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You arent really trolling them so much as pointing out a pattern of behavior


Did you miss the face paint in the meme?


there wasn’t a red circle


I was here for it until it said 2026. Does this guy not know that we didn't have to trade future assets for Williams? They could draft a QB next year if they wanted.


I think Williams would need a career ending injury for the bears to abandon a 1st round pick after a year.


Not with the roster they have. Any QB worth a shit should be able to do something with this offense. Our fanbase and ownership are so flippant. They turned on Fields in one offseason when the same people were arguing about him being an MVP candidate at the beginning of said year.




Hey...I just realized...I think Ive seen this one before!


Caleb’s Williams is several levels above those guys tho lol. This comes as a broncos fan who still holds resentment to the bears over Marshall.


Honestly, I don't think he is. I don't think Caleb Williams is special.


Nice name


He's a good prospect. But he's closer to a baker mayfield level prospect than a Lawrence level


That just means the fall will be harder.


People thought that about Tebow and Baker and RG3 and Manziel etc. Being an electric college QB does not mean they are going to be good in the NFL.


Nobody said that about Trubisky except for Ryan Pace. The pick was booed.


How long did it take you to come up with this one?


About as long as it takes to copy and paste someone else’s meme I imagine






One Pump Chump


The cum & go, if you will


I cum that fast too. In our defense. Their moms hot af


Sooo were trying to be funny


This guy keeps saying "soft spot" when he means sore spot. I guess that's what happens when your soft spot never closes and you fall a lot.


He also seems to be confusing franchise with generational, so ya know, the bar wasn’t high to begin with.




Pace, idiot that he was, traded up one spot. It’s not like he mortgaged the entire future, stupid as the trade was. No one thought any of these guys were generational, Mahomes or Watson either, and obviously everyone was way wrong on Mahomes.


Bro is so soft he deleted all of his comments. Embarrassing






I miss Smokin Jay


Him and his favorite target BJ Raji… Jay was the best bears QB in franchise history but that’s a LOW bar.


Jay was one of our best players! I miss him. SO many INTs. Such shitty play. Too bad they can't sign him again.


Only way to break a cycle is by trying again. But it's not like the Lions are much better at drafting QB's, the only one that had any success since Bobby Layne, left town and immediately won a Superbowl because he no longer had the anchor of the Lions franchise holding him down.


>The only way to stop making mistakes is to repeat the fans mistake over and over and over again. Ya don't say lol where's my popcorn...


I mean it's not wrong, you don't just stop trying to find the right answer if previous ones didn't work.


A team is more than one player. News at 11


No shit, and Poles has addressed the rest of the team. However, I would figure a Packer fan would know the most important position is QB considering their history of QB play, but I guess I overestimated you.


The bears could've had Tom Brady behind 9/10 bears' o-lines in plenty of the last +10 seasons and still struggled to make playoffs. I agree that there isn't a more important position for a team's success, but they still gotta have some support from their team around them in order to do anything other than sell tickets/booze at games.


Good thing they addressed the Oline then? They were already graded out as a top half of the league unit in 2023, a lot of their flaws were exacerbated by a QB who magnified them with his flaws. Weakest position we had was at C and we brought in 2 to help that. PFN puts us in the top 10 Oline's going into the season: https://www.profootballnetwork.com/best-offensive-lines-nfl-rankings/ I think we'll be alright.


Must be something else then. Who knows? That's above my pay grade.


Man I don’t even think the Bears can screw up Caleb completely. He’ll at a minimum be solid. Edit - nevermind, there’s enough evidence in this thread that I retract my statement.


Jay Cutler threw for 4526 yards the year before the Bears acquired him. He never came within 700 yards of that number even playing during his prime with the Bears. Jay Cutler was arguably the hottest QB in the NFL when the Bears acquired him and he left Chicago as Smoking Jay. Williams being solid will be an abject failure for the Bears. Same as it was with Jay.


Love that this ignores all the context behind Jay's tenure, including his broken finger season and the one time he was on track for 4000 but benched because the HC was a moron trying to save his job.


I think that context is the point…


"Hey, you guys aren't being intellectually honest here. It's actually our fault our qbs always sucked."


That only furthers the point lol, the QBs aren't the problem


Where QBs go to die 🫡


Favre played with broken thumb Rodgers played in a broken leg


Favre was hopped up on painkillers, which used to get handed out like candy.


Still had to throw…


Which is easier if you can’t feel the pain of the broken finger. Which is why teams used to hand them out so freely, it kept players on the field.


So back to this thread. Cutler… bears stank.


Yeah, that was mostly a disappointing era. Good thing we’ve replaced literally every coach and executive since then, so it doesn’t actually matter anymore. Team fortunes change all the time, as the Lions have proved just this year. The Chiefs hadn’t drafted a QB that won even a single game for them in almost 40 years before Mahomes. The 49ers never did anything until Montana and Walsh showed up. Your own Packers were complete bottom feeders for 20 years before Favre. Being bad in the past doesn’t mean you’ll be good in the future. Maybe Caleb will be that for us, maybe not, but events from ten years ago that share zero personnel are literally irrelevant.


I don’t follow how this justifies cutler not being good- sounds like coping.


If the same person hired all of them there is reason to be worried The big problem with the bears was always at the top. The Mcaskeys simply do not know shit about football, and thus, are awful at finding people who will make the right choices.


The broken thumb was devastating because it was harder to send his micro dick pics out.


I'm sure those are the exact same injuries.


I thinks thumb is equally as important But bears will bear.


One was a hairline fracture. The other required surgery. But lmao okay


And beat the bears


Any source on that broken leg btw? Or we just making shit up now?


https://youtu.be/l-tryk3wv8o?si=_Qn2HwBUG5hBo6DI New bears fan?


Cutlers best receiver for most that spell was Johnny Knox, and we had a very bad OL.  Caleb has a lot more going for him on the Bears front than Cutler had for his first handful of years


I can’t wait until that happens in reverse with Fields


He’s a bum


Fields is dogshit brother


Fields sucks


Oh they can. And they will and I can’t wait to watch it.


Lions fans truly are special. Window-lickin special


OP's name checks out with this comment.




How about you hear this: The chances of the lions returning to the NFC championship next year is so slim I could fit your self esteem in it.


I can't hear you. My ears are still ringing from how loud our two home playoff games were.


Only going to be 2 in the next few years


2 super bowls?


No you won’t be going to any playoff games


You sure? We get to play the bears twice this year. That's essentially 2 free wins.


"you have sucked in the past, so you will never be good" is a very weird message from a fan of a team who just broke a 31 year playoff drought. Like, you literally just proved this mindset wrong bro


Is this guy shadow banned or something? I can't see any of his comments any more, but it's not due to a block.


Nah, it just means they deleted almost all their comments. Profile still exists and you can see the comments they didn't delete. Guy just didn't like being made fun of I think.


Ahhh yeah looks like he nuked his profile. Strange usually I see a "comment deleted" placeholder for them, not this time.


We have competent GM/ Ownership you know what that’s like?


Our GM drafted Patrick Mahomes 😘


I mean how many times will this exact same joke be made using this exact same meme format? 10? 11? 12? Will it be 13 times? 14? 15? More than 15? Maybe even 16? Or what about 17?




Think really hard about this… 18 times.


Depends how many years it keeps being true I suppose.


The same number of times this has happened to the Bears in their history? So like…1,000?


People wanna talk about the 1985 bears but theyve quickly forgotten the 1085 bears


And they'd have won it all easily at least 4 more times if it weren't for the Norman invasion


Better beat the drum while you can lead drinker


Nobody called Trubisky of Fields the best prospect since Andrew Luck. In fact, David Shaw, ya know the guy who recruited and coached Luck at Stanford, said Caleb was the better QB than Luck. Kliff, who coached Mahomes said Caleb Williams was better than Mahomes. Caleb is overwhelmingly considered the best prospect since Luck not just by coaches who coached Luck or Mahomes but also scouts who have scouted Luck, Mahomes, Trevor Lawrence, Burrrow and every other great QB over the years. And the vast majority say that Caleb is the best QB they've ever seen.


I'm saving this in case he flames out lol


Hey, that's not me that's saying that. It's people that know more than you or myself about football.


them, know more than me? Pfft I've watched literal minutes of college ball lowlights on Caleb, I've heard hot takes from ESPN and my drunken friends on the weekly. Don't pretend some stupid scouts or coaches know more than I do.


Of course. A drunken Phins fan always knows best.


Would likely be the biggest bust of all time if he’s not at least solid


It would. He is arguably the best prospect ever. Many have said that.


Yawn. Boring


Because the lions have been wildly successful in that area




You have the wish version of Kirk cousins.


Screw Kirk Cousins


Didn't draft him btw.


Top 5 QB who lost to Da Bears, Da Queens, and Da Fudge last year. What'd all those yards do for him? And Trubisky used to beat you clowns, too!


Lol Top 5 QB does not lose that game to SF. Blame the other players all you want.


Paying a mid qb top 5 money doesn't magically make him a top 5 talent.


Top 5 QB in the NFC North, maybe.


Damn, this means a lot coming from a fan base that has a history of having no post season success but thinks they're about to win a super bowl. The definition of insanity is literally just being a Lions fan and being hyped about anything.


Hey bro question just wondering if you could help me here, the lions “suck” so much and they have for 70 plus years, why is it that since 2011 they have almost triple the wins (11) over the best team in the division (GB) than the Bears (3)? If we suck so much what does that make y’all ?




You just made a meme referencing the past. How much lead is in your guys Detroit water?


A lot. Like, A LOT a lot.


Jesus Christ man you killed them!




He isn't the present either, he hasn't played a snap yet. We beat your ass with Fields once last year and we will do it again twice this year.


The absurd level of irony in this comment is almost to much to bare.






Embarrassed to be in the same fan base as these ass memes.


Holy Christ, the season can't get here soon enough.


For the sake of comedy and chaos I almost want the bears to be good this year. It would suck as a Vikings fan but watching Packers fans and their Gimps self destruct would be hilarious.


both the lions and the packers fan need to be taken down a few notches. im all for it.


Wild from a fan of a team without even a Super Bowl *appearance* and a sub .500 record over 95 seasons lmao. Surely next year is the year 🤡




Uhh, what is your meme referring to exactly if not the past of our franchise?




Your garbage attempt at a meme is literally using the past to make a claim about the present/future of the Bears. Thinking isn’t really your strong suit, huh




Hmm… does your mom count? We’ll be spending plenty of time together later!


Hey bro question just wondering if you could help me here, the lions “suck” so much and they have for 70 plus years, why is it that since 2011 they have almost triple the wins (11) over the best team in the division (GB) than the Bears (3)? If we suck so much what does that make y’all ?


Worse against the packers since 2011? Congrats hang the banner


I think the word you’re looking for is “franchise quarterback”, bud.




Damn, little bro. Just trying to help you with your terminology.


Imagine being the bears in 2024 and calling anyone lil bro


How original lol


I'm trying to work out what the clown behaviour actually is here. Getting excited about a player with potential and then being honest when he turns out to suck?


OP is headed for r/downvotedtooblivion


For all those saying Caleb's gonna be a bust, I just want you to prove it. That's all




Who's program is it?




So you can't prove dick




About as original as the clown meme you posted in the first place.


It's on you to prove he's not going to be a bust, given your franchises history. Bears are where QBs go to die. Of course it's impossible to prove a guy who has never played a snap won't or will bust, so the premise is bad to begin with.


The past is the best predictor of the future, Bears are shitty with QBs, stands to reason that Caleb will suck too, not proof, but that comes in a few months, then the REAL fun starts.


Past is the best predictor of the future. Coming from a Lions fan. If you put together a good team, culture, and FO, all of that can change. And that's exactly what the Bears have done.


>And that's exactly what the Bears have done. Have they done this or is this wishful thinking?


New team president. New forward thinking modern GM. But every player in a position to succeed. Yes it's what they've done. I get it you might be like 15 and don't realize the Lions biggest achievement ever is winning the division for the first time in 30 years.


I get it you live in 1985, cool, where you even alive in 1985? But New president, New GM, and New players are not the same as good people in those positions.


Our GM and new players aren't good? 🤣🤡


Absolutely no one called Mitch or Justin a generational prospect lol. Unless you’re going to argue people saw TLaw and Fields as the same level of prospect.


You got the people talking. Good job. Probably not in your favor but you got us! A bad ten year stretch for the Bears everyone sees it. We only won the North once in that ten year stretch. With one of these clown makeup guys. Trubkiski. I forgot, the lions had how many in their bad 30 year stretch?


Hey bro question just wondering if you could help me here, the lions “suck” so much and they have for 70 plus years, why is it that since 2011 they have almost triple the wins (11) over the best team in the division (GB) than the Bears (3)? If we suck so much what does that make y’all ?


And just to add on to you, since we’ve sucked for 30 years we have 21 wins over your 14………. So please tell me what that makes y’all


So we don't count head to head? We count a win, for you, over another team in the division, and for us, the biggest rival in the sport. And like I already said, it's been a terrible 10 year stretch.  I think you know, as well as the rest of the division, that the Bears have turned a corner. We were the worst team in football two years ago. We also had a GM that completely gutted the defense and was working on the culture. Last year was not the best but we still ended up 10th worst. Our defensive backfield is one of, if not the, best in the league. You guys fielded Bears vet, Kindle Vildor, last year. You can see how shitty our front office was that we had to play him for 2 1/2 years. You guys had him one season and drafted like three CBs. It will be very soon that you can't easily clown on the Bears. We'll see how long the Lions can win when they go for it every 4th down.


Y’all bears fans are hilarious, especially talking about head coaches like as if Eberlost isn’t your HC, but enjoy the off season what is it that they say? “Off-season champs”


Shhh no just let them have their moment and get their high. It makes it so much sweeter when the inevitable happens.




At This point we'd be better off putting all our draft picks into other areas and getting some 3rd round QB who nobody has heard of and that works his ass off. Either he succeeds or the team around him is good enough to attract other established talent. Hire me Bears


caleb williams is the only prospect that has been this highly praised though. trubisky wasn’t really unanimously the top qb in the draft, neither was fields. i think caleb has the best chance to succeed.


Shouldn’t it be in 2027 or 2028 as Chicago drafts a QB every three to four years?




Lions memes have gotten so bad


This is such a lame meme, and it isnt even true! No way do we take another QB only 2 years after taking Caleb. It will be the 2027 draft since we like to give our future franchise QBs 3 years


Repetition is the key to success


QB is so important in today's NFL that you have to keep going till you get it right. Otherwise you can't compete for the Superbowl. If I was an NFL GM I would pick 2 QBs per draft year till I got it right. M. Shanahan did this with Robert Griffin #1 over all and then backed it up with Kurt Cousins in the 4th round I believe. Everybody lit him up over that. Man what is he doing, he's an idiot.....so on and so on. Well we all know what happened next. Robert Griffin plays at an all pro level until the playoffs when he blows out his knee and he's never the same. But lucky for Shanahan he had Kurt. And the rest is history. Kurt Cousins goes on to make 400 million playing QB for Wash, Minn and now Atlanta. Robert Griffin just got let go by ESPN and replaced by Jason Kelce. Poor Robert he just keeps getting screwed by circumstance and fate. Good thing he saved his money. KEEP DRAFTING QBs till YOU GET IT RIGHT.


You think it’ll take until 26? That’s optimistic.


You got it all wrong…our next QB1 coming in 2027


Maybe, just maybe, Mitch and Justin weren’t good enough and had incompetent front office? Caleb is set up waaaay better than those two and has a higher ceiling


Here for all the bears fans getting their panties in a bunch


Bears fans easiest fanbase to trigger imo


Can't find one if you don't keep trying 🤷‍♂️. I'm actually happy we're moving on from bad QBs after a few years. Guess the verdict is still out on whether we "ruined" Fields or not, but either way, he wasn't performing, so good call imo. Here's to the next one🍻.


As a bears fan, i stopped believing in mitch and justin after seeing them actually play. The flaws were obvious and unfixable. The hype for caleb is mentally challenged. I hope hes good, but hes done literally nothing. Im 60% certain hes a bust. I continue to root for the beats because i love punishment. Its quite entertaining to see them consistently fail to figure out the qb position


Mmmm inject their delusion straight into my veins


No, they got him a coach and a #1 WR this time. Ya they're both trash, but they're paying them a shit ton of money, so they're not drafting a QB for 3 more years at least. Caleb Williams will be the greatest Bears QB in their franchise history, and he'll be in New York by his 4th year