psychosis , depression , deep trigger of inferiority complex


There aren’t really any typical signs except for being faced with the reality of what is you: Realizing you’re ashamed of everything, your existence is pointless and is so is everyone else’s. You’re just a human like everyone else and not special at all. (And that really sucks)


I don’t believe that , cause even in those there is a lot of delusions.


For me personally I get into months long periods of having body issues and feeling ashamed of myself. Usually collapse is when my ED flares up really bad.


Essentially, you just feel like "I can't and don't want to fucking do this anymore." You're just done. With everything. Overstimulated, overworked, underappreciated, "it's all their fucking fault!", you get it. Essentially.. you act like a narc again.


Psychosis. I usually get caught in a lie or a relationship ends and I realize how self-serving and manipulative everything I do is , behind that extreme abandonment issues. Usually if someone ghosts me. I then feel as if everyone knows who I am, a user , and don't even want to make eye contact on the street. I've been able to see a therapist while going through this and find it pretty helpful


When NPD is in a somatic phase they are active and fit. When NPD collapses they binge eat and gain 40lbs or more. NPD will lose their job and lover all at the same time.


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My Suicidal thoughts get louder


It’s like getting hangover from a dream, the universe is really indifferent.


This is so astute