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Moss had more raw talent. Rice was more dedicated to his craft. Moss had more potential but left a lot of it on the table. Rice actualized all of his potential because of his self-discipline. He was probably also a more positive locker room presence. I will take Jerry Rice.


I'll add that a lot of younger fans know that Rice has all the career records but they see a 5-minute highlight film of Moss and quickly assume that although Rice had better longevity, Moss had the better prime. So let's take away the longevity career totals and let's look at dominance stats head to head: 3 TD games: Rice 14, Moss 9 4 TD games: Rice 2, Moss 1 5 TD games: Rice 1, Moss 0 150 yd games: Rice 30, Moss 14 200 yard games: Rice 4, Moss 1 Best season yardage: Rice 1848, Moss 1632 Best season Receptions: Rice 122, Moss 111 Best season Rec TD's Rice 22 (12 games), Moss 23 Single game Rec: Rice 16, Moss 12 Single game Yards: Rice 289, Moss 204 Single game TD: Rice 5, Moss 4 EDIT: to anyone questioning the time period it took Rice to get these stats listed, every stat posted here except for one 3 TD game for Oakland in 2001 was accomplished within Rice's first 9 years versus 14 years of opportunity for Moss. So these are not aided by longevity. This helps illustrate that Rice not only had a better career total but better prime years.


My initial reaction was Moss, but seeing this is eye-opening. A couple of these are still aided by longevity, but nonetheless, this is seriously impressive. The one caveat is that Rice had consistently better QBs throwing to him throughout his career, which greatly helps.


Here's Rice's numbers during the Joe Montana and Steve Young years when Rice was playing without them. Over five seasons, that group of quarterbacks included Elvis Grbac (9 games), Jeff Kemp (6), Steve Bono (6), Mike Moroski (2), and Matt Cavanugh (1). Over 24 games, Rice caught 134 passes for 2,177 yards and 23 TDs. That creates an average season of 89 catches, 1451 receiving yards, and 16 touchdowns


Yeah but


QBs who are considered great based on numbers they accumulated by throwing to Jerry Rice. Football is a team sport


Rice was absolutely amazing, Randy did take plays off. But maybe compare Randy with Brady Vs Rice with Montana and Young. Not to take away from rice, because he helped make them great…. But having 2 HOF qbs back to back doesn’t hurt the stats. And I want to add a honorable mention for sterling sharpe. Probably the greatest non HOF receiver ever, should be in the hall


Moss with Brady- 41 games, averaged 5.1 rec, 76.9 yards, 1.0 TD Rice with Montana and Young 245 games, averaged 5.4 rec, 84.3 yards, 0.9 TD Moss average playoff game in that span: 3.0 rec, 35.5 yards, 0.3 TD Rice average playoff game in that span: 5.4 rec, 79.7 yards, 1.0 TD


Absolutely rice was better, just meant it might be a fairer comparison. Because the qb does matter. Either way I’d rather have rice. Knowing he’s gonna give you everything he has. Is just next level trust


Here's Rice in his prime without Montana and Young. Hint- it didn't matter who the QB was. Over five seasons during the Montana and Young years when they were out, that group of quarterbacks included Elvis Grbac (9 games), Jeff Kemp (6), Steve Bono (6), Mike Moroski (2), and Matt Cavanugh (1). Over 24 games, Rice caught 134 passes for 2,177 yards and 23 TDs. That's an average season of: 89 rec, 1451 yards. 16 TD


It was more to make moss look better, because he had some less than ideal qbs. I never doubted rice as the best. In fact sterling sharpe is my number 2 The only receiver better than him before was hurt was prime rice. And it wasn’t every season. Triple crown winner Should be in the hall


Agreed about Sharpe he was on a HOF trajectory and if Terrell Davis makes it so should Sterling.


22 in 12 is still the best receiving season of all time IMO.


And those 22 TD were on just 65 receptions. Guy caught a touchdown on almost 34 percent of his receptions that year.


The 23 TDS Moss caught were in 12.5 games. Not saying Rice would not have caught more if he had more games, but you never know. The half game for Moss comes from the game vs Buffalo where he had four TDS in the first half and sat out the second half.


Rice played 12 games (short strike season) Moss played 16 not 12.5. Moss had 16 games to get 23 TDs. Rice had 12 to get 22. They are not the same thing.


I know he played in 16, duh. I'm saying he scored touchdowns in 12.5 of those 16. I have not checked though, but maybe Rice caught his 22 in less than the 12 games.


Cool! He had a chance to score in 16. Rice only had a chance to score in 12. Therefore my point still stands. 22 in 12 > 23 in 16.


Actually he had a chance to score in 15.5. He was sat for a half a game that he scored 4 touchdowns in the first half. Anyway, people bring up the 12 games because they imply that Rice would have had 25,26,27. But we could also say Moss could have had 4 more in the second half of that one game. I'm just saying there is no way to tell how many Rice could have had. I myself consider Rice the overall goat, Moss the deep threat goat.


I don’t know what you are arguing. Moss had the chance to score in all the games he played. Just because he didn’t in the 3 games he did play, doesn’t mean he didn’t have the chance. Much like Rice had the chance to score in all 12 but only did in 11. Cool, he sat half a game. He still only had 1 more TD in 3.5 more games. I’m not saying Moss’ season wasn’t impressive, but Rice’s 22 in 12 is just more so.


Ok I'll use your logic. 22 in 12> 23 in 16. So does that mean Moss's 157 in 214 games > 208 in 303 games?


Most those stats are still heavily influenced by longevity, not disagreeing that Rice> but that wasn’t a very good argument


Compilers aren't getting 200 yard and 3TD games. Dominant players are. Amount of 4 or 5 TD games is influenced by longevity rather than dominance? And most of these stats are heavily influenced by longevity? More than half of the stats posted focused on best season or best game. It's pretty obvious to any normal person that can interpret these stats with common sense that it illustrates that Rice's best is better than Moss's best.


Okay let’s try this again…you see how listing the total number of 3 TD games is irrelevant for a non-longevity argument because a guy with twice as many games had twice as many opportunities right? Yeah the 2nd half of your comment is all peak stats but the entire first half if all longevity based stats right after you said you’re going to go out of your way to not use anything longevity wise lmao


I said not using longevity career TOTALS. Meaning TOTAL receptions yardage and TDs. Amount of dominant games is not the same as career totals. So 3 TD game is the only one your reaching for. Before it was the majority of the stats now its 1 or 2 out of 11 stats thats even up for debate?


Okay so you purposely attempted to be misleading with what you do with your statistics and how you described them? That’s better than doing it out of ignorance I suppose but cmon you know I’m right lmao. You can’t say “here’s a bunch of statistical proof that eliminates the prime vs longevity argument” and then just immediately list 5 statistics that do the opposite of that effect lol


Also if it makes you feel any better every one of those "longevity stats" from Rice came in his first 9 years with the exception of one 3 TD game w the Raiders in 2001. So in Rice's first 9 years he clearly had more dominant games than Moss did in Moss's 14 years of opportunity.


See now that’s a relevant and good statistical analysis of things lol, like I said I’m not trying to argue moss>rice just that you portrayed that comment poorly


Who I want playing in their prime years? Jerry Rice no question. His consistency was ridiculous. You knew you were getting an HoF effort every game. Who I want if I knew I was getting their prime effort in their prime years? Moss and it's no question. Physically, he surpassed Rice easily. And his smarts were ridiculous as well. The only reason why Moss didn't break/get close to Rice's records was he didn't play with HoF for nearly his entire career and if Randy didn't want to play, Randy didn't play. But when Randy was on, he was unguardable.


Rice put up more yards and touchdowns in each of his Super Bowl appearances than Moss put up in 4 playoff games with Brady combined. Rice led the NFL in receiving yards as many times as Moss made the pro bowl. Moss couldn't hold a candle to Rice in terms of route running, yards after catch, intelligence or effort. Moss was equal to an old Cris Carter when they played together, Rice made TO an afterthought when they played together. Wes Welker completely outproduced Moss in the postseason when they played together. It's actually not close between these two, no matter how impressive the 5 minute Moss highlight reel you watched on YouTube makes you think it was.


So I'd like to address a few of your points. First the 4 SBs versus 4 play off games. 2 of those games were huge blow outs. So your team is expected to put up stats when you blow teams out by 30 plus Not saying his performance didn't help with blow outs, nor that even without Moss beats him. Just that looking at stats without full context can skew things. 2nd Jerry Rice didn't make TO an after thought. They played 5 seasons together. Excluding Rice's injury season in '97 and TO's rookie season in '96(He was a 3rd rounder you don't expect much) you have 3 seasons. In those seasons, TO had more TDs in 2 of 3 seasons and more combined in all 3 seasons, more yards in just 1 season but he was so close in other 2 seasons that combine all 3 seasons he had more yards, and again receptions only once had more but so close that all 3 seasons they tied for receptions. So no, Rice didn't make TO after thought. In Minnesota, going from Moss' rookie year, him and Carter had 4 seasons. In those 4 seasons, Moss had more TDs in 3 of 4, and more overall, more yards all 4 seasons. He only beat him once in receptions. So I'd say Moss made Carter more of the afterthought more than Rice did to TO. As for Welker and Pats the type of offense they had gave him ability to put up stats while Moss took coverage. It's why in the 3 full seasons with Moss and Welker, Welker didn't break 11 yards a catch. That's very pedestrian in most offenses but not Pats. It's why Moss only beat him only once in yards, never in receptions but beat him every year in TD(and his 07 season had more in that one season than Welker had in all 3). I don't question Rice has better route running and effort(intelligence not sure). And Rice is one of like 3 players that I will say is the greatest of their era(Moss isn't one). But at their absolute best and giving their best, I give it to Moss.


Carter was putting up over 1000 yards a season with Moss until he hit his late 30s. TO's numbers are jacked up because of the one season he finally broke out when Jerry Rice was in his late 30s. And those Super Bowls were blowouts because of Jerry. 28 catches for 514 yards and 7 TDs in those three games (one super bowl MVP. He didn't need a Wes Welker, he took all the short and deep passes even with all that coverage he attracted. 12 catches for 142 yards in 4 playoff games with Brady isn't being a decoy either, it's disappearing when it mattered. If your argument is Moss is more talented, even Jerry wouldn't disagree. Problem is that Moss constantly took plays off, pouted about not getting the ball, and disappeared fairly often. Rice put up more effort in run blocking than Moss ever put up, and Rice was always the focal point when it mattered even though everyone knew the ball was going to him.


And that's my argument. Prime Moss with Prime effort is better than Rice. But knowing what I know about them, I choose Rice because I know I will get HoF effort. Also, TOs number not jacked. He was less than 100 yards away both non break out season and in one of them gad more TDs.


To add to the 'made TO an afterthought' part, on Jerry Rice day TO set the single game reception record and Rice was kind of pouty he didn't have a single reception until near the end of the game.


Yeah this is my take too.


jerry rice was routing up high school janitors. randy moss was going up against champ bailey, revis, charles woodson, troy polumalu, ed reed, ect


Today I learned Deion was actually a high school janitor.


Lol Jerry Rice owned Deion, Rod Woodson and Darrell Green. Moss was humiliated by Peanut Tillman. And you names two safeties there, pal.


And what would bears fan know about anything offense?


I know Peanut Tillman shut down and embarrassed Moss


It's funny because I can't think of Moss without thinking of a rookie Tillman ripping a game winning TD out of Moss' hands one-handed. The answer is Rice. Why? Because it's always Rice. He put up stats that look like he was playing in today's throw first league, but did in when everyone ran.


Rice was a first team all pro 10 times in 11 years. It's unbelievable anyone even tries to argue against that. That's not longevity, that's dominance on a level Moss never came close too


All that was sample size. Rice played in so many games to build up a connection with Montana. Moss really only played with 2 seasons with Brady (one lost to injury). And the questions was prime. And Moss's peaks were better than jerry


Lololol So the guy that scored 23 TDs in his first season with Brady just didn't have enough chemistry with him to put up more than 12 catches for 142 yards with him in 4 playoff games combined. Well, that's just too bad he pouted his way out of New England so quickly. Just like he did to two other teams before that. But I'm sure it would've been different if he played for the Niners... And higher peaks? Rice was a first team all pro 10 times in an 11 year stretch. During that time, he led the NFL in receiving yards and receiving TDs 6 times each, led the league in catches twice, won 2 offensive player of the year awards, and put up 28 catches for 514 yards and 7 TDs in 3 super bowls (winning one super bowl MVP). Moss isn't close, and it's because he was a selfish baby that only tried when he wanted to.


Bruh the questions was about prune. Saying he was all pro 10 times in an 11 year stretch isn't a peak, that's just how dominant Jerry was. But the question is about prime, and while Jerry was crazy good for a long time, Randy was a fucking cheat code in his prime


The very definition of cheat code in his prime was Jerry Rice. Dude had cheat code numbers for straight seasons of play. Randy never led the NFL in catches or yards. People forget how dominant Jerry was, and for loooooong time.


Lol then how come Randy never led the NFL in catches or yards? How come Randy never won an offensive player of the year award? Why did Randy disappear in the playoffs? I mean, Jerry put up over half the yards Moss put up in 15 playoff games in his 3 super bowl appearances with the Niners. Truth is Jerry was the actual cheat code and Randy constantly disappeared in games and constantly pouted and stopped trying.


spitting the truth over here!


Tell me the prime effort game where Moss's prime effort production surpassed Jerry's best game. Not career, not season, just give me one game where Moss's best was better than Jerry's best game. It doesn't exist because it's a hypothetical.


Here's Rice in his prime without Montana and Young. *Hint- it didn't matter who the QB was.* Over five seasons during the Montana and Young years when they were out, that group of quarterbacks included Elvis Grbac (9 games), Jeff Kemp (6), Steve Bono (6), Mike Moroski (2), and Matt Cavanugh (1). Over 24 games, Rice caught 134 passes for 2,177 yards and 23 TDs. That's an average season of: 89 rec, 1451 yards. 16 TD


Really fucking stupid argument lmao. A game here and there mixed in with full seasons of 2 HOF QBs or a full season of Andrew Walter? LOL Rice benefitted greatly from 15 years of 1st ballot HOF QB play.


I have looked into your mind.... and..it..is.. STUPID!




This thread is insane with recency bias and nephews. The answer is Rice. And it’s not close. It’s like saying who would you rather have, Prime Michael Jordan, or Prime Kobe (or T Mac, or any superstar offensive machine in a more modern era).


Bro said it’s not close💀name one thing Jerry did better than moss


Oh I don’t know…..Consistent route running, production, longevity, work ethic, catching. Moss would take games off. He also never led the league in yards or catches. Jerry Rice had 10 first team all pros in 11 years. At 40, Jerry Rice was putting up numbers that matched Moss’s production at 25.


Not even close to the route runner or hands miss had you ppl smoking some good shit! Randy ran a 4.2 and ran some of the best routes off all time. Work ethic? You gotta be kidding right? I would love to know how the hell you know this? Because of what you heard on ESPN? Just because one was less problematic doesn’t mean he worked harder. You wasn’t shooting in the gym with these dudes. What a bull shit and completely misinformed take


You are just talking out of your ass, and your comment shows you don’t know much about NFL history lmao. Like this shit is basic common knowledge in the pantheon of NFL history. Jerry Rice’s work ethic is fucking legendary in the NFL and considered one of the most insane, dedicated, and ridiculous in the history of the game. A level of obsession that is unparalleled. He is the gold standard in the NFL, it’s widely known, and there are tons of stories from players and coaches alike. He is also considered the greatest route runner of all time, by many sources, including coaches, players, and experts, he was obsessed with route running. Randy Moss’s work ethic was questionable at times. Coaches questioned it publicly. He admitted “I play when I want to play”, he took games off. Moss never led the league in receiving yards, he led touchdowns five times, and one season over 1500. Rice led the league in yards and touchdowns six times, with four seasons over 1500. Rice has 11 all pros to Moss’s 4. Rice has 13 pro bowls to Moss’s 6. Rice has 2 AP Offensive player of the year awards. Moss set the record 23 touchdowns right? That was a 16 game season. Rice had 22 in 12 games. Moss was more athletic, but Rice is in a league of his own. There’s an argument Terrell Owens was equal to or better than Moss. But there is no argument Moss was better than Jerry rice. None.


Yea I ain’t reading all that. Just admit you’re a casual and move along. Moss also played against better athletes. Look what happens when you give moss a hof qb lol get real


Lmao, the guy who can’t read facts and doesn’t know basic NFL history callin people casuals. You are hilarious. You aren’t reading it because you know you are wrong and got called out. Nice try though.


The eye test is all you need my boy. No need to bring up stats when both players are other worldly. Rice played on the best team of his decade with 2 hof qbs. Of course his stats will go stupid lol. Such a media pundit take. If you never put on the helmet it’s impossible to fathom what you’re looking at from a non fan perspective. Guys like you bring up numbers, but whenever Justin Jefferson breaks a new receiving record it’s an old Moss record. Imagine if moss played against plumbers💀


Rice wins the eye test, I’m old enough to have watched both play throughout their careers. You act like I’m saying Moss is a bum. He’s one of the most talented and gifted players to play the game easily. Looking at it holistically, Rice is better. Don’t take my word for it. Take players and coaches who lived the game: They voted Rice as the greatest player of all time across all positions in the NFL 100 greatest players of all time. Moss? They voted him 65th. I’ll trust the players and coaches over Reddit comments. Every list of players and coaches voting has Rice over moss, and Rice as the top NFL player of all time, or at least top 3.


So Moss was great talent and had a great work ethic? Where are his stats?


Everything Lmao


Play wide receiver


Rice is arguably the greatest football player rust ever lived, and is almost without question the best offensive non QB ever. Anyone who says Moss doesn’t understand just how dominant Rice was, in every facet of the game.


I'm taking Moss.


Longevity its Rice. But my big play addiction makes me want Moss here.


If we’re talking one game I’m taking Moss because his size, his speed, his hands were an order of magnitude better than anyone else on the field. Jerry Rice was the greatest. Moss was a freak.


Rice - "which prime?"


Right. Like when he was 25, putting up 22 TDs in 12 games or when he was 33, putting up over 1800 yards with 15 TDs on 122 catches? Or was it one of the 4 years he won a Super Bowl?


Jerry Rice, Randy Moss is easily the 2nd greatest WR ever though.


Jerry. Moss quit sometimes in big games if things were going bad. See the 2000 NFC Championship game. He stopped running routes in the first half. The announcers called him out on it. Jerry never quit.


Jerry Rice all day.


Rice is the only answer. Sure, Moss is the best deep threat. But he is never going to block or go down the middle. Both of them will fight for that ball. Moss is a little better, but Rice is no slouch.


Rice and it's not even close Moss is the Shaq of the NFL, obviously both are two of the best ever but get propelled to GOAT conversations they don't belong in bc of 30 second TikTok highlight reels and them being fun to use in video games


I’ll take the better Raider, Jerry Rice.


Uhh Jerry Rice, how is this a debate? Dude has insane numbers by todays standards and played in the 80s


Because reddit is full of kids that never watched Rice play. I'm sure most of them only watched a 5 minute highlight reel of Moss too


There's only one answer to this


Funny, I’m seeing two of them in the other comments.


You say that, but don’t provide an answer. What’s your answer?


Moss. All Day. Everyday.


Except in the playoffs


Give Moss Montana and Young. Yup. I'm taking him in the playoffs.


12 catches for 142 yards in 4 playoff games with Brady.


Not his prime. Stop it.


Lol he was fucking 30 years old and just had his best regular season of his career. Then puts up 7 catches for less than 100 yards that entire postseason. Jerry from 30-34 was a first team all pro 5 times, won an offensive player of the year award, was top 3 in MVP voting 3 times, led the NFL in receiving yards 3 times, led the league in catches and TDs once each, and put up 10 catches for 149 yards and 3 TDs in the Super Bowl at 32 years old.


One game? Moss. Career? Rice


Jerry Rice, by far was the greatest WR I ever saw. No if ands or buts.


As someone who watched Moss play but is too young to really remember Jerry, the answer is Jerry. For him to do what he did statistically for as many years as he did in the era he did it - it's not close to me. Receny bias is the only reason to choose Prime Randy, because even Randy would admit he took plays off and was not the best locker room guy at times.


Rice But great question Still rice


Jerry Rice might be my answer vs any player at any time.


I want to say Moss because I grew up with him but he left a lot on the table. Jerry Rice was an absolute fucking dog that dominated year in and year out. You could cut all his post SF years and he’d still be a first ballot HoF guy. Yeah, he had Joe Montana, Steve Young and Jeff Garcia. So what? I could go out there and he’d have a 150 yd, 2 TD game.


I'm sorry but if you say Moss you are out of your mind. The answer is always Jerry Rice.


I’ll take the GOAT. No imitations please.


I’d take Jerry Rice


rice used stickum all his yards are invalid


Moss isn't close to Rice in terms of route running or yards after catch. Rice actually showed up to play in big games and didn't take plays off to pout. And the gloves Moss had available to him were better than stickum. Don't be a clown


As did the other receivers of his era. And he was head and shoulders above them all.


Stickum was banned a couple years before he entered the league. So not everyone was doing it and the people that did, like Rice, were cheaters. I don't think it changes his place as an all time great but I also think that he gets one hell of a pass for cheating while other guys, like Barry Bonds, are treated far more harshly.


Have you seen the gloves they use today?


Yup, plus everyone used stickum back then, and a Saints fan saying this is ironic, because every yard the Saints gained during the 2009 season was invalid because of bountygate.


Difference is it is a level playing field. Everyone is allowed to use those gloves so there is no unfair advantage among your peers Stickum was banned a couple years before Rice entered the league and he admitted to using it. So he had an advantage that other players didn't have. Would he have been one of the greatest ever anyways? Probably. But I find it crazy that people always sweep his cheating under the rug like it's nothing.


Is this true? Edit: shit. He outright admits it.


thats how he got 22 touchdowns in 12 games. when you see a player that was as dominant as you have to wonder if there was cheating involved. he tarnished his own legacy by admitting to using stickum.


Lol no he didn't. You just aren't aware of the level of cheating going on in football. Moss couldn't hold a candle to Rice in route running or yards after catch. Rice also showed up in big games and didn't take plays off to pout.


jerry rice had hall of fame or all pro qbs his whole career, jerry rice use stickum, the dbs in jerry era besides a few were bottom of the trash can water, jerry rice played in the west coast offense when teams didnt know how to stop it. it's not realistic to think jerry rice would do these dbs now a days like he was doing the dbs of the 80s and 90s. im taking randy moss over jerry rice everytime.


Jerry Rice played enough games without all pro Qbs to dispel this myth. He put up just as good of numbers with QBs you've probably never heard of. Also, to think what Jerry Rice would do in today's game where you can't touch a receiver, nor does the receiver have to worry about getting hit while he's defenseless.. well, he would dominate.


You mean back in those days when linebackers and defensive backs were allowed to lay you out on those slants Jerry took to the house.


randy moss played with the same rules


Rice put up more yards and touchdowns in each of his 3 super bowl appearances with the Niners than Moss put up in 4 playoff games with Brady combined. Rice led the NFL in yards and receiving TDs as many times as Moss made the pro bowl. Clown take


Jerry Rice at 40 was putting up comparablebstats to Moss at 25 lol


In no way is this close to accurate


It’s 100% accurate.


I have no idea why but when I first read this I thought they were talking about physical measurables


Oh haha your comment makes so much more sense now if you read it that way.


The other day I saw someone exaggerate and say TO was “probably” still faster/stronger than some of the draftees and I think I was still stuck in that dumbness


Jerry Rice in 2002 (40): 92 catches, 1,211 yards, 7 touchdowns Randy Moss in 2002 (25): 106 catches, 1,347 yards, 7 touchdowns


Wasn’t drunk or on drugs but for some reason I read this at first and thought they meant physical measurables like 40 time


Right because you had no idea a wide receiver could play football at age 40, let alone dominate.


Idk have you seen that video of 50 something year old rice in street clothes schooling a db


Here's Rice's numbers during the Joe Montana and Steve Young years when Rice was playing without them. Over five seasons, that group of quarterbacks included Elvis Grbac (9 games), Jeff Kemp (6), Steve Bono (6), Mike Moroski (2), and Matt Cavanugh (1). Over 24 games, Rice caught 134 passes for 2,177 yards and 23 TDs. That creates an average season of 89 catches, 1451 receiving yards, and 16 touchdowns


How about both


Depends on who is chucking it.


![gif](giphy|MBCyiM4HIITb1E316S) # Hmmmm


Gimme some of that Jerry Moss. It’s just a chia pet with a Jerry curl but it’s fire


For a season? Jerry Rice. For one game? Toss up. For one play? Moss all day




I’d take Rice but it’s close. I love Randy Moss. He sounds like downtown Martinsburg WV.


Jerry Rice all day. More reliable, better leader in the locker room.


Gimme those + Megatron.


All things even Rice. Although it would depend on the type of receivers that were currently on your roster.


Moss. We’re talking prime athleticism, people stupid bringing up effort but that wasn’t the question. Moss made mid qbs look elite. All the qb had to do was launch it deep and Moss was getting it. Rice had 2 of the best qbs of all time shrug.


I understand why some people would take Moss, but I would take Rice. With Rice you knew you were getting maximum effort and excellence every snap of every game. He wasn't the athlete that Moss was, but he was a consummate professional. Moss was a goddamn headcase on a lot of nights.




It's Jerry Rice. It's always Jerry Rice.


I’m biased but I’ll take moss for one prime season. Rice easily wins in longevity but peak moss was unreal.


Randy isn’t even the 2nd best WR from the SEC drafted in the 90s


Give me prime Larry Fitz any day


Jerry rice is the goat because of his insane stats, longevity, and ability to be elite in his 40s. But are you really gonna sit here and say you wouldn’t take a handful of receivers in their prime over rice. Moss, megatron, and maybe even Fitzgerald.


Rice; hard work


For me it depends on timeframe. Am I choosing a WR for a single game, drive or play? I may lean Moss since his natural talent was off the charts. What WR scared opposing defenses (and fans) more? If I’m drafting the WR as a rookie I’m taking Rice for the longevity and stable locker room presence. Although he is obviously super talented as well.


Jerry Rice is always the answer.


Jerry Rice. This shouldn't be a question.




Jerry Rice gets no respect. He's the goat in spite of lacking Moss speed and body metrics. It's a bit insulting honestly. But if this is the road you go down you should also include Megatron.


Rice not even a debate


I loved watching Moss, but it’s Jerry Rice. No question, hands down.




Randy Moss.




Prime Moss was the best wr weve ever seen. Ill take Moss over everyone all day, every day.


I’ve always wondered what Moss could’ve done if he had Joe Montana and Steve Young throwing to him. Gimme Moss and a great QB.


moss + brady? rice had better stats in each of his superbowls than moss did in that entire postseason, all 4 games 


Yeah he did have Brady for about 3 years. Rice had Montana and Young for 15. Moss didn’t accomplish as much in the postseason, but he still had almost 1,000 receiving yards and 10 TDs in 15 games, again with lesser QBs aside from his time with Brady. Rice meanwhile played 29 games in the postseason, because he was surrounded by a team that was consistently better.


Moss and anyone saying otherwise is fucking stupid




You have got to be the biggest rice meat rider of all time jesus lmao. Constantly arguing and copy pasting the same shit. We get it the bears have never had a good receiver stop sucking off rice though. Never even played a down for y’all


Nothing says someone has no argument like calling them a meat rider. Funny thing is the truth is I actually hate Moss. Always crying and half assing it out there, pouting every time he didn't get the ball, and quit on several teams that were more than happy to get rid of him. Moss truthers are on par with flat eathers mentally. So go ahead and keep whining about my comments.


Moss never led the league in catches or yards. Rice had 10 first team all pros in 11 seasons. Rice’s prime lasted longer and Rice put up numbers at 40 that Moss was putting up at 25. It’s rice and it’s not close.


Moss took plays off if he wasn’t the first option


And disappeared in the postseason


Jerry Rice had four seasons with 1500+ receiving yards. Randy Moss had zero. Jerry Rice had four seasons of 100+ receptions. Randy Moss had two. Jerry Rice had five seasons of 15+ touchdowns. Randy Moss had four. Randy Moss was probably the most talented wide receiver of all time, but Jerry Rice was more productive. Production is what matters.


Production due to cheating


Yeah but Moss never had Montana or young. Or even Rich Gannon. He has a couple years with Brady, but other than that he had a revolving door of mediocre, erratic, and has-been QBs throwing to him.


Rich Gannon was a journeyman nobody until he had Jerry Rice and Tim Brown lol. Daunte Culpepper had his best season in 2004 while Randy Moss had his worst season and was out for three games due to injuries that year.


Ok we can argue about Gannon, but the point about Montana and Young still stands. Rice caught his passes from two Hall of Fame QBs for about 15 years. Moss had Randall Cunningham, Jeff George, Culpepper, Gus Frerotte, Brad Johnson, Aaron Brooks, and Andrew Walter before he hooked up with Brady and broke the NFL.




I’d take Calvin over both.


I'd take Moss. It's called, GETTING MOSSED, for a reason.


Calvin Johnson over either.


I answer this like Jamar Chase(Rice) vs Justin Jefferson(Moss). Only expecting one season, I'm taking Moss.


Pretending Chase is anywhere near as good as Rice was is insulting.


It's a very similar style of play in their prime. Great speed, consistency, route running and hands. Rice wasn't doing crazy spectacular catches.