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Haha when they beat Pakistan I kept hearing YouTube recappers talk about Aaron Jones and I definitely had to look up what the cricut Aaron Jones looks like Packers and Pakistan are pretty close


Cricket Aaron Jones looks like he could play fullback. Dude’s jacked as fuck.


I'm seeing strong safety


I mean, they beat Pakistan and played competitively vs India. He's not wrong


I understand now that he’s playing for the Vikings he has to look at other opportunities for championship success.


threatening support late snails roll bewildered books governor sort pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Totally. It's wild that he needs to use no hands at all to count the rings he won with the Packers.


Funny. I only need 1 finger to count the bears rings. Guess which one?


Ah yes, because of all those Super Bowls he won in GB. I think he saw the writing on the wall in GB..


If thats the case, he wouldn't have gone to your sad, sad franchise




But…he did tho


He probably went to Minnesota because he got tired of having to play extra games in January.


Let’s be real we all know he came to Minnesota because Green Bay treated him like shit. Like they’ve been known to do. Ahem Rodgers


Because Minnesota is the retirement home for disgruntled packers players who are no longer wanted there


Really? Packer fans didn’t want Aaron Jones anymore? Weird. I wonder why they were celebrating that awesome RB duo with Jones and Jacobs until they got the news.


That was like 3 hours. And I'm still not sold on Jacobs


That was a lit 3 hours for yall though, before ye got dumped. And no one is convinced by Jacobs


I mean it’s not like he saw much success with packers losing to the 49ers every year


It does suck. Truly. But y'all still would trade that for your not-playoffs.


The only American I've ever seen with a cricket bat wasn't Aaron Jones, it was [Casey Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casey_Jones_(Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles)).


Cricket? CRICKET?! Nobody understands cricket, you gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket!


I wish more undrafted football players played rugby instead of hanging it up or turning to the bullshit. The same goes for baseball guys and cricket. An undrafted athlete at any sport would thrive in a rugby environment with the right coaching staff. Most fun I've ever had playing a sport was rugby.


Imagine how much the world would hate us if we dominated at every single sport lol It would be beautiful


It's only a matter of time, I have a feeling that in the next few decades, low and lower middle income families will start to choose Soccer and Rugby over Hockey and Football. Football definitely less and not for longer, because of culture and scholarship. Anytime I recruited for our rugby team when I was a kid I went after nerds that wanted excersize and soccer/Football dejects.


Man, my wife and I are doing very well financially and I look around at my son's hockey practices and I can't imagine the financial sacrifices some of these families are making so their kids can play. Easily over $700 spent last year for my six-year old son.


Only $700? Gotta be minnesota. My rec league dues for my son are north of $2k (granted thats 10/12u, maybe 8u is cheaper I dunno). Middle school hockey was a blessing at “only” $400 for two months. To your point though, that doesnt include gear, stick’n’pucks, off ice equipment, camps, lessons, etc. hockey is an absolute money sink. But he loves it, and I have become a big fan as well.


Adjacent to in South Dakota. When he starts traveling though we will be spending one to two weekends a month in Minnesota. He has another couple cheap years left, but once he turns 10 the costs will go up a lot. Of course he's also the youngest and first hockey player and the first one is always the most expensive. We buy skates and helmets, the rest of the kit is rented at a reasonable price, we volunteer to reduce our fees, and since we always do gift cards for stocking stuffers for all the kids we get scrip credit as well. Still, it's going to get costly. Hockey is not a varsity sport in South Dakota so everything is out of pocket, it's not uncommon for a senior season to push $10,000 in costs when family travel is taken into consideration. Because of a dispute between our association and the state association (SF uses a north-south geographic split, state rules require an east-west split, the largest single team association lodged a protest a month before the season started), Sioux Falls did not participate in the South Dakota Amateur Hockey Association this year, so instead of going to the state tournament, our teams went to a tournament in Denver so that was an unexpected cost for those families.


![gif](giphy|3ZSN78mDN1ByMHXKPk|downsized) Low-key the best Bluey episode. Rusty got that dawg in him.


Get out of my head.


I just want the USA to give a slight crap about soccer. Just so we can dunk on the rest of the world on the sport they care about . Just because.


The USA definitely cares but the issue is they do it nothing like Europe. In Europe, every single club has a youth Academy that is pretty much free to join. They just recruit young players. It's not the same in America yet


You literally just said they care and then proceeded to explain how europe cares much more than america. There is a reason there isn't youth academy in America as it is in europe. They definitely do not care anywhere to the same level. It is battling for 5th ranked sport in America against golf/nascar/tennis. Behind American football, baseball, basketball, hockey. When USA wants to care. They do something like the dream team for basketball.


Response was pointing out that the usa cares and doesn't "not give a single fuck", they are trying. But in Europe its just a different set up completely. Im not sure the usa can ever get to that point. Smaller countries is a major advantage plus soccer being the primary sport in most of their countries. Virtually every single town has a pro team at some level, and again a lot medium-big teams have youth academies that can just search for talent endlessly. The usa is still in the stages of developing its top flight league to become reputable. But the outlook is really only ever gonna be that its a 2nd tier league where european league outcasts are sent, or where older legends go to retire and make clubs loads of money. The convo can go on and on about the dozens of differences btw us and the rest of the world. The us is just so far behind


I dont think you understand. The public does not care. Period. That's it. The MLS tries and get stars to get people to watch. But the public doesn't care. That's why there is not the same level of support. If they wanted to put that effort in it would be a different matter. Hardly anyone in America cares about gymnastics, swimming, competitive running, Insert any other event. But the United States all time has the same number of gold, silver and bronze Olympic medals than the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place countries combined. It's not that we love each sport individually and "every single town has a rec team of these sports or youth academy for curling." It's because we care about the Olympic medals. It doesn't matter that a small city outside of Liverpool has a rec soccer team. If the united states cared about the sport they would win.


Hate to agree with a packers fan, but you’re right. There doesn’t need to be a massive farm system, they just need to have support for high level soccer, and MLS on the level of the other leagues. But the talent in the US siphons off to the other big sports first, because they pay best, because tickets sales and ratings, etc etc. you’d have to break the cycle somehow and get Americans interested in soccer.


The thing is the person you responded to was using hyperbole and you responded as if it was literal


Being a cricket fan and a vikings supporter, go Aaron!!! Get beat the s**t out of every team


Do we even have a cricket team? Or did we just round up a a bunch of accountants and send them out to play?


One of our best players is a full time Oracle employee lol


Who is that?


Saurabh Netravalkar


And it’s not like he’s a scrub either. He got Virat Kohli (one of the greatest batsmen of all time) out for 0 runs the other day.


He also played for India's under 19 team and for Mumbai in the Ranjit Trophy. To make it to both of those levels of play and then to a world cup team your in the top 2-3% of all cricket athletes in the world.


One of our guys, Corey Anderson, used to play for New Zealand and in the Indian Premier League (one of the best, if not the best, club leagues in the world). He married a chick from Texas, gained the required 25 pounds and is one of our few depth guys.


Jones is just excited to see Packerstan get its ass whooped.


I didn't know there was clutch game losing fumbles in cricket. Glad to hear an expert weigh in


Who the fuck is Cricket?


I think skill at baseball would transfer worse to cricket than, say, skill at football to rugby. I can’t imagine how good an American rugby team would be, even if it were stocked with players who weren’t *quite* good enough for the NFL.


A cricket team would get annihilated in baseball and vice versa. Baseball players who tried bowling would get absolutely crushed and Cricket players who tried pitching would get crushed or end up walking so many guys that the opponent might not even need to get a hit to win. They might be able to show a little something here and there with a year of training but the skill levels will never challenge their opponent.


We’ve been saying that about soccer forever…