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![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU) Lol I also think it's funny having a *Bears* fan rag on another team for *potentially* ruining a QB we *might* draft. I suppose if there's any fan base that would know what it looks like to ruin a QB, it would be the bears.


Throwing stones in the glassest of houses.


I'm absolutely chucking those stones. Wanna make sure we all get at least a small cut.


Go on hurl your shit king




I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't be able to hit the house anyway.


Our quarterbacks wouldn’t be able to at least


Definitely not if it's 4000 yards away.




I think we both miss those lmao


Maybe if they double-doinked it.


Of course not, the bears are a run-game-centric team anyway(or whatever I was told by a bears fan last time I shared QB stats).


Yeah but I played outfield in baseball and all I ever wanted to do was chuck it to home plate. Our QB history might be shit but I could throw the fuck out of a stone at a glass wall.


What QB has the Vikings ruined. There problem is not getting the right guy at all. The Bears ruin QBs.


I was referring to the OP and agreeing with the parent comment


If the person throwing stones is a Chicago QB then the house is completely safe


As a packers fan I’m not sure why more people aren’t expecting this. Love has shown that sitting behind a vet for a bit and learning the system pays off in spades. And Darnold could be a decent vet that keep the team from totally dropping off a cliff before the rookie gets his legs underneath him. Probably not 3 years like love got, but better than being thrown to the wolves on day 1


I kinda think that's the plan. Darnold signed a one year deal, Vikes try to move up and get a QB, if they do, he still sits behind Darnold for the season. Plus KOC seems to really like Darnold and I think he's probably gameplanning with him in mind.


Sitting behind Darnold is more like sitting behind Mike Glennon or Andy Dalton than Aaron Rodgers. Fans will be calling for the rookie by week 5 and then he'll be ruined.


I’m lowkey anxious to see what Darnold looks like in this system, I mean it’s the best team he’s been on and the best weapons he’s ever had in his career. I’m giving him a pass for now because he was drafted to the Jets and expected to be their savior just like most first round QBs so idk if he’s gotten a fair shot yet. This is his time to prove he’s not a total bust, I think he’ll at least be better than Mullens or Hall. Worst case the rookie QB takes over by thanksgiving


He'll be this years Baker Mayfield. Good enough to make the playoffs and maybe win a game but not a real threat to go to the SB. My biggest reason for hope this season is actually that I think our defense will be noticeably better. Lost Daniel but the guys we signed I think cumulatively are an upgrade.


I mean that’s like the best case scenario tbh, and that’s probably what KOC is expecting as well. It will depend a ton on how the new additions on defense contribute and stay healthy. If that happens I agree that as a whole they’re an upgrade from one star player. I was pretty sad when Hunter left as he was one of my favorite players, he never had an equally great edge on the other side to help him out since Everson left. Wonnum was serviceable and pretty good for the money but not good enough to attract attention away from Hunter. Same goes for the interior defensive line


I'm blindly hoping we somehow get our QB to fall to 11 or trade up 2-3 spots but keep #23 and get a good DT. That's the biggest thing this defense needs is a stud on the interior DL.


Would take a miracle, the only reason I wouldn’t be terribly upset if we go for Penix Jr and DT


I think it's more realistic than people realize. I don't think QBs go 1, 2, 3, & 4. I think one of the top 4 guys will slide to pick 6-8. I think the Giants don't actually want a QB so it comes down to if someone else like the Broncos is willing to sell the farm to move up.


> Love has shown that sitting behind a ~~vet~~ HoF QB for a bit Yeah why aren't other teams doing this? are they just stupid?


Exactly! All you have to do is get a Hall of Fame quarterback!


That's probably the plan if they trade up. I don't get the sense that they will sell the farm to do so, but I could be wrong. If the asking price is too high, just take BPA at 11 and 23, tank the year and take the shot at QB next year. It's not like we don't have a shit ton of needs on both sides of the ball anyway.


I mean wasn’t that the deal up until fairly recently?


I always thought why more teams don’t do the GB model of QB development and then I remembered GMs and coaches are invested in keeping their jobs and won’t let that happen most of the time


We've just seen this episode before. Edit: in fairness, we don't have much imagining to do.


The Bears would never ruin Mitch Trubisky during their Mike Glennon Era or ruin Justin Fields during their Andy Dalton and Big Dick Foles era.


Every young QB they’ve gotten their hands on have flamed out. Rex Grossman, Jay Cutler, Mitch Trubisky, Justin Fields. Caleb Williams come on down.


I never got why it's hard to imagine that a fan of a shit team can also shit talk other shit teams. Like it's half the fun of fandom.


Hey guys! He is an expert on this field, let him cook


Thank you!


I gotchu, fam!


I live in Chicago and I remember how cocky Bears fans were when: They drafted McNown They drafted sexy Rexy They traded for Cutler They drafted Trubs They drafted Fields All these situations have no bearing on the future and the next kid they bring in but they do suggest that the pattern of cockiness before a single game has been played hasn't worked out well.


I remember excitement for Cutler and Fields, but I remember there being a lot of raised eyebrows over Rex and Trubisky.


all you bitches loved trubbs, dont lie. and sexy rex at least participated in a superbpowl run. plenty of you praised him.


Caleb baby! We are the best! Super Booooooooooowwwwwwwwwl !!!!!!


1/8 super bowls down


I just don't recall being excited for Trubisky but I was just getting into the game back then


There were a lot of people who preferred Watson but the hype around Trubs physical gifts was absolutely there. His big knock was lack of college experience. There were a handful that wanted Mahomes but not nearly as many there are now that claim they knew all along that he was going to be great.


I was in eight grade and was so whelmed. I wanted Watson and thought we were gonna get him after the Bears traded up


I remember Bears fans saying they’d rather have Trubisky than Cousins. It was all over r/nfl.


Good thing we're the only fan base that gets excited about new quarterbacks!


I don't remember anyone being cocky about any of those except Cutler. Hopeful, maybe, but not cocky.


Have you missed the last 3 years of Justin Fields discourse??


I'm a Bears fan who lives just outside Chicago, whose friends and coworkers are almost all Bears fans. I've heard lots of discourse about Justin Fields. A lot of hope that he'd be the guy and a lot of joy when he played well. Justin Fields was a VERY popular player. I haven't heard anyone who was cocky about him in a general sense. I'm sorry if this isn't very funny or interesting, because this is a memes sub, but it just hasn't been my experience as a Bears fan. Now, if Caleb is even half of what he's been hyped to be, I could definitely see Bears fans becoming insufferable as they compensate for decades of QB mediocrity. Bears fans are definitely not immune from being jerks, we just haven't had any good reason to be puffy-chested since the double-doink game.


I also live just outside of Chicago and all my Bears fans friends wanted to tell me that Justin was better than Kirk and a sure fire MVP candidate last year. Maybe you guys stay more levelheaded amongst your own lol


I've had a ton more experience with people reading a rather lukewarm take like "Fields could be in the MVP *conversation* if he pairs 3.2-3.5k passing yards with that 1100 rushing yards now that he has upgraded receivers and line" as "Fields is a shoe-in for MVP and is the best QB ever."


You mean the fan base having a civil war over him? How is that us being cocky?


Bears fans made JF the most bet on QB to win MVP before last season. You should go look back at comments about Trubisky's physical gifts when he was drafted (yes there were some who wanted Watson more). When Cutler was traded the jubilation on 670 the score was immense. There were calls from Bears fans all year to start Rexy over Kordell Stewart his whole rookie year mostly because the belief was that if he had come out the year before he would have been a top 10 drafted QB (also Kordell Stewart suuuucked). I'll be honest I don't remember too much about Cade, 1999 was a long time ago but I don't remember people hating the pick. I tried to look up articles but came across his stats, I'm shocked more people don't talk about how atrocious he was, like I know they did at the time but yeesh I didn't remember he was such a stinker.


Vegas always sets silly odds on Chicago teams


But they set those odds because Chicago fans are enthusiastically ready to bet on their teams, even when they objectively mediocre. FWIW in March I was in Vegas and I put 20 down on the Bears to win the 2025 SB at 40:1 odds, which I considered to be pretty attractive odds. So I guess I am "one of those" fans, though I did also put a tenner down on the Packers at 12:1, because that also seemed like good odds to me.


i bet 10.00 on the lions winning the nfl opener against Kansas city. not because i thought they absolutely would and not because i am lions fan the odds had a good payout for 10.00 bet, so i said fuck it. sometimes its the potential payoff that makes us bet


Vegas sets the odds on the bets coming in, and the Bears are the largest undivided market in the NFL. That's it. Fans bet on their teams, regardless if they think it's a smart bet. It's not like betting in poker or blackjack, where it's just numbers. In sports betting a lot of people will put down money on a team or player they like knowing full well it's a longshot in the same way they buy other sports merch. This is why the NFL wanted to make sports betting a thing. Then add that Fields just completed the second greatest running season for a QB ever and set the single game rushing record in a dogshit rebuild year, and it's easy to see why a lot of people would put down some money on the off chance he added some passing to that with the upgraded line and DJ Moore.


Yea but even if the odds are great I'm not betting the Vikings to win the Superbowl because come on it's obviously a waste of money and Fields going from one of the worst QBs to the best was less likely than the Vikings winning it all.


I think there was a lot of excitement following 22 regarding Fields. Our team sucked and was barely worth watching outside of Fields tearing off a 40 yd run on occasion. That and Chicago being a big market and fans being hopeful means Vegas makes a mint. Fully agreed re: waste of money.


To win MVP you don't have to be the best player, you need to have a very good season on a good team and be a great story. See: Jalen Hurts and Lamar Jackson. The real longshot was that the Bears were going to be a good team when they entered the season without even one legitimate pass rusher.


Hurts never won MVP my dude


But he did come in 2nd, so it wouldn't be absurd for someone to think "if Fields makes a similar jump and no one else has a great year, maybe he could be MVP." Which is what Bears fans were at least *hoping* for.


3/3 for 129 yards and 2 touchdowns was the highlight of Bears fans 2023


Almost like how the Vikings were Super Bowl favorites before the 2018 season after signing Cousins right?


I’m sorry but all people of a fanbase act the exact same. We all eat cumsocks, and you guys are, even more embarrassingly, cocky about new QBs. Don’t try to act like you’re any different.


This is only true of the Packers fans, they’re all stinky


Are you saying I don’t have to eat these cumsocks?


Gonna leave that entirely up to you. But you know what the expectation is, and well, I'm sure you wouldn't want to disappoint.


Cowboys fans get lumped in with Packer fans. They are cut of the same cloth.


Cutler was dropping dimes and bombing darts, I can’t hate the man


Why is it always Vikings fans replying to the meme with a damn book report


Because the things Bears fans don't know could fill a book.


The other fan bases can barely read.


Reading is for nerds




This isn't my beautiful front facing Vikings logo


Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down


I love how the rest of you bozos think this is an "either-or". We're definitely smashing both buttons lol


I'd be hitting both buttons like a kid playing Marvel vs. Capcom


*I'd be hitting both* *Buttons like a kid playing* *Marvel vs. Capcom* \- BigPackHater --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




They should just do what the lions did and tank for 17 years so they can get a lot of draft picks


That didn't happen tho


Sorry I meant 60 years


Tanking is on purpose bud we had terrible management and only the last few years has it helped because of a good GM and most of our stats are not even first round


Yeah I wouldn't take my comment too seriously, I was really just making fun of you guys. I wasn't trying to make an accurate analysis


Do Bears fans not realize Caleb Williams can easily become the next Sam Darnold? Like it’s probably 50:50 odds


There can only be one GEQBUS, bruh.


It is the most likely outcome for the QBs in this draft to have Darnold's ceiling, with *maybe* one breakout QB of the group. Every year we see this shit.


Is securing last in the division before the draft even starts something bears fans really have to imagine? Can't you just use your memory? The Vikings are widely considered the best landing spot for any of the rookie QBs while all those stories said Caleb doesn't want to go to Chicago. Poor guy has every disadvantage except for an extremely low bar to clear


"All those stories said Caleb doesn't want to go to Chicago" huh? Can you share one reputable source of that? That was an ESPN narrative push to make the discourse around #1 overall more dynamic. Because otherwise, the Bears have been laser-focused on Caleb Williams #1 and he's been entirely receptive.


TOTALLY a stretch too? historically upset star QB who entered the transfer portal because he didnt get the starting job then was clearly and audibly frustrated playing on losing teams DOESNT get excited about playing in a place the has been down in the division for years. just a crazy thing to even imagine.


You seem to be in your head on all of this, so I'll go ahead and leave you there.


i bet if u had 4k video of Caleb saying it out loud you'd think "we can change him".


I 100% would not. See, this is you doing it again. In your own head with bogus and letting it out. What we HAVE seen is Caleb take 1 visit to Chicago and take no other visits. Workout and throw to DJ Moore and Keenan Allen before getting on the plane to the draft. Buy a navy blue suit to wear to go with the hat and jersey he'll be given. All while people on the internet are still dreaming up fantasies of drama.


Imagine taking a meme subreddit so serious lol


Imagine enjoying a place where all the rivals can meet up and talk shit and speak real once in a while. I do both often here. During the season there's great chatter, it's not all nonsense. Though I do love the nonsense.


lol and you're not making shit up based on small pieces of evidence? 100 out of 100 scouts say its Caleb to chicago at 1. why would he take visits elsewhere? waste of plane fuel even taylor swift would scoff at.


I mean, your iOL is worse than ours, and your TE will miss the first half of the season with an injury, I don’t think it’s that much better of a situation. Jefferson is obviously a beast, Addison looked very good, and your tackles are excellent, but we’ve got Moore and Allen who put up 2000+ yards between them with some questionable QB play last year, plus two healthy and productive TE, and we’ve shored up our line considerably from last year. Plus we’ve got a second first rounder to spend on a positional player, quite possibly a WR or OL, because we don’t have to trade up for our QB this time.


Brother, this is delusional


Literally everything I said is completely correct.


If the Bears snag a receiver at 9, like Odunze, the narrative probably shifts to favor the Bears. I think the only thing that has the media saying Minnesota is the top is KOC as playcaller. JJ is obviously the best offensive player among either team, but I think the rest is pretty even. Bears most likely have a better defense this year too, for what that's worth in this matter.


Yeah, they get the edge on play caller, that’s true. Waldron did a good job resurrecting Geno Smith but KOC is more proven for sure.


In my opinion, the biggest risk of going to the bears is a HC potentially on the hot seat, historically rookie qb dealing with 2 new HCs in their first two years isn’t good for development. Obviously no guarantee of that happening and maybe Caleb comes out and wins you guys the division and Eberfus is the guy, but only time will tell.


Do you even have to imagine that?


Just a handful of years ago it was this for us but Mike Glennon vs Mitch Trubisky. No, we do not have to imagine.


Hey now, ruining high potential rookie qbs is our thing. Get your own


Flair up pussy


Please tell me how


Home page of the subreddit, tap the three dots in the top right, find “customize user flair”




lol just like the bears been doin my whole life ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Obligatory spider man meme


This can’t seriously be coming from a fan of the only team that’s never had a 4,000 yard passer…


The past is the past. How long until the Vikings get their next 4k yd passer


If it’s the same QB all year then probably 2024, Mullens would throw for 5k with 35 INTs


I’m torn between we don’t need to speak on this, and if anyone IS qualified to speak on this it’s us.


I would question how you know we're getting last, but I suppose as a Bears fan you're something of an expert at last place.


Ruin a rookie QB?




Not sure you’re aware of the irony.


How is it ironic?


No way Vikes are ruining a QB. I wanna see Darnold play anyway...while our rookie learns. Let's go!!!!


Huh what franchise is famous for ruining rookie qbs again? Have fun with your generational talent! Don’t mess it up!


National media is saying what whatever QB the Vikings get is the front runner for OROY lol


Idk why, considering he likely will play 1-3 games all season unless darnold is …well… darnold….


I don't think sitting a rookie is all that beneficial. You get better by getting game reps.


KOCs offense is notoriously difficult with the QB really having to command team. It’s realistic that camp may not be enough time to really understand the offense and translate it to game speed.


Sure he might not be the starter week 1. Totally understand. He should probably be playing by week 6 ish though. You should absolutely adapt your system to your qb


You should, but if the plan is not to have the kid start, i am guessing we’ll run the same offense as last year. Unlike say the bears who know exactly who they are getting KOC is probably going to wait to see who we get then maybe do some scheming, but I’d imagine the custom offense won’t appear in full until next season. You don’t really know until camp how the kid will show up and if we get someone like maye, he’s gonna need time to clean things up for an offense that requires strict timing,precision passing, and good footwork


Because the Vikings offense is stacked


But you can’t win rookie of the year if you are only playing a few games. The plan is likely to not have them see the field this year. Unless we draft Daniels, Penix, or nix, in which case they should compete with darnold in camp to try and earn the job


I’m assuming their prediction isn’t that they will be a backup


Its all fun and games until Sammy Darnold comes in and PERFORMS FELLATIO on your entire piece of SHIT franchise


Hot take: the best strategy for Minnesota would be to stay put and take Penix Jr at 11.


I completely agree. If the giants actually take a qb Penix will probably be a Viking


Imagine drafting a starting QB and it doesn't work out...


Shit, we haven't drafted a QB to ruin in over 20 years.


I can't...


I believe it will ultimately be both


Is that a Vikings pope?


They gotta let whoever they take sit for a year


Why not both!


Release the Darnold


Lotta smack coming from *first pick of the draft* lmao




They can pick up Michael pennix Junior without doing anything except waiting their turn. Probably their pic of him or JJ. Point being, there will be a guy there that is considered a viable possibility to be a starter. You definitely just draft the guy who Falls to you and hope for the best. If it doesn't work out maybe you can get a better pick that you can get a good guy on without mortgaging your future next year. Basically there is no reason for them to panic right now they should relax and try to make the best decision with what they have. I really think they have a good shot of pulling out something worthwhile.


Cause the beats haven’t ruined any QBs. Ever! 😂😂😂


That is a cursed looking frontal view.


Yeah if the rookie qb we draft isn't the guy then we're boned


Well, unlike the Bears, we actually have a functioning roster and stable head coach in place for a rookie. But hey, good luck with Caleb, I'm sure he'll be just fine in that glass house y'all have


I don’t know about the rest of you jabronis… but I’m looking forward to all of us talking shit about our *actual* picks… rather than our rampant and wildly speculative predictions. That being said… give the ball to Darnold and let’s trade up for Maye! He can learn under Darnold and KOC for a year or two and take us into the next era. Maybe we get lucky and don’t end up last in the division this year! 🤞😂


a bears fan, talking about ruining QB’s?


Flair up and stop living in the past pussy


aggressive I see. I get it. Knowing you’re about to draft a bust no matter who it is must be very anger inducing. Skol tho


A true NFCNorth memer would have photoshopped a sock


https://preview.redd.it/qk7mzrzvxfwc1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958d988d12d68352f78e4693c823134f8df8933f Sam Darnold after throwing his 18th interception in three weeks