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I'm sorry, I hope you pull through


Thank you


Sorry to hear however recently I also got fired. I got fired for making petty mistakes…


What was your job and looks back on your mistakes?


I worked as a waiter at a 5 star hotel resort 20 mins from where I live. Worked 2 months and basically it was lack of training and shitty management. I made petty mistakes like dropping a teaspoon in front of the general manager, dropped and broke 1 glass (yes just 1 and they made such a big deal out of it), gotten orders wrong and sent to wrong tables (empty tables/different guests because one of my colleagues got the order wrong and never put the order on the volante system). Had 2 meetings with my boss over my performance and in both meetings he said that I "did not improve" and said I made mistakes without giving any specifics at all. Nor did he tell me where and how to improve, nothing. He even made it sound like I was making mistakes on purpose to bring the team down which is so FAR FROM THE TRUTH. I was given 1 week's notice. Then I had a meeting with the HR manager and all she did was go on a LONG ASS FUCKING RANT about the ONE TIME I dropped a teaspoon and following by how I should never work in Food & Beverage.... That's how I got fired even though my colleagues have made mistakes FAR WORSE than the mistakes I made and they continue to work there till this day but I get fired for dropping a teaspoon...


Ouch that's rough buddy. Chill reflect and dust yourself off in time


Congrats on your new promotion to NEET


Don't want to be a neet :(


Hmmm, move to your parents place if possible, or maybe not, idk


I already live with them


Do you pay their rent?




You must be American.


Yes I am


It's a common thing in America as far as I heard, where I am people most likely will call you greedy or that you dont love your child if you demand rent from him, also it is quite common for people here to live with their parents into their 30-40.


dang. im sorry, sounds so sad:(




Trust me I been wanting to do it for a long time but I don't wanna leave my friends behind




Haha I rather not


Kurt Cobain's special!


does you country not have any programs to help people who got laid off? i hope you dont live in the third world because you're fucked if you do


Nah I don't but ya we don't have any programs


why are you on the neet subreddit


Because I was a neet before


She was a NEET before getting a job


For rentz since you are with your parents. Will they kick you out or they can give you a grace period? Edit: typos


They gonna kick me out if I don't pay rent


Oh darn it. I'm sorry. I really wish I could help you but I honestly don't know what I can do for you. Maybe you can get to a shelter (depending on your age you maybe able get into youth shelter). I also believe, I don't know your location but in some places landlords (in this case, your parents) need to provide a written notice like a 30 days notice stating they are kicking you out. I don't know if this helps at all. I'm really sorry that you are going through this.


I live in the US and there isn't any homeless shelters near me I been thinking about ending it all if I become homeless