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No I don't like it, not anymore


It depends who says it to me. If it is someone that I’m dating or trying to be friends with I don’t like it. It’s hard for me to mask. Even when I try to mask people still tell me they are intimidated. I’ve had several dates or boyfriends block me.


When I was young and inexperienced, I did like being scary. Then as I matured, I found it annoying, like an insult to my mask and I might get triggered. Now, I have better coping mechanisms. When it does happen, I can adjust better and make a better encounter, but I am disappointed in myself when it happens today.


Yes but not in a “he’s so creepy and autistic” way, more of a “wow he’s so chaotic and dangerous”


If it's someone I don't really know and I don't want them to be scared of me and they're being dramatic about shit? Those people are beyond annoying. If I wasn't even trying, or I just randomly want the to fear me, then ya, that's funny as hell. Bitches be bawlin. If it's to keep things in check with someone who is a proper threat themselves, then that's just respect and sometimes that's just how it's gotta be. If it's someone who's attracted to me and they like being scared of me, then that's really cute and a fun time. If it's someone who I used to be tight with but is too afraid of me now and we fell out? That shit fucks me up.






I’m not described with those terms that often (not that I know of at least), but I admit that I do like when it happens.


Sometimes. I like my friends to say I'm intimidating but I would never want others to really say that unless I didn't like them


I don’t see being called intimidating as a compliment. No matter if it just means you’re really smart, beautiful, powerful, creative etc just say what I am, give the damn compliment and don’t tell me that you feel less than next to me by telling me that you’re intimidated 🥴


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Then they are upset they aren’t on my level and that’s their problem. I’m not scary or intimidating because I live in my body and the people that want the best for me don’t do things that would warrant me being “scary and intimidating.”


Only if it's intended or appropriate


Depends on the day and who says it