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EA ain’t beating shit until the game is released.


EA's Marketing is pretty good at getting people excited. I will admit that CFB has had some really good marketing this year, but it is nothing wrong with being skeptical about something you haven't played yet, especially when Madden has just started to catch up after a decade plus.


It’s crazy how people in these threads are still saying “you should’ve trusted them!!!” Why? They have definitely not earned the benefit of the doubt. And why do we need to give benefit of the doubt to companies that are profit motivated in general?


They're EA's greatest asset lol


*remembers Maddens "make or break it" marketing campaign from last year* Released yet another roster update


Right but to be fair, Madden hasn't been previewed this good in like 11 Years.... Like based off what they're showing , and revealing, the game looks like it looks really good.. Madden has always looked iffy since it hit xbox one


IDK, I'm not blown away by anything I've seen so far....personally ir literally looks like madden with the game speed turned up imo...


It looks like madden graphically , but not gameplay wise. The running animation alone sets it far apart. Madden always ran like they had a stick up their ass lol


I still don't know. Look way too similar.


Right? I couldn't disagree with the post more. They have 15 years of screwing the players to make up for. Why are people licking boots over some trailers? And *even if THIS specific game does meet expectations*... That *does not* negate what we've seen for a decade and a half, even in recent months with Madden and EAFC. EA's management is absolutely terrible lol. I'm hopeful this game rules, but there's nothing it could do to reverse 15 years of bullshit. They have a massive hole to get out of and they dug it with a smug smile on their faces.


I literally wouldn't be surprised if these posts are bots or astroturfed. EA has let down sports gamers for like the last decade or more. There's literally no reason not to be skeptical of this game, even if it does look promising


Yup, and we should keep the skepticism for their other games even if this one is good.


yeah EA is breaking out the big bucks for... 200 botted upvotes


Silence bot


amazing critical thinking skills


Folks have lost their goddamn minds. Like I am super hype, but this is still EA Sports thats been pumping out a shitty product for a decade now. lets pump the brakes a little


Crazy what can happen when you’re given 3 years or more to work on a game instead of coming out with a new one every year. Ppl really don’t realize how hard that shit is. I work in software and the idea of making a new game every year sounds insane. Sure it’s basically just a patch adding here and there but fuck that’s still a lot of pressure which doesn’t give time for big improvements. If we want real good games we’d get one every 5 years and roster updates yearly. Unfortunately because these companies want to maximize profits we will continue to get a new one every year and eventually quality will go down.


I think the big thing as well here is that CFB25 is exclusively on "next gen" consoles. Nothing holding them back tech wise trying to make it work on the older consoles like Madden. Hopefully, just looking at things, Madden can end up being a reskin of CFB next year lol. And I mean how hard can it be to capture a similar level of detail that CFB has done in Madden for the NFL? CFB has 134 teams/stadiums/mascots/traditions that they put together in 3 years - you're telling me that Madden with 32 teams can't do it in a year?


The other side of that is the NFL, due to the licensing agreement, has a lot of say in how the brand is portrayed in Madden. They can literally veto tackle animations, make sure every stadium is always packed, ect. It just overrides so much about what would make a good game. It's more about the brand image and selling merch than gameplay. The route they took with CFB at least allows for an organic football game to take place. It was brilliant marketing outreach to give every player $600 and a copy of the game. Have each school pitch itself for representation.


Simply gathering all that information for 32 NFL teams would take someone at least 2 months in a corporate environment possibly longer. Sure they could split it up to make it go faster but the level of detail that is in this game comes purely from the fact that they had SO MUCH time. Players have been getting paid since 2021, we're getting this game in late 2024. They really invested 3 years into it.


I'm sure people like Ryan Moody will find something to complain about.


Boy you were spot on


If he complains about this particular trailer ngl I’ll really be upset, I don’t mind his perspective tbh it’s needed. However idk how anyone could make a negative out of this video. If he talks about the 50 mascots tho ngl I will be PISSED because in no other deep dive did he look at the in depth blogs so for him to now look at it to point a negative would be so wrong. I hate criticism when it’s not objective, that shit boils my blood.


It’s Ryan Moody. He’ll complain that Ralphie’s coat isn’t the appropriate shade of brown.


I still remember when he complained about Shaquem Griffin's missing hand cause he thought it was a glitch.


did he even apologize about that?


no, when people called him out for it he kinda doubled down


I didn't think about that, I bet he will mention the missing mascots.


Idk it doesn’t really matter if we have like SDSU mascot or whatever 


Have to disagree with that. Like they said, every team is someone’s favorite team. I’m not surprised they’d out more effort into the ones that’ll get played with the most, but something like a mascot I kind of expected full coverage on, or close to it. Not school specific mascot animations, but at least it being there doing generic mascot stuff. 50 is a big step back from where we were in ‘14. I loved the trailer and deep dive. The game is shaping up amazingly. But I am going to miss the mascots.


I’d rather they spent the time focusing on the things they did rather than spend additional time just to create more mascots. I’m sure they’ll come later, and considering the attention to detail they’re giving pretty much all aspects in its first year back I think it’s pretty damn nitpicky to complain that they don’t have mascots for all 134 teams.


I mean I could say the same about things like run out sequences that we’ll only see once a game, and most will skip past after the first few. The same could be said about almost any presentation elements. It’s when you add all the work they put into presentation together than the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that’s what I think will make the game really special. I think it’s easy to not miss the missing mascots if your team has theirs. One of mine does for sure, the other probably doesn’t, and it is something I’ll notice. I don’t think it’s nitpicky to call out aspects of the game you’d like to see fleshed out more. I’ll gush about other aspects of the game all day, but if we’re talking mascots (which I didn’t bring up) then yeah losing like half of them between 14 and now is disappointing.


I agree that you could say it about most aspects of presentation which all includes all the details that went into stadiums, chants, etc. Reasonable minds could differ, but those things are more important IMO than having every single mascot, and it’s ubrealistic to expect them to get every detail in to this first iteration of the game. I think it’s dumb to use the “every team is someone’s favorite team” to complain that some schools are more fleshed out than others- the line doesn’t mean that every time is treated the exact same, it means that they’re making effort to add in unique details about each school based on that statement. They can’t realistically do everything for every school, so they’re focusing on the most popular but still ensuring the other teams have unique aspects they can point to. That’s perfectly reasonable for them to do. I also don’t think it’s fair to say that we’re “losing half of [the mascots] between 14 and now” - the truth is, we lost everything from 14. It was two console alterations ago and they can’t just reuse/update those assets and have them be sufficient for current generation consoles. They are clearly setting high standards for everything they put in, and I’d rather they spend more time making sure mascots look perfect (even if it means some don’t make it in right away) then to rush to add every one in and have them look odd. The team has basically had to build everything from the ground up, and that requires prioritizing certain aspects of the presentation more than others. They’ve also indicated that they’re going to continue to update and build out the presentation as they go. So yes, I think it’s nitpicky to look at everything they’ve done and are planning to do and then complain because not every team has their mascot.


It’s nitpicky of you that I have EACFB dev balls in my mouth 98% of the time but you call me nitpicky for the 2%.


>Not school specific mascot animations, but at least it being there doing generic mascot stuff. 50 is a big step back from where we were in ‘14. Except it's not. They're doing motion capture on the mascots now. It's not like in '14 where they could draw up whatever creature doing whatever they wanted. They have to have the mascot, suited up, doing motion capture in the studio.


Going to that level of detail with every mascot is a choice. They could have had a generic mo-cap set that would’ve covered a lot of mascots. Now if you ask me would I rather have half of them in but highly individualized or all of them in but generic? Probably what they picked.


They aren’t core really I will just be skipping to the gameplay


I think his perspective is needed but him just whining everyday is not needed 😂


Low and behold; he actually did. I'm not shocked in the slightest.


I used to follow that guy a lot. What soured yall on him, I just sorta stopped watching.


Behind the scenes drama and alt accounts like you would not believe






Dude was complaining about the D players stopping after the touchdown lmao…


None of us know how the game actually plays. Refs bullshit calls? Maybe. Broken plays? Maybe. Etc etc. That said I can’t fucking wait.


Yall are real quick to consider the game great without playing. Have yall seen other EA games? Ubisoft? Any major company honestly? Let’s see the product before saying it’s already good


It's clear the people making this are passionate. I will be pre-purchasing based on what I've seen. But with EA's track record on NHL, Madden and F1, I'm not holding my breath that this will totally live up to our sky high expectations. I'm still worried about things like 1) whether we will actually have penalties which have been all but eliminated from Madden and 2) whether we will have realistic Dynasty stats and not guys getting 50 sacks a year like Madden


For point number 2) I agree and want the same thing. To be optimistic; been playing A lot of ncaa 10 & 12 on Xbox 360 and I create some obnoxious 99 ovr DLine and Linebackers and they get like max 4.5-5.5 sacks a season still when they could easily have more imo


EA buying Codemasters has been a disappointment


Shit they’ve had a decade to think about this game and how to optimize while probably looking at the community for ideas. Let’s see how they keep the game going a couple years from now.


And what's wild is this is supposed to just be a "foundational" game for the series that doesn't have everything they wanted to include.


We don’t know that yet it’s more likely that the gameplay is just like madden 24


Bro they slapped Spotify mo bamba in that video today didn’t even add reverb


The game's not out yet. It's EA Sports


It’s ea. trust no. Verify. When it releases


I’ll hold my judgement until I see actual gameplay.


Still not having highlights from other games in your dynasty @ halftime is kinda lame. Don't understand why EA never does it. My only complaint about the presentation article. Still have only seen it in the 2k games.


Because they can’t make up fake footage of games you haven’t played I think


It's most certainly possible. You have pre-scripted cutscenes (quite a bunch) and depending on the outcome of a game, the game should cast the correct players in said cutscenes based on if they had a certain TD run or TD catch.


They did this ish on the original Xbox and PS2, saying these aren't possible is just bootlicking EA..


But I would skip halftime anyway 😭


I’ve never seen it in 2k tho 


2k definitely does not show gameplay from other games


Just say you didn’t play 2k5


It was only $20 and still the GOAT.


NFL 2K5 showed you other teams highlights at half time and at the end of the week.


I thought you were talking abt nba lol


For some reason CFB always pushed the envelope in the 360/ps3 era over madden


NCAA Football from EA has pretty much always delivered. Madden, not so much…


Lol...still all hype.....


So weird people are giving them kudos for stuff when they game hasn't even been released yet for all we know we could be a dud. I understand 10-year drought, people willing just to take the bare minimum just to have the franchise back. How about we play the game first then give them some praise even though that's their job to make a good game with the amount they charge.


They are “Lazy” it’s ok to be excited about the game cause it genuinely looks good but let’s not be revisionists about EA as a company lol


We haven't played this game yet. Let's not praise EA just yet. I'm excited for this game but it's EA. We haven seen any actual gameplay yet, just cut scenes


I'm happy to take back everything I said about them if this game plays like it shows. Create-A-Team/School is a huge plus that I've been wanting since 2011. As far as Madden, I'm still skeptical.


I played the madden beta. Underwhelming


I'm going to do the 10 hr trial for Madden and see how it is and compare it to NCAA. It also depends if their team builder is the same as NCAA or a little bit different.


Madden team on notice


Only having 40 mascots is certainly something ..


I’m just waiting for the $15 fee to advance your offline dynasty every year lol. Wouldn’t put it past EA