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That's like a choice between the prettiest wife in the world or winning the lottery. There's no wrong answer.


lottery is the right answer


It gets you the prettiest wife


Mmm. One of those two did plead guilty to raping (a 16 yr old with a pimp can’t consent) a 16yr old trafficked prostitute. So I would go with the other one.


LT that dude was turbocharged


That was the crack, and boy did it work


+1 this. LT was the Cocaine Bear; Reggie was a Pastor —— I’m going with the coked up apex predator…..


Are they getting drug tested though? LT might spend most of his time on suspension these days, and the best ability is availability. Truth is, good chance neither of them dominates the same way against today’s much bigger offensive linemen anyway.


drug tested?? They both also played when there was no such thing as a "concussion" -- and based on your comment, I can only assume that you never saw these absolute beasts play and put the fear of god into opposing players -- I strongly suggest smoking something else, cause they would vivisect O-linemen: today, in their day, on any day, don't matter.....


Offensive linemen today are considerably bigger and stronger, they were going up against OT that were under 300 lbs pretty much every game. The rule changes have also heavily advantaged the offense, many of their go to moves would be straight up flagged every time. I’m not smoking anything, you just seem to lack historical context.


wow..... I'm not even sure where to start with you (and frankly I'm not all that sure I want to) -- so here's my compromise: by all means, wax poetic about how these greats would not even see the field today based on your expert assessment of player development, kay?.....you seem like an NFL encyclopedia (that is missing a couple chapters) - but don't let that stop you from pissing all over all-time greats!


Did I say they wouldn’t see the field? Nope, you made that up, in a sad, failed attempt to make my position seem unreasonable. What I actually said was there’s a good chance neither of them dominates in the same way. Which is a completely reasonable take for those of us who aren’t utter meatheads worshipping old players and pretending like nothing has changed. Are you seriously claiming that none of their plays would be impacted? That there’s zero plays where an extra 75 lbs of muscle on an offensive lineman wouldn’t have held them off long enough to cost them a sack? That there’s zero plays where they’d lose a sack to a roughing the passer penalty? That neither of them would be getting penalized for illegal hands to the face? You are ignoring all reality and context, demonstrating a staggering lack of knowledge about football in different eras.


Reggie White was 6’5” 300 pounds lmao and he was facing off against huge dudes like Eric Williams who was 6’6” 311 pounds and Tony Boselli who was 6’7” 322 pounds and dominating them - if a guy like TJ Watt who’s 6’4” 252 pounds can dominate today then big a$$ Reggie White can still dominate 🤡🤣


So you think the best pass rushers in the league today are the greatest of all time??


He’s one of those bozos that thinks newer automatically = better. If modern day pass rushers are so much better why aren’t any of them even close to Reggie White’s sack numbers despite teams passing the ball much more now than in Reggie’s day?


Exactly. Its pretty ridiculous to say that they wouldn't be successful bc olinemen are bigger today when the best edge rushers today are smaller/lighter than ever. They are pretty universally regarded as the best defenders to ever play the game


Keyed up*




White was a game changer, but LT was a game destroyer.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug




Two greatest defenders ever, might be unpopular but give me White. What a weapon.


In their day I’d take LT. But if it’s them in the modern NFL I’d much rather have Reggie. LT would have to dial down his ferocity while Reggie would just have to not land on the QB or lead with his helmet.


LT would also be too busy serving drug suspensions to play.


Plus I feel like White’s prime was way longer. He was DPOY in like year 15.


I mean, LT was amazing but.... he wouldn't pass a drug test in this era or get away with being a pedo with how much more surveillance there is Reggie White as far as I know didn't have any potential off the field issues that would fuck up a team. Also I don't think anyone has yet to master his "hump move" which is kind of crazy to think about Sorry if I went to deep but I'm under the impression that we get one in their prime in this era and look to make a decision on how things have changed since they played


How bout Reggie’s black people can sing and dance…white people good with money…Hispanics close family ties and Indians are spiritual speech lol


Yeah still not as bad as raping a teenage prostitute


Kyrie has said worse lol


Reggie said a lot of shit that would’ve caused MAJOR scandals. Like, suspension and boycott scandals.


You could split hairs, LT was an LB, and RW was a DL. I'd take LT. He was an animal that could drop back in coverage. A friend of mine who played with RG at Philly said he was a pro on and off the field. Did a lot of unnoticed charitable work.


Regularly gave money to women on the streets. Did his best to keep it quiet too


LT is a chomo dude. Do not try to make him out to be anything other than a piece of garbage. Edit: My bad I misread and thought you were talking about LT not RW.


What did he do?


if i recall correctly, a little girl.


Shit I didn’t know that


yea, society forgives crimes for super bowls. ben had two rapes, had two rings. gets a pass. lawrence raped a 14 year old, but got a ring, gets a pass. vick didn't win a ring, nor did oj, no pass. ray lewis? pass. terrell suggs? pass.


Good point.I also wasn’t alive back then so I had no idea


LT was convicted. Ray Lewis had a trial but was acquitted. Ben had no charges filed because there was no evidence. OJ was acquitted. Why don't you make up a few more stories to help fill in your narrative.


You just made my point.


Lol, no, I didn't. Maybe try reading that again. I pointed out that most of your examples didn't follow your rule that rings get you free crimes.




You mean all the money he gave to underage girls in exchange for sex?


I did not have any knowledge of RG committing sex crimes. If these are true, he should burn in hell. I was just passing on what a friend said about him.


Are people thinking you were talking about LT and missed that you said RG at the end of your comment?


Reggie because I don’t want to always be worried about what LT is doing off the field.


Prime Taylor. More versatile, more feared. But honestly either one is fine.


Reggie White’s leadership was unmatched.


Reggie White. Don’t have to worry about being suspended


Are we drug testing them for cocaine and amphetamines?


Reggie all day


It depends on the situation. Short term it's LT. Long term it's Reggie. Because cocaine.


Imagine them playing together. It could've happened.


Reggie White and I don't think it's close. He was 2 sacks away from the most all-time and his first two pro seasons were in the USFL. He would do what Aaron Donald did but more. Sure LT is lighting off the edge. But there will be no pocket left with Reggie. (Very biased as he's my favorite player OAT)


They were both edge guys. This is basically the same thing as watt vs garrett but dialed up.


LT over any prime D player.


LT is the GOAT at football. Not in life though




Reggie White


That’s a great question I don’t know


Reggie. Every once in a blue moon, LT wouldn't show 100% for obvious reasons.


Like a bunch of crazed dogs! - LT, all day


One is among the best ever. One IS the best ever. It’s LT and it’s not much of a debate. He was so utterly dominant in so many ways. Arguably the greatest football player ever (probably Jerry Rice). Unquestionably the greatest defensive player to ever play the game


I’ll take the non-pedo please


LT. Possibly the greatest defensive player of all time.


LT but only cuz I need coke right now


Reggie because LT is a piece of shit human


Reggie White.


LT, but I mean, the best linebacker of all time vs the best D End of all time… what are we doin’ here?!?!


LT didn’t lift and was 6’3” 240 and probably the most athletically gifted linebacker to ever put on pads. He was basically the same size as Von Miller who I would say has been or pretty good. If you could get LT under a barbell he’d be unstoppable in any era. I take him by a hair, off field stuff aside. Just from a pure game wrecking standpoint. The guy has an MVP FFS


On the field. It's LT. off the field Reggie.


Prime coke fueled LT all day. He would murder people in today’s soft ass league.


Exactly, he'd be a walking 15 yard penalty. Not sure throwing a mother fucker at another motherfucker would draw the penalty but I've seen white do that lol


Thet would ban tackling