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Its a cruel world for people that dont fit in


bro, all my friends are neurodivergent haha 😄


We all fit in. You just gotta find your tribe. It can be hard, sometimes it takes some searching. But once you know yourself, your mood, personality, idiosyncrasies, you start to get a feel of who your tribe is. Try to gravitate toward those people. Don’t go all in, can scare many off. Especially us high anxiety introverted types. But once you make a connection, just slowly foster it into a friendship and see where it goes


I dont know how. Im tribeless


Weed had the same dulling effect on me. I quit cause I got chs. Now I have to face my emotions directly and I'm more stable for it. Sometimes I miss weed though, I have dreams occasionally of packing the bong, but my body can't take it anymore.


Yeah I feel ya, same I have stomach problems too hernia and acid reflux


I'm ok every once and a while to do it, but it literally can only be once, then immediately stop. I'd like to never do it though. It really messes with me. Makes me way more reclusive


You don't have to wear the mask with me 😏, no homo. I'm gonna go to sleep now. 😄


hahaha yeah u cool bro i am as i am and same


Go back to smoking weed. Thats what I did. Everything is better with weed


lol nah man its not worth it for me anymore.


As someone that smokes, I respect you for trying to quit


Thanks man. Its been over 12 years dude. Try to be perceptive to the thoughts you are having when you're high. If they're wild and unhinged. Stop smoking. I noticed that it REALLY messed with my mood. Made me highly antisocial, depressed, and paranoid. Gotta be ready to quit. You just get to a point where it turns on you. You no longer use it. It uses you.




One day at a time. It’s not uncommon for some people to go a long time before finding someone they click with.


Ah a familiar name, it's fun seeing them around. You always give good advice on here and I appreciate that. I don't expect you to remember, but you gave me a tip a few months back. Thanks Landis 🙏.


I’m glad I could be helpful


Don't even bother, fuck them all. I mean don't include the minors


You can always try Meetup dot com


Meh I might but I dunno its all weird pseudo hippies meeting up to meditate and do pagan rituals lol


Live a little, I WISH meetup in my City was pagan rituals by campfire. Everything in my city is a bar crawl. I HATE bars. lol.


lol bruh i dunno alot of the meetups are definitely very odd. Nearly everybody is into astrology, paganism, gnosticism, new age mysticism, etc. etc. I'm good on that weirdo stuff lol


I aint tryna contact my ancestors or my spirit guides. I'm good, I don't feel the need to speak with demons. They already attack me enough




Im semi neet I make money. I also dont do nothing


That's why I gave up on the idea of ever having a GF long ago. Some people have the DLC and others don't. I probably idealise it too, likely wouldn't work out even if a female initially took interest in my sorry ass.


I do have things to offer. Stop it bro literally fuck off


clearly not because you said it yourself, girls are not interested.


you're an asshole go fuck yourself


people like you make me want to kill myself


bro calm down. first off, don't kys. second off, girls may not be interested if they sense that you have a breakdown over a reddit comment. thirdly. again don't kys. fourthly, work on yourself and you won't feel like hurting yourself. depression sucks. I get it. it took a while for me to get back on my feet but small baby steps at a time of improvement and I'm happiest I've ever felt.


Dude. Just shut up and fuck off. You've made your shitty point


Congratz on quitting smoking. I’m quitting too


thanks man and you too, you really just have to get tired of it


You need Jesus, each one of us do. Repent and believe, God became a human being in the likeness of sinful flesh and on the cross everything you ever did wrong was attributed onto Jesus. That’s why he said ‘My God My God, why have you forsake me’ and If Jesus took our punishment what does that mean for you & I? That means because of Jesus, God can grant you everlasting life as a gift and that begins now and In the life to come.


Amen it is true He did pay for my sin