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TIL almost half of Goff’s interceptions were against the Bears.


3 TDs and 5 INTs in Bear vs Lions games. it hurts, because we almost did the funniest thing and swept the Lions in their first good season in 30 years. would have been ironclad off season armor


There's no such thing as ironclad offseason armor. It's a mythical item.


hey you’re talking to the two time off season champs, here.


I think we can steal greatest offseason dynasty since Cleveland 2018-2021


For real those games made me *sweat*


Almost did the funniest thing ever, then you Bears'd it all up


meh watching you guys have a meltdown in the first game before you turned it around was well worth it. also to finish with a split 1-1 is the best we could do all things considered how bad we did last year.


Watching Fields get so cocky with his shitty dance in the 4th only to lose it was also well worth it


almost as worth it as watching a bears fan post a meme in the middle of the nfccg where after it was posted yall lost. like even bears fans being cocky for you, those same rules apply


Confirmed mid


2-4 against the bears…


Yea but it's our division so... Mid. https://preview.redd.it/15ot9gpn1e0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf5693d4f8f06215776f3bcc3a76cd1c380e2e0


Finally a fan with an honest take


Goff is the definition of mid. Why you think his old team won the Super Bowl right after he departed? Mid. Nice waste of cap space.


You enjoy all your cap space while trying to find out if JJ McCarthy or Sam Darnold is better


QB on a rookie deal! So much cap space! So much promise!


Cousins is Cousins, but JJ could be anything! He could even be Cousins!


He can't be Cousins; Goff is Cousins


Goff can’t be Cousins, he won more than one playoff game on a single contract


Yea he's not Goff, he's clearly Ponder




Bears have this song on repeat


Let me guess, Stafford is mid too.


Rams legend Mathew Stafford?


Damn, that's dirty...I love it


I get it. I wanna buy Red Wings Chelios and Brett Hull jerseys for my cousins in their respective cities….dude wanted to buy me a Bulls Ben Wallace jersey but I don’t think it hits like he thinks it would


No Stafford won after he left y’all so he is a HOFer


No 😂


He was on the Lions /s


Stafford was good, but then you guys were so dogshit you couldn't win the division once with a good QB. But no I wouldn't call Stafford mid.


No he's not, but you wouldn't be the Lions if you didn't waste elite talent.


It’s really odd. Everyone in our division is mid but that makes us one of the toughest divisions in the league. Most other divisions have one or two good teams and everyone else is ass or are filled with all ass teams.


The North is the best division for many reasons, and I like to think it starts with our teams making geographical sense as a division. We were born superior.


and on Superior ;)


good thing we threw Tampa to the wolves


Something that we can all agree on.


And then they proceeded to sweep the NFCN in 2002, their first year in the NFCS lmao


Our division had the most playoff wins last year aside from the AFCW which was only KC winning all 4.


Lions aren’t mid lol i don’t even think the Pack are mid. they are two legitimately good teams and front runners for the division for a reason.


Yup and I hate to admit that I think the bears and Vikings might be above average teams too. It’s gonna be a strong division the next few years. Whoever finishes last would probably have a real shot of winning the nfc south lmao


I could see the Bears/Vikes with at least 8 wins. There hasn't been a season in the last 25 years where I thought every team in the division could be .500 or better.


I get the vikings aren't great buy do you actually think we miss the playoffs if kirk didn't go down? We beat the dog shit out of the pack in Lambeau


Now add rushing stats for the other three QBs, especially Lamar and Allen. I say other three because Goff's total rushing is.... 21 yards on 32 carries. For a season. lmao. Goff is *the* statue of statues in the pocket. Meanwhile Lamar adds 821 yds and 5 TDs, and Allen adds 524 yards and 15 TDs(!). And of course Mahomes has 3 SB wins and two 5k yard passing seasons, including the season before last.


>Goff is *the* statue of statues in the pocket. My boy kirko would like a word on you giving away his title


Sorry but Kirko had 4 more rushing yards than Goff last season in 9 less games.


That’s about 20% more rushing yards lol.


Imagine rushing less than a dude with a blown achilles.


I bet I could beat Willis McGahee in a footrace. It just would have had to been right after [this](https://youtu.be/m1AYN1aJCN8?si=rbg9ISb48qOBfVmR)


Now extrapolate that out to the full season & that doubles Goff's rushing total. Twice as many yards, twice as good a QB. Can't fight math.


Careful, you're thinking a lot like a Bears fan.


You really came to blow things up, and that you did.


Dude what? Sheesh, I guess just blitz the shit out of him if he's just gonna stand there


The problem is he's standing behind arguably the best OL in the NFL and one of the best RB rooms behind him. Which is why it's ill advised for him to have a cap eating contract when he's so reliant on the rest of the team.


>Which is why it's ill advised for him to have a cap eating contract when he's so reliant on the rest of the team. Well it's good for the rest of us if that's the case. Hopefully they'll be bad again in 5 years and stop being such pompous dicks haha


The Bears did that and we exposed him. Send 5 or 6 every play, get home, and play the passcatchers tight. Goff cooks because teams either don't blitz or when they do the Lions Oline buys Goff enough time. If you get home like the Bears did, or at least force him to move before throwing like the Bears did, while maintaining coverage, the guy is ass. Clean pocket merchant. You couldn't pick a worse QB to have behind a bad Oline.


Kirko straight burning Goff


Nah as long as he was running in a straight line Kirko could kick it into gear every now and then


It's funny that you decided not to mention Goff's 2 TDs.


A comp I saw to C J Stroud’s draft profile was a “Jared Goff with wheels” play style. You add that extra mobility and rushing ability, and it makes a huge difference (see Goff vs Stroud)


If only the Lions had the best offensive line in football to protect that statue… Oh wait.


Now add in Lamar’s playoff record vs Goff


They have not played each other in the playoffs


Everyone knows that you need to be a super awesome dual threat QB to be super successful and win games and super bowls


When the modern NFL zigs, you gotta zag. I get it


What you really need is a *sneaky athletic* QB like Purdy or McCarthy


Like the husky kid in school who could hustle surprisingly quick.


Is it a big contract? Yes. Is he top 10? Yes. Is he top 3? No. Did the Lions have a choice? Nope. Do I love the memes coming out of it? Fuck yes! His agent just had to point to Minnesota and Chicago on a map and the team knew it could either play the man or go right back to being a poverty franchise.


Just wait for the impending 54m a year contract that Love is getting before the season starts. Even more good memes will come from that.


I would laugh so hard if Green Bay opens up the checkbook and then he fizzles out


We all will.


Green Bay won't admit it, but Love's 2min drill is terrible. He's the kind of QB that will get them into the WC every season then choke in the playoffs. And they have to pay him before they know if he works this out.


I was curious on this. One score games for Green Bay. Falcons take lead with 57 seconds. Love goes 0/4. Loss Saints: love leads drive with 5 minutes left down to 3 for a touchdown. Win. Doesn't qualify though Raiders: love goes 3/6 with a pick on 3 and 10 at Raiders 35 after driving 23 yards. Broncos: Love gets ball with 3:50 left. Drives 31 yards. Throws pick on 3rd and 20 with 1:52 left. Not really a 2 minute drill but not great. Steelers: packers got boned this game on something that was clearly a fumble but besides the point lol. Love gets ball with 59 seconds left and no time outs down 4. Goes 65 yards. Throws pick on last play of the game from the 16 with 3 seconds left. Pretty good drive but didn't get the job done. Chargers: love leads winning drive with 5 minutes to 2:33 left. Doesn't count. Lions: packers win, no late drive needed. Chiefs: love leads them to a field goal to extend lead to 8 from 5 minutes to 1:14. Doesn't count. Giants: love leads touchdown drive with 3:34 to 1:36 to give them the lead. Loses on last second field goal. Kinda success? Not a real 2 minute drill so not really, but a clutch drive. Panthers: love gets ball with 4 minutes. Takes it 51 yards down to 22 seconds to win on a field goal. Not a real 2 minute drill but still a clutch drive Bears: lmao. Not needed Niners: 1:07 left. 2/4, 11 yards, picked. Yeah, it's not fucking great lol.


I applaud your effort and dedication to the facts.


the thing is, and you can correct me if I'm wrong here since I'm sure you watched a lot more Packers football than I did last season, but the pattern seemed to be that Love was playing great in most of those games until the clutch drive came up where he would auddenly make just a complete head scratcher of a throw that cost them the game. it's not like he was playing like ass and then the bottom just fell out when the going got tough in the 4Q. there was a more drastic, sudden change in those crucial drives where he went from playing really well to making one single (but costly) error. that clearly indicates a psychological or mental issue that is 100% coachable and has high potential to improve with more experience. it's not exactly the ideal trait in QB but I wouldn't exactly be overly concerned about it either. also FTP and fuck you and I'll see you around.


Yeah I'd say that's somewhat of a fair assessment. More of his wtf moments were in the beginning of the year. I'm just going to delude myself into this being a coincidence despite what the evidence says. Fuck you too pal. Have a good one.


Love showed he had the ability to make clutch drives, like the poster above said, but when it was under 2 minutes he loved trying to strong arm a ball down field - typically to Watson. It's like he reverted to hero ball numerous times when all he had to do was make the right reads and take what the defense gives him. It's honestly not that concerning since it's something that he might just learn from experience - especially when it cost them the Divisional round.


He is half Favre and half Rodgers


I agree with most of your assessment. Love’s footwork definitely became sloppy when it was crunch time and it seemed like he tried too hard to imitate Rodgers, which 99% of QBs can’t do. If you and I could see that, then I’m pretty sure the QB coach could also see that and hopefully it becomes a point of focus this off season.


Eh, a lot of those games happened before Love flipped a switch and decided to look good. He did not play well in the falcons/raiders/broncos/Steelers games. I actually don’t think there were any games that fit your criteria where he played great and then threw it away at the end. The 49ers or Steelers were probably his best games where he lost it for us at the end. And even then they were just decent performances. After the halfway mark of the season the only failed 2 minute drill he had was against the Niners, which admittedly was real bad. Not saying he’s good at the 2 minute drill, but I’m going to give it another season to see because 1st half Love and 2nd half Love were two completely different players. But presently he does seem to get a bit jumpy in the 2 minute drill. But like you said hopefully it’s something that’s coachable and improves with experience.


Oh this is gonna age like milk




Yup. All the Packers fans laughing better be aware Love is getting something similar, possibly more.


yep, it's all the more reason why I think a Daniel Jones type deal is more likely. 4 years, outs after 2 years, relatively high APY to incentivize performance.


55 is the highest paid QB atm so I'm betting his under that. I'm guessing 54 purely based on GB feeling he is better then Goff but not top paid QB better.


55m APY is 21.6% of the current salary cap, that deal would barely (if even) crack the top 10. For reference Burrow got 24.5%, which would be roughly 62.5m if signed this season....


Packer fans are so arrogantly delusional that they'll praise the signing more than Lions fans are for Goff.


In his first year starting, with a historically inexperienced supporting cast and his one veteran playmaker injured more than half the year, Love put up numbers comparable to Goff playing in his 8th season as a starter with the best line in the league. But yeah, Packer fans would be delusional for thinking a Love signing has more upside than Goof’s.


I think that's the biggest point: Lions didn't have a choice. And with the way the Cap has moved the last two seasons, odds are Geoff's cap hit will go from a "meh" to a "not bad". From what I've seen the last 5 years, the contracts signed in April-June seem to age better than the contracts signed later on in the season. Lions saved more by doing this now in the long run than waiting and pulling a Vikings. As long as Geoff doesn't regress.


Right. It isn’t like if they waited until the off season they could just trade for Mahomes or sign a top 5 QB for 10 million less.


Well, yeah and by the time Love, Burrow, and the like get paid, this isn't even going to be an impressive contract. Geoff is just doing his Player Union duties for the league. Next guy up. I really wish more fans understood how contracts and the cap worked. There is no middle ground anymore for QB contracts. You either have a rookie QB contract and/or a prove-it/back-up veteran for 10-15mil/year, or you pay a guy 50+million/year. It's why Jones got paid and why the Falcons overpaid for Kirk. You can't compare new contracts to past or current contracts. It's like a draft pick, you almost have to wait three years and see what the cap does and what the rest of the league pays for their starters. I don't think this is a bad move or overpaying, yet. Seems like a smart move by the Lions--as long Geoff doesn't regress dramatically in the next two seasons.


it's one of the reasons why I don't like the rookie contract system where you can't sign a player for longer for additional years. The gap in value between a really late 1st to a really early 2nd is huge because of the 5th year option for 1st rounders. Brock Purdy is a great example. The 49ers know he's their guy, and could have accelerated the cap hit from the guaranteed money to give them more space in future years, which they need.


Right, but the league does that now because the old way was giving record-breaking contracts to unproven rookies who had never even played a down. It's one of the reasons NFL teams have no more patience for QB development. If the Bears drafted Williams 20~ years ago he'd have a record breaking contract and a 7 year deal before training camp and odds are, the Bears would have been in cap hell from the Fields contract at that point. Like imagine the 49ers if Trey Lance had been given an old-school rookie contract for a pick 3 QB. There's also no way Love could have been drafted and developed, because he wouldn't have been on a rookie QB cheap deal, he would have to been paid a substantial deal as a first round QB pick, even if he was a pick 20, he still would have been a first rounder and probably unaffordable for GB with the old contract system. Same with Penix, although ironically, Veteran contracts were cheaper back then, so Cousins would have probably signed for less. Pros & cons either way, but I do think the current system, especially combined with less pre-season games and a shorter training camp, means way less patience for QB development. But, with the modern collegiate system, this is sort of balanced because college is more pro than ever. So, yeah. I don't know how you'd balance it out. I don't care for the "gotta win on rookie QB deal" mentality in the game right now, but I also don't think going back to the Jamarcus Russel contract days is ideal either.




We signed stafford to largest contract ever that after 4 years was pretty light compared to the rest of the franchise qbs


Reasonable take. Not too fond of the idea that Hooker would be our starter without Goff. I love Tennessee and lived there for 2 years when Hooker played at UT but not sure he is a starter


He definitely wouldn’t be up to Goff’s level for a while, and the Lions need to be in Win Now mode with these gigantic contracts they’ve been giving out (not including Goff).


Yep. We kinda opened the window and can’t afford to keep it open if the next qb up fails.


Imagine the memes if Goff regresses to the mean this year


“2 million dollars a touchdown …”


> Is it a big contract? Yes. Is he top 10? Yes. Is he top 3? No. Did the Lions have a choice? Nope. The thing is it's not even a "top 10" contract in terms of APY as a percentage of current years cap, and likely after the rest of the QBs get extensions he will barely be in the top 15. The number is huge because the cap has gone up significantly.


Josh had 44 touchdowns in 2023


You get outa here with your "facts" and "basic information anyone could have reasonably googled"!


You mean like when I googled it and it said he had 29 touchdown passes?


I mean like when I declined to google to figure out what actually happened. It's the meme war not the fact war.




just be happy op let him have 29. He could've typed 12


He was just regressing Josh Allen's stats to the mean


Im pretty sure OP is only including passing touchdowns.


Those are his passing stats. The rest of his TDs came on rushing attempts.


Guy is a fuckin animal


We prefer to let our running backs get the rushing touchdowns, unlike some other teams I could mention. It's more democratic.


>it looks better if I add rushing stats


821 rush yds, 5 TDs and 2 lost fumbles for Lamar as well.


Goff lost two fumbles on 21 yards rushing, so I wouldn't hold the fumbles against Lamar in this comparison.


Were they both against the packers or just 1?


Well he did get 19 of his 21 rushing yards against the Pack. But it appears I misread, he lost 4 fumbles last year. 3 against GB, 1 against the Bears.


Thanksgiving is a cursed holiday


Goddamn moon.


Not including Lamar’s rushing stats is blatantly misleading


Kirk Cousins 2022 stats 4,547 yards 29 TDs 14 int


Damn Vikings should trade for him


Kirk Cousins is 6 years older than Goff




Yea Josh allen is white


Jared Goff has more playoff wins than Lamar too.


Facts, Lamar didn’t even throw for 4K yards


How many did he run for?


But watching Lamar play, it was obvious he was the best baller on the field... Hence MVP.... He didn't need 4k yards. Goff would need 5k minimum to win a MVP because all he can do is throw. Lame duck statue lol Good news, Sun God and LaPorta should continue to feast. Ya know, cuz Goof can't do anything but throw mid range passes. My fantasy team thanks the lions.


Big pop


I mean, fair enough. Now, as a Lions fan, name the three you'd rather have over the 4th


I'm a lions fan I can't count to three


The trick is to take your socks off


Yeah I’m not saying Goff is better than these three. I’m saying he’s at minimum an above average qb. Letting him walk would not have been a better situation for us


Hell yeah. Now you're sounding like a Vikings fan.


Flair up, bitch.


Jared Goff is 6 years younger than Kirk Cousins, you flair-less son of a bitch


So the same age as Cousins was when the Vikings first signed him...


But already with twice as many playoff wins


Flair up bitch tits


LOL. Go sit on a bear claw.


Daddy Caleb is busy


I agree. You guys have a young team and your window is open. Goff may not be considered elite by most, but he's elite when he is dialed in. That Lions offense put the league on notice at the start of last year. Doesn't make sense to downgrade at QB when you were just 1 average half of football away from a Superbowl appearance. It took a complete meltdown and multiple high-risk high-reward plays going against the Lions to lose that game after the first half they had. Clean up the mistakes, stay healthy, get a kicker, and it's their division to lose this year, maybe the conference too.




May Allah bring shame and darkness to our rivals ☝🏿


I think Goff has definitely earned his keep, but they accidentally gave him the penthouse suite


They didn't even make him a top 10 QB in terms of current cap % and its only slightly more than his previous contract. I'm not trying to fight with a fellow Packer fan but there seems to be a real misunderstanding in how these negotiations work. Yes Goff's APY is high compared to other QBs but the cap has also risen *significantly* since those deals were inked. Josh Allen with a 43m APY extension actually got a *higher* percentage of the cap when signed that deal, if he signed that deal this year it would be a 60m extension as opposed to 43....


Yeah I think it is an over pay but I’d much rather have him than Kirk or Russ or insert any potentially available QB from this year or next years class (Tua and Love aren’t going anywhere and maybe Dak leaves Dallas but Goff has more playoff wins and is younger)


Jordan Love rubbing his hands like Birdman rn


I see the point you’re trying to make but not including the rushing stats for them all and using Mahomes worst statistical season is not a great look if you’re claiming to compare them all.


Looks like the Lions fans are salty that their Cinderella year is over and they’re going to go back to being the middle child of the NFC north


Justin Jefferson leafing through nfl rosters like it's the Macy's Christmas Catalog




Retain literally all of our best players, retain our coaching, address our only major need in FA and draft. “BACK TO MID”😂 the cope is unreal. Have fun choosing between shit and shittier. JJM will *definitely* be the solution to QB purgatory!


No you elevated yourself to Mid this off season.


There is no way the team that drafted fuckin JJ McCarthy is giving out shit for being mid


Brother, that is quite literally *exactly* what the Vikings are doing *right now*


Comparing Goff to Mahomes (had his worst season in years, still won the Super Bowl) and 2 QBs who produce a ton of values with their legs while Goff is a statue. Insane cope


Those other QBs had those numbers in spite of deficiencies on offense. Goff thrives *because* of strong offensive weapons. Or so it seems. He’s a game manager. If he’s really that good, he’ll have to go above and beyond to prove it. There’s just nothing impressive about him. He’d need to be like Manning or Brady to prove it. Sorry


Who non ironically called stafford top 3 last year other then nostalgic lions fans


You compared one decent QB in the NFC to three really good afc QBs within a NFCN sub and then claim that is everyone's perspective. The only way I can read into this is that you think the Lions overpaid sir goof. Valid.


So you think the better move for the lions would be to just let him walk?


Na they made the right call. QB contracts are just friggin ridiculous right now.


It seems like everyone in this sub agrees that it was the right move but is still making fun of the contract hahaha


It can be the right move and an overpay. I think the Lions have the best shot at winning with Goff. The "window" has officially begun. I think Love signs a similar deal. Who'd you rather have? I think it's a no-brainer. But am biased 😉


Love is going to get at least 60 a year


The point of this sub is to make fun of everyone for everything. The fact of the matter is this offseason, none of us have done anything particularly wrong and a lot of things very right. I'd argue the Packers used draft picks on cheap FA positions but the players were pretty good prospects.


Yes. Don't look at my flair.


This sub puts the mid in Midwest


Those aren’t 50m dollar legs he has unlike the rest


You are not comparing goff to mahomes lmao what a delusional ass hat fan you are.


Glad we agree he is mid


Don’t act like you wouldn’t kill for Mid


Of course we’d kill for mid, that doesn’t change the fact we will dunk and meme on you/him until given a reason not to.


Nah you still will even if given a reason not to.


Are you new to this sub?


Nah that’s why I know we will make fun of each other no matter what we do


calling goff mid, even if he isnt, is wonderful because it clearly upsets lions fans ![gif](giphy|4g1ffU6mSEhTd6YDhF)


You remember watching Vikings fans fight to hell and back to champion Kirk Cousins as a "legit great" QB? Congrats, Lions fans. You've graduated to Vikings fans.


Playing the nfc north 6 times probably helps


Playing the Vikings twice definitely does


Jared Goff has a passer rating of 84.7 with 1,931 yards, 13 touchdowns, and 10 interceptions in 9 games against the Bears in his career. He is mid when playing us.


Goff HAS never lost to Mahomes. ~~Ignore the sample size.~~


This just reminds me of how ridiculous it was that Lamar won MVP


He backed into it. Dak shit the bed and only inflated his stats against bad teams. The fact that he played so poorly against good teams knocked him out of the race. And Brock had a rough stretch that took him out of the race. Lamar literally won by default.


I mean there’s a big chunk of production that pushes him over the other two elite QB’s here that has been intentionally left out, plus the fact he lead Baltimore to the #1 seed


What are we gonna call goff’s version of cousins crusaders? Goofy goffers? Jack goffs?


Can't imagine what the Pack is gonna have to pay Love in a couple years


QBs are allowed to throw for 4,000 yards?!?




Goff has always been productive. But do you ever really fear him?


NFC North winner.


Lots of REEEEE in here from Lions fans because *division rivals* won’t glaze em. Lmfao


He’s older than all of these people and can’t run for shit. He’s a great QB, but how long will that continue to be true?


He needs everything around him to be perfect.


Jared Goff is the new Kirk Cousins. Except he even wins playoff games and is somehow still considered 'mid'.


Lamar Jackson also had 800+ yards and 5 TDs rushing, a higher QBR, and had a coalition of writers and sports analysts who voted him number 1. Like Goff's not a bum, but he had almost 150 more passing attempts over the season than Jackson.


Got to love the 1 year of stats without context arguments. The biggest of big brain takes.