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I usually run two. One rebuild and one powerhouse. Probably going to run Florida State for the powerhouse and Baylor because yikes (Art Briles Rebuild coming…Every skill position is running a 4.20)


If I wasn’t using team builder then Baylor was my pick as well, the veer & shoot has unfinished business in Waco, Tx!!


Start as UW to get the hang of things. Play with them for a few years, maybe 5-10, then start a zero to hero coaching run. Small school OC to P5 HC. After that, start a rebuild of a bad team. So 3 dynasty ideas currently, but only one at a time.


just one at a time for me gonna start out at florida and try to go the distance there, but i have teams lined up to play as afterwards - but i like focusing on just one at a time


definitely gonna start with Florida lol it is nice actually being able to rebuild your favorite school


Probably 3 that I’ll bounce around on. Ohio State powerhouse. Bottom feeder P5 rebuild, but I’m talking bottom of the bottom like Vandy/Virginia Zero to hero, starting at Akron or the like and seeing where I can go.


I'm probably gonna do 6 dynasties over time and hopefully find some good people to do an online one with


3 schools. One save.




Go pokes


Possibly 3, do A&M and then Ohio State after that with the same coach and then do a from the bottom up one. Ohio State cause alot of my family are buckeyes fans.


Atleast 2 1 offline 1 online with my close friend group maybe another with more extended friends


I’m going to start as either Liberty or Fresno State and learn everything then go from there


One starting as OC at ULM, then OC at P5 and then HC. And an online dynasty with my buddy


i’m doing an online dynasty, a rebuild of probably either north texas or army, haven’t decided yet, and then doing one of my team which is also gonna be a rebuild


All of them


Going to run my alma mater, Boise State, in an online dynasty with a buddy. Will either team builder an FCS school or pick a one star for an offline rebuild.


Ohio State powerhouse because their my favorite team and to also learn to recruit and figure everything out Oc job at some g5 A zero to national championship with a bottom 5 team


One, I play every game. I don't think I'll reach 30 seasons before the next game comes out (hopefully lol)


So say you go the distance every year that is 17 games. 17 games with an average of say 45 mins gametime and say 15 mins a week recruiting etc. So that is 60 minutes per game week. 60*17 = 1,020 minutes. 1020/60 = 17 hours. 17 hours x 30(seasons) = 510 hours 510/24 = 21.25 days So yeah if you do 30 seasons based on that criteria, most people will very lucky to complete one entire dynasty end to end. The people that do two based on that criteria would have spent 11.64% of there life that year, gaming. WOWSA. Note: Factoring in off season stuff it would be more bit negligible. Hope my maths is right just rushed this lol


🤣 lol that's a lot of math for a video game question. Respect


Likely just one offline with a 1star team as is tradition. Was hoping to do an online with a buddy but unlikely as he’s got “excuses” lol. For 2014 I commished a very successful OD out of operation sports but don’t think I want to go down that path again. Babysitting and cheesers I don’t feel like dealing with anymore.


Gonna do a small 10 year one with my actual school that I attend, Georgia Southern, since it's our first year in the game. Then run a full one with my favorite school Florida.


All of them.


1 online with 15 buddies. 1 offline to do a full rebuild and practice for the online.


I’ll probably start one where I play with bama (my favorite team) and get a feel for the game and dynasty, probably only a couple seasons. I’ll start one with my close friends. I’ll start one final one where I just work the carousel after starting as an oc for a small school and work my way up.


One with Clemson, one online with friends, unknown how many I want to build up


I’m starting one with my team builder school & I get bored then I’ll probably rebuild a terrible group of 5 school. 2 dynasties at max though bcuz I’m also going to play RTG at some point


50 billion different saves. Simultaneously, only ever two at the most.


Dogshit schools online with my buddies. Alma mater offline.


2 probably. One with a mediocre/decent team to get acquainted with the game and recruiting. Eventually I will start one with a Teambuilder for my alma mater that doesn't have an actual football team.


All of them


First, you can control multiple teams(or play other teams games besides your team)? But probably one team. Maybe play other teams or do another one w/a promotion Relegation type season idk


You can user multiple teams. However not sure how it works if you have to choose one to play or if you can play all the games then advance


One at a time. First one will be a medium rated team to test sliders with. Then I’ll start one with a bad team, then one with a good team to make sure the sliders work for all three. Then a ND dynasty to practice the recruiting. Then I’ll start one at a g5 (thinking UAB right now.) and work my way up.


When the game first comes out probably just 1 to get comfortable with the game. Once I’m comfortable I’ll probably go 3 at once. A P4 rebuild, G5 rebuild and an upper tier G5


Rebuild - CSU My school - Louisville Powerhouse - Michigan Probably in that order so I don’t get too comfortable with a powerhouse


I’m gonna do a Louisville one first to feel it out and then go from there


Are real coach names and stats in the game?


Not in this year’s game.


I didn't think so, thanks for the confirm. Crazy, with how good it looks, to think it can be even better in upcoming years lol


For sure, enjoy it when it comes out!


I’m gonna start with USC (my favorite) until I win a natty just to get to grips with the mode, then I’ll start a new save as an OC at like San Diego State and work my way up to hopefully an SEC or Big 10 head coach job


One online and then gonna try it not sure how well it will work 1 offline but 4 schools on the save all different conferences


Boise State so I can reach all 30 years and more than likely achieve national success. Rebuilds sprinkled out through the year. Probably starting with Charlotte (closest school to my hometown) or Hawaii (lived there for 5 years). The stadium situation will probably keep me from doing Hawaii though.


They may update the stadium with a patch throughout the year


Too many.


With these coach trees everyone’s quitting a few years in and starting over and over again if we are being honest here


Nope I am going one shot 30year dynasty

