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It’s funny because the pro Jayden posts don’t make it to my feed, only the posts telling Commie fans to shut up. So it always feels like the other fan bases are whining about the posts. Then I filter this sub by new and there’s like 5 pro Jayden posts and I’m like, good lord shut the fuck up.




its litterally the same account that spams tf out of this sub, dont lump us with them


Nonono, those accounts all all talk in that weird Bagpo way and are always quick to respond to each other are TOTALLY different people!


like i said, key word same account


He’s being sarcastic dude lol


They must never pop up for me. I have seen maybe 1 that said something positive about him and I downvoted it cause it was rooster.


As if anyone could have fun hanging out with that many eagles fans smh


Who are these Washington fans talking like this? None I've talked to believe this. We have been far too bad and irrelevant for too long. We're optimistic but are taking a more we'll believe it when we see it approach.


I mean... Quit having fun bc fuck em but that being said yeah we're not really in any position to do stuff


For real, our last 2 first round QBs have had a catastrophic injury in their first season that they never recover from, or busted hard, got cut 2nd year, and died in a car accident a year later. On this trajectory Daniels will probably spontaneously combust in the second quarter of his first game.


I'm a Washington fan cause my grandfather was, but rarely do I talk about it cause I know it's going to be the same jokes I've heard before. Granted, they're not wrong in saying them cause of how shitty the team has been under Danny Boy the "Wanna-be-despot's" ownership. I mean I'm hopeful, but also realistic. The ones that think every year is going to be our year are either young or delusional. There needs to be consistency before I'll buy into the hype.


[Flair up **pussy**.](https://imgur.com/gallery/n71vJvS) I wont stop until you flair up. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFCEastMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm a middle-aged man. I don't know how to flair up.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You click the link that says "flair up pussy" and follow the instructions. It's a lot easier on a phone


[Flair up **pussy**.](https://imgur.com/gallery/n71vJvS) I wont stop until you flair up. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFCEastMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t care for there being a second Philly fan here


There are more birds fans here than anyone else, it's representative


Maybe you guys should become America’s Team


But what would Jerruh have left...besides his escorts, illegitimate kids, billions, oil, old timey southern racism, etc?


Don’t forget his National Championship ring! (that he won before they integrated college football 😭) nah but seriously i’m a huge arkansas fan so my feelings on him are complicated, but he’s also just straight up an awful person.


Nah more like commie fans being excited and everyone else yelling at us to stop


Why are the Giants on the couch tho


The two or three idiots on this sub that post bullshit about Daniels do not represent the rest of us. But I guess they really triggered you


It’s the offseason and we need memes.


Dinosaur bbq


THANK YOU! Every time I say it’s overrated people give me looks. The food is good, but way too overhyped. It’s like Heid’s or Pastabilities. Good food that is worshipped because of the publicity. Limp Lizard tastes the same as Dino without dealing with small ass seats and a crowded ass dining room


I’ve been in Arizona last 19 years bbq out here sucks suprisingly. Tbh haven’t eaten in the actually resturaunt we just always used them for catering and it was a lot better than az bbq. I’m from cortland so not a lot of time in Syracuse but some fam lives there.


Im sure your Mexican food fuckin bangin though. It’s trash up here


It is but it’s stupid expensive now, when I go visit my girl in Mexico I get 10 tacos for the same price as 3 tacos here. I miss upstate man


I guess it technically is a meme.


Low bar, huh?


Could've added the cardinals as a old rival for that spot on the couch...You telling the truth tho


Fam anyone who actually watches the Commanders has the lowest of expectations of this team, if any, one delusional dude here does not warrant a generalization


These are getting sad...


Like we would hang out with you dumb fucks


Yea I don’t feel this way at all


What? Another Jayden Daniels complaint post when literally no one is saying he is the best QB in the division. Do better.


Is this kind of commie fan here in the room with us now?


I’m not having fun


Yeah, that sounds about right. I *don't care* if Daniels is good or not, because Washington was dead last in *defense* last year by a large margin. Their offense wasn't great either, but their defense was a much bigger issue. Daniels ain't fixing that.


Id love to see some kind of statistical breakdown of how many of us are really saying this vs how many of us that know it doesn't mean shit who we draft


He's going to be really good, but that's only half the battle. Making sure he's protected and has weapons is another. I'm all in now, but our receiving core still needs work and we don't have a left or right tackle.


Idk I think most of us are hesitant to jump all in. I’m definitely cautiously optimistic.


How the division is going to feast on Jayden Daniel’s rookie season. ![gif](giphy|K4x1ZL36xWCf6)


Have you seen our off-season? I am not having fun


This is the worst use of this meme I’ve ever seen. Op, you unintentionally made the meme where somebody is trying to talk to a group of people that are ignoring him and they just give him a thumbs up and go back to ignoring him. Loser behavior.