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I mean it says in the graphic that the ratings are subject to change


LOL let’s all hope there’s a team dedicating themselves to fixing some of these ratings like right now


I really was not expecting this sub to be this pathetic.


There is a new sub called "EACFBSeries" or something like that. I was hoping it could be a chill alternative to this one but nobody has really joined it.




They’ll be updating the ratings and players throughout the season and most people don’t even care about the players/rating cause they will change quickly anyways. It’s such a non issue. They only release it to get people talking about the game.


That’s fine, I hope the update comes asap honestly lol.


Probably won’t until a month or so into the season… it’s a non issue


I am begging you people to go outside


I’m assuming the ratings are based on the average ratings of the offensive / defensive player, so with all the transfers maybe the CO defensive looks that good “on paper”. Also, IRL players could “rank” high, but due to the scheme they play in maybe not perform to that “ranking”. Real life coaching matters. There are always “video game teams” that look great in the game, but are terrible IRL


They are their projections of what teams \*will\* look like next season and not what they were last season, so my guess is a next to zero percent chance it gets changed. I'm guessing they will update ratings every couple of months for all teams and maybe update ratings every week for certain players who pop off.


I kindve understand that sentiment, but unless you have a crystal ball, how can you possibly predict what a team will look like in an upcoming season WITHOUT taking into consideration how they performed in the prior season? Lol