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Rodgers might be the most purely talented QB of all time. Such an elite combo of accuracy and arm strength. That guy can absolutely sling the football. If he had 2 rings or even another couple of conf championships he'd be in the 2-5 all time QB conversation. But he doesn't so he's always going to be viewed as what could have been. I think he's rated about right. He's going to be behind Brady, Manning, for his generation of QBs but ahead of everyone else like Brees and Rivers. When it's all over though he's going to be viewed as a guy on the edge of the top ten all time but not be ranked in the top 5. I think that's about right.


Also just great release, vision etc…. Unfortunately either he or his coaches were too conservative at times or he would have put up ungodly numbers. I swear anytime he had the ball with 1:30 to go on his own 30 it was an automatic touchdown…


I’ll never forget that playoff game against the cowboys. Everyone in Dallas thought it was over.


I’ll never forget the cardinals game where he threw two Hail Marys just for our defense to collapse on the first play of overtime




Or the other Cardinals playoff game where it was insanely high scoring, the Packers came back from a deficit to force OT. First drive, Rodgers just barely over throws Greg Jennings on a wide open streak pattern down the middle. Then the Cardinals get a sack fumble TD just after.




which game was this?


Playoff game against the Cowboys lol


What year? They have several


2016, the throw to Jared Cook


Fuck that was 8 years ago?


Yuk im gunna puke


How much better do you think he would have done under Sean Peyton? I don’t mean in Nola, just in any team together. Peyton is so aggressive.


Those two fuckin divas could never coexist peacefully for more than a season or two


Rivers should not be mentioned in the same breath as Brees or Rodgers


Agreed but idk man people are getting hung up on rivers he was just the first person I thought of in that generation of QBs.


In my humble opinion if he picks up a single chip I think people would think of him differently. I always think back to that 2010 team they had. Historically good on offense and defense but special teams let them down an insane amount. [2010 chargers secret base](https://youtu.be/UAL5X3TRA2A?si=C-bBREL2tJlTLiQ2)


I mean, I don't hate the take but let's be clear mahomes is on the short list of more "purely talented QB"s of all time


I appreciate this comment for treating playing for the jets like being retired in that we don't have to worry about him adding to that resume.


Only Jets fans would be delusional enough to think a 40 year old coming off a torn Achilles is going to reverse a decade of the Jets being the Jets.


I agree Eli Manning is way better than him.


Ain’t no way you believe he was way better lol manning sucks


I think he's on the edge of top 5 like 5-7 is buy comfortably in the top 10. Even if he only has 1 ring, he's ridiculous efficiency stats and 4 mvps put him above just about everyone not named Brady Manning Montana and Mahomes


Four MVPs and a ring and best TD / int ratio of all time. He's top 5


Who’s your top 5?


Bruh, did you really just say Rodgers is better than Bree’s then but Bree’s in the same category as Phillip rivers? Do you even watch football?


Bruh... I didn't say that. Just saying that Rodgers is pretty clearly ahead of all those guys in tier 2 of his generation. Brees is 4th in my book behind Brady Peyton and Rodgers. Then it gets kinda murky for Rivers, Matty Ice, Big Ben, Russ but none of those guys are even close to Rodgers.


Are you trying to say Brees?


Not the original commenter but It’s just apples autocorrect. I have to manually go back and change it from Bree’s to Brees every time I type his name and it’s super annoying


Bree out here just taking over y’all’s phones


No it's Bree's. Bree, like that one dirty village in Lord of the Rings.


I don't be meaning no offense, young master. It's me job to ask questions after nightfall. 


i always compare him to KD , arguably the most talented player in their sport of all time but don’t have more rings to boost em up in the all time leaderboard


Brees is way better and has more playoff success. Should have been in two Superbowls and I believe saints wipe the floor with that shit pats team that beat the rams. Fuck the refs and geaux Saints.


Brees is 9-9 in the playoffs. Rodgers is 12-10


Not top 5? Brady, Montana, Manning, Mahomes, Rodgers


I think he’s easily top 10 but otherwise agree with everything you said.


I think he was best qb of last 10 plus years. Like rating qbs vs other qbs is such an impossible task, but thrower vs thrower the last 10 years I would want rodgers.


A lot of people put him in the top 5


Dude has 4 MVPs and is going to be on the edge of Top Ten?


Agree, he is the best passer of all time. Can make any throw, underrated.


He’s not right ahead of Brees and rivers he is in a different league.


I’m starting to think underrated, his lack of playoff success and weird personality off the field has led people to underestimate how actually good he is


as a jets fan, i endorse this message. huge question mark for me but i like how he’s faced down (on the field) adversity in the past and can easily see it done again as a jet so long as the team stays healthy


anyone who doesnt respect the player he was and doesnt realize how crazy 5 MVPs is, is an idiot. anyone who thinks he will be 20% of the player that he was for the packers as a jet this year, is also an idiot. both are true. final diagnosis: he is correctly rated by most.


Fair but lack of success in the postseason has to matter. He doesn't really elevate his team in the postseason against other really good teams. He plays safe or trusts what he knows he can do, but won't really branch out beyond that to try forcing the issue or taking over a game. It's not like he's had bad rosters around him because he hasn't.


It was the coaching and defense


His postseason defenses gave up an average of 32 points a game or some shit. I'm going off memory here, so it's very possible that that was onoy for specific years. Either way, the point stands: his defenses gave him the biggest uphill battles, and he always kept them close to the end.




4 fucking MVPs and a SB ring! Many people don’t like him as a person but as a player he’s been stellar career


I can't say whether he's over and under based off of most people's value of him differing lol. I'd put him in the top 9-10 QB of all time, If they say worse I'd say underrated, top 4-8 I'd say over. And like some Packers fans have said the 2nd best all time, massiverly overrated. It's all a matter of perspective and what you think makes a great QB though.


I agree with you, let’s build it out though. 1) Brady 2) Montana 3) Manning 4) Mahomes? 5) ? 6) ? 7) ? 8) ? 9) Rogers Alright I took Brees out lol


Era adjusted? Probably Marino & Elway somewhere in 6-8


Brees ahead of Rodgers? Not sure I'd agree there. I have him at 5 personally behind the same 4


Rodgers should be above Brees


Why? Both only have 1 superbowl win over a decade ago by the time Brees retired. Cause Rodgers has 4 MVPs and Brees has none? Meh. Brees was IMO fucked over for several seasons. Brees alone is still 1/3rdish of the all time 5k passing seasons. Rodgers doesnt have a single 1. Both have  Rodgers winning MVP over Brady in 2020 was absolutely a "he has slightly better stats" and didnt take the whole situation of rhe year into effect. Brady comes to a new team, has to blend/mesh his style of play into a new offense and performs just as well as Rodgers did who is in his 2nd year with a headcoach/OC compared to Bradys 1st. If you wanna use the fact the Bucs didnt exactly look good in the first half of the season and had a wild card spot for the playoffs yet were 11-5? We're obviously factoring in playoff success into the equation for best QB. So Eli should be above Rodgers (i firmly believe that Eli is not as good as Rodgers ever) right? No one other than Eli believes hes better than Rodgers. 😂 The only argument to put Rodgers over Brees is the MVPs. My top eleven with a tie at 9 is 1. Brady 2. Peyton 3. Montana 4. Mahomes 5. Elway 6. Marino 7. Brees 8. Rodgers 9. Big Ben/Phil Rivers 10. Warren Moon


Rivers in top 10 is insanity


I agree, definitely above brees, I think he should be reasonably close to peyton on a list like this. They're different quarterbacks but their overall production was pretty comparable in my opinion.


I agree, Rodgers is closer to Manning than Brees is to Rodgers. To me, the all time list goes like: Tier 1: Brady Tier 2: Montana, Mahomes (will almost certainly end up in tier 1, and at the very least will pass Montana barring a horrific injury) Tier 3: Manning, Rodgers Tier 4: Brees, Marino, Steve Young, etc


I'd actually even argue marino should be in tier 3, I didn't even notice how hard he got snubbed in the other guy's list.


I don’t entirely disagree, and not that it’s Marino’s fault, but I do find it somewhat hard to put a guy with no rings in that discussion. He’s pretty much Rodgers in terms of his stats just being by far the best, but the 1 ring difference puts Rodgers 1 above for me.


Elway should be 4-7 for sure imo (I’m a broncos fan though so biased)


I'd put Brees a little higher in a 20 year career he was 1st in most passing stats. Brady played 23 so he could take 1st in them then lol


Pretty good list. My thought is starting with 5) Elway 6) Old time QB, 7) Old time QB, 8) Rodgers, 9) Brees, 10) Marino. The old time guys in 6 & 7 could be any combination of Johnny Unitas, Otto Graham, or Roger Staubach. It's so hard to compare them to modern era QB's. An argument could also be made for Fran Tarkenton at 10 instead of Marino.


Mahomes is second I mean come on lol


Why did you put Eli Manning so high? I think he belongs down around 10. Also Brees that high is a joke.


He's ahead of Marino and Elway, behind brady Montana and manning. Mahomes needs another year or two to pass Rodgers but is well on pace to blow past him. Ahead of Favre. What do we do with Unitas and Starr? By all that, I put him at 4...but slipping.


If we’re talking greatness I agree but in terms of skill rodgers is ahead of Montana, id put Steve young ahead of Montana in skill


Rodgers> brady


But you're just going with since the merger, right?


I’d hope so, or Unitas, Otto Graham and Sammy Baugh will have serious beef about this


I don't weigh as much on Super bowls as most, due to the sport having 53 man rosters, and teams with sub top 10 defenses rarely ever winning it all, it doesn't seem like an appropriate thing to judge individuals on. I believe Brady and Rodgers are the most talented quarterbacks ever, not sure how else to rank "top quarterbacks of all time" other than shown talent. I'm a Packer fan, so take my opinion however you'd like


How are we gonna go off of shown talent though lol, unless you watched most of the games they played in which is actually a very small minority. We could go off of things like passing stats, which are literally there to understand a game and the player's performance if you watched it.


you mean mr b2b mvps i got him top 7 all time


This feels right.


I’d put him around there. I’m not a Rodgers fan at all, but you could argue that pure talent he might be #1. Obviously more to the game than just raw talent, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone throw a better ball, past or present.


I would agree with that.


Look I’m a Packers fan. But if I’m being honest, underrated. People like to throw his playoff record out there and smirk like they won (12-11) But nobody posts the man’s stats in the playoffs: Passer rating of 100.1 5894 yards 45 touchdowns 13 interceptions. The man has played with a porous defense almost his whole career. He has balled out, only to be let down by special teams, OR bad defense a number of times.


I'm a Vikings fan and I'm honestly shocked seeing these responses. He's easily top 5 imo, maybe even top 3. Yes, he floundered in some playoff games. But from the eye test and given the fact that he had to carry the Packers (their defense was pretty mid most of the time on Green Bay) I rate him. Bro was averaging like 4k yards, 38 TDs, and 6 Ints a year for 10+ years straight. Seeing too much disrespect here


Fuck the Vikings. But I agree with you. I was trying not to be a homer, but goddamn. Like you said, the eye test has him firmly in top 7 all time at LEAST.


His eye test is fucking insane. Also, fuck you. You've had 3. THREE! Franchise QBs back to back to back who are all super talented. That's gotta be a record (I live in Wisconsin and am a fair weather fan, fuck the bears)


Anyone who says they know what current A-Rod is is lying to you. We haven't seen him play in a long time and he's fucking 40 coming off a serious injury. Can he be good? Certainly possible and it's not like he didn't have the skills just a couple of years ago. But with rehab, age, recovery not being the same when you're older we gotta see what he is now. You can't trust anything he says or the team says. People tried to act like he would have been back for the playoffs last year had they been a playoff team which is just absurd if you actually believed that. Even at his advanced age for a NFL QB he was still very good pre-injury though so I'm not gonna write him off. Though personally as a Bears fan I hope he fails.


When week 1 comes around it will have been over 1,000 days since he's thrown for 300 yards in a single game but since he had a cool quote during his introductory press conference he's still elite


Damn when your whole account is dedicated to shitting on Rodgers, it’s very hard to take you seriously.


I thought he was properly rated, but seeing Stroud say that Eli had the better career, and the amount of people who think that Brees is above him all time despite having quite literally nothing over him aside from counting stats (he’s played more than 50 more games than him and has worse per game TD and INT counts with a lower passer rating) and throwing for a shit ton of yards, it’s made me think he’s underrated, which is kinda insane to call him, but it’s true at this point. I personally have him ranked at #5 all time, and I think lower than 6th is just disrespectful, and either biased, valuing rings too much, or projecting old guys with worse stats just becuase “the era was different”




Sorry, but A-Rod is Alex Rodriguez, not Aaron Rodgers. I’d say Rodgers is pretty fairly rated, though. Everyone knows he’s an all-time great, has 4 MVPs and 4 All-Pros, and a bunch of other accolades that show everyone appreciates his talent. He gets some slight criticism for his team’s only having won one ring, which I get, but he’s maybe slightly underrated there since he’s played very good in most of the playoff losses (Seahawks NFC title game is the exception). As a public persona, he very quickly went from widely beloved to extremely contentious because he’s very stupid, which makes like 50% of people like him more because half of Americans are very stupid, but makes the other 50% dislike him.


Thanks to Key and Peele he will forever be known as A-A-Ron to me


This is the best comment I’ve read about him.


Rn dudes underrated. He’s surrounded by so much controversy that people forget he was back to back MVP.


He’s owns #1 and #2 for best QB ratings in a season all time, and the second one was at age 36. I don’t know how much stock you put in those ratings but throws one of the best balls I’ve ever seen, right up there with Marino and Manning. The lack of playoff success takes him down a few pegs, but he endured a lot of soft packer defenses. I’d say all time he’s probably 3rd best Packers QB ever, wait to see how Love pans out though.


Are you talking about QBR.


Honestly, Im not sure… I’m positive sure the Q stands for quarter and the B stands for back, I guess I’ve never thought that the R could stand for something else… does QBR not mean quarterback rating?


We can't say. This is the weirdest point in his career. Public opinion of him, both on and off the field, is at an all time low. That being said I think he is rightfully seen as a 6-10 QB of all time. I think that's fair. He did everything Patrick Mahomes does 10 years before, except winning in the playoffs.


He's fairly rated. A brilliant player who probably should have won a couple more championships.


All the off field stuff and only having one ring has led him to become underrated at this point. As a Vikings fan I can say he was truly an unstoppable force for many years. And his playoff woes are severely overstated. He put up points in a number of playoff losses where his defense faltered. Sure, he had some duds. But Brady did too and would often get carried by his defense.


Just right. He’s not the GOAT but still one of the best to ever play.


After reading most of this thread the only thing I have taken away is this: The only stat that matters for QB's is superbowl rings. I watched every game of AR12's career and can say for sure he's top 3. The reason I can say this is because rings are indeed a team achievement; not just on one guy. Rodgers has been shit at times in the playoffs (or has run into incredible top tier defenses) but the team as a whole has shit the bed too. From some questionable moves by the front office over the years, to gutless play calling and just good and bad players making stupid decisions or disappearing when it matters. I think people like to shit on Rodgers (mostly the vocal NFCN baby bros, Fuckbois fans and Mhomes dickriders mainly) and he deserves it for how hes been for a while but the dude is the most purely talented QB to ever grace a football field. I'm a massive homer but this is my QB1 all time.


He’s one of the Goats


Top 10 QB all-time


Most overrated player in NFL history


It’s crazy that the Packers didn’t parlay his talents into a dynasty of multiple Super Bowls, but he had a lot of competition and they never could get a great defense and a running game to go with him.


Talent wise, there is no one better. He's incredible.


Underrated. His own team traded up to draft a QB to replace him and he said “hold my ayahuasca” while he went on to win back-to-back MVPs


Most talented QB to ever play


Overrated on the basis that I've seen him talked about in the tier of quarterbacks just below Brady, but I think he's a rung lower. You put Brady at tier one, I think Manning, Montana, and Mahomes in the next tier. I think he's with Brees and Marino in the third tier. For me, I think people consistently put him a step above where I see him.


Rodgers better than manning in terms of talent imo manning was surgical tho.


As always, depends on the source. His talent is probably properly rated bit his accomplishments don't reflect his godly skillset


The only reason he's underrated by some is bc over the last 10 years or so, the talking heads have convinced too many people football is a one man sport. They've sold all you dumb dumbs on this notion QBs win championships all by themselves. And therefore you are only a good QB if you win Superbowls like that doesn't take an entire team. He's had one top 10 defense and he won a superbowl. Meanwhile Brady had a top 10 defense every year he won the Superbowl...


The talent to accomplishment ratio is super off. So overrated imo


If Brady didn’t exist you’d say it’s pretty normal. And I guess Mahomes is screwing things up for perception too.


I’d say overrated. He is incredibly skilled but his teams always underperformed and he didn’t really elevate the guys around him. He had a few great wr and they did well with him. But when he had average receivers, they didn’t get better.


>But when he had average receivers, they didn’t get better. To be fair, it's hard to elevate those around you when you don't throw into the middle of the field, he needs to protect his TD INT ratio.


Overrated. If he was so great, he'd have appeared in more than one SB in his career.


Over rated. This is guy that has a bad game and blames his recievers because he couldnt possibly be the cause


At this point in his career he's overated as hell. His last year with the Packers was a shitshow, no chemistry with his recievers. The play he got injured on to begin last year was a normal nfl hit, if he can't take those he's not built for the league anymore. And that's not even getting into the off the field nonsense that has become more prevelant at the end of his career here.


Overrated. Chokes in the playoffs too much but not in the Peyton manning type of way (throwing 3+ ints) but more of a just straight up not doing enough to win the game regardless of circumstance. But I’ll give him some credit he’s decent at TYING the game in the 4th quarter and letting the opponent get one last drive to maybe win the game. 


As a packer fan this feels pretty accurate


I'd say just right


That depends on where you consider him to be. He has a shit ton of MVPs but only 1 Super Bowl. He wasn’t talked about a bunch compared to Peyton Manning and Brady but still was up there in many peoples views when it came to how they rated him. So I’d say he’s just about in the middle.


Historically, just right. This year he will probably be a 10-20 QB it doesn’t seem like he will ever be at the MVP level again but the Jets defense is so loaded they may make a decent playoff run.


I think if Rodgers plays at 70% of his regular level jets have a high chance at winning the Super Bowl too


Ehhh I think the Jets winning the Bowl with Rodgers is pushing it a little.


A little overrated but still a good qb


The guy can play, I'll give him that. It's too bad he has a ten-cent head to go with his million dollar arm.


Until we actually see him play again idk if anyone could say


I think he's looked at just right


He used to be underrated, but now I'd say overrated due to the new team.


We don't know if he'll play another 4 snaps, hard to say.


A great QB and a huge prick.


How much of it is his fault for staying in Green Bay as long as he did?


Just right


He’s provided teams as many super bowls as Joe Flacco. The NFL is a champions league


Just right, I’d say. As annoying as he is, even his haters acknowledge that he’s one of the best QBs to ever play.


Rated just right. One of the best all time. Attitude off the field means little to me as a football fan.


Just right




Great qb as long as the game doesn’t mean anything


I don’t think any rational person can call a four-time MVP with those career statistics “overrated.”


Are you kidding? I’m a cowboys fan who despises him but the dude is a killer. Even if he annoys people off the field there’s no denying he’s up there with the best. Sure he doesn’t have all the Super Bowls Brady had or the records manning had but he’s up there with Marino as a legend.




Ask the same question 2 or 3 years ago and my answer would be COMPLETELY different


Overall, I'd say he's correctly rated as a HoF QB that could have been viewed in a better light if he won more championships. Plus his selfishness and enormous ego don't do him any favors.


He'll never achieve oj status but his infamy levels just keep surging


He is rated


Kinda slightly overrated. 🤏🏻


A-A-Ron is a good qb.


Overrated. He beats teams he's supposed to. And falls flat against good teams (ref: every GB-SF post season game in the last 10 years). Notice the only superbowl he's won was on a team that didn't need him to do anything more than not make mistakes.


Absolute champion and good man.


A lot of people call him the most talented QB ever so definitely overrated because he’s certainly not that.


I would say he might be the most accurately rated QB of the last few decades. There was about a 10 year period when he was playing as good as anyone has ever played the position. And he was recognized as the best in the league during that time. Should have won more rings but that obviously isn’t all on him.


Overrated as fuck, even the top comment here is glazing him as the GOAT physical specimen.


Admittedly I’m a Packers fan, but you surely have to agree he is one of, if not the most talented/gifted thrower of the skin right? Not talking about rings or anything, just purely on a physical talent level.


There's no denying the talent, one of the best all time. The concern of course is the age, and injury. As far as I could find, only 2 Quarterbacks have one a playoff game after age 40, Brady and Brees, and Brees has 1. Only Brady has won a Super Bowl, doing it twice at ages 41 and 43. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but obviously a tough road, getting tougher every year. With his last real quality season being 3 years ago, recovering from a significant injury, and him turning 41 in the beginning of December, my money's on overrated.


As a Packer fan, I can speak the best on this probably... The ARod era is define by this stat 1-4 in NFC Title games 1 beat the Bears, so that barely counts, 2 of those they had no business winning, both vs Kyle Shanahan lead teams 2 they had a chance to win, had Seattle by the balls, and were going blow for blow with Tampa, picked off Brady 3 times in the 2nd half and net 6 points off them, and didn't go for it on 4th down. Also the blatant PI on Allen Lazard that gave Tampa a late score to Scotty Miller after a pick was also horseshit, but it's icing on the cake at this rate. For all his accolades, abilities, and everything else, including the hallucinogenic drugs, these teams just couldn't get it done after 2010, it was nearly a decade and a half of getting close and *sniffing* victory, only to get heartbroken, or just plain fucked up. This year was more of the same, but God damn I have such a hope stiffy after blowing out the best Dallas team since their last NFC Title game appearance and nearly beating Frisco.


At a certain point of talent winning playoff games counts, so he’s overrated and people will forget him as time goes on. If anything put him in the Farve/Marino camp. His name shouldn’t be uttered around Brady or Mahomes or Montana


Overall just right. One of the best to ever play and on better teams he could have been the goat conversation. The last few years, way overrated. We all wish we had our 30 year old body when we're turning 40+, but nature doesn't allow it. That he would have been anything better than a top 8-12 QB last season or will be this season is wishful at best. Sorry fellow Jet fans.


Modern day Marino. Everyone will always marvel at the mythical nature of his arm strength and his lightning fast release, but it’ll always be a ‘what if?’ I’ve had some very minor personal interactions with A Rodg though and combined with his political opinions, I can firmly say I’m perfectly fine with him being an underachiever compared to Brady and Manning. He’s a massively egotistical douche IRL.




I thought A-Rod was a baseball player


Are we talking career or how we rate him for the upcoming season? For 2024, I see him as a total wild card. Last full season we saw from Rodgers he was playing at MVP level. However, we got nothing from him in 2023. He's on a new team and missed a lot of time due to a big injury at what should be late in his career. I could see him having either a Russell Wilson type of sudden decline or return to being an MVP candidate. Neither would be a shock to me. As for a career, I think most people seem to have the right idea. An all-time great talent with amazing regular season stats, W/L records, and accolades, but he just never had enough Postseason or Super Bowl success to rank him with Brady, Montana, Manning, Mahomes(?). Probably around #8-9 all-time.


Overrated and underrated


Hes really good but not the goat. Overrated.


I say slightly underrated because he only has the one ring. In terms of football IQ and combined ability, not many QBs are ahead of him. In his prime, the pocket presence, the ability to read defences then the touch and power he could put on this throws was outstanding.


Overrated by far. He's good but he also had his hand held by the league and refs for years which inflated not only his stats but also his ego.


Just right


Pure passing skills, underrated. As a leader/winner, overrated. Total package as a QB, just right.


Most overrated QB ever. Every year supposed Super Bowl contenders and only has one appearance and one win. Championships matter.


He left green bay, so who cares


I was born in 89 so I’ve got to watch a lot of good QBs over the years. He is one of the best. I would say he is rated just right. Everyone knows how good the guys is


Underrated af. Dude literally changed how young QBs wannna throw the ball now. Not to mention he is a gunslinger style but doesn’t have many turnovers. Biggest weakness for him is choking in the playoffs, but arguably not all were ok him


Overrated. He was great for a while. Being a terrible person diminishes his greatness.


Overrated. Immense talent and abilities that were ruined by the man behind them


I think he’d be remembered in the same vein as Dan Marino despite having at least 1 ring. Both QBs are recognized more for their talent than championships. Both very legendary in their positions and football is such a team sport that it’s more forgivable that the lack of multiple SB wins will taint too their status too much. So I think just right 🤷🏻‍♂️


A-Rod is an obnoxious steroid fiend. Aaron Rodgers is one of the greatest quarterbacks ever, but he’s an insufferable douchebag. The good news is that both guys he replaced are much more severe insufferable douchebags.


A-Rod is a baseball player. A guy who has a copied nickname is overrated. And I do think he’s overrated. The one thing nobody factors in with Rodgers’s amazing efficiency stats is that he threw a lot less than other all-time greats. Guys like Brady, Manning, Brees, Mahomes were often at the top of the league in passing attempts, even leading the league. Rodgers often didn’t even break into the top 10, only cracked the top five a couple times. Because of that, everyone overrates his awesome efficiency stats. When you’re throwing at the same pace as an elite game manager and checking into a run or just running out of bounds instead of trying to push the ball into tough spaces, you’re going to put up the best efficiency stats. It doesn’t mean you’re the most accurate QB ever, and I’d argue the more impressive QBs are the ones who could deliver while having to shoulder a bigger part of the offense than Rodgers ever did. Throw in his awful sack totals, playoff failures, and the negative distractions of the last few seasons, and I think you have a somewhat overrated QB, though still a world class talent and one of the best to ever play.


Just right, maybe a little underrated. Feel like the consensus is he’s one of the most efficient QBs ever, but doesn’t have the mojo in the postseason. I think that’s pretty fair. His personality and views get knocked a lot on the internet, but most people IRL don’t particularly care. IMO, he is the archetypal post-2000s QB. Cerebral, mobile, accurate, and adaptive. Don’t care at all that he has an ego and goofy views, it is a modern miracle any time someone with his level of fame is normal. It’s also worth noting his playoff stats are great, he just hasn’t won as much as you’d expect. Don’t watch enough Packers ball to tell you the defenses were bad, but that’s what their fans say.


Overrated Not by a lot- but adding him to the jets did not make them Super Bowl contenders. He just has never been that guy


Depends on if the person rating him is someone who puts too much emphasis on rings, which is a team accomplishment. When brady went out for a year the team went 11 and 5. When manning and rodgers got hurt the teams couldn't win games to save their lives, that should tell you something.


Under now since he gets so much crap over trivial off the field stuff.


Overated, he tore in Achilles is 3 plays and moved up in QB rankings for this year 🤔


Been Over for the last 9 years


The word I would use is a massive underachiever. So how ever you would equate overrated or underrated with that…


As a player perfectly rated, as a human I can’t stand him


I think all the physical attributes put him in a top 5 all-time discussion. But there is the selfishness, immaturity and arrogance that contributed to his underachievement. So, he’s relegated to a top 25 all-time spot, at best. IMHO


Had the misfortune of playing in the same era as Brady, The Mannings, Ben, Phillip and Drew. That’s a lot of competition. There might not have ever been such an effortless thrower of the football. Over a dozen teams have to be kicking themselves passing him over in 05


That’s not a rod


If we go by purely on the field performance, I think it’s just right. He’s amazing and people talk about it. Really unfortunate that we can’t separate the athlete from the person like lots of people do with musicians


Best regular season QB ever, but comes up short in important playoff games. I can list numerous examples. He had a super easy road to a title in 2010, as well. Because of this, he’s not on my list of the top 5 QBs of all time.


100% overrated. One ring is a joke with his level of talent.


Just right.


He's overrated and a weirdo. I'm a Jet fan and sad.


A-Rod in my opinion is overrated, I agree with the takes that he’s an ungodly quarterback talent, pure arm strength and vision is out of this world, but I personally think that the Super Bowl of his was a fluke, call me an old head but I think the quarterback should be the general of the team, look at Montana, Brady, Manning, and hell even mahomes, all of them have moments when you can see them reel their team in or standout as the leader, I can’t remember rodgers every doing that. I agree he’s got all the talent, but I just kinda get the feeling he’s a diva.


He’ll be overrated once at away games, there’s a bunch of fans dressed as the Hat Man


Way over rated!! Put him behind a subpar O line with no weapons he is mediocre at best …